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In order to effectively manage nutrient river load reductions and target remediation strategies, it is important to determine the relative contributions of diffuse and point sources across the river catchment. This study used a geographical information system (GIS) to apply phosphorus (P) export coefficients (obtained from the literature) to 58 water quality monitoring sites across a large, urbanised, mixed land use catchment, typical of southern lowland England (the River Avon, Warwickshire, UK). These coefficients were used to estimate the annual P load at each monitoring site, and also the relative contribution of point source (from sewage treatment works (STW)) and diffuse input (from both livestock and agricultural land use). The estimated annual P loads showed very close agreement (r2=0.98) with the measured total phosphorus (TP) loads. Sites with the highest proportion of P derived from STW had the highest TP concentrations and loads, and also had greater variations between seasons, with elevated P concentrations occurring during the summer months. The GIS model was re-run to determine the effect of an 80% reduction in P output from STW serving over 10,000 people, thereby assessing the effect of implementing the European Union's Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD). The exported TP load was reduced by 52%, but the sites with the highest TP concentrations were still those with the highest proportion of P derived from STW. The GIS model was re-run to estimate the impact of 80% P reductions at a further 11 STW of varying sizes. This reduced the total TP load by only 29 tonnes year-1, but greatly reduced the P concentrations in many highly nutrient contaminated tributaries. The number of sites with P concentrations greater than 1 mg l-1 was cut from 15 (before UWWTD implementation) to 2. These findings suggest that after UWWTD implementation, resources should focus on introducing tertiary sewage treatment at the remaining large STW, before targeting diffuse inputs. This conclusion is also likely to apply to other lowland river catchments in southern England, most of which have similar population densities to the River Avon.  相似文献   

