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袁宇明 《太阳能》1989,(2):23-24
随着环境的污染,我们周围可供使用的水质正日趋下降,水的硬度越来越高,给人们生产生活带来诸多不便。工业用水超过需水的硬度标准,就会影响产品的质量,使原材料、能源和劳动力消耗增加:如酿酒用水硬度超过4度,就会出现混浊和沉淀,酒质下降;纺织印染工业用水硬度超过0.56度,产品就会出  相似文献   

太阳能半导体冰箱实验研究与性能分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
该文提出一种太阳能半导体冰箱并进行了实验研究与性能分析,它依靠太阳电池驱动,通过热电制冷效应制冷。实验表明,该装置能够维持冰箱内温度在5-10℃,COP约0.3。冰箱性能与太阳辐射和热电制冷元件冷热端温差等条件有很大关系,存在分别使COP和制冷量达到最大值的最佳太阳辐照度。该冰箱可用于边远地区或户外郊游、甚查及施工等缺电条件下食品和饮料的冷藏保鲜以及医用疫苗的保管等。  相似文献   

太阳能供热系统在宾馆饭店的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宾馆饭店使用太阳能是一种行之有效的节能降耗的途径,通过经济分析和案例分析,详实地表明了太阳能供热系统的投资回报和运行管理状况。太阳能供热系统的运用不仅节约了能源,而且清洁、环保,提升了宾馆饭店的形象。  相似文献   

任国灿 《太阳能》2002,(2):28-28
太阳能节能灯的工作原理是:白天以太阳光作为能源利用太阳电池给蓄电池充电,把太阳能转换为化学能储存在蓄电池中,晚间使用时以蓄电池作为电源给节能灯提供能量,把蓄电池中的化学能转变成光能,使节能灯工作。节能灯的具体工作原理图如下,下面就结合这一原理图进行分析。电路结构可分为六个部分,包括太阳电池,蓄电池,保护电路,施密特触发器,多谐振荡器,输出级。太阳电池是节能灯的核心器件。如图中E1,图中E2为蓄电池,R1、R2、T1组成对E2的输入过压保护电路。当蓄电池电压充到一定值时,R2两端的电压相应升高使T1导…  相似文献   

“天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊。”这千年传诵的诗句,唱出了内蒙古大草原的肥美辽阔,也反映出我国发展畜牧业的悠久历史。水草丰盛的原野是放牧牲畜的好地方。我国草原面积达43亿亩,其中33亿亩可以利用,还有十多亿亩草山草坡,具备发展畜牧业的良好条件。然而,目前我国的畜牧业比较落后,产值只占农业总产值的13.2%。为了实现畜牧业的现代化,必须加强草原建设和草场管理。太阳能电围栏就是对草场进行分区轮牧、实现现代化管理的手段之一。对于远离输电网的偏僻牧区,利用太阳能供电,简单、方便、可靠,具有效果好、成本低等优点。在成功地利用电围栏放牧马牛羊的基础上,去年又进行了应用太阳能电围栏放养梅花鹿的试验。把梅花鹿变野生为家养,在我国已有二百余年的  相似文献   

浅析太阳能固体吸附式制冷技术的研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
太阳能固体吸附式制冷具有环保节能的优点,是当前制冷技术研究中的热点。本文综合介绍了太阳能固体吸附式制冷技术的研究价值,太阳能固体吸附式制冷技术的原理、现状及存在的问题,并对太阳能吸附式制冷技术的应用前景作了分析。  相似文献   

太阳能吸附式制冷技术是一种非常具有实用意义的技术,可以应用在很多相关领域,但是目前还未得到广泛的应用。主要介绍太阳能吸附制冷技术的发展背景和系统原理,并从集热方式、工质对、系统改进等三个方面分析该技术的发展情况,指出该项技术的广阔应用前景。  相似文献   

太阳能采暖降温净化器,不需要任何常规能源,冬季为建筑物供暖、夏季为其降温,还能起到净化室内空气的作用。1原理和作用如图1所示,太阳能采暖降温净化器是在阳光的作用下,利用冷热空气的密度差所形成的动力进行循环,起到冬季为建筑物供暖、夏季为建筑物降温的作用。(1)冬季供暖冬季,太阳高度角小,太阳能采暖降温净化器在太阳的照射下,主要起到供暖的作用。它不断向室内提供热风,房屋的构件和室内的物品不断吸收、储存热量。经实测,装置向室内提供热风的温度为45~65℃,冬季的平均室温保16℃以上。冬季的晴天,装置每…  相似文献   

