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We demonstrate the fabrication of sub — 5 nm NiCr wires using conventional 100 kV electron beam lithography and PMMA resist technology. The wires are short, and widen to continuous 20 nm wires at either end. The ultra high resolution is achieved using a novel exposure technique. These wires are believed to be the smallest features yet made using this technology.  相似文献   

The effects of linear and quadratic strain on the reflective spectrum of FBG and the transmission spectrum of LPFG have been numerically investigated based on the coupled -mode equations. The results show that for the FBG or LPFG undergoing only linear strain, the reflection or transmission spectrum is symmetrical about its central wavelength, the dependence relationships of the central wavelength shift, full-width-at-half-maximum, peak intensity upon the strain gradient have been obtained.  相似文献   

Step-chirped phase masks for step-chirped fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) were fabricated by employing a new writing strategy, in which the beam is able to scan a step-chirped pattern all at once or continuously. This new writing strategy was realized by using a raster scan-type laser-beam writing system. Linearly and nonlinearly step-chirped FBGs, fabricated by using these masks, show very low group-delay ripple characteristics, which means that the masks have fewer stitching errors than conventional step-chirped masks  相似文献   

对相位采样光纤布喇格光栅的Talbot效应进行了理论分析,运用模拟退火算法对相位采样点的选取进行优化,模拟仿真不同的光栅周期啁啾条件下的Talbot效应.仿真结果表明:产生Talbot效应的相位采样光纤布喇格光栅在通道的数目上、均匀性及能量的效率上有明显的优势,更加适合于密集波分复用(DWDM)系统.  相似文献   

董新永 《光电子.激光》2010,(10):1455-1458
提出并发展了一种基于悬臂梁结构的啁啾光纤Bragg光栅(CFBG)啁啾调谐方案,获得了一系列性能优异的可调谐CFBG滤波器,包括调谐范围达到36 nm(1.8~37.8 nm)的带宽可变反射滤波器、色散在178~2 100ps/nm范围内可调的色散补偿器、基于取样CFBG或重叠写入CFBG的信道间隔可调谐滤波器等。这些FBG滤波器不但能维持较高的反射率,还能保持中心波长基本不变。  相似文献   

Z.C.  B.S.   《Optical Fiber Technology》2009,15(5-6):442-444
A novel temperature-insensitive strain sensor based on a fiber Bragg grating is demonstrated. The front section of the fiber Bragg grating is fixed to a crystal plate, and the other section is linearly etched by HF acid. The reflected power and bandwidth of the grating vary linearly with strain and is insensitive to temperature variation.  相似文献   

A new packaged fiber Bragg grating using bimetal cantilever beam as the strain agent is presented. The grating is two-point attached on one specific surface of the bimetal beam which consists of two metallic material with different thermal-expansion coefficient. Thereby the grating can be compressed or stretched along with the cantilever beam while temperature varies and temperature compensation can be realized. At the same time, grating chirping can be avoided for the particular attaching method. Experiment results demonstrated that the device is able to automatically compensate temperature induced wavelength shift. The temperature dependence of Bragg wavelength reduced to −0.4 pm/°C over the temperature range from −20 to 60 °C. This fiber grating package technique is cost effective and can be used in strain sensing.  相似文献   

Field stitching errors and their effect on the single-mode characteristics of distributed feedback (DFB) lasers fabricated using electron beam lithography were investigated. The stitching errors are associated with small-area, high-resolution electron beam exposure, which has the potential advantage of high-speed writing of laser gratings. Measurements show that the errors are composed of a systematic and a stochastic part. Their effect on the gain margin was simulated both for λ/4 phase-shifted and optimized multiple-phase-shifted DFB lasers. Simulations show that the lasers are insensitive to the systematic part of the stitching errors if the number of errors is large enough. The stochastic part was found to give rise to a variation in gain margin of the DFB lasers. It is concluded that the field stitching accuracy in the high-resolution mode of a commercial system for electron beam lithography is sufficient to provide a high yield of single-mode lasers. However, it is essential that certain precautions be taken considering exposure conditions and that a fault tolerant laser design be used  相似文献   

文章介绍了一种新型的光无源器件-芯内光纤布喇格光栅在光纤通信领域中的应用,分析了光纤布喇格光栅器件的性能以及存在的某些问题。  相似文献   

With distributed orthogonal fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor arrays used as modular detection units, an implementation method for deformation detection and spatial shape reconstruction of a frame model structure was proposed in this paper. After brief introduction of curvature detection principle of FBG sensor, the design, fabrication and encapsulation of the FBG modular detection unit were illustrated detailedly. Every unit was composed of four optical fibers, each containing an array of FBG strain sensors. In addition, the method and procedure of the reconstruction algorithm of three dimensional spatial curve based on orthogonal curvature were also described in detail, as well as discrete curvature continuity method. The constructed algorithm was applied to reconstruction the vibration deformation of the experimental frame model, in which four FBG modular detection units were embedded. Afterward, experimental test and verification were performed for static bending and dynamic excitation of the frame model structure, using the developed experiment system. And experimental results verified the feasibility and effectiveness of deformation detection and spatial shape reconstruction based on orthogonal FBG sensor array. Moreover, the results indicated that the proposed method can provide useful research thinking for the further study of active monitoring of flexible space structures.  相似文献   

