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Distance labeling schemes are composed of a marker algorithm for labeling the vertices of a graph with short labels, coupled with a decoder algorithm allowing one to compute the distance between any two vertices directly from their labels (without using any additional information). As applications for distance labeling schemes concern mainly large and dynamically changing networks, it is of interest to study distributed dynamic labeling schemes. The current paper considers the problem on dynamic trees, and proposes efficient distributed schemes for it. The paper first presents a labeling scheme for distances in the dynamic tree model, with amortized message complexity O(log2 n) per operation, where n is the size of the tree at the time the operation takes place. The protocol maintains O(log2 n) bit labels. This label size is known to be optimal even in the static scenario. A more general labeling scheme is then introduced for the dynamic tree model, based on extending an existing static tree labeling scheme to the dynamic setting. The approach fits a number of natural tree functions, such as distance, separation level, and flow. The main resulting scheme incurs an overhead of an O(log n) multiplicative factor in both the label size and amortized message complexity in the case of dynamically growing trees (with no vertex deletions). If an upper bound on n is known in advance, this method yields a different tradeoff, with an O(log2 n/log log n) multiplicative overhead on the label size but only an O(log n/log log n) overhead on the amortized message complexity. In the fully dynamic model the scheme also incurs an increased additive overhead in amortized communication, of O(log2 n) messages per operation.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient scheme maintaining a separator decomposition representation in dynamic trees using asymptotically optimal labels. In order to maintain the short labels, the scheme uses relatively low message complexity. In particular, if the initial dynamic tree contains only the root, then the scheme incurs an O(log4 n) amortized message complexity per topology change, where n is the current number of vertices in the tree. As a separator decomposition is a fundamental decomposition of trees used extensively as a component in many static graph algorithms, our dynamic scheme for separator decomposition may be used for constructing dynamic versions to these algorithms. The paper then shows how to use our dynamic separator decomposition to construct efficient labeling schemes on dynamic trees, using the same message complexity as our dynamic separator scheme. Specifically, we construct efficient routing schemes on dynamic trees, for both the designer and the adversary port models, which maintain optimal labels, up to a multiplicative factor of O(log log n). In addition, it is shown how to use our dynamic separator decomposition scheme to construct dynamic labeling schemes supporting the ancestry and NCA relations using asymptotically optimal labels, as well as to extend a known result on dynamic distance labeling schemes. Supported in part at the Technion by an Aly Kaufman fellowship. Supported in part by a grant from the Israel Science Foundation.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the notion of informative labeling schemes for arbitrary graphs. Let f(W) be a function on subsets of vertices W. An f labeling scheme labels the vertices of a weighted graph G in such a way that f(W) can be inferred (or at least approximated) efficiently for any vertex subset W of G by merely inspecting the labels of the vertices of W, without having to use any additional information sources.A number of results illustrating this notion are presented in the paper. We begin by developing f labeling schemes for three functions f over the class of n-vertex trees. The first function, SepLevel, gives the separation level of any two vertices in the tree, namely, the depth of their least common ancestor. The second, LCA, provides the least common ancestor of any two vertices. The third, Center, yields the center of any three given vertices v1,v2,v3 in the tree, namely, the unique vertex z connected to them by three edge-disjoint paths. All of these three labeling schemes use O-bit labels, which is shown to be asymptotically optimal.Our main results concern the function Steiner(W), defined for weighted graphs. For any vertex subset W in the weighted graph G, Steiner(W) represents the weight of the Steiner tree spanning the vertices of W in G. Considering the class of n-vertex trees with M-bit edge weights, it is shown that for this class there exists a Steiner labeling scheme using O((M+logn)logn) bit labels, which is asymptotically optimal. It is then shown that for the class of arbitrary n-vertex graphs with M-bit edge weights, there exists an approximate-Steiner labeling scheme, providing an estimate (up to a factor of O(logn)) for the Steiner weight Steiner(W) of a given set of vertices W, using O bit labels.  相似文献   

