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This paper presents a method for analyzing the impact software project factors have on project success as defined by project success factors that have been prioritized. It is relatively easy to collect measures of project attributes subjectively (i.e., based on expert judgment). Often Likert scales are used for that purpose. It is much harder to identify whether and how a large number of such ranked project factors influence project success, and to prioritize their influence on project success. At the same time, it is desirable to use the knowledge of project personnel effectively. Given a prioritization of project goals, it is shown how some key project characteristics can be related to project success. The method is applied in a case study consisting of 46 projects. For each project, six success factors and 27 project attributes were measured. Successful projects show common characteristics. Using this knowledge can lead to better control and software project management and to an increased likelihood of project success.  相似文献   

One of the goals of collectingproject data during software development and evolution is toassess how well the project did and what should be done to improvein the future. With the wide range of data often collected andthe many complicated relationships between them, this is notalways easy. This paper suggests to use production models (DataEnvelope Analysis) to analyze objective variables and their impacton efficiency. To understand the effect of subjective variables,it is suggested to apply principal component analysis (PCA).Further, we propose to combine the results from the productionmodels and the analysis of the subjective variables. We showcapabilities of production models and illustrate how productionmodels can be combined with other approaches to allow for assessingand hence understanding software project data. The approach isillustrated on a data set consisting of 46 software projectsfrom the NASA-SEL database (NASA-SEL, 1992). The data analyzedis of the type that is commonly found in project databases.  相似文献   

This research focuses on the critical success factors (CSFs) of e-government. Its main purposes are to (1) explain the development of the methodology of CSFs for e-government, (2) present the practical implementation of this methodology in Polish public administration, and (3) to assess the preliminary results of the practical implementation. The article continues as follows. First, the article clarifies the concept of e-government and the CSFs for e-government. Second, the methodology of CSFs for e-government is explained in detail. Third, the article presents the preliminary results of the practical implementation of this methodology in Poland, at the local and state level of government. The article concludes with a discussion on research findings, implications, and avenues for further research. This work contributes to extant research by showing a holistic approach to the CSFs for e-government.  相似文献   

投资项目模糊评价系统设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
该文针对投资项目论证结论和项目实现运行相差甚远的问题,以专家对项目面对面的定性论证方式为突破口,构建了专家论证指标体系,专家对项目背靠函评量化打分,采用多层次模糊评价原理对数据进行处理,并利用VB语言完成这一评价过程的系统设计,以提高投资项目的综合论证能力和准确性。  相似文献   

针对开放网络环境下的电子交易存在的安全性、可信度低和信任评估难的问题,在文中将灰色系统理论应用于主观信任的度量与评估,提出了一种新型主观信任评估方法,即针对一个给定实体,根据不同用户对这一实体多个关键属性的评价,经过灰色关联度分析以及灰色聚类分析综合出对于此实体的总评价。仿真实验结果表明,在评价可信度未知的情况下,该方法可以较好地保留样本的完整性,提高了信任值的准确性,能够有效地遏制虚假评价对最终评价的影响,弥补了传统方法在客观性和可信性方面的不足。  相似文献   

Measured coefficients of friction of floor surfaces have not been shown to be consistent predictors of slipping and falling. However, human subjects appear to be able to perceive the slipperiness of a floor surface, and to modify their gait to mitigate the effects of slippery surfaces. This study investigated subjective rankings of floor surfaces (ceramic, steel, vinyl, plywood, and sandpaper) and the measured coefficients of friction. In addition, subjects reported a confidence rating on the occurence of a slip at “heel down”. The floor surfaces were selected a priori, to provide a range of slipperiness and subjects appeared to be able to reliably discriminate between those surfaces. Ceramic tile was the most frequently determined as the slippery floor with the high level of confidence ratings, CERTAIN and ALMOST CERTAIN. In other words, the confidence ratings were closely related to the subjective rankings. The higher the subjective rankings were, the higher the confidence ratings were. To prove subjective rankings by the quantitative measure, static coefficients of friction were measured and it appears that subjects were able to relate their sensations to a function of the static coefficient of friction.  相似文献   

This paper looks into the key infrastructure factors affecting the success of small companies in developing economies that are establishing B2B e-commerce ventures. The factors were identified through a literature review and a pilot study carried out in two organizations. The results of the pilot study and literature review reveal five factors that contribute to the success of B2B e-commerce. These factors were later assessed for importance using a survey. The outcome of our analysis reveals that workers' skills, client interface, and technical infrastructure are the most important factors to the success of a B2B e-commerce relationship.  相似文献   