Functional relationships between phosphorus (P) discharge and concentration mechanisms were explored using a load apportionment model (LAM) developed for use in a freshwater catchment in Ireland with fourteen years of data (1995-2008). The aim of model conceptualisation was to infer changes in point and diffuse sources from catchment P loading during P mitigation, based upon a dataset comprising geospatial and water quality data from a 256 km2 lake catchment in an intensively farmed drumlin region of the midlands of Ireland. The model was calibrated using river total P (TP), molybdate reactive P (MRP) and runoff data from seven subcatchments. Temporal and spatial heterogeneity of P sources existed within and between subcatchments; these were attributed to differences in agricultural intensity, soil type and anthropogenically-sourced effluent P loading. Catchment rivers were sensitive to flow regime, which can result in eutrophication of rivers during summer and lake enrichment from frequent flood events. For one sewage impacted river, the LAM estimated that point sourced P contributed up to of 90% of annual MRP load delivered during a hydrological year and in this river point P sources dominated flows up to 92% of days. In the other rivers, despite diffuse P forming a majority of the annual P exports, point sources of P dominated flows for up to 64% of a hydrological year. The calibrated model demonstrated that lower P export rates followed specific P mitigation measures. The LAM estimated up to 80% decreases in point MRP load after enhanced P removal at waste water treatments plants in urban subcatchments and the implementation of septic tank and agricultural bye-laws in rural subcatchments. The LAM approach provides a way to assess the long-term effectiveness of further measures to reduce P loadings in EU (International) River Basin Districts and subcatchments.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) concentrations from water quality monitoring at 54 UK river sites across seven major lowland catchment systems are examined in relation to eutrophication risk and to the relative importance of point and diffuse sources. The over-riding evidence indicates that point (effluent) rather than diffuse (agricultural) sources of phosphorus provide the most significant risk for river eutrophication, even in rural areas with high agricultural phosphorus losses. Traditionally, the relative importance of point and diffuse sources has been assessed from annual P flux budgets, which are often dominated by diffuse inputs in storm runoff from intensively managed agricultural land. However, the ecological risk associated with nuisance algal growth in rivers is largely linked to soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentrations during times of ecological sensitivity (spring/summer low-flow periods), when biological activity is at its highest. The relationships between SRP and total phosphorus (TP; total dissolved P+suspended particulate P) concentrations within UK rivers are evaluated in relation to flow and boron (B; a tracer of sewage effluent). SRP is the dominant P fraction (average 67% of TP) in all of the rivers monitored, with higher percentages at low flows. In most of the rivers the highest SRP concentrations occur under low-flow conditions and SRP concentrations are diluted as flows increase, which is indicative of point, rather than diffuse, sources. Strong positive correlations between SRP and B (also TP and B) across all the 54 river monitoring sites also confirm the primary importance of point source controls of phosphorus concentrations in these rivers, particularly during spring and summer low flows, which are times of greatest eutrophication risk. Particulate phosphorus (PP) may form a significant proportion of the phosphorus load to rivers, particularly during winter storm events, but this is of questionable relevance for river eutrophication. Although some of the agriculturally derived PP is retained as sediment on the river bed, in most cases this bed sediment showed potential for removal of SRP from the overlying river water during spring and summer low flows. Thus, bed sediments may well be helping to reduce SRP concentrations within the river at times of eutrophication risk. These findings have important implications for targeting environmental management controls for phosphorus more efficiently, in relation to the European Union Water Framework Directive requirements to maintain/improve the ecological quality of impacted lowland rivers. For the UK rivers examined here, our results demonstrate that an important starting point for reducing phosphorus concentrations to the levels approaching those required for ecological improvement, is to obtain better control over point source inputs, particularly small point sources discharging to ecologically sensitive rural/agricultural tributaries.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) concentration and flow data gathered during the 1990s for a range of British rivers were used to determine the relative contributions of point and diffuse inputs to the total P load, using the Load Apportionment Model (LAM). Heavily urbanised catchments were dominated by sewage inputs, but the majority of the study catchments received most of their annual phosphorus load from diffuse sources. Despite this, almost 80% of the study sites were dominated by point source inputs for the majority of the year, particularly during summer periods when eutrophication risk is greatest. This highlights the need to reduce sewage P inputs to improve the ecological status of British rivers. These modelled source apportionment estimates were validated against land-use data and boron load (a chemical marker for sewage).The LAM was applied to river flow data in subsequent years, to give predicted P concentrations (assuming no change in P source inputs), and these estimates were compared with observed concentration data. This showed that there had been significant reductions in P concentration in the River Thames, Aire and Ouse in the period 1999 to 2002, which were attributable to the introduction of P stripping at sewage treatment works (STW). The model was then used to forecast P concentrations resulting from the introduction of P removal at STW to a 2 or 1 mg l− 1 consent limit. For the urbanised rivers in this study, the introduction of phosphorus stripping to a 1 mg l− 1 consent level at all STW in the catchment would not reduce P concentrations in the rivers to potentially limiting concentrations. Therefore, further sewage P stripping will be required to comply with the Water Framework Directive. Diffuse P inputs may also need to be reduced before some of the highly nutrient-enriched rivers achieve good ecological status.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the dynamic patterns of phosphorus (P) transport at plot scale are similar to the patterns that could be observed quasi-simultaneously (i.e., approximately at the same time) at a river basin scale, in terms of inputs and dilution of P, across a range of rainfall and runoff conditions, was tested. From this information, it was hoped to be able to make some simple inferences about the connectivity or mass flux of P transport between the different scales of observation. An intensive study using 30-m2 plots, 1-ha plots and nested river channel sites ranging in scale from 20 ha up to a maximum of 834 km2 in the River Taw basin, South West England, UK, was conducted with three campaigns under differing flow conditions: (1) a zero rainfall base flow period, (2) a 10-mm rainfall residual flow period, and (3) a 42-mm rainfall storm flow period. The mass flux of total P ranged from 49 kg during base flow to 4 tonnes during the storm period at the largest 834 km2 scale. During base flow conditions, total phosphorus (TP) concentrations from diffuse sources were low (26 microg L-1 in the upper catchment) and reactive P forms dominated the fractions filtered <0.45 microm. During storm flow, concentrations of TP increased at all scales within the drainage basin, to a maximum of 500 microg L-1 and were sufficient to override the effect of any point source inputs of P. Unreactive (i.e., mostly 'organic') forms of P dominated the fractions that were >0.45 microm during residual flows and storm flows. Spatially normalised discharge apparently decreased with increasing scale, most notably during storm flow conditions and this implies that there is some storage of water through the catchment and in part may reflect varying velocities of water in different pathways. Most attenuation and dilution of P appeared to occur at larger scales, whilst the hydrological connectivity between source areas and receiving waters was greatest at smaller scales (<20 ha), and during the highest flows. The importance of diffuse agricultural sources in contributing to P export through the basin was dominated by dynamic temporal changes in hydrological activity, with a 'piston pushing' effect of particulate associated P through the basin as it wets up in response to rainfall input. We concluded that the processes of P transfer are different at different scales. However, some uncertainties of spatial heterogeneity around the catchment underlie the difficulties in dealing with scale and thus more data and studies of this nature are required.  相似文献   