Let F be a function on pairs of vertices. An F-labeling scheme is composed of a marker algorithm for labeling the vertices of a graph with short labels, coupled with a decoder algorithm allowing one to compute F(u, v) for any two vertices u and v directly from their labels. As applications for labeling schemes concern mainly large and dynamically changing networks, it is of interest to study distributed dynamic labeling schemes. This paper investigates labeling schemes for dynamic trees. We consider two dynamic tree models, namely, the leaf-dynamic tree model in which at each step a leaf can be added to or removed from the tree and the leaf-increasing tree model in which the only topological event that may occur is that a leaf joins the tree. A general method for constructing labeling schemes for dynamic trees (under the above mentioned dynamic tree models) was previously developed in Korman et al. (Theory Comput Syst 37:49–75, 2004). This method is based on extending an existing static tree labeling scheme to the dynamic setting. This approach fits many natural functions on trees, such as distance, separation level, ancestry relation, routing (in both the adversary and the designer port models), nearest common ancestor etc.. Their resulting dynamic schemes incur overheads (over the static scheme) on the label size and on the communication complexity. In particular, all their schemes yield a multiplicative overhead factor of Ω(log n) on the label sizes of the static schemes. Following (Korman et al., Theory Comput Syst 37:49–75, 2004), we develop a different general method for extending static labeling schemes to the dynamic tree settings. Our method fits the same class of tree functions. In contrast to the above paper, our trade-off is designed to minimize the label size, sometimes at the expense of communication. Informally, for any function k(n) and any static F-labeling scheme on trees, we present an F-labeling scheme on dynamic trees incurring multiplicative overhead factors (over the static scheme) of on the label size and on the amortized message complexity. In particular, by setting for any , we obtain dynamic labeling schemes with asymptotically optimal label sizes and sublinear amortized message complexity for the ancestry relation, the id-based and label-based nearest common ancestor relation and the routing function. Supported in part at the Technion by an Aly Kaufman fellowship.  相似文献   

A chordal ring G(n;c) of degree 4 is a ring of n nodes with chords connecting each vertex i to the vertex (i + c) mod n . In this paper we investigate compact routing schemes on such networks. We show an optimal boolean routing scheme for any such network that requires O( log n) bits of storage at each node, and O(1) time to compute a shortest path to any destination. This improves on the results of [16] which gives a linear time algorithm for such networks and [6] where efficient routing schemes for certain fixed values of c were developed. Further, we show several bounds on interval routing schemes for such networks. We show that while every chordal ring has an optimal interval routing scheme with at most intervals on any edge, there exist chordal rings for which any optimal interval routing scheme that labels the vertices around the ring in the graph requires intervals on some edges. Additionally, there are chordal rings which admit no optimal one-interval routing schemes, regardless of the vertex labeling. We also consider interval routing schemes under relaxed requirements for the lengths of paths. Received September 5, 1997; revised December 1, 1997.  相似文献   

Annotating maps, graphs, and diagrams with pieces of text is an important step in information visualization that is usually referred to as label placement. We define nine label-placement models for labeling points with axis-parallel rectangles given a weight for each point. There are two groups: fixed-position models and slider models. We aim to maximize the weight sum of those points that receive a label. We first compare our models by giving bounds for the ratios between the weights of maximum-weight labelings in different models. Then we present algorithms for labeling n points with unit-height rectangles. We show how an O(n\log n)-time factor-2 approximation algorithm and a PTAS for fixed-position models can be extended to handle the weighted case. Our main contribution is the first algorithm for weighted sliding labels. Its approximation factor is (2+\varepsilon), it runs in O(n 2/\varepsilon) time and uses O(n/\varepsilon) space. We show that other than for fixed-position models even the projection to one dimension remains NP-hard. For slider models we also investigate some special cases, namely (a) the number of different point weights is bounded, (b) all labels are unit squares, and (c) the ratio between maximum and minimum label height is bounded.  相似文献   

