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Experimental investigations have been carried out to evaluate the two-phase pressure drop across half-inch globe and gate valves for gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow. The non-Newtonian liquids used were different concentrations of dilute solutions of the sodium salt of carboxymethyl cellulose (SCMC), which behaved as pseudoplastic liquids. Generalized correlations in terms of the various physical and dynamic variables of the system have been developed for prediction of the two-phase frictional pressure drop for each valve. Statistical analysis of the correlations suggest that they are of acceptable accuracy. 相似文献
Experimental investigations have been carried out to evaluate the two-phase pressure drop across different types of elbows in the horizontal plane for gas-non-Newtonian pseudoplastic liquid flow. A generalised correlation have been developed to predict The two-phase pressure drop as a function of various physical and dynamic variables of the system. Statistical analysis of the correlation suggests that the correlation is of acceptable accuracy. 相似文献
引言动力、能源、石油化工等领域中广泛应用着各类管壳式换热器,此类换热器的管子与折流板之间、折流板与壳体之间在制造与装配中存在着一定的间隙。这些间隙对壳侧的压降及换热系数有较大影响。对于单相流体,这些间隙产生的泄漏量可占总流量的15%~60%~[1~4].根据文献报道~[5],大约有50%以上的管壳式换热器涉及气液两相流,迄今为止对气液两相流体流经环形狭缝通道的流动特性研究尚未见有文献报道.本文在水平放置环形狭缝通道中,对空气一水两相混合物流经3种不同间隙环形狭缝通道的流动特性进行了研究,并应用分相模型提出了计… 相似文献
The usual two-fluid models for disperse two-phase flows feature an average disperse-phase stress in the disperse-phase momentum equation. It is shown that it is possible to derive an expression for this quantity without considering the detailed nature of the constitutive relation of the disperse phase. The result, which is more general than other relations of the same nature, is illustrated with a number of examples. It is also shown that a new formulation of the averaged equations recently proposed by the authors is equivalent to the more usual one. 相似文献
C. Y. Wang 《Chemical Engineering Communications》2013,200(11):1428-1434
The Stokes flow through a barrier with multiple pores is solved using a cylinder approximation and eigenfunction expansions. The effect of the proximity of neighboring pores on the resistance is determined. 相似文献
Experimental data on pressure drop for two-phase gas-non-Newtonian ps:udoplastic liquid vertical slug flow have been analysed. Correlation have been proposed for predicting the two-phase friction factor as a function of the physical and dynamic variables of the system. 相似文献
This article is concerned with the analysis of a dusty model for the axi-symmetric flow of blood through coaxial tubes such that the outer tube with an axially nonsymmetreic but radially symmetric mild stenosis and the inner tube have a balloon (assumed that is axi-symmetric in nature). The mild stenosis approximation is used to solve the problem. To estimate the effect of the stenosis shape, a suitable geometry has been considered such that the axial shape of the stenosis can be changed easily just by varying a parameter (referred to as the shape parameter). The model is also employed to study the effect of the volume fraction density of the particles C, the maximum height attained by the balloon δ2, the radius of the inner tube, which keeps the balloon in position κ, and the axial displacement of the balloon x d . Flow parameters such as velocity, the resistance to flow (the resistance impedance), the wall shear stress distribution in the stenotic region and its magnitude at the maximum height of the stenosis (stenosis throat) have been computed numerically for different shape parameters n, C, δ2, κ, and x d . It is shown that the resistance to flow decreases with increasing values of the parameter determining the stenosis shape n and the axial displacement of the balloon x d , while the resistance to flow increases with the volume fraction density of the particles C, the radius of the inner tube, which keeps the balloon in position κ, and the maximum height attained by the balloon δ2. The magnitudes of the resistance to flow are higher in the case of a dusty fluid model than in the case of a Newtonian fluid model. The wall shear stress distribution in the stenotic region and its magnitude at the maximum height of the stenosis possess a character similar to the resistance to flow with respect to C, δ2, κ, and x d . Finally, the effect of the volume fraction density of the particles C, δ2, and x d on the velocity profile are discussed. 相似文献
Based on macroscopic mass and momentum balances, a model is developed to characterize the hydrodynamic behavior of pulsing flow in cocurrent down-flow trickle-bed reactors. Predictions of the model regarding liquid saturation, length and velocity of both the liquid rich slug and gas rich pulse are reported. Also presented are experimental data of an air-water system for the effects of varying gas and liquid flow rates on pulse frequency, total pulse length and apparent slug velocity. To confirm the theory, predictions are compared with measured overall pressure gradient. Agreement is reasonably good. 相似文献
The paper presents an exact analysis of unsteady convective dispersion of a solute in a Casson fluid (assumed as the non-Newtonian behaviour of blood) flowing in a tube. Using a generalized dispersion model, which is valid for all time after the injection of the solute in the flow, we evaluate the axial dispersion coefficients as functions of time. The variation of the asymptotic dispersion coefficient K2* with y0 (the dimensionless radius of the plug flow region) shows that K2* first increases with y0, reaches a maximum and then decreases. The behaviour of the dimensionless dispersion coefficient K2(T) - Pe-2 with time T is also shown graphically. 相似文献
水平直圆管内油气两相流的压降 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
对水平放置的内径为40 mm的有机玻璃管内的油气两相流进行了详细的实验研究,实验工质为46#机械油和空气.油相和气相折算速度分别为0.051~0.612 m8226;s-1和0.024~50.64 m8226;s-1,实验在室温下进行.采用Lockhart-Martinelli关联方法对各典型流型下的实验数据进行了整理,结合流动的具体情况对其中的关联参数C进行了重新定义,提出了基于典型流型的压力梯度计算模型,并对水平管内油气两相流的压降变化规律进行了分析和讨论.理论计算值与实验测量值吻合良好. 相似文献
