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自从“新冠肺炎”疫情爆发以来,“宅经济”迅速崛起,拉动了预制菜的消费,预制菜逐渐得到了消费者的青睐。畜禽类预制菜作为预制菜的重要组成部分,面临较高的市场需求,但是目前存在产品感官、风味、安全性及标准等方面的问题,因此需要对畜禽肉原料初加工、烹调、灭菌、贮藏等加工技术进行革新,为畜禽类预制菜行业的高质量发展提供强有力的技术支撑。本文主要综述了畜禽类预制菜加工技术的研究现状,并简要概括了畜禽类预制菜现有的相关标准,以期对畜禽类预制菜加工技术及产品质量的改进和创新发展提供参考。  相似文献   

随着生活节奏加快和消费习惯的变化,人们对餐饮的需求也发生了转变,快捷、方便的餐饮品类越来越受消费者的青睐,预制菜市场也日渐火热。低温流通的肉类预制菜是预制菜中的重要品类之一,由于品类丰富、食材新鲜、操作便捷,成为人们预制菜消费的新选择。但预制菜目前仍存在加工技术不成熟、冷链物流体系不完善、产品生产标准及操作规范流程不统一等问题,从而导致预制菜感官品质不稳定、安全性不足,降低人们的消费信心。因此需要对低温肉类预制菜的工艺流程和相应的加工技术进行升级转换,为低温肉类预制菜行业的高质量发展提供技术支持。本文主要综述了低温肉类预制菜的研究现状,加工过程对预制菜品质和安全性的影响,以及可应用于低温肉类预制菜的快速冷却与冷冻、冷链物流、杀菌、智能与活性包装等新型食品加工技术,以期为预制菜的创新与可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

预制菜是将可食用原料经预加工制成的半成品或成品产品,具有一定的保质期,近年来该行业快速发展。该研究对预制菜的定义、分类、发展现状、技术难点、市场规模及主要企业进行了综述,并对预制菜的发展趋势进行了展望。目前的主要产业大省包括广东、山东、福建、江苏、河南等。预制菜技术难点主要有食品安全、感官品质、营养品质与保健功能、原材料质量控制及溯源体系、速冻及解冻技术、包装材料与技术、智能装备成套设备等方面。标准化、细分市场和高质量专业技术人才的培养与输送,将成为预制菜行业的发展方向。该综述可为预制菜领域科研攻关的方向、产业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

为了探讨复热方式对里脊肉类预制菜品质的影响,以番茄里脊预制菜为研究对象,采用微波(高火、中火、低火)、水浴、蒸汽对菜肴包进行复热处理,测定产品的硫代巴比妥酸(TBA)值、剪切力、挥发性风味物质和滋味成分,并进行感官评价,结合主成分分析和聚类分析,评估复热方式对产品品质的影响。结果表明,复热方式对番茄里脊预制菜的TBA值、剪切力、滋味、挥发性风味物质和感官评分的影响显著(P<0.05)。蒸汽复热后产品具有较低的TBA值和适宜的剪切力,分别为0.69 mg/kg和1 681.67 g,番茄里脊预制菜特征性风味物质主要为(Z)-2-庚烯醛、十六醛、反-2-辛烯醛、反,反-2,4-癸二烯醛、芳樟醇、乙基麦芽酚、丁香酚、石竹烯、2-异丁基噻唑,蒸汽复热后挥发性风味物质在种类和数量上优于其他复热方式。水浴复热后滋味物质显著差异于其他复热方式,而微波复热和蒸汽复热后各滋味较平衡。结合感官评价,蒸汽复热后产品的气味和滋味更能让消费者接受,因此蒸汽复热相比其他复热方式对番茄里脊预制菜的品质具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

花胶是我国传统海产美食,属“四大海味”之一,近代列入“八珍”,具有很高的营养和药用价值。目前,花胶以传统的家庭或酒店烹饪预制菜为主,其加工产品较少,存在产品深加工程度低、原料综合利用差、废弃物造成环境污染等问题。花胶工业化加工产品形式尚处于初级阶段,影响花胶加工产品深度开发的瓶颈问题尚未有相关研究报道。本文主要介绍了花胶的基本营养成分、花胶制品的主要产品形式、影响花胶品质的主要因素以及相关改良措施。主要包括:花胶产品的脱腥技术、凝胶特性和加工过程中热稳定性。本文从理论和实践技术方面对花胶品质的改良措施进行了深入探讨和概述,比较了各种方法的利弊,提出未来的发展方向,以期为今后开发出品质更加优良的花胶产品提供一定的理论支撑和研究思路。  相似文献   

