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许赟  阳旭  杨涛  李露 《建筑与文化》2012,(12):110-111
本文通过对萨伏依别墅的空间运动分析,剖析柯布西耶对于"建筑漫步"的现代主义构想,对系统中最为重要的坡道元素进行深入探讨,从空间运动的角度解读柯布西耶。  相似文献   

沈昕  魏春雨 《建筑师》2012,(3):28-34
勒·柯布西耶在20世纪用革命的方式设计建筑,从住宅、博物馆.艺术中心到教堂。他对空间的持续探索改变了建筑的建造方式及人们的生活。他曾称自己的建筑作品为“漫步式建筑”(Promenade Architecture).这一理论影响至今笔者带着“漫步”这个线索审视当代建筑,发现众多优秀建筑作品不同程度的演绎着空间的“漫步性”。本文通过剖析和解读东西方“漫步空间”的设计特征.挖掘其内在结构和差异,为当下及未来的建筑设计提供一些借鉴与思考。  相似文献   

关于柯布西耶住宅作品的建筑解读   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
这是一篇建筑史方法论的读书笔记。它围绕着《国际式》、《空间、时间和建筑》、《理想别墅的数学及其他论述》《私密性和公共性──作为大众媒体的现代建筑》等4本西方现代建筑历史理论名著关于柯布西耶住宅作品的解读,分析了它们各自的立论和论证方式。  相似文献   

早在20世纪20—30年代,柯布西耶就针对当时城市急速扩张产生的问题提出了一套关于城市可持续发展的解决方案。而被誉为"建筑诗哲"的路易斯·康在设计生涯之初便开始研究柯布西耶的理论,并成为现代主义建筑师,所以在他的思想和理论中不难发现与柯布西耶重合的部分。该文尝试将柯布西耶的"光辉城市"理论作为切入点,在剖析柯布西耶城市理论的同时,从"光辉城市"中探究出路易斯·康与柯布西耶的思想重合点,从而进行梳理分析,在关联与差异中更彻底地研究路易斯·康与柯布西耶的设计思想。  相似文献   

吕月 《山西建筑》2015,(7):18+39
简述了模度的生成背景与内容,分析了传统美学、数学、人文在模度中的体现,并在此基础上以马赛公寓为例,对模度在建筑设计中的应用方法进行了探讨,为模度的使用积累了经验。  相似文献   

刘磊 《住区》2022,(2):68-81
通过考察法兰西建筑历史,梳理出两条贯穿始终的主线:体积美学传统和理性主义传统.体积美学上承罗马和罗马风建筑,下启法兰西文艺复兴、古典主义以及布雷、勒杜等革命建筑师,承载了法兰西卓越的艺术传统,贯穿了勒柯布西耶的现代主义创新活动;理性主义上承法兰西独创的哥特传统,经过维奥莱·勒·迪克提炼升华,通过亨利·拉布鲁斯特和奥古斯...  相似文献   

勒·柯布西耶是二十世纪建筑界杰出的人物.通过探讨柯布西耶的绘画与建筑的关系,找寻其间的联系和相互作用,有助于深刻地理解柯布西耶的建筑,理解其深层的观念、精神实质及其突出的创作与巨大成就的原因。  相似文献   

机器,建筑——柯布西耶是如何思考建筑的?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
童明 《建筑师》2007,(6):15-22
文章通过针对勒·柯布西耶的文本及作品的解读,着重疏理了作为一名现代主义者的柯布西耶的建筑思考之路,并试图分析其中的基本原则,以对当今的建筑学思考提供参考。  相似文献   

杨健 《建筑师》2009,(4):43-50
本文讨论了1920年代出现的代表性文本,勒·柯布西耶的《走向新建筑》,对法则问题及其研究方法进行了思考  相似文献   

刁游 《建筑技艺》2022,(S1):226-229
通过解读柯布西耶建筑中视知觉呈现的不同策略,将之归纳为一个线索:通过制造“重叠,冲突与矛盾”来引发“思考”。以该线索审视王澍的建筑作品,发现其暗含的思维相似性,从而提供解读王澍建筑的新思路。  相似文献   

鞠伟  马兰  李世芬 《华中建筑》2009,27(2):21-23
该文通过深入分析柯布西耶的小作品——度假小屋,回顾了柯布的模数理论与建筑采光设计手法,提出经典理论的现代应用价值。  相似文献   

勒·柯布西耶的印度实践反映了他的一种自觉地适应当地环境的设计倾向。本文重点对他在印度建筑作品适应气候的策略进行研究,从城市规划、建筑遮阳隔热、建筑通风策略等角度分析,并评述了他提出的气候表格的设计方法。指出最重要的是学习他这种务实的设计思想。  相似文献   

