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论述了用多层感知器神经网络检测非高斯噪声中确知信号与随机信号的工作原理,网络结构和训练算法,讨论了几种非高斯噪声中信号的神经网络检测器性能。计算机仿真证明,在非高斯噪声条件下神经网络检测性能优于线性最佳匹配滤波器检测器和局部最佳检测器。 相似文献
了非主斯噪声中信号的检测,采用多层感知器神经网络作为检测器。介绍了工作原理、网络结构和训练算法。计算机仿真证明在非主斯噪声条件下神经网络检测器性能优于线性最佳匹配滤波器检测器的局部最佳检测器。 相似文献
非高斯非平稳噪声的干扰问题在通信过程中是经常出现的。在非高斯非平稳背景噪声下,以前经常使用经典信号检测理论对信号进行检测,很难取得较为理想的效果。基于小波变换以及小波去噪原理,提出一种新的阈值处理方法,该方法能有效地去除噪声,使有用信号能从非高斯非平稳噪声中检测出来。实验结果表明,新方法不但去噪效果明显,而且获得了较高的分辨率和信噪比,检测性能较为理想,是对信号检测理论的一种有效推广。 相似文献
EM算法是一种从"不完全数据"中求解模型参数的极大似然估计的方法,在非高斯噪声的参数估计问题中是一种比较优秀的算法。非高斯噪声的参数估计问题的主要困难是充分统计量是不存在的,这意味着从观测空间到估计空间的映射依赖于这里试图估计的参数。在未知噪声概率密度的情况下,EM算法可以更准确地对非高斯噪声参数进行估计,估计方差接近C-R下界。 相似文献
针对随机共振(SR)以高斯噪声为研究背景的局限性,为了分析非高斯噪声对级联随机共振的影响且验证在双模非高斯噪声中级联随机共振的降噪及波形整形特性的可靠性,提出了级联双稳随机共振系统在双模非高斯情况下的微弱信号检测方法。输入信号在进行信号检测过程中,首先把概率密度函数作为随机共振现象的衡量指标,然后当系统处于最佳随机共振状态时,分析了非高斯参数、相关时间及噪声强度之间的关系。最后通过仿真证实,与一级SR相比,二级SR的噪声强度和相关时间的可用范围随着非高斯参数的减少不仅会得到增大,而且滤波特性、信号检测效果得到明显提高。 相似文献
为改善非高斯背景噪声下的信号检测性能,提出了采用非线性阈值系统的信号检测算法.该算法首先利用阈值系统对接收信号进行预处理,其次采用最小平均错误概率准则对预处理后的信号进行检测,最后推导了所提检测算法的误码率解析表达式并给出仿真验证.理论分析和仿真结果表明:在高斯背景噪声下,线性最佳检测算法的检测性能优于所提检测算法;在非高斯背景噪声下,所提检测算法的检测性能较线性最佳检测算法有显著提升. 相似文献
水声信号的非高斯特性分析与检测方法的研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文研究了海洋环境噪声和船舶噪声的高斯性,通过实验研究发现,纯净的海洋环境噪声(夜晚无行船时)呈现出高斯性,反之是非高斯;船舶噪声是服从非高斯的,另外无论海洋环境噪声,还是船舶噪声,在相等样本长度下,在不同频段的高斯性上也有差异,分析频段越低,统计量越大,反之统计量越小.基于高阶累积量T2在船舶由远及近的过程中的变化规律,研究了非高斯背景下非高斯信号的一种检测方法,即在海洋环境噪声下检测船舶噪声的方法.通过实船实验得到了满意的结果. 相似文献
提出了一种提高接收机性能的新方法。该方法通过对信道传输信号波形的特征参数测量,分析传输信号的成形方式,根据成形参数设计最佳接收滤波器,有效降低码间串扰和信道噪声对接收机性能的影响,并在噪声信道环境下进行了仿真研究,使用了采样统计方差、信噪比和眼图3种方法对接收机性能进行分析,结果表明,该方法能够有效提高接收机的性能。 相似文献
《IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering》2009,56(5):1435-1441
The theory of asympoticalllly optimum detection in nonGaussian noise is considered to synthesize a space-diversity structure for the noncoherent detection of a bandpass signal subject to amplitude fluctuations. An asymptotic sufficient statistic is obtained for arbitrary fading laws on the diversity branches and, then, for Rayleigh-distributed amplitude fluctuations, the asymptotically optimum detector is synthesized. The performance of the proposed detection structure is obtained and numerical results and comments are presented. Moreover, a comparison between the asymptotically optimum detector and a simple suboptimum structure is made. 相似文献
《Communications, IEEE Transactions on》2004,52(5):855-855
Analytical Performance of the LMS Algorithm on the Estimation of Wide Sense Stationary Channels The performance of the least mean square (LMS) algorithm on the estimation of time-varying channels is analytically evaluated, using the estimation error-correlation matrix, the mean-square weight error (MSWE), and the mean-square estimation error (MSE) as parameters. Expressions for those parameters are obtained from a set of hypotheses usually adopted in the communication systems context. The channel is modeled as a wide sense stationary (WSS) discrete-time stochastic field with known autocorrelation. The expressions for the steady-state MSWE and MSE are specialized for the class of WSS channel models, and an original analysis of the optimum LMS step-size parameter for usual channel models is addressed. For the sake of comparison with other works, the analytical step-size optimization for random-walk models is also considered. Several estimates of MSWE curves obtained by computer simulation are compared with analytical results for validation purposes. A very good agreement between simulated and analytical results for both the MSWE expressions and the optimum value of the LMS step-size parameter is shown. 相似文献