随着预制菜行业的快速发展,传统且单一的冷冻和解冻技术已经不能够满足各类预制菜品的需要。为了能够使菜肴更加安全可口,越来越多的新技术被应用于预制菜的制作过程。本文考虑到烹饪对预制菜的影响,归纳了预制菜的几种主要冷冻和解冻技术以及适用的菜品类型,为今后预制菜制作找到合适的方法提供参考。  相似文献   

冷冻鱼糜是加工鱼糜类制品的主要原料,在其加工和贮藏过程中鱼糜中的蛋白质容易发生变性,进而影响其质量。本文介绍了冷冻鱼糜品质劣化表征及相对应的检测技术,从分子水平综述了冷冻鱼糜品质劣变机制和影响因素,并提出相应的控制技术,为鱼糜的精深加工提供理论基础和技术支持。  相似文献   

我国预制菜肴历史悠久,种类多样,满足了现代消费者对食品味道、营养、便捷性的需求,近年来发展迅速。从预制菜肴生产加工出发,明确了其内涵和外延,梳理了我国预制菜肴现阶段面临的原料、质量、安全、标准等方面存在的主要问题,并归纳了相关新型食品加工技术的应用趋势。新型预调理与烹饪技术可以实现菜肴色泽、质构、香气、滋味和营养成分的有效提升;新型杀菌技术依靠较低的处理强度,在保障安全性和保持品质之间达到平衡;快速冷却与冷冻技术在提高生产效率的同时对品质的影响最小;智能包装技术、物流智能控制技术的应用实现了预制菜肴流通中的品质稳定。研究总结和展望了提升预制菜肴质量与安全的加工新技术,以期为未来的研究指明方向,为预制菜肴产业的进一步健康发展提供参考。  相似文献   

随着现代生活节奏的加快和饮食习惯的转变,预制肉类食品因其便捷性和多样性而受到广大消费者的青睐。在预制肉类食品生产、销售及消费过程中,贮藏和复热是2个关键环节。阐述了预制肉类食品在贮藏和复热过程中的品质变化及其影响因素。在贮藏期间,预制肉类食品常因为多种因素导致品质劣变,例如持水性降低、质构特性下降、色泽劣变、脂肪和蛋白质的氧化等。这些变化不仅影响食品的口感和营养价值,还可能会引发食品安全问题,进而减少消费者的购买意愿。在预制肉类食品复热过程中,不同复热方式对预制肉类食品的品质产生不同的影响。传统的蒸煮、烤制和油炸复热方式虽然使用广泛,但可能导致风味和质地的下降,而微波复热则能更快速、均匀地加热,尽管微波复热也可能引起某些品质的下降。提出了提升品质的策略,包括添加天然抗氧化剂、升级包装技术、采用新型杀菌和辅助冷冻技术等,旨在推进预制肉类食品行业的创新和可持续发展。  相似文献   

水产品具有丰富的营养价值及其特殊的口感和风味,丰富了人们的日常饮食,使得对水产品的需求日益增加。冷冻是水产品保藏的手段之一,冷冻贮藏方式对水产品运输和保藏具有重要意义,但产品在冷冻过程中容易受到冰晶带来的机械损伤,造成贮藏过程中品质劣变,降低营养价值,所以水产品在冷冻时,需采用先进的冷冻技术或保鲜剂细化冰晶,使冰晶分布均匀,降低损伤,维持水产品在贮藏过程中的品质,从而达到在大批量流通过程中保持良好的品质。因此,该文通过对新型冷冻技术与传统冷冻技术对比、影响冷冻水产品品质的因素和冷冻水产品品质保持三方面进行阐述,总结了这三方面的发展现状以及取得的成果,并对未来冷冻水产品冷冻保鲜技术进行了展望,以期为未来水产品的贮藏保鲜研究提供充足的理论基础。  相似文献   

Fresh poultry meat and poultry products are highly perishable foods and high potential sources of human infection due to the presence of several foodborne pathogens. Focusing on the microbial control of poultry products, the food industry generally implements numerous preventive measures based on the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) food safety management system certification together with technological steps, such as refrigeration coupled to modified atmosphere packaging that are able to control identified potential microbial hazards during food processing. However, in recent years, to meet the demand of consumers for minimally processed, high-quality, and additive-free foods, technologies are emerging associated with nonthermal microbial inactivation, such as high hydrostatic pressure, irradiation, and natural alternatives, such as biopreservation or the incorporation of natural preservatives in packaging materials. These technologies are discussed throughout this article, emphasizing their pros and cons regarding the control of poultry microbiota and their effects on poultry sensory properties. The discussion for each of the preservation techniques mentioned will be provided with as much detail as the data and studies provided in the literature for poultry meat and products allow. These new approaches, on their own, have proved to be effective against a wide range of microorganisms in poultry meat. However, since some of these emergent technologies still do not have full consumer's acceptability and, taking into consideration the hurdle technology concept for poultry processing, it is suggested that they will be used as combined treatments or, more frequently, in combination with modified atmosphere packaging.  相似文献   