Annotating maps, graphs, and diagrams with pieces of text is an important step in information visualization that is usually referred to as label placement. We define nine label-placement models for labeling points with axis-parallel rectangles given a weight for each point. There are two groups: fixed-position models and slider models. We aim to maximize the weight sum of those points that receive a label. We first compare our models by giving bounds for the ratios between the weights of maximum-weight labelings in different models. Then we present algorithms for labeling n points with unit-height rectangles. We show how an O(n\log n)-time factor-2 approximation algorithm and a PTAS for fixed-position models can be extended to handle the weighted case. Our main contribution is the first algorithm for weighted sliding labels. Its approximation factor is (2+\varepsilon), it runs in O(n 2/\varepsilon) time and uses O(n/\varepsilon) space. We show that other than for fixed-position models even the projection to one dimension remains NP-hard. For slider models we also investigate some special cases, namely (a) the number of different point weights is bounded, (b) all labels are unit squares, and (c) the ratio between maximum and minimum label height is bounded.  相似文献   

We consider a facility location problem, where the objective is to “disperse” a number of facilities, i.e., select a given number k of locations from a discrete set of n candidates, such that the average distance between selected locations is maximized. In particular, we present algorithmic results for the case where vertices are represented by points in d-dimensional space, and edge weights correspond to rectilinear distances. Problems of this type have been considered before, with the best result being an approximation algorithm with performance ratio 2. For the case where k is fixed, we establish a linear-time algorithm that finds an optimal solution. For the case where k is part of the input, we present a polynomial-time approximation scheme.  相似文献   

The problem of verifying a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) was introduced by Tarjan in a sequential setting. Given a graph and a tree that spans it, the algorithm is required to check whether this tree is an MST. This paper investigates the problem in the distributed setting, where the input is given in a distributed manner, i.e., every node “knows” which of its own emanating edges belong to the tree. Informally, the distributed MST verification problem is the following. Label the vertices of the graph in such a way that for every node, given (its own state and label and) the labels of its neighbors only, the node can detect whether these edges are indeed its MST edges. In this paper, we present such a verification scheme with a maximum label size of O(log n log W), where n is the number of nodes and W is the largest weight of an edge. We also give a matching lower bound of Ω(log n log W) (as long as W > (log n)1+ε for some fixed ε > 0). Both our bounds improve previously known bounds for the problem. For the related problem of tree sensitivity also presented by Tarjan, our method yields rather efficient schemes for both the distributed and the sequential settings. A preliminary version of this work was presented in ACM PODC 2006. A. Korman was supported in part at the Technion by an Aly Kaufman fellowship. S. Kutten was supported in part by a grant from the Israeli Ministry for Science and Technology.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm to approximate edit distance between two ordered and rooted trees of bounded degree. In this algorithm, each input tree is transformed into a string by computing the Euler string, where labels of some edges in the input trees are modified so that structures of small subtrees are reflected to the labels. We show that the edit distance between trees is at least 1/6 and at most O(n 3/4) of the edit distance between the transformed strings, where n is the maximum size of two input trees and we assume unit cost edit operations for both trees and strings. The algorithm works in O(n 2) time since computation of edit distance and reconstruction of tree mapping from string alignment takes O(n 2) time though transformation itself can be done in O(n) time.  相似文献   

Let f be a function on pairs of vertices. An f -labeling scheme for a family of graphs ℱ labels the vertices of all graphs in ℱ such that for every graph G∈ℱ and every two vertices u,vG, f(u,v) can be inferred by merely inspecting the labels of u and v. The size of a labeling scheme is the maximum number of bits used in a label of any vertex in any graph in ℱ. This paper illustrates that the notion of universal matrices can be used to efficiently construct f-labeling schemes.  相似文献   