The relative magnitudes of annual diffuse and point source loads of phosphorus (P) to the River Thame were estimated from daily and monthly measurements of discharge and concentration. Existing data from gauging and monitoring sites on the river network and at point sources were supplemented by survey data at a range of spatial scales. Results showed that during low flow periods most of the P could be attributed to point sources, while at high flows the figure was less than 10%. The introduction of P stripping at Aylesbury, a major sewage treatment works in the catchment, was estimated to have reduced the annual load of P from the sewage treatment works by approximately 45 t, with a similar reduction in loss from the catchment. This gave a reduction in low flow concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) from 2.5 to 1.7 mg l−1. Concentrations of SRP in river water remain above eutrophication thresholds because of the influence of other STWs in the catchment and insufficient natural discharge to dilute this.  相似文献   

Changes in the relationship between soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration and river flow between 1966 and 2006 were assessed for the River Frome, UK using the recently developed Load Apportionment Model. The resulting source load estimates gave good agreement with known changes within the catchment. The model indicated an increase in point source contribution to the total river load from 46% to 62% between 1970 and 1985. This corresponded with the population increase within the catchment during that time. The predicted mean SRP load was highest between 1996 and 2000 (30 t y− 1), with 49% coming from point sources. Despite no lowering in population or major changes in agricultural practice, the model predicted a reduced load of 18.1 t y− 1 for the period 2001 to 2005, due mainly to a decrease in point source inputs from 14.6 t y− 1 to 6.1 t y− 1 (equivalent to 34% of the total load). This prediction matches the major improvements in sewage treatment that occurred within the catchment in 2002. This study thus provides a major validation of the Load Apportionment Model. The model provides an effective and rapid method of determining past changes in phosphorus sources, based entirely on the P concentration - flow relationship: critically, it does not require any historical information on land use, fertiliser application rates, topography, soil types and sewage inputs. Further decreases in SRP concentration in the River Frome during the algal growing season would be best achieved by further reductions of STW inputs.  相似文献   

The paper describes an integrated lake and catchment model which was developed and tested against data from the Rutland Water catchment (River Nene and Welland) in Eastern England. The model uses export coefficients to predict annual diffuse losses of phosphorus from catchment land use, which are temporally disaggregated using empirical relationships between phosphorus load and discharge in headwater streams. Dynamic inputs of phosphorus are incorporated into a hydrologically based, multi-reach distributed catchment model which also simulates sewage discharges, abstractions and reservoirs/ lakes. The model allows a comparison of simulated output with observed discharge and water-quality data from various points within the river system.  相似文献   

The phosphorus budget of the River Thame was modelled at a daily time scale, using estimates of diffuse and point source contributions of discharge. The model simulated suspended sediment (SS), soluble unreactive phosphorus (SUP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and particulate phosphorus (PP) concentrations within the main river and major tributaries. Diffuse source estimates of phosphorus loads were based on characteristic losses from identified main landscape classes, with hydrology described by a simple conceptual storage model. In-stream flow was modelled using a kinematic wave equation. Transfer of suspended sediment and phosphorus components was approximated by advection. In-stream sources and sinks included uptake and release of soluble reactive phosphorus by bed sediment, instant equilibration between SRP and the PP concentration on suspended sediment, and flow-related entrainment and deposition of suspended sediment. Simulations at sites within the catchment were compared with measurements made in 1998–1999. Results showed the P budget is dominated by mixing of diffuse and point source water, but some within-river processes have been shown to be capable of significantly influencing SRP concentrations. The development of a sediment entrainment and deposition component of the model has proved particularly valuable in emulating the hysteretic relationship between discharge and suspended sediment concentration in the river. It also provides a measure of available bed sediment.  相似文献   

The nutrient load of the river Po needs to be reduced in order to bring the eutrophication problems in the Northwest Adriatic Sea under lasting control. In this paper we analyse the contribution of the different pollution sources to the nitrogen and phosphorus loads of the river Po (source apportionment). We also estimate the effects of measures that aim to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in the Po basin (scenario analyses). Using a model (PolFlow) that was previously applied to the Rhine and Elbe basins, we found that more than half of the nitrogen and phosphorus loads in the river Po originates from diffuse sources. The results of the scenario analyses indicate that the measures imposed by the EU Nitrates Directive and the EU Wastewater Treatment Directive may not be stringent enough to achieve a large reduction in the N and P loads in the river Po.  相似文献   