数字化社会的大背景下,食品行业也正在发生着巨大变化。数字化的发展为食品产业的转移/更新/革命带来了新机遇,既是食品行业健康发展的必要需求,也是顺应国家时代发展的需求。作为数字化转型的产物,数字化食品是利用物联网、云计算、人工智能、区块链技术等数字化技术对食品原料物性、营养特性、人群营养特征等信息数据化和整合分析,与食品生物合成、食品重组、增材制造、智能化加工、智慧化物流、智慧化包装等高新技术深度融合后产生的食品,具备精准或定制化制造和供给的典型特征。目前,食品科学正在逐步通过数字技术与实体食品企业的深度融合来形成数字化食品的产业模式。基于此,本文对数字化食品的研究进展与关键技术进行了阐述,并对该领域的未来应用和挑战进行了展望。  相似文献   

畜禽原料肉是消费者常用的主要食物来源,传统畜禽肉以屠宰后直接销售的热鲜肉和在-18 ℃以下贮存的冷冻肉为主,随着禽流感、猪瘟等动物性流感的爆发和人们对食品质量安全要求的提高,畜禽肉的销售逐渐向冷藏生鲜肉形式转变。本文根据畜禽宰后肉品质变化机理和品质评价指标,综述了当前畜禽鲜肉的主要保鲜技术和发展趋势,旨在为其技术开展进一步研究和应用提供理论参考,推动畜禽养殖业和加工业的发展。  相似文献   

Campylobacteriosis is one of the most common bacterial infections worldwide causing economic costs. The high prevalence of Campylobacter spp. in poultry meat is a result of several contamination and cross‐contamination sources through the production chain. Moreover, survival mechanisms, such as biofilm formation, viable but nonculturable state, and antimicrobial resistance, enable its persistence during food processing. Therefore, mitigation strategies are necessary in order to avoid and/or inactivate Campylobacter at farm, abattoir, industry, and retail level. In this review, a number of potential strategies and novel technologies that could reduce the prevalence of Campylobacter in poultry meat have been identified and evaluated to provide a useful overview. At farm level for instance, biosecurity, bacteriocins, probiotics, feed and water additives, bacteriophages, and vaccination could potentially reduce colonization in chicken flocks. However, current technologies used in the chicken slaughter and processing industry may be less effective against this foodborne pathogen. Novel technologies and strategies such as cold plasma, ultraviolet light, high‐intensity light pulses, pulsed electric fields, antimicrobials, and modified atmosphere packaging are discussed in this review for reducing Campylobacter contamination. Although these measures have achieved promising results, most have not been integrated within processing operations due to a lack of knowledge or an unwillingness to implement these into existing processing systems. Furthermore, a combination of existing and novel strategies might be required to decrease the prevalence of this pathogen in poultry meat and enhance food safety. Therefore, further research will be essential to assess the effectiveness of all these strategies.  相似文献   

Lipid oxidation accelerates quality deterioration in muscle-based foods (fish, red meat, and poultry), resulting in off-odors/flavors, color problems, texture defects, and safety concerns. Adding antioxidants is one approach to control lipid oxidation, and several delivery strategies have been applied, such as supplementing antioxidants to the feed, direct mixing into minces, or, for whole muscle pieces; spraying, glazing, and injection. However, some issues linked to these technologies hinder their wide utilization, such as low effectiveness, noncompatibility with clean label, and off-flavor. These shortcomings have promoted the development of new antioxidant delivery technologies. In this review, the main focus is on the principles, characteristics, and implementation of five novel antioxidant delivery methods in different types of muscle food products. Their advantages and drawbacks are also summarized, plus comments about future trends in this area. Among novel routes to deliver antioxidants to muscle foods are, for whole tissues, recyclable dipping solutions; for minces, encapsulation; and, for both minces and whole tissues, cross-processing with nonmuscle antioxidant-containing raw materials as well as applications of edible films/coatings and active packaging. Advantages of these technologies comprise, for example, low price, the possibility to control the antioxidant release rate, overcoming strong aromas from natural antioxidants, and allowing antioxidant-containing raw materials from the food industry to be valorized, providing an opportunity for more circular food production.  相似文献   