This paper explores mobile banking (MB) acceptance and use through subjective measures (self-reported data) and objective measures (computer-recorded log data) with an integrative behavioral framework that combines UTAUT and IS Success models. The purpose of this framework is to determine the influence of both system-oriented and non-system-oriented factors on user behavior with MB use. SEM regression results are contrasted with both subjective and objective system use. Study’s contributions are communicated to the theory and practice.  相似文献   

针对配电网重构的多目标优化及方案决策问题,提出一种基于自适应多种群果蝇算法(AMFOA)并考虑主客观因素的多目标两级优化方法.第一级优化采用自适应多种群果蝇算法对网络结构进行迭代优化,通过协调不同指标得到一组帕累托非支配解.第二级优化引入AHP-CRITIC算法完成每个非支配解的主客观综合评价,结合TOPSIS法确定最...  相似文献   

每个软件开发项目都要经过漫长的生命周期,有很多因素可以影响其成功与否。该文从四个方面阐述了软件开发项目的成败关键,并给出了一些案例。  相似文献   

This paper reports on thedevelopment and validation of an instrument for the collectionof empirical data on the establishment and conduct of softwaremeasurement programs. The instrument is distinguished by a novelemphasis on defining the context in which a software measurementprogram operates. This emphasis is perceived to be the key to1) generating knowledge about measurement programs that can begeneralised to various contexts, and, 2) supporting a contingencyapproach to the conduct of measurement programs. A pilot studyof thirteen measurement programs was carried out to trial theinstrument. Analysis of this data suggests that collecting observationsof software measurement programs with the instrument will leadto more complete knowledge of program success factors that willprovide assistance to practitioners in an area that has provednotoriously difficult.  相似文献   

针对科研项目立项评审的特点,建立了基于博弈论-VIKOR法的科研项目立项评审模型.目的在于提高定性指标定量化处理的科学性,并通过具体科研项目评审实例描述该方法的运用过程.表明了该方法具有科学性、有效性与可操作性.  相似文献   

软件项目管理的六大要素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学的软件项目管理,有利于将开发人员的个人能力转换为企业的开发能力,本文阐述了软件项目管理的重要性,通过分析总结出了软件项目管理中的六个重要方面:人员、规范、计划、控制、测试、沟通。  相似文献   

Under the background of information age, the demand of enterprises and individuals for software and related equip- ment is increasing. The software and its affiliated projects have a lot of complexity and uncertainty in the development process. Therefore, risk management for software projects is crucial. This paper firstly expounds the importance of software project risk man- agement, then analyzes the software project risk identification, evaluation and specific countermeasures.  相似文献   

We investigated the critical success factors that affect the implementation of electronic document management systems in government organizations. Based on a comprehensive literature review and input from an expert panel, we composed a list of 37 factors that were considered as prerequisites of successful electronic document management system implementation. We then grouped these 37 factors into six categories. Through a questionnaire survey and factor analysis, we confirmed that the categories identified are important for successful electronic document management system implementation.  相似文献   

每个软件开发项目都要经过漫长的生命周期,有很多因素可以影响其成功与否。该文从四个方面阐述了软件开发项目的成败关键.并给出了一些案例。  相似文献   

不确定环境下项目评估的期权决策树研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
孟力  张爱玲  汪定伟  王崇喜 《控制工程》2004,11(1):43-45,72
在不确定环境下,传统的净现值(NPV)项目评估方法由于忽略决策的灵活性而低估了项目的价值。针对这种不足,根据期权特性提出期权决策树评估方法.即把实物期权的思想嵌入到决策树中,从而使评估包括了项目投资的不确定性价值。期权决策树分析方法采用了BS期权定价公式以及McDonald和Siegel关于是否继续生产的期权定价公式,计算出了不同决策方案的价值。并进一步讨论了不确定性的价值大小以及对决策的影响。示例证明:期权决策树方法比传统的净现值方法更具有科学性、准确性和实用性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore the relevance of classic project success measures of Enterprise Systems implementation projects' success from the adopting organizations' perspective. Based on a mixed quantitative-qualitative approach, the results show that, although the organizations valued project management criteria, they did not perceive them as determinants of success if the goals of the project were achieved. A refined set of success criteria is proposed on the basis of these findings.  相似文献   

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