A rather simple macroscopic model, originally proposed by Dimenstein and Ng (1986), is examined by comparison with results of experimental work carried out in this laboratory recently. Several improvements are proposed relying either on new correlations or in better physical understanding obtained from the recent experiments. The model, despite its simplicity, is considered quite comprehensive and reliable (for the range of physical properties examined) providing good estimates of essentially all the significant time averaged characteristics of pulsing flow. 相似文献
A new model to calculate the two-phase flow pressure change across a sudden expansion in a duct area was developed and checked against data measured with mixtures of air and water, aqueous glycerol, watery calcium nitrate and with refrigerant R 12. In the model all relevant physical parameters are included and, in contrast to equations in the literature, the entrainment of liquid in the gas stream is considered. The predictions are validated for a wide range of conditions, pipe diameters and physical properties typically encountered in industrial pipe line systems: Calculations based on the new approach are sufficiently accurate for engineering purposes. 相似文献
Samim Anghaie Alan G. Baker Alan M. Jacobs Ned N. Kondic 《Chemical Engineering Communications》1984,27(1):47-57
To improve the proposed technique of Compton profile measurements and develop an accurate density distribution measurement technique, the detected scattered spectrum in a system of collimated source and uncollimated detector is expressed in terms of the density distribution and a multiple-scattering factor.
A particular experimental approach to this technique is outlined. Multiple-scattering is carefully considered in the analytical-numerical interpretation of the problem. The proposed technique is shown to be clearly valuable for stochastically steady flows in which relatively low frame rates for local time average two-phase flow parameters are acceptable. 相似文献
A particular experimental approach to this technique is outlined. Multiple-scattering is carefully considered in the analytical-numerical interpretation of the problem. The proposed technique is shown to be clearly valuable for stochastically steady flows in which relatively low frame rates for local time average two-phase flow parameters are acceptable. 相似文献
Turbulence is one of the most important phenomena in analyzing thermohydrodynamic characteristics of gas-liquid two-phase flow. For the purpose of accurate prediction of the turbulence phenomena, a basic conservation equation of Reynolds stress was derived based on the local instant formulation of mass and momentum conservations of two-phase flow. In this equation, interfacial transfer terms of turbulence appear as source terms. Detailed considerations on these transport terms were carried out. It was shown that they consist of a viscous damping term due to small scale interfacial structures, a drag induced turbulence generation term due to large scale interfacial structures and a term representing the exchange between surface energy and turbulence. Based on the mechanistic modeling and turbulence modulations, carried out were physical interpretations of interfacial area concentrations of small and large scale interfacial structures, a viscous damping term due to small scale interface and turbulence generation term due to large scale interface. 相似文献
The subject of this paper is the evaluation of the applicability of constant temperature anemometry (CTA) with a modified version of Delhaye's method to aerated stirred tanks. A calibration technique that takes into account the variation in medium temperature was developed and verified experimentally. The directional sensitivity of the conical film probe was investigated in a streamline flow field as well as in the impeller discharge stream in an stirred tank.
The reliability of the setup and the technique was verified through the comparison of the vertical and radial velocity profiles of water in a stirred tank with those obtained from the literature. The directional response of the conical probe follows the cosine law for intersection angles smaller than 45° in a streamline flow field, but the directional sensitivity in the impeller discharge stream is rather poor, owing to the rolling characteristics of flow in this region. Due to the inability to detect bubbles smaller than the sensing element of the conical probe, the CTA usually gives lower values of local gas holdup. However, this discrepancy is considered to have no influence on the velocity measurement. 相似文献
The reliability of the setup and the technique was verified through the comparison of the vertical and radial velocity profiles of water in a stirred tank with those obtained from the literature. The directional response of the conical probe follows the cosine law for intersection angles smaller than 45° in a streamline flow field, but the directional sensitivity in the impeller discharge stream is rather poor, owing to the rolling characteristics of flow in this region. Due to the inability to detect bubbles smaller than the sensing element of the conical probe, the CTA usually gives lower values of local gas holdup. However, this discrepancy is considered to have no influence on the velocity measurement. 相似文献
W.E. GENETTI 《Chemical Engineering Communications》2013,200(1-2):47-57
Heat transfer coefficients were measured for heat transfer to a Newtonian fluid flowing in laminar flow through a tube with inline mixer inserts. Kenics “Static” mixer and Ross LPD mixer inserts were studied as heat transfer augmentation devices. The mixer inserts were in the inner tube of a concentric tube heat exchanger. Steam was condensed in the annulus of the exchanger. Significant heat transfer enhancement was obtained with both inserts at the expense of even greater pressure drop increases. The use of the Ross mixer insert gave greater augmentation than did the use of the kenics insert. An analysis using the analogy between momentum and heat transfer allowed the prediction of heat transfer coefficients from pressure drop measurements. The predicted coefficients were in good agreement with experimentally measured heat transfer coefficients for laminar flow. 相似文献