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提出了一种适用于求解混合整数非线性规划(MINLP)方法(GA-SQP),针对确定型算法在NLP子问题复杂的情况下难以在有限时间内收敛的问题,将MINLP问题分解为一系列简单的NLP子问题,外层用遗传算法搜索最优的整数变量集,内层执行SQP算法解决NLP问题,相比传统的确定性算法,它能减少模型本身的非凸性,从而消除双线性项的求解困难,而相对于智能算法,它充分利用梯度信息,在求解NLP问题上具有明显的效率优势。在改进求解效率上,进一步引入存储机制,减少NLP重复求解从而加速收敛。最后以3个常用的测试函数和水处理网络问题为例,数值计算表明本文提出的方法搜索精度明显优秀于传统的确定型算法和启发式算法。 相似文献
一种基于罚函数的机器人路径规划方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
给出了一种基于罚函数的机器人路径规划方法;这种方法将机器人的路径规划由一系列带约束非线形规划问题转化为一系列无约束非线形规划问题来求解,仿真结果表明,罚函数方法是一种富有效率的解决机器人路径规划问题的方法,能够大幅度降低运算时间的复杂性,提高移动机器人的实时性。 相似文献
为提高差分进化算法的局部搜索能力和避开罚函数方法中罚参数选择问题,提出一种混沌局部搜索策略的差分进化算法(CLSDE)用于解决非线性混合整数规划问题.CLSDE中,只对目标函数中的变量进行编码,约束条件函数中的变量随机产生,每代进化完毕后,对最优个体进行混沌局部搜索.6个基本的测试函数实验结果证明CLSDE比MIHDE具有较好的寻优能力. 相似文献
在经典微粒群算法的基础上提出一种有较高收敛性能的智能算法:量子粒子群(QPSO)算法。并用于求解混合整数非线性规划问题。实验室证明QPSO算法收敛性能好、速度快,为求解混合整数非线性规划开辟了新途径。 相似文献
在科学及工程系统设计中存在许多混合整数非线性规划MINLP(Mixed-Integer Non Linear Programming)问题,该类问题变量类型丰富且约束条件较多,难以求解,为此提出一种改进果蝇算法。该算法对不同类型变量的更新采取不同的策略,并采用周期性的步长函数指导果蝇的寻优,使其避免陷入局部最优。并通过与另外两种常用的算法在稳定性、收敛速度等方面进行了比较,实验结果表明该改进的果蝇算法效果较优,能有效地解决MINLP问题。 相似文献
一类非线性整数规划问题的计算机求解 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
文章针对一类具有特殊性质的非线性整数规划问题,提出了一种具有剔除选择的计算机求解的方法。该求解方法的提出,对解决现实生活中这一类非线性整数规划问题,提供了一种切实可行的途径,这为此类问题的决策提供了有效的手段。 相似文献
混合整数非线性规划问题(mixed-integer nonlinear programming,MINLP) 广泛应用于科学及工程系统设计,传统的群智能算法在求解混合整数规划问题时,未能很好地解决种群内部个体或者种群之间开采与探索、竞争与协作的矛盾。为了解决这两个矛盾及更高效率地寻优,提出一种基于金字塔结构的群智能演化策略(swarm intelligent evolution strategy based on pyramid structure)的PES算法来求解混合整数规划问题。PES算法中明确的分工机制能够平衡全局与局部搜索的能力,晋升机制解决了种群间竞争与协作的矛盾。利用标准测试函数进行仿真,对比改进的粒子群算法(CLSPSO、CLSPSO2)及改进的差分进化算法(ridDE、ridDE2)的结果,发现PES算法在成功率与精度方面具有优势,也体现了PES算法的有效性。 相似文献
This study addresses a problem called cost‐minimizing target setting in data envelopment analysis (DEA) methodology. The problem is how to make an inefficient decision‐making unit efficient by allocating to it as few organizational resources as possible, assuming that the marginal costs of reducing inputs or increasing outputs are known and available, which is different from previous furthest and closest DEA targets setting methods. In this study, an existed cost minimizing target setting heuristics approach based on input‐oriented model is examined to show that there exist some limitations. This study develops a simple mixed integer linear programming to determine the desired targets on the strongly efficient frontier based on non‐oriented DEA model considering the situation in the presence of known marginal costs of reducing inputs and increasing outputs simultaneously. Some experiments with the simulated datasets are conducted, and results show that the proposed model can obtain more accurate projections with lower costs compared with those from furthest and closest target setting approaches. Besides, the proposed model can be realistic and efficient in solving cost‐minimizing target setting problem. 相似文献
This article develops a multi-choice multi-objective linear programming model in order to solve an integrated production planning problem of a steel plant. The aim of the integrated production planning problem is to integrate the planning sub-functions into a single planning operation. The sub-functions are formulated by considering the capacity of different units of the plant, cost of raw materials from various territories, demands of customers in different geographical locations, time constraint for delivery the products, production cost and production rate at different stages of production process. Departure cost is also considered in the formulation of mathematical programming model. Some of the parameters are decided from a set of possible choices, therefore such parameters are considered as multi-choice type. Multi-choice mathematical programming problem cannot be solved directly. Therefore an equivalent multi-objective mathematical programming model is established in order to find the optimal solution of the problem. Computation of the mathematical programming model is performed with the practical production data of a plant to study the methodology. 相似文献
This paper proposes an extension to trajectory optimization using mixed‐integer linear programming. The purpose of the extension is to ensure that avoidance constraints are respected at all times between discrete samples, not just at the sampling times themselves. The method is very simple and involves applying the same switched constraints at adjacent time steps. This requires fewer additional constraints than the existing approach and is shown to reduce computation time. A key benefit of efficient inter‐sample avoidance is the facility to reduce the number of time steps without having to compensate by enlarging the obstacles. A further extension to the principle is presented to account for curved paths between samples, proving useful in cases where narrow passageways are traversed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