This study places Charles-Edouard Jeanneret/Le Corbusier's concept of the architectural promenade within the culture of La Chaux-de-Fonds in 1887-1917. It is based on in-depth empirical research being currently carried out in private and public archives in La Chaux-de-Fonds and in other Swiss towns. The paper also considers to a lesser extent specific aspects of the architecture of Le Corbusier in Paris after 1917, which are in accord with the La Chaux-de-Fonds period of 1887-1917, based on current in-depth research in private and public archives in France. The essay, which thus presents completely new empirical evidence, is part of research in progress towards a monograph in preparation for the MIT Press. By extrapolation, through its analysis of Jeanneret/Le Corbusier's architectural promenade within the cultural and intellectual context of La Chaux-de-Fonds in 1887-1917, the study addresses the problematics of the architectural language of the Modern Movement.  相似文献   

丹下健三是世界知名的日本现代派建筑代表人物,注重对建筑形式的探索,创造了结合日本文化的现代建筑,并通过自身的成就和影响力,使日本现代建筑风格在世界建筑上有一席之地。通过解析其建筑思想与作品,了解其创作的思想过程,对中国建筑的发展有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Le Corbusier's urbanism is routinely met with a backlash of criticism, which often overlooks the complexity of his work. There is a tendency to focus on the characteristics of his proposal for Paris in 1925 or on the ideas of CIAM's Athens Charter. However, such affirmations ignore the conceptual and qualitative evolution of his urban proposals. In this sense, the research hypothesis is that Corbusian urban models go beyond the Plan Voisin, diffused by urban planning theories as the unique paradigm of his urban ideas.Through analysis and characterisation of the inner-city urban plans of Le Corbusier, this report seeks to demonstrate the existence of other models and compares them to those often showcased in the partial examination of Le Corbusier's urbanism. The following parameters will be analysed: (1) population densities and areas for (2) buildings, (3) vehicles, and (4) pedestrians.The results of this research indicate the need to parameterise and analyse Le Corbusier's cities beyond a single case to demonstrate the diversity and evolution of his urbanistic work. This process seeks to dissipate the common view that falsely extrapolates ideas of his urban planning, largely that of his first proposal, for Paris.  相似文献   

以华黎的设计作品为对象,指出其独特的设计哲学、建造策略和审美追求中表现出的传统智慧。分析其中几个突出特点:概念简单、含蓄有力;反对人为,对环境少干预;建造手段和造型表现上的适度;对不同文化与技术一视同仁;体恤现实,扎根泥土,善于应变,身体力行,尊重乡土而近于真知;进而指出:华黎和其他海归建筑师所做的选择,是现代建筑在中国落地生根的具体过程,也是民间智慧借现代文明之力重新破土的必由之路。  相似文献   

The paper closely examines a plan drawing of the city of Adelaide, South Australia, made by the architect Le Corbusier in 1950, shortly before he took up the commission to design the city of Chandigarh in the Indian Punjab. A series of parallels are made between the Adelaide drawing and the production of the Chandigarh master plan, which are used to re-open questions of Le Corbusier's famous design for the city and aspects of his urbanism. In doing so the paper also points to Adelaide's peculiar status as an exemplar for critical modernist agendas regarding the organisation and planning of cities subscribed to by Le Corbusier and earlier city reformers like Ebenezer Howard. The paper concludes by offering a fresh assessment of the role of technique and process in Le Corbusier's urban projects including Chandigarh, which the architect's Adelaide drawing can help to evidence.  相似文献   

This article considers whether formal references in Le Corbusier's work may be traced to the eigtheenth century crescents of Bath and, in particular, Lansdowne Crescent. By exploring this line, it raises the possibility that in the work he produced for the Latin American context, this arch-modernist planner moved beyond the de-contextualized approach for which he is known and explored the possibility of integrating new urban forms with nature. The article also shows how Le Corbusier's plans for Rio de Janeiro allowed him to become an important formal reference point for successive generations of local architects and planners.  相似文献   

Mark Burry holds a unique position in architecture, straddling the worlds of practice and academia as Senior Architect to the Temple Sagrada Família in Barcelona and as Professor at RMIT in Melbourne, where he is Founding Director of the RMIT Design Research Institute. In his Counterpoint to this issue of AD, he puts the spotlight back on construction, asking whether the detail could be in danger of falling victim to an inadvertent and ‘massive separation of design from making’. As he states: ‘to detail effectively is to understand not only what the building “is”, but how it will be made’.  相似文献   

指出建筑学专业学生建筑艺术价值评判能力较低的现状并分析了成因,提出了3条切实可行解决方法,一是进行课程设计评图体制的改革;二是举办有一定影响力的建筑学专业学生作品展览;三是增设一些新兴课程。通过多种渠道提高建筑学专业学生建筑艺术价值评判能力。  相似文献   

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