The export of phosphorus from a lowland catchment, the River Cherwell in southern England, was measured over a period of 1 year. The results describe total phosphorus concentrations in the water and river discharge at 4-day intervals. These were used to estimate the load of total phosphorus exported from the catchment. These annual loads were compared with exports estimated from sewage inputs and diffuse inputs calculated from land-coverage data, with assigned phosphorus export coefficients for particular land uses. The method was further developed to examine seasonal changes in phosphorus exports by predicting monthly losses using annual export coefficients normalised with respect to the relative hydraulic runoff for a particular month. The results show a strong seasonal dependence of total exports, with retention of phosphorus in the river system in the spring to early autumn and release of stored material during the winter. This pattern remained true, even with 50% increase in the main land-cover export and a similar increase in treated sewage exports.  相似文献   

Changes in phosphorus concentration and form along 110 km of the River Swale in Northern England were examined over a 2-year period during 1998-2000. This study aimed to use these data to identify the importance of within-channel storage on phosphorus dynamics and to determine the changes in longitudinal transport of phosphorus along a river continuum. The catchment was divided into three contrasting zones: the upland, dominated by sheep farming; a transitional zone, and an intensively-farmed lowland, impacted by sewage inputs. Samples, taken at the downstream extent of each zone at approximately 2-day intervals, were analysed for total phosphorus (TP), total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), all of which increased in concentration downstream. SRP concentrations were highest in summer and during low flows, although 92% of phosphorus was exported between autumn and spring. The TDP in the upper and transitional zones consisted of both soluble reactive and un-reactive phosphorus, but in marked contrast was almost entirely in soluble reactive form in the lowland. The majority (85%) of phosphorus exported from the catchment was generated within the lowland, due to sewage inputs and losses from intensive agricultural land. It was predominantly particulate-bound, due to interactions of dissolved phosphorus with suspended sediment. The upland contributed less than 5% to the TP annual budget. Intensive river water monitoring highlighted that the lowland dominated phosphorus export during the rising stage of storms (indicating a rapid mobilisation of fine phosphorus-rich sediment), whereas the transitional zone became dominant on the falling stage (due to greater diffuse phosphorus input).  相似文献   

Nasr A  Bruen M  Jordan P  Moles R  Kiely G  Byrne P 《Water research》2007,41(5):1065-1073
Recent extensive water quality surveys in Ireland revealed that diffuse phosphorus (P) pollution originating from agricultural land and transported by runoff and subsurface flows is the primary cause of the deterioration of surface water quality. P transport from land to water can be described by mathematical models that vary in modelling approach, complexity and scale (plot, field and catchment). Here, three mathematical models (soil water and analysis tools (SWAT), hydrological simulation program-FORTRAN (HSPF) and système hydrologique Européen TRANsport (SHETRAN)/grid oriented phosphorus component (GOPC)) of diffuse P pollution have been tested in three Irish catchments to explore their suitability in Irish conditions for future use in implementing the European Water Framework Directive. After calibrating the models, their daily flows and total phosphorus (TP) exports are compared and assessed. The HSPF model was the best at simulating the mean daily discharge while SWAT gave the best calibration results for daily TP loads. Annual TP exports for the three models and for two empirical models were compared with measured data. No single model is consistently better in estimating the annual TP export for all three catchments.  相似文献   

Chalk streams provide unique, environmentally important habitats, but are particularly susceptible to human activities, such as water abstraction, fish farming and intensive agricultural activity on their fertile flood-meadows, resulting in increased nutrient concentrations. Weekly phosphorus, nitrate, dissolved silicon, chloride and flow measurements were made at nine sites along a 32 km stretch of the River Frome and its tributaries, over a 15 month period. The stretch was divided into two sections (termed the middle and lower reach) and mass balances were calculated for each determinand by totalling the inputs from upstream, tributaries, sewage treatment works and an estimate of groundwater input, and subtracting this from the load exported from each reach. Phosphorus and nitrate were retained within the river channel during the summer months, due to bioaccumulation into river biota and adsorption of phosphorus to bed sediments. During the autumn to spring periods, there was a net export, attributed to increased diffuse inputs from the catchment during storms, decomposition of channel biomass and remobilisation of phosphorus from the bed sediment. This seasonality of retention and remobilisation was higher in the lower reach than the middle reach, which was attributed to downstream changes in land use and fine sediment availability. Silicon showed much less seasonality, but did have periods of rapid retention in spring, due to diatom uptake within the river channel, and a subsequent release from the bed sediments during storm events. Chloride did not produce a seasonal pattern, indicating that the observed phosphorus and nitrate seasonality was a product of annual variation in diffuse inputs and internal riverine processes, rather than an artefact of sampling, flow gauging and analytical errors.  相似文献   