为了给沥青路面结构响应监测找到科学有效的测 试手段,本文进行了沥青路面响应光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)实时监测 的研究。应用单轴压缩试验对采用的FBG传感器进行标定,得到了标定方程。基于提 出的沥青路面 FBG传感器埋设方法,在沥青路面成功埋设了FBG传感器。将静载监测结果与BISAR 3.0程序 计算结果进 行了比较。对不同轴重、不同汽车行驶速度及不同温度条件下的沥青路面结构动力响应进行 了实时监测。结果 表明,提出的沥青路面FBG传感器埋设方案可使传感器的成活率达到87%;静载实测结果与 计算结果较为接近,FBG监测结果有效且能准确反映沥青路面各工况下的应变时程;当车速 降低8km/h时,路面应变响应降低达100με以上;而路面温度增 长8℃,路面的竖向变形增长了近200με。  相似文献   

Continuously adjustable chirp of an optical fibre Bragg grating was produced by straining the fibre using a cantilever beam of nonuniform cross-section. A uniform shift in wavelength is also produced which can be eliminated by temperature control  相似文献   

高灵敏度光纤光栅静水压力传感研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了光纤布拉格光栅的压力敏感及增敏原理,设计了一种适于高分辨率静水压力测量的封装结构,实验结果表明,该光纤光栅压力传感器压力响应灵敏度为9.03×10-3 MPa-1,比未封装的裸光纤光栅增敏2946倍,在长沙白鹭湖进行的基于静水压力的水深测量表明,该传感器的深度分辨能力优于5 cm,并有较好的线性和重复性,满足基于静水压力的拖曳缆深度测量应用需求.  相似文献   

Kashyap  R. Mckee  P.F. Armes  D. 《Electronics letters》1994,30(23):1977-1978
Reflection grating structures have been replicated in photosensitive optical fibres using phase shifted phase masks for the first time. The sensitivity of the narrow bandpass peak to alignment and position of the phase shift are reported  相似文献   

在相位掩膜板法光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)制作系统中,通过高精度陶瓷压电(PZT)促动器对相位掩膜板进行运动控制,实现对光栅折射率交流调制量和相位的任意调制,从而实现相移、切趾和啁啾等FBG的制作,从而提高FBG制作工艺的灵活性。  相似文献   

Bright and dark Bragg solitons in a fiber Bragg grating   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate the nonlinear pulse propagation through the fiber Bragg grating structure where the pulse dynamics are governed by the nonlinear-coupled mode (NLCM) equations. Using multiple scale analysis, we reduce the NLCM equations into the perturbed nonlinear Schrodinger (PNLS) type equation. To construct the bright and dark Bragg solitons in the upper and lower branches of the dispersion curve, we solve the PNLS equation using the coupled amplitude-phase method.  相似文献   

 The irradiation damages in the electron beam lithography(EBL)to Al-gate MOS capacitors in the ranges of 10—30keV and 10~(-6)—10~(-3)C·cm~(-2) and the effects of annealing on damages at low temperature(<500℃)are given.The research on damages caused by high electron energy(30keV) and ultra-high dosages(10~(-4)—10~(-3) C·cm~(-2))is important and useful to the EBL.The resolution can be improved by high electron energy.Both the EBL with vapor-development and without development are all operated at ultra-high dosages.After irradiations,the concentrations of inter- face states can increase by about one to two orders of magnitude and the flat-band voltages by about a few to more than ten volts.Under constant exposure dosages,the fiat-band voltages are independent of the changes of electron energies in certain energy ranges.Under constant electron energies the concentrations of interface states are independent of the changes of exposure dosages in certain dosage ranges.After annealing,the flat-band voltages can recover the values before the irradiations for energies and dosages in the ranges of 10—30keV and 1×10~(-6)—6×10~(-3)C·cm~(-2) respectively.The interface state concentrations due to the damages of ultra dosages can not be removed completely.  相似文献   

All-optical switching in phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A low-power all-optical-switching in a phase-shifted grating has been experimentally demonstrated at 1.55 μm. The grating is written in a standard fiber for communication and the switching is based on the cross-phase modulation induced by an intense pump pulse on a low intensity probe. An extinction ratio of more than 6 dB has been achieved for 1 kW pulse peak power. The strong enhancement of the nonlinear effect due to the group velocity reduction and the switching polarization dependence have been theoretically investigated and experimentally confirmed  相似文献   

We propose and experimentally demonstrate a simple, passive, and self-referencing wavelength shift detection scheme for use in fiber Bragg grating sensing systems. The demodulation system is based on the interference between two modes in a polarization maintaining fiber loop mirror. Although it involves the use of an interference technique, it is stable compared with other conventional interference demodulators  相似文献   

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