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Examined publishing practices of the American Psychological Association (APA) in the alcohol and drug area. Although the total number of articles published by APA increased only 7.6% between 1984 and 1990, the number of alcohol and drug articles more than doubled. Despite the disproportionate growth of alcohol and drug articles between 1984 and 1990, only 3.8% of 1,408 APA articles published in 1990 addressed alcohol and drug use issues. An earlier investigation by M. O. Howard and D. A. Howard (1992) reported that 541 articles published in 1984 in 12 alcohol and drug specialty journals received an average of 3.48 citations by the end of 1988. Alcohol and drug articles published by APA in 1984 received more than 4 times as many citations during this period. Also, alcohol and drug articles published by APA received significantly more citations between 1984 and 1988 than those published in specialty journals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Some characteristics of authors in 10 American Psychological Association journals and 9 other selected psychological journals are presented in a table. The "number of authors who are not affiliated with the APA is rather surprising although many of these may be students. The total proportion of non-APA members for the APA journals is .23 and for the others .28." Approximately "one-quarter to one-third of the authors throughout have no divisional affiliation… . All of the journals studied contained authors who were members of the Psychonomic Society. The APA journal with the highest proportion in this group was Psychological Review," and the next highest was the Journal of Experimental Psychology. Slightly more than ? of the articles are by individual authors and about ? are by 2 authors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments that M. J. White and K. G. White (see record 1978-01848-001) neglected to cite E. Garfield's (1975) citation study of psychology and behavior journals, a very important reference relevant to their work on the citation analysis of psychology journals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe U.S. and Canadian medical journals, their editors, and policies that affect the dissemination of medical information. DESIGN: Mailed survey. PARTICIPANTS: Senior editors of all 269 leading medical journals published at least quarterly in the United States and Canada, of whom 221 (82%) responded. MAIN MEASURES: The questionnaire asked about characteristics of journal editors and their journals and about journals' policies toward peer review, conflicts of interest, prepublication discussions with the press, and pharmaceutical advertisements. RESULTS: The editors were overwhelmingly men (96%), middle-aged (mean age 61 years), and trained as physicians (82%). Although 98% claimed that their journals were "peer-reviewed," the editors differed in how they defined a "peer" and in the number of peers they deemed optimal for review. Sixty-three percent thought journals should check on reviewers' potential conflicts of interest, but only a minority supported masking authors' names and affiliations (46%), checking reviewers' financial conflicts of interest (40%), or revealing reviewers' names to authors (8%). The respondents advocated discussion of scientific findings with the press (84%), but only in accord with the Ingelfinger rule, i.e., after publication of the article (77%). Fifty-seven percent of the editors agreed that journals have a responsibility to ensure the truthfulness of pharmaceutical advertisements, and 40% favored subjecting advertisements to the same rigorous peer review as scientific articles. CONCLUSIONS: The responding editors were relatively homogeneous demographically and professionally, and they tended to support the editorial status quo. There was little sentiment in favor of tampering with the current peer-review system (however defined) or the Ingelfinger rule, but a surprisingly large percentage of the respondents favored more stringent review of drug advertisements.  相似文献   

Conducted a 1982 follow-up of the studies of M. Teghtsoonian (1974) and R. Over (see record 1982-08416-001) to construct a 10-yr basis for comparison based on the 14 journals used by Over. Percentages of women on editorial boards were compared with percentages of women who were senior authors and percentages of women in associated divisions of the American Psychological Association. Results show that board representation increased markedly in the 1st half of the decade but regressed in the last half. Findings do not confirm the suggestion by Over that the underrepresentation of women on editorial boards had been remedied by 1981. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Maintains that there is little or no evidence that citation frequencies are useful for evaluating psychologists other than to identify those whose names are household words in the discipline. It is also stressed that the citation impact factor penalizes journals that publish articles that are not cited: The journal's impact factor is likely to be reduced by its publication of articles that do not conform to current customs, fads, and fashions. (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Data are presented on the reviews of books published in 1950 and the book reviews published in 1953 regardless of the year in which the books themselves were published. Implications are drawn from these data regarding the advisability of establishing a book review journal. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Synthesizes the ratings of psychology journals conducted by A. R. Buss and J. R. McDermott (1976), D. Koulack and H. J. Keselman (see record 1976-24649-001), J. R. Levin and T. R. Kratochwill (1976), K. C. Mace and H. D. Warner (1973), and M. J. White and K. G. White (see record 1978-01848-001). Each ratings list provides information of a different sort, and they all underestimate the importance of specialty journals to psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared the K. C. Mace and H. D. Warner (1973) list of chairpersons' ratings of psychological journal reputation and an objective measure of journal eminence. No close correspondence was found between ratings and citation counts for journals. For chairpersons, professional reputation of a journal is evaluated by criteria other than its visibility in the literature. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Replies to the comments of J. Youniss (see record 1990-04932-001) on issues of validity and the use of spatial techniques rather than interviews to assess family members' perceptions of family cohesion and power (S. S. Feldman et al; see record 1990-04366-001). Spatial techniques are not as vulnerable to social desirability as interviews. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined articles in 9 social psychology (SP) journals from 5-yr intervals between 1945 and 1970 to determine the extent of linguistic isolation in SP, the historical development of isolation, and the extent of isolation relative to other scientific disciplines. Results indicate that 98.2% of citations were to English language sources and that US social sciences tend to be linguistically isolated in comparison to US physical sciences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To evaluate the functional neuroanatomies underlying letter and category fluency, 18 normal controls were studied with oxygen-15 water regional cerebral blood flow positron emission tomography. Three counterbalanced conditions each consisted of 6 trials (45 s each): letter fluency (generating words when cued with a particular letter), semantic fluency (generating words when cued with a particular category), and a control condition (generating days of the week and months of the year). Relative to the control, participants activated similar brain regions during both fluency tasks, including the anterior cingulate, left prefrontal regions, thalamus, and cerebellum; reductions were found in parietal and temporal regions. In a direct comparison of the 2 fluency tasks, inferior frontal cortex and temporoparietal cortex (hypothesized to participate in a phonologic loop for accessing word pronunciation) were activated more during letter than semantic fluency, whereas left temporal cortex (associated with access to semantic storage) was activated more during semantic than letter fluency. This study identifies subtle differences in the neural networks underlying letter and semantic fluency that may underlie the dissociation of these abilities in patients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"The present study is one of a series investigating the similarity of semantic structures for different groups of subjects… . The factor structures of a sample of semantic scales indicated that Zuni, Hopi, Spanish, and English-speaking Ss define a semantic space with similar evaluate and dynamism dimensions. Although the semantic space for a group of Navaho could be defined with the same dimensions, the similarity measures were consistently lower for this group." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   