The phosphorus content of fluvial sediment (suspended sediment and the < 63 microm fraction of floodplain and channel bed sediment) has been examined in contrasting rural (moorland and agricultural) and industrialized catchments in Yorkshire, UK. The River Swale drains a rural catchment with no major urban and industrial areas, and the total phosphorus (TP) content of fluvial sediment is generally within the range 500-1,500 microg g(-1). There is little evidence of any major downstream increase in TP content. In contrast, fluvial sediment from the industrialized catchments of the Rivers Aire and Calder exhibits both higher levels of TP content and marked downstream increases, with values of TP content ranging from < 2,000 microg g(-1) in headwater areas upstream of the main urban and industrial areas, to values > 7,000 microg g(-1) at downstream sites. These elevated levels reflect P inputs from point sources, such as sewage treatment works (STWs) and combined sewer overflows. The influence of STWs is further demonstrated by the downstream increase in the inorganic P/organic P ratio from < 2 in the headwaters to > 4 in the lower reaches. Comparison of the P content of suspended sediment with that of the <63 microm fraction of potential source materials suggests that topsoil from upland moorland/pasture and from cultivated areas, and channel bank material are likely to be the main sources of particulate P (PP) in the River Swale and in the headwaters of the Rivers Aire and Calder. In the middle and lower reaches of the Rivers Aire and Calder, inputs associated with urban and industrial land uses, such as STWs, industrial effluents and street dust, are likely to represent the dominant sources of PP. During high flow events, such urban inputs may be diluted by inputs from moorland and agricultural land in the headwaters. Consequently, for all three rivers, there are inverse relationships between the TP content of suspended sediment and both discharge and suspended sediment concentration, reflecting changes in sediment and P sources during high flow events. Spatial variations in the P contents of the < 63 microm fraction of overbank floodplain deposits and channel bed sediment evidence a similar pattern as those for suspended sediment, with relatively low levels of TP in the River Swale and elevated levels in the middle and downstream reaches of the Rivers Aire and Calder. The PP concentrations associated with floodplain and channel bed sediment are, however, lower than equivalent values for suspended sediment, and this primarily reflects the differences in the particle size composition between the three types of sediments. Rates of floodplain deposition and the amounts of fine-grained sediment stored in the river channels are relatively high, and suggest that such environments may represent important sinks for PP. Based on the sediment samples collected from the study basins, a simple four-fold classification which relates the TP content of suspended sediment to upstream land use has been established. Both the range and the absolute values of TP content tend to increase with an increase in the level of urbanization and industrialization.  相似文献   

The water quality of the River Thame, a tributary of the River Thames in the Thames basin, is described in relation to point and diffuse contaminant inputs and runoff from permeable and impermeable bedrock geology with their own characteristic water quality. The data is examined to see if the market town of Aylesbury in the upper part of the catchment influences water quality. Previous studies highlighted the influence of Aylesbury sewage treatment works (STW) on soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentrations in the river before and after phosphorus (P) stripping at the STW. Variations in water quality along the river are described and the study indicates that, apart from SRP, water quality determinants seem to be relatively unaffected by Aylesbury. The Thame water quality is compared with other catchment typologies and it is very similar to that of the main stem of the Thames even though the Thames is mainly Chalk groundwater fed. Differences in water quality largely link to the amount of STW effluent within the rivers and to the endmember compositions of the groundwater and near surface water sources.  相似文献   

This paper examines the behaviour of phosphorus (P) in a lowland chalk (Cretaceous-age) stream, the upper River Kennet in southern England, which has been subject to P remediation by tertiary treatment at the major sewage treatment works in the area. The effects of treatment are examined in relation to boron, a conservative tracer of sewage effluent and in terms of the relative contributions of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) loads from point and diffuse sources, and in-stream SRP loads. These results indicate a baseline reduction in in-stream SRP concentrations immediately following P-treatment of approximately 72%. Subsequent high flows result in a greater contribution of diffuse inputs and increases in SRP levels relative to the initial post-treatment period. The dynamics of SRP and particulate phosphorus (PP) are examined under a wide range of river flow conditions. Given the flashy nature of near-surface runoff in the River Kennet, sub-weekly (daily automated) sampling was used to examine the dynamics in SRP and PP concentrations in response to storm events. Simple empirical models linking weekly SRP concentrations with flow were developed. The empirical models were successfully applied to the daily data, to partition TP measurements and provide an estimate of daily SRP and PP concentrations. Mass balance studies were used to examine net gains and losses along the experimental river reach and indicate large net losses (up to 60%) during the extreme low flows and high SRP concentrations prior to P-treatment, which may be linked to extensive epiphytic growth. Phosphorus dynamics and response to P-treatment are discussed in relation to hydrological controls in permeable chalk catchments and wider implications for eutrophication management are examined.  相似文献   