Shortest distance queries are essential not only in graph analysis and graph mining tasks but also in database applications, when a large graph needs to be dealt with. Such shortest distance queries are frequently issued by end-users or requested as a subroutine in real applications. For intensive queries on large graphs, it is impractical to compute shortest distances on-line from scratch, and impractical to materialize all-pairs shortest distances. In the literature, 2-hop distance labeling is proposed to index the all-pairs shortest distances. It assigns distance labels to vertices in a large graph in a pre-computing step off-line and then answers shortest distance queries on-line by making use of such distance labels, which avoids exhaustively traversing the large graph when answering queries. However, the existing algorithms to generate 2-hop distance labels are not scalable to large graphs. Finding an optimal 2-hop distance labeling is NP-hard, and heuristic algorithms may generate large size distance labels while still needing to pre-compute all-pairs shortest paths. In this paper, we propose a multi-hop distance labeling approach, which generates a subset of the 2-hop distance labels as index off-line. We can compute the multi-hop distance labels efficiently by avoiding pre-computing all-pairs shortest paths. In addition, our multi-hop distance labeling is small in size to be stored. To answer a shortest distance query between two vertices, we first generate the query-specific small set of 2-hop distance labels for the two vertices based on our multi-hop distance labels stored and compute the shortest distance between the two vertices based on the 2-hop distance labels generated on-line. We conducted extensive performance studies on large real graphs and confirmed the efficiency of our multi-hop distance labeling scheme.  相似文献   

A class of polygons termedunimodal is introduced. LetP = P1,p 2,...,p n be a simplen-vertex polygon. Given a fixed vertex or edge, several definitions of the distance between the fixed vertex or edge and any other vertex or edge are considered. For a fixed vertex (edge), a distance measure defines a distance function as the remaining vertices (edges) are traversed in order. If for every vertex (edge) ofP a specified distance function is unimodal thenP is a unimodal polygon in the corresponding sense. Relationships between unimodal polygons, in several senses, andconvex polygons are established. Several properties are derived for unimodal polygons when the distance measure is the euclidean distance between vertices of the polygons. These properties lead to very simple 0(n) algorithms for solving a variety of problems that occur in computational geometry and pattern recognition. Furthermore, these algorithms establish that convexity is not the key factor in obtaining linear-time-complexity for solving these problems. The paper closes with several open questions in this area.  相似文献   

The design of distributed cooperative H optimal controllers for multi-agent systems is a major challenge when the agents’ models are uncertain multi-input and multi-output nonlinear systems in strict-feedback form in the presence of external disturbances. In this paper, first, the distributed cooperative H optimal tracking problem is transformed into controlling the cooperative tracking error dynamics in affine form. Second, control schemes and online algorithms are proposed via adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) and the theory of zero-sum differential graphical games. The schemes use only one neural network (NN) for each agent instead of three from ADP to reduce computational complexity as well as avoid choosing initial NN weights for stabilising controllers. It is shown that despite not using knowledge of cooperative internal dynamics, the proposed algorithms not only approximate values to Nash equilibrium but also guarantee all signals, such as the NN weight approximation errors and the cooperative tracking errors in the closed-loop system, to be uniformly ultimately bounded. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is shown by simulation results of an application to wheeled mobile multi-robot systems.  相似文献   

We show that the vertices of an edge-weighted undirected graph can be labeled with labels of size O(n) such that the exact distance between any two vertices can be inferred from their labels alone in time. This improves the previous best exact distance labeling scheme that also requires O(n)-sized labels but time to compute the distance. Our scheme is almost optimal as exact distance labeling is known to require labels of length Ω(n).  相似文献   

A linear arrangement is a mapping π from the n vertices of a graph G to n distinct consecutive integers. Linear arrangements can be represented by drawing the vertices along a horizontal line and drawing the edges as semicircles above said line. In this setting, the length of an edge is defined as the absolute value of the difference between the positions of its two vertices in the arrangement, and the cost of an arrangement as the sum of all edge lengths. Here we study two variants of the Maximum Linear Arrangement problem (MaxLA), which consists of finding an arrangement that maximizes the cost. In the planar variant for free trees, vertices have to be arranged in such a way that there are no edge crossings. In the projective variant for rooted trees, arrangements have to be planar and the root of the tree cannot be covered by any edge. In this paper we present algorithms that are linear in time and space to solve planar and projective MaxLA for trees. We also prove several properties of maximum projective and planar arrangements, and show that caterpillar trees maximize planar MaxLA over all trees of a fixed size thereby generalizing a previous extremal result on trees.  相似文献   