We present an exact algorithm for the bilevel mixed integer linear programming (BMILP) problem under three simplifying assumptions. Although BMILP has been studied for decades and widely applied to various real world problems, there are only a few BMILP algorithms. Compared to these existing ones, our new algorithm relies on fewer and weaker assumptions, explicitly considers finite optimal, infeasible, and unbounded cases, and is proved to terminate finitely and correctly. We report results of our computational experiments on a small library of BMILP test instances, which we created and made publicly available online. 相似文献
Greger Ottosson Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson John N. Hooker 《Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence》2002,34(4):271-290
The complementing strengths of Constraint (Logic) Programming (CLP) and Mixed Integer Programming (IP) have recently received significant attention. Although various optimization and constraint programming packages at a first glance seem to support mixed models, the modeling and solution techniques encapsulated are still rudimentary. Apart from exchanging bounds for variables and objective, little is known of what constitutes a good hybrid model and how a hybrid solver can utilize the complementary strengths of inference and relaxations. This paper adds to the field by identifying constraints as the essential link between CLP and IP and introduces an algorithm for bidirectional inference through these constraints. Together with new search strategies for hybrid solvers and cut-generating mixed global constraints, solution speed is improved over both traditional IP codes and newer mixed solvers. 相似文献
Sydney C.K. Chu 《International Transactions in Operational Research》1994,1(3):271-283
The background of this study is a rather classical but complex inventory control/production planning/line scheduling problem of a major soft-drink company in Hong Kong. The issue that stands out for this many-product high-sales manufacturer is the storage space of its central warehouse, which often finds itself in the state of overflow or near capacity with finished goods and work-in-process inventory. This phenomenon can create immediate interruptions of production, capital tie-ups and subsequent potential of lost sales. Another obviously important concern is the meeting of forecast demands. A mathematical modelling approach that entails techniques of multi-period aggregate optimization is proposed to tackle the overall problem. The dual objectives are to achieve better production planning and line scheduling in order to minimize inventory build-up and maximize demand satisfaction. Numerical results for a sample problem are reported as an illustration to this proposed two-phase approach. 相似文献
The minimax regret solution to a linear program with interval objective function coefficients can be found using an algorithm that, at each iteration, solves a linear program to generate a candidate solution and a mixed integer program to find the corresponding maximum regret. This paper presents a new formulation for the latter problem that exploits the piecewise linear structure of the cost coefficients. Computational results indicate that this yields a stronger formulation than the previous approach. 相似文献
面向家具、电器等货物的物流配送场景,研究带二维装箱约束的车辆路径问题(2L–CVRP),构建了2L–CVRP的混合整数线性规划模型.为求解大规模2L–CVRP,构建了该问题集合划分模型,提出基于分支定价的方法.针对分支节点的松弛模型,基于列生成策略将其分解为线性规划主问题、带资源和二维装箱约束的最短路径子问题,并提出基于ng-route松弛策略的标签算法和基于禁忌搜索的装箱算法有效求解复杂子问题.仿真结果表明,提出的方法可高效求解大规模2L–CVRP,其中ng-route松弛策略能有效提升算法求解效率,研究成果为装箱约束下大规模车辆路径问题的高效求解提供了有效途径. 相似文献
Jens Erik Hansen Sten Bay Jørgensen Jonathan Heath John D. Perkins 《Journal of Process Control》1998,8(3):185-195
This paper treats a case study on control structure selection for an almost binary distillation column. The column is energy integrated with a heat pump in order to transfer heat from the condenser to the reboiler. This integrated plant configuration renders the possible control structures somewhat different from what is usual for binary distillation columns. Further the heat pump enables disturbances to propagate faster through the system. The plant has six possible actuators of which three must be used to stabilize the system. Hereby three actuators are left for product purity control. An MILP screening method based on a linear state space model is used to determine economically optimal sets of controlled and manipulated variables. The generated sets of inputs and outputs are analysed with frequency dependent relative gain array (RGA), relative disturbance gain (RDG) and condition number (CN) to determine the best structure in terms disturbance rejection and setpoint tracking. The pairing and controller design are implemented and evaluated through nonlinear simulation. The suggested control structure is also qualitatively compared to a control structure applied experimentally. 相似文献
面向家具、电器等货物的物流配送场景, 研究带二维装箱约束的车辆路径问题(2L–CVRP), 构建了2L–CVRP的混合整数线性规划模型. 为求解大规模2L–CVRP, 构建了该问题集合划分模型, 提出基于分支定价的方法.针对分支节点的松弛模型, 基于列生成策略将其分解为线性规划主问题、带资源和二维装箱约束的最短路径子问题, 并提出基于ng-route松弛策略的标签算法和基于禁忌搜索的装箱算法有效求解复杂子问题. 仿真结果表明, 提出的方法可高效求解大规模2L–CVRP, 其中ng-route松弛策略能有效提升算法求解效率, 研究成果为装箱约束下大规模车辆路径问题的高效求解提供了有效途径. 相似文献