Field drains were sampled at five farms in a catchment in south-central England. The farms were selected to include the main soil types present in the catchment, stagnogleys and pelosols. The phosphorus content of field drainage water was measured on several occasions from 1999 to 2000, under varying flow conditions. The components measured were soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) and total phosphorus (TP). SRP concentrations in drainage water were lower than in streams in the catchment which had no apparent point source. This indicated that many streams were receiving unidentified point sources of SRP. Measurements of P in field drainage water samples under high flow conditions showed concentrations of particulate phosphorus and SRP up to 1300 and 300 μg l−1, respectively, these being associated with high suspended sediment concentrations. Comparison of field drain and soil phosphorus contents at the locations sampled did not provide evidence of an inter-relationship. The equilibrium phosphorus content (EPC0) of surface soil was generally higher than the SRP content of drainage water, at one farm by 1 order of magnitude. The variability in measurements suggested a larger-scale and more focussed survey would be required to characterise catchment-scale phosphorus losses from commercial farms by land use and soil type.  相似文献   

Information is provided on phosphorus in the River Kennet and the adjacent Kennet and Avon Canal in southern England to assess their interactions and the changes following phosphorus reductions in sewage treatment work (STW) effluent inputs.A step reduction in soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration within the effluent (5 to 13 fold) was observed from several STWs discharging to the river in the mid-2000s. This translated to over halving of SRP concentrations within the lower Kennet. Lower Kennet SRP concentrations change from being highest under base-flow to highest under storm-flow conditions. This represented a major shift from direct effluent inputs to a within-catchment source dominated system characteristic of the upper part to the catchment. Average SRP concentrations in the lower Kennet reduced over time towards the target for good water quality. Critically, there was no corresponding reduction in chlorophyll-a concentration, the waters remaining eutrophic when set against standards for lakes.Following the up gradient input of the main water and SRP source (Wilton Water), SRP concentrations in the canal reduced down gradient to below detection limits at times near its junction with the Kennet downstream. However, chlorophyll concentrations in the canal were in an order of magnitude higher than in the river. This probably resulted from long water residence times and higher temperatures promoting progressive algal and suspended sediment generations that consumed SRP. The canal acted as a point source for sediment, algae and total phosphorus to the river especially during the summer months when boat traffic disturbed the canal's bottom sediments and the locks were being regularly opened. The short-term dynamics of this transfer was complex. For the canal and the supply source at Wilton Water, conditions remained hypertrophic when set against standards for lakes even when SRP concentrations were extremely low.  相似文献   

Variations in the concentration of determinands in rivers during storms often result in a hysteresis effect with different concentration during the rising and falling limb of the hydrograph. This is investigated here by measuring total phosphorus, particulate phosphorus and soluble reactive phosphorus at 3-h intervals at three points along the River Swale. Phosphorus concentration-discharge hysteresis from 10 storm events were quantified using an empirical model. The size and direction of the hysteresis loops were described by a response factor, and the slope of the loop quantified by a gradient constant. The modelled loops produced acceptable agreement with the field measurements. Hysteresis patterns for all phosphorus fractions changed markedly downstream, with predominantly anticlockwise trajectories in the upland moors (indicating a slow diffuse phosphorus delivery to the river) and clockwise in the intensively farmed lowland (indicating mobilisation of within-channel and riverbank phosphorus, and rapid inputs from field drains). The size of the hysteresis loops increased downstream, indicating an increased capacity for phosphorus storage and mobilisation within the lower catchment. During a succession of storms, lowland hysteresis loops decreased in magnitude, tending towards anticlockwise behaviour, indicating a depletion of mobile phosphorus from the river channel and margins. The modelling of hysteresis trajectories offers a convenient method of determining the relative contributions of diffuse and within-channel phosphorus sources.  相似文献   

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