A coloring of a tree is convex if the vertices that pertain to any color induce a connected subtree; a partial coloring (which assigns colors to some of the vertices) is convex if it can be completed to a convex (total) coloring. Convex colorings of trees arise in areas such as phylogenetics, linguistics, etc., e.g., a perfect phylogenetic tree is one in which the states of each character induce a convex coloring of the tree.When a coloring of a tree is not convex, it is desirable to know “how far” it is from a convex one, and what are the convex colorings which are “closest” to it. In this paper we study a natural definition of this distance—the recoloring distance, which is the minimal number of color changes at the vertices needed to make the coloring convex. We show that finding this distance is NP-hard even for a colored string (a path), and for some other interesting variants of the problem. In the positive side, we present algorithms for computing the recoloring distance under some natural generalizations of this concept: the first generalization is the uniform weighted model, where each vertex has a weight which is the cost of changing its color. The other is the non-uniform model, in which the cost of coloring a vertex v by a color d is an arbitrary non-negative number cost(v,d). Our first algorithms find optimal convex recolorings of strings and bounded degree trees under the non-uniform model in time which, for any fixed number of colors, is linear in the input size. Next we improve these algorithm for the uniform model to run in time which is linear in the input size for a fixed number of bad colors, which are colors which violate convexity in some natural sense. Finally, we generalize the above result to hold for trees of unbounded degree.  相似文献   

In contrast to the conventional representation of the Hamiltonian cycles in the hypercubes as ring sequences of the numbers of the vertices, the paper proposed to represent the weights of edges connecting the pairs of adjacent cycle vertices as the ring sequences. The weight of an edge is the difference between the numbers of its incident vertices. Relying on the representation of Hamiltonian cycles by sequences of the edge weights, decomposition of the cycle set into classes defined by the distributions of numbers of different edge weights, as well as into kinds belonging to classes and defined by the distributions of edge weights was proposed. It was shown how by the operations of shift and permutation of edge weight one can obtain from the known sequence of edge weights representing some Hamiltonian cycle in the n-dimensional cube at least n!-1 other Hamiltonian cycles of the same class and kind. It was shown how one can pass from the class and kind of the Hamiltonian cycles for the n-dimensional cube to a similar class and kind of the Hamiltonian cycles for the (n+1)-dimensional cube.  相似文献   

We consider a facility location problem, where the objective is to disperse a number of facilities, i.e., select a given number k of locations from a discrete set of n candidates, such that the average distance between selected locations is maximized. In particular, we present algorithmic results for the case where vertices are represented by points in d-dimensional space, and edge weights correspond to rectilinear distances. Problems of this type have been considered before, with the best result being an approximation algorithm with performance ratio 2. For the case where k is fixed, we establish a linear-time algorithm that finds an optimal solution. For the case where k is part of the input, we present a polynomial-time approximation scheme.  相似文献   

The notion of distance constrained graph labelings, motivated by the Frequency Assignment Problem, reads as follows: A mapping from the vertex set of a graph G=(V,E) into an interval of integers {0,…,k} is an L(2,1)-labeling of G of span k if any two adjacent vertices are mapped onto integers that are at least 2 apart, and every two vertices with a common neighbor are mapped onto distinct integers. It is known that for any fixed k≥4, deciding the existence of such a labeling is an NP-complete problem. We present exact exponential time algorithms that are faster than the naive O *((k+1) n ) algorithm that would try all possible mappings. The improvement is best seen in the first NP-complete case of k=4, where the running time of our algorithm is O(1.3006 n ). Furthermore we show that dynamic programming can be used to establish an O(3.8730 n ) algorithm to compute an optimal L(2,1)-labeling.  相似文献   

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