目前,在草原建设中,广大牧民因地制宜地采取了多种保护草原的措施,如:垒石墙、种植以灌木为主的绿篱、挖沟、打土墙等,有的还用刺铁丝围栏和网围栏。这些措施,虽然对草原起到了一定的保护作用,但都不够理想。有的耗费人力、物力,成本高;有的耐久性差,使用年限短;有的本身就会破坏草原,造成水土流失;有的容易损害畜体和畜产品,影响经济效益。为了探索一条新的保护措施,我们在乌鲁木齐县东风公社中梁台人工草地和天然割草场上。安装了一部新疆半导体器件厂生产的DWL-30型太阳能电牧器(即电围栏),进行了电围栏保护草原的试验,几年来,取得了可喜的效果和较高的经济效益。现就太阳能电围栏工作情况和保护效果作一简单介绍。  相似文献   

太阳能热泵热水器   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
目前,我国热水器市场上的主流产品包括燃气、电热和太阳热水器3类。燃气热水器具有价格低、加热快、出水量大、温度稳定等优点,社会拥有量达到3000多万台,约占市场份额的43%。但是,燃气热水器在使用中存  相似文献   

The potential consumption of materials, land, water, manpower, energy, and money by four proposed solar electric generating systems: a terrestrial solar thermal, a terrestrial photovoltaic, an orbiting solar reflector, and a satellite solar power system are analyzed. The evaluation demonstrated that, per megawatt of electrical generating capacity, the terrestrial solar thermal system would require less manpower, less energy of production, and less money than would the extra-terrestrial systems.  相似文献   

The major subjects of this paper are to report the outline of the recent basic research and technical development for solar thermal electric power systems in Japan. Solar thermal electric power systems are presently being developed as one of the most important systems in Sunshine Projects which were initiated in 1974 to develop the utilization systems of new energy resources. Conceptional designs of solar thermal power systems were already done on the basis of the results of the supporting researches and two pilot plants of solar thermal electric power systems of a capacity of 1000 kWe are under construction on the basis of the conceptional and detailed designs and would be constructed by 1981. The present conditions of these pilot plants and the major researches which are thought to be most important subjects in the basic researches and technical developments for solar thermal electric power systems are described in this paper.  相似文献   

教育部与世界银行合作,利用世界银行援助资金,在13个小学进行了学校用太阳能供电系统的示范项目。目的是通过示范项目为改善我国贫困地区的教师服务网络,提高小学教师的教学水平,从而提高我国小学教育的教学质量,并在设备条件方面摸索途径,积累经验、做出示范。1 示范项目的安排与分布 示范项目共安排建设13套学校用太阳能供电系统,分布在云南和海南两省的3个县,见表1。(参加本项目主要人员有王斯成、谢惠卿、查路影、叶东嵘、王德林、张利、孙士刚、孙宝峰、刘承新、姚春芝以及王长贵等。) 这些小学校,均处于缺电、少电…  相似文献   

Solar photo energy technologies are examined for electric power consumers, and the prospects for their development are considered.  相似文献   

Three types of line-focusing collectors: parabolic though, fixed slats with movable absorber and movable slats with fixed absorber, are evaluated to find those systems that are capable of producing the lowest costs of electrical energy. Minimum costs per kW-hr are found using sequential optimization techniques that consider variations in rim angle, reflectance, aperture width, length, orientation, tracking, contour error, slat width, slat curvature, tangent slat angle, slope, installation methods, materials, fabrication methods, absorptance, emittance, cover transmittance, field shape, layout, pipe sizes, insulation thicknesses and turbine-generator-cooling lower efficiencies and designs. This approach provides a uniform treatment of both cost and performance for a solar thermal electric power system. This uniform treatment of solar thermal electric power systems for all collector types insures that valid comparisons are made.  相似文献   