禽肉软罐头生产线的微生物调查与控制点分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以叫花鸡软罐头生产为例 ,通过对禽肉制品加工厂从原料到成品各加工工序卫生状况的调查、检测 ,进行了禽肉制品生产过程的危害分析 ,指出了关键控制点 ,并提出了在家禽软罐头生产中实施HACCP计划的细则  相似文献   

Although there have been numerous studies investigating the prevalence of campylobacters in animals and raw meats, there are limited data on the persistence of these organisms in ready-to-eat (RTE) foodstuffs. Although poultry is now well established as a major reservoir of thermophilic campylobacters, it is widely assumed that hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) controls in commercial and industrial settings are effective in eliminating this hazard through thorough cooking of RTE products. Therefore, it was the primary aim of this study to investigate the effectiveness of HACCP controls in eliminating campylobacters in such cooked RTE foods by attempting to isolate viable organisms from product. Concurrently, the results of this study demonstrate that local poultry is highly contaminated with campylobacters. Commercially available RTE foodstuffs (n = 2,030) consisting of 1,061 poultry-related cooked products and 969 other products were analyzed and were not found to contain thermophilic Campylobacter spp. In addition, 107 raw chickens (63 fresh birds and 44 frozen birds) were sampled, and 94% of the fresh birds and 77% of the frozen birds examined were demonstrated to be contaminated with campylobacters, with Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli, and Campylobacter lari accounting for 69, 30, and 1% of the contaminating organisms, respectively. In general, commercially available RTE foodstuffs, including cooked poultry, are not commonly contaminated with campylobacters and thus do not appear to represent a significant cause of clinical infection of Campylobacter spp. in Northern Ireland. However, raw poultry produce, including fresh and frozen chicken, frequently tested positive for campylobacters. Implementation of HACCP systems by food processors will help to minimize and/or eliminate the risk posed by this organism to the consumer.  相似文献   

BackgroundSalmonellosis and campylobacteriosis are among the most frequently reported foodborne diseases worldwide. Commercial chicken meat has been identified as one of the most important food vehicles for Salmonella and Campylobacter infection. Increased poultry consumption has forced producers to explore methods for increasing their production output, while maintaining the affordability and safety of their products. While the forecast benefits of nanotechnology have yet to be fully realised, it has potential application at many points along the food production chain and offers the opportunity to meet these challenges.Scope and approachThe commercial poultry processing environment plays a significant role in reducing foodborne pathogens and spoilage organisms from poultry products prior to being supplied to consumers. This review discusses the potential opportunities and challenges for adopting nano-enabled technologies in the poultry industry, with respect to applications in microbiological food safety and quality assurance in the processing plant.Key findings and conclusionsSeveral possibilities exist to exploit the benefits of nanotechnologies in the poultry processing plant to enhance the microbiological safety and quality of products. Those applications include the adoption of nano-enabled disinfectants, surface biocides, protective clothing, air and water filters, packaging, biosensors and rapid detection methods for contaminants, and technologies that assure the authenticity and traceability of products. Although the fate and potential toxicity of nanomaterials are not fully understood at this time and scientific risk assessments are required, it is evident that there have been significant advances in the application of novel nanotechnologies in the food industry.  相似文献   

Furan is generally produced during thermal processing of various foods including baked, fried, and roasted food items such as cereal products, coffee, canned, and jarred prepared foods as well as in baby foods. Furan is a toxic and carcinogenic compound to humans and may be a vital hazard to infants and babies. Furan could be formed in foods through thermal degradation of carbohydrates, dissociation of amino acids, and oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The detection of furan in food products is difficult due to its high volatility and low molecular weight. Headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometer (GC/MS) is generally used for analysis of furan in food samples. The risk assessment of furan can be characterized using margin of exposure approach (MOE). Conventional strategies including cooking in open vessels, reheating of commercially processed foods with stirring, and physical removal using vacuum treatment have remained unsuccessful for the removal of furan due to the complex production mechanisms and possible precursors of furan. The innovative food-processing technologies such as high-pressure processing (HPP), high-pressure thermal sterilization (HPTS), and Ohmic heating have been adapted for the reduction of furan levels in baby foods. But in recent years, only HPP has gained interest due to successful reduction of furan because of its nonthermal mechanism. HPP-treated baby food products are commercially available from different food companies. This review summarizes the mechanism involved in the formation of furan in foods, its toxicity, and identification in infant foods and presents a solution for limiting its formation, occurrence, and retention using novel strategies.  相似文献   

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