A thermomechanical processing technique is used to improve austenitic Hadfield Mn-steel wear properties. ASTM A128 grade C steel billets were sized and multi-pass hot rolled. Rolling has been successfully carried out up to an 80% reduction in thickness on four passes in the temperature range 1200 to 800 °C. The inter-pass time ranged between 9 to 13 seconds. The steel was then solution treated at 900, 1000 and 1100°C for 30 min. at temperature. Austenite grain size was measured and the carbide volume fraction was evaluated. The austenitic grains of the as-cast structure are surrounded by a network of carbides. The carbides have a lamellar structure and are richer in Cr and Mn than the austenitic grains. Austenitizing at 1100 °C was the optimum to dissolve the network of carbides. However, solution treatment at the higher temperature coarsens the austenite grains while decreasing the carbide volume fraction. By contrast, hot rolling creates finer grains and signficantly reduces the carbide content. Furthermore, hot rolling followed by solution treatment further decreases the carbide content and distributes them homogeneously. This process has a positive effect on both the mechanical and wear properties. High reductions by hot rolling of the Hadfield steel creates both deformation bands and a twinned structure. These twinning boundaries are considered as slip obstacles to provide strengthening. A thick sheet martensitic structure is created accompanying twinning. Moreover, solution treatment of the hot deformed steel leads to the formation of a thin martensitic structure.

On utilise une technique de traitement thermomécanique pour améliorer les propriétés d'usure de l'acier austénitique au manganèse. On a coupé et laminé à chaud par passes multiples des billettes d'acier ASTM A 128, de grade C. On a effectué le laminage, avec succès, jusqu'à une réduction de 80% de l'épaisseur, avec quatre passes dans la gamme de température de 1200 à 800 °C. La durée entre les passes était de 9 à 13 secondes. On a ensuite effectué un traitement de mise en solution à 900, 1000 et 1100°C, pendant 30 minutes à la température donnée. On a mesuré la taille de grain de l'austénite et l'on a évalué la fraction volumique du carbure. Les grains d'austénite de la structure brute de coulée sont entourés d'un réseau de carbures. Les carbures ont une structure lamellaire et sont plus riches en Cr et en Mn que les grains d'austénite. La température optimale d'austénitisation pour la dissolution du réseau de carbures était de 1100 °C. Cependant, le traitement de mise en solution à cette température plus élevée produit un grossissement des grains d'austénite tout en diminuant la fraction volumique de carbure. En contraste, le laminage à chaud crée des grains plus fins et réduit significativement le contenu en carbure. En outre, le laminage à chaud suivi par le traitement de mise en solution diminue encore plus le contenu de carbures et distribue ceux-ci de façon homogène. Ce traitement a un effet positif tant sur les propriétés mécaniques que sur les propriétés d'usure. Des réductions élevées par laminage à chaud de l'acier austénitique au manganèse créent des bandes de déformations ainsi qu'une structure maclée. Ces joints de grains de macle sont considérés comme des obstacles au glissement, fournissant ainsi un renforcement. Une feuille épaisse à structure martensitique, accompagnant le maclage, est ainsi créée. De plus, le traitement de mise en solution de l'acier chaud déformé mène à la formation d'une structure martensitique mince.  相似文献   

Administered a research questionnaire to 3 groups of married couples (19 violent couples, 7 nonviolent couples in marital therapy, and 24 nonviolent couples not in therapy) to identify characteristics of violent couples. Violent Ss were engaged in counseling for wife battery. Results show that alcohol was the most significant factor operating in violent marriages. Violent couples were also found to have significantly more stereotyped sex-role attitudes, more aggressive and passive behaviors, less marital satisfaction, and a greater degree of dissatisfaction with decision making in the family. Violent couples usually witnessed more violence in their childhood homes. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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