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Investigated 2 forms of across-chapter text signals: "preview" sentences, which signal contents in upcoming chapters, and "recall" sentences, which are backward signals that signal back to previously read materials. These signals may influence readers' recall of text material by guiding their attention during reading. They also may facilitate readers' activation of memory representations of previous content, thereby enhancing integrative processing. Seven experiments examined the effects of preview and recall sentences. The results of 4 experiments indicated a clear signaling effect across chapters. In Exp IV, there were significantly longer inspection times and reaction times (RTs) to secondary probes in signaled than in unsignaled paragraphs. The results of Exp V indicate that backward-signaled materials were recalled at a significantly greater rate than unsignaled materials. In addition, the signaled materials in Ss' recalls were clustered together at a significantly greater rate than unsignaled materials. Results of Exp VII indicate significantly longer inspection times and RTs to secondary probe tasks in the reading of paragraphs containing recall sentences than in the reading of paragraphs not containing signals. Results indicate that across-chapter signals have a strong effect on readers' recall of prose. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined in 2 experiments with 236 undergraduates the possibility that readers would differentially recall passage material as a result of differing levels of processing during reading. It was hypothesized that as the level of reader schema–text base interaction increased Ss would generate greater numbers of idea units and logical intrusions. Exp I varied the schema–text base interaction through tasks designed to increase interaction of Ss' existing schemata with the text material. In Exp II, an additional factor of student compliance with the tasks was examined. Results support the hypotheses and indicate that what Ss remembered from reading passages was determined by the activities they engaged in during reading. Activities requiring a restatement of the semantic base of prose resulted in high rates of idea unit recall; activities requiring the formulation of logical extensions of prose resulted in higher rates of logical intrusions in free recall. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three experiments (108 undergraduates) examined the relative contributions made in skilled and unskilled processing by data driven and conceptually driven processes. In Exp I, Ss recalled nouns and complete sentences after having read and generated meaningful and anomalous sentences. Generated and transformed sentences were better recalled than normal sentences if they were meaningful, but not if they were anomalous. Exp II used the same sentences as Exp I, except they were displayed in 3 typographies: normal orientation, mirror transformed, or rotated 180°. Results show that reading the transformed typography increased semantic interword organization. In Exp III, Ss had to generate sentences and read transformed typography. Results duplicate those in Exps I and II. It is concluded that a decrease in the efficiency of data driven processing causes an increase in semantic interword organization. (French abstract) (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the proposition that problem-type schemata include both problem-specific and abstract information. Recognition priming was used to capture schema acquisition as it evolves in analogical problem solving. Priming was used to show that Ss form associations in memory between problem-specific sentences drawn from analogous problems. In Exp 1, Ss formed such associations but only when analogical transfer was facilitated. In Exp 2, Ss formed associations only among sentences that related to abstract problem information. In Exp 3, Ss did not form associations among sentences that interfered with access to abstract information during transfer. In Exp 4, Ss accessed problem-specific sentences in problem-type schemata when given new problems of the same type. The results suggest that problem solvers retain problem-specific information in schemata because the information affords access to abstract information during transfer. Results are discussed in terms of a conservative generalization model of schema acquisition that emphasizes the importance of problem-specific information in problem solving. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four text-recall experiments, involving 243 undergraduates, examined the distinctiveness-of-encoding hypothesis. Exp I investigated the comparative recall of distinctively (DE) vs nondistinctively (NDE) encoded summary sentences and revealed a significantly higher rate of recall for DE summary sentences and associated text material. Exp II combined an activity that required Ss to interact with the semantic base of the text with the DE operations employed in Exp I. Data indicate that each approach resulted in a greater level of recall than a control condition and that the combination of the 2 produced the highest overall recall. Exp III examined possible mechanisms by which semantic content associated with the summary sentences was encoded and recalled. The most facilitative arrangement of activities involved the physical presence of text materials at the time at which the operations on summary sentences took place. Exp IV investigated the role of inspection time and rereading on DE processes. Although controlled inspection time reduced the amount recalled compared with uncontrolled conditions, DE summary sentences still led to a significantly higher rate of recall than NDE sentences. (43 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested the constraint hypothesis, which states that lexical access in reading is initiated on the basis of word-initial letter information obtainable in the parafoveal region, in 2 experiments. Ss were 36 college students with normal vision. Eye movements were monitored while Ss read sentences containing target words whose initial trigram (Exp I) or bigram (Exp II) imposed either a high or a low degree of constraint in the lexicon. In contradiction to the hypothesis, high-constraint words (e.g., dwarf) received longer fixations than did low-constraint words (e.g., clown), despite the fact that high-constraint words have an initial letter sequence shared by few other words in the lexicon. A comparison of fixation times in viewing conditions with and without parafoveal letter information showed that the amount of decrease in target fixation time due to prior parafoveal availability was the same for high- and low-constraint targets. It is concluded that increased familiarity of word-initial letter sequence is beneficial to lexical access and that familiarity affects the efficiency of foveal but not parafoveal processing. A list of the sentences used in the 2 experiments is appended. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In Exp I, 48 undergraduates differing in impulsivity (as measured by a self-report inventory) performed 2 versions of filtering, interference, and invariant control tasks. In one version, Ss sorted according to the value of the local dimension; in the other, the global dimension was the relevant one. In addition, Ss performed a task in which the 2 dimensions were perfectly correlated. Results show that Ss sorted more quickly when the global dimension was relevant than when the local dimension was relevant. In Exp II, 43 of the Ss from Exp I were used to determine whether failure to find a relationship between impulsivity and filtering performance was due to correlations of local and global dimensions; results were negative. In Exp III, the same 43 Ss used in Exp II were used to test the information-integration hypothesis. Results support the hypothesis—high impulsives were more impaired than other Ss when the task required that they integrate information from the global dimension with information from the local dimension. Findings can be explained in terms of individual differences in the value placed on speed, relative to accuracy, in information processing. (41 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Hypothesized that although schemata facilitate organized conceptual processing, and hence recall, they simultaneously inhibit perceptual encoding. This inhibitory effect should emerge because schemata allow perceivers to rely on prior knowledge in place of incoming information and because schemata facilitate selective attention. Exps 1 and 2 demonstrated that Ss encode less relevant perceptual information when they are provided with or are able to induce a schema. Exp 3 demonstrated that Ss encode less relevant perceptual information when they are self-schematic in a domain, even though they have better recall for that information. Exp 4 demonstrated that Ss encode less irrelevant perceptual information when they are provided with a schema. Thus, results show that although schemata facilitate recall, they simultaneously inhibit perceptual encoding. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined coding processes involved in reading connected text in 3 experiments with 54 Ss who read text passages and occasionally responded to lexical-decision probes. Exp I focused on semantic and surface codes. Results suggest that the activation of semantic codes increased over time, whereas surface codes did not. In addition, Ss who were instructed to remember the exact wording of the passages showed stronger activation of surface codes than did Ss who read for comprehension. Exps II and III explored the role of phonological codes in reading. Results from Exp II indicate that phonological codes were activated by specific words in a passage; however, Exp III results fail to demonstrate that phonological codes were activated by the more general passage context. Combined results suggest that reading involves several coding systems that are activated according to time and reading instruction constraints. (35 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the utility of an elaboration hypothesis as a means of specifying "depth of processing" in memory for prose and as a guide for the construction of adjunct questions. 85 undergraduate and graduate students served as Ss in 5 experiments. Exp I examined the effects of different numbers of propositions within paragraphs on the recall of major ideas. Exp II replicated the procedures of Exp I but varied the topography of the text. Exp III examined processing time as an alternative explanation for the results observed in Exps I and II. Exp IV investigated a redundancy hypothesis as an alternative to an elaboration hypothesis. Exp V employed a procedure originally developed to test the effects of adjunct aids requiring different levels of elaboration on recall of prose. The results of Exps I–IV support the elaboration hypothesis in predicting recall of main ideas in paragraphs. The results of Exp V support the utility of employing an elaboration hypothesis as a heuristic for the construction of adjunct questions. (38 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested the hypothesis that readers represent a text's topics and their interrelations as they read and then use those representations to access information about each topic. In 2 experiments, 222 undergraduates were required to read and free recall an expository text of approximately 1,100 words in length. Exp I manipulated both the order of topics in the stimulus text and whether the introductory paragraph stated the topics and their organization. It was found that Ss recalled information about fewer topics if the topics were randomly ordered and the introductory paragraph was uninformative than if topics were logically ordered or if the introductory paragraph was informative. Differences in recall of topics accounted for much of the variance in overall recall and recall errors. Exp II examined the effects of the presence or absence of topic sentences and of variations in the physical marking of paragraph boundaries. Findings show that Ss recalled information about more topics if the text contained topic sentences than if it did not. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that readers use a representation of a text's topic structure to guide recall. (40 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In Exp I, 56 college students with no computer experience read a 24-frame text on computer programing that was presented in logical or random order. For random organization, Ss given an advance organizer performed better on a posttest than controls, but the opposite pattern obtained for logical organization. In Exp II, 96 students read a 4-paragraph text concerning imaginary countries that was presented in name or attribute organization. Low-ability (determined by questionnaire data on academic background and test scores) Ss given an organizer prior to reading performed better on questions that required integrating across different paragraphs of the presented text, and Ss given the organizer after reading performed relatively better on questions concerning information they had read within the same paragraph. Apparently, advance organizers served as an assimilative context for unfamiliar organizations. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined whether antecedents are reactivated by anaphor, in 3 experiments with a total of 144 undergraduates, using additional control sentences and an alternative response time measure. Ss read a series of texts each containing a target item. Immediately after the last line of each text, the item was probed using a recognition task in Exp I and a naming task in Exp II. Ss were faster to respond to the item when the last line contained an anaphoric reference to it than when the last line referred to a different item from the text. Additional control conditions ensured that the effect was not due to semantic priming and that the probed item was not in working memory when the last line was encountered. Findings in Exp III, which compared reading and naming times when the last sentence continued the established topic with times when the last sentence changed the topic, suggest that previous evidence for reinstatement reflected interference from a change of topic in the last line rather than facilitation due to reinstatement of the probed item. It is suggested that the paradigm developed by G. McKoon and R. Ratcliff (see record 1981-24997-001) requires careful control of variables. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments studied effects of signaling devices (headings, overviews, and summaries) on text memory. In Exp 1, Ss read a text with or without signals, then recalled the topics of the text. Signaling produced better memory for the topics and their organization. In Exp 2, Ss recalled the content of the text they read, and recalls were scored for the number of accurately recalled ideas. Signals produced recalls that were better organized by text topics. Signals also influenced the distribution of recall of ideas: Ss remembered more topics but recalled less about each accessed topic if the text they read contained signals than if it did not. The results are interpreted as supporting a model in which signals influence readers' representations of a text's topic structure, which, in turn, is used to guide the recall of text content. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Hypothesized that Ss high in social evaluation trait anxiety (TA) would experience significantly greater changes (i.e., between stress and nonstress conditions) in TA than Ss low in social evaluation TA. It was further predicted that for the noncongruent interpersonal, physical danger, ambiguous, and innocuous TA dimensions, TA changes experienced by Ss high and low in TA would not differ significantly. 26 high school students (Exp I) and 28 24–60 yr old middle management corporate executives (Exp II) were administered the S-R Inventory of General Trait Anxiousness, the Present Affect Reactions Questionnaire, and the Perception of Situations Rating form under stressful (examination situation [Exp I] and on-the-job situation oriented toward achievement and performance [Exp II]) and nonstressful conditions. While the predicted relationships between TA, state anxiety (SA), and situation stress were confirmed, results provide only moderate support for the interaction model of anxiety because Ss did not strongly endorse the initial assumption that the stressful situations would be perceived as primarily socially evaluative. The apparent discrepancy between situation perception and SA levels of Ss high and low in social evaluation TA is discussed in terms of differential responsiveness to trait-congruent situational elements within various TA groups. (French abstract) (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested and confirmed the hypothesis that scopolamine attenuates habituation occurring within a training session as well as that occurring between training sessions. Subcutaneous scopolamine injections (.5 mg/kg) reduced spontaneous wheel running in 8 female prairie dogs. The same dosage did not affect the threshold for wheel running induced by electrical brain stimulation (EBS) in 6 Ss in Exp II. Exp III (n = 6) demonstrated that EBS-induced running declined during a 10-min stimulation period and indicated that the decline was habituative since the response was repeatedly dishabituated. In Exp IV .5 mg/kg of scopolamine reduced habituation of EBS-induced wheel running during 10-min sessions with the 6 Ss used in Exp II. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The demand that text processing imposes on learners' cognitive capacity was measured with a secondary-task technique; the meaning of the textual materials was held constant while several structural (surface) variables were manipulated. Exp I (36 undergraduates) showed that text versions with simplified vocabulary and syntax (but equivalent content) required less cognitive capacity to process than standard versions. Exp II (96 Ss) revealed that the reduction in use of cognitive capacity was due primarily to syntactic factors. Exp III (72 Ss) demonstrated that texts containing signals about idea importance and relations required less cognitive capacity to process than texts with approximately the same propositional content but no such signals. Measures of total inspection time and content recall were also secured. In general, findings indicate that aspects of the surface structure of text made demands on Ss' cognitive processing capacity. (44 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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