U.S.A. energy use by the year 2000 is estimated to be 116–130 quads, compared to 82 quads for 1978. Solar energy, utilized both at the individual residence-building level plus power plant level, along with all other conventional and new energy sources, will be needed to meet future energy demand. In order to make maximum utilization of energy sources to meet national energy-conservation and energy-economic policy, a power plant of the future must cogenerate electrical energy and heat medium, whether it burns fossil fuel or uses solar energy.A solar energy Central Receiver-AHS Chemical Storage cogeneration power plant can be configured to give complete flexibility for day-night and seasonal load combinations, with work efficiencies up to 46 per cent. Such a plant, as a stand-alone or network station, is a real possibility in the not too distant future. Electrical energy and heat medium produced therefrom will be competitive with fossil fuel powered generating plants.A 100 MWe Central Receiver-AHS Cycle cogeneration power plant is discussed in detail; cycle analysis, preliminary cost estimates, and unit energy costs are discussed.  相似文献   

继2009年初太阳雨与长安公司签署万辆红太阳售后服务车,助力太阳能家电下乡之后,太阳雨太阳能再次发力,联手中国电脑行业巨头联想,签署战略合作协议,订购万台联想电脑,积极响应国家"家电下乡"政策,深化服务水准和硬件条件,服务农村消费市场.  相似文献   

Quantifying the severity of the intermittencies in solar irradiation is important for (i) understanding the potential impacts of high solar power penetration levels on the electric grid and (ii) evaluating the need for technologies that may be necessary to complement solar power in order to balance the electric grid. This study uses a spectral method to distinguish between cloud‐induced and diurnal cycle‐induced transients and to quantify the severity of intermittencies occurring over a range of timescales. The method is used to quantify variability between specific sites as well as to evaluate the sensitivity of solar power variability to spatial diversification of the solar farm portfolio. Results indicate that increasing the spatial diversity of the solar farm portfolio reduces the magnitude of the fluctuations in power output as a fraction of the total system capacity. This behavior is associated with two forces: (i) a reduction in the influence of fluctuations occurring at an individual site on the total profile and (ii) should the sites in question be sufficiently spaced apart, the fluctuations in solar irradiation that each site exhibits are uncorrelated and do not generally add up in tandem at short timescales. These effects reduce the degree of uncertainty and variability associated with solar farm output and demonstrate a reduction in the maximum magnitude of solar power fluctuations for a given solar penetration level. The rate of increase of the maximum solar power deviation from the 1‐h average associated with increases in desired solar penetration level decreases in an inverse exponential manner with the number of sufficiently spaced sites composing the solar farm portfolio. These results imply that a lower amount of regulation or energy storage capacity is needed to regulate solar intermittency if solar installations and the accommodating transmission infrastructure are designed and operated appropriately. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study analyses the Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) potential in Brazil and evaluates the impact caused by a large-scale integration of this alternative into the Brazilian electricity system in the long term (horizon 2040). Four types of CSP plants with parabolic troughs (simple plants, plants with hybridization and plants with thermal energy storage) were simulated at two sites: Bom Jesus da Lapa and Campo Grande. Then, the main parameters obtained for each plant were expanded to other suitable Brazilian sites, as inputs in an optimization model for the expansion of the country's electric power grid. Findings indicate that the least-cost expansion of the Brazilian electricity system should be based on hydroelectric and thermoelectric plants fueled by natural gas and sugarcane bagasse. Hence, in the base scenario CSP plants would not be chosen. However, in an alternative scenario, specific auctions for CSP can be adopted. In this case, the first solar plants would be introduced in 2020 in place of natural gas-fueled thermoelectric plants, and from 2030 on, hydroelectric plants would cease to be installed. This alternative scenario would be about 144 billion dollars dearer than the base.  相似文献   

Heat transfer measurements have been made in a separated, reattached and then redeveloping turbulent boundary layer region in a two-dimensional duct with a normal fence attached on the bottom surface. The local Nusselt number distribution along the surface has been obtained as a function of the Reynolds number under the condition of a constant wall temperature. It has been found that the index of the power law correlation between the local Nusselt number and the Reynolds number varies in a range of 0.6–0.8 depending on the different flow regimes.  相似文献   

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