Since the normally assumed white Gaussian interference is the most destructive in terms of minimizing channel capacity, substantial improvement can usually be obtained if the real-world interference environment (non-Gaussian) is properly taken into account. In this paper, the performance of the locally optimum Bayes detector (LOBD) is compared to the performance of various ad hoc nonlinear detection schemes. The known results are reviewed, and then it is demonstrated that these theoretical results may be misleading due to the assumptions that are required in order to derive them analytically. For a particular type of broad-band impulsive noise, the critical assumptions of "sufficiently" small signal level and large number of samples (large time-bandwidth product so that the central limit theorem applies) are removed; the first analytically, and the second by computer simulation. The thus-derived performance characteristics are then compared, especially as the signal level increases. One result is that there are situations where the bandpass limiter outperforms the LOBD as the signal level increases; that is, the locally optimum detector may not remain "near optimum" in actual operational situations. 相似文献
Two structures based on pilot symbol-aided channel receiver estimation are considered for the separately-correlated Rician fading MIMO channel. Mismatched receiver, which A decodes the received signal by first using maximum-likelihood (ML) or mean- minimum error square (MMSE) estimation of the MIMO channel matrix, and then by assuming that the estimate is exact. An optimum receiver, which does not estimate explicitly the matrix but jointly channel processes the received pilot and samples assuming known channel distribution. 相似文献
The problem of deriving "optimum" receiver structures for synchronization of BPSK, QPSK, and unbalanced QPSK (UQPSK) modulations has been addressed by many authors starting with the wellknown maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation technique as motivation. In general, the closed loop structures which result from application of this theory are impractical because of the difficulty of implementing the hyperbolic tangent nonlinearity which is suggested by using the gradient of the likelihood function as an error control signal in the loop. To arrive at practical realizations, one ordinarily approximates this nonlinearity with simpler, more easily implementable functions. This paper reexamines some of these approximations and the optimum structures which result. Using a slightly more sophisticated approximation of the nonlinearity, new and interesting structures are presented which overcome some of the deficiencies posed by MAP receiver structures for QPSK and UQPSK suggested by authors in the past. The equivalence of the QPSK structure with the well-known quadriphase Costas loop is discussed. Furthermore, it is argued that the new UQPSK structure allows carrier reconstruction at all ratios of data rates and powers in the two channels even in the limit of balanced QPSK. 相似文献
The structure of the locally optimum space-diversity detector for coherent detection of a bandpass signal subject to amplitude fluctuations in the presence of narrow-band non-Gaussian noise is derived and its large-sample performance is evaluated. For easy implementation a suboptimum structure is proposed. It consists of local detectors performing independent local decisions and of a central processor that, working according to simple logical schemes (OR or AND), performs the global decision based on the local ones. Numerical results and a comparison between the performances of both proposed structures are presented and discussed. 相似文献