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When a relief toll switching system is used to alleviate the exhaust problem of an existing toll switching system of the same generic, type, a rehoming program (specifying amounts and timings of trunk rearrangements) is dictated primarily by the ratio of the monetary discount rate to the traffic growth rate. If this ratio is greater than unity, the rehoming strategy calls for a conservative program of restraint whereas if this ratio is smaller than unity, the rehoming strategy adopts an aggressive program of activity. When the relief and the existing switching systems are not of the same type, the lower trunk maintenance expenses on the relief switching system provide an impetus to rehome more existing trunks onto the relief switching system. It is found that this stimulation of early deloading affects the rehoming strategies significantly. Depending on the amount of stimulation involved, a conservative rehoming program could be changed to a moderate and even an aggressive one.  相似文献   

在短波中应用认知无线电,能够提高短波频谱利用率。为提高短波认知通信系统的智能水平,应用机器学习策略能够更加智能地预测相关参数、选择通信频率,保证短波通信质量。文章主要综述机器学习策略中基于神经网络的学习、统计学习和强化学习在短波认知通信中的应用,并展望其在短波中的发展前景。  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》2009,46(2):10-10
When archaeologists swap tales from the field, they tend to use hand-drawn images of relics. But hand drawings can be time-consuming, expensive, and rife with error.  相似文献   

光纤技术在城域网应用中已发展到容易使用,而且经济可行。眨眼之间,好像整个世界对网络带宽的需求已经变得非常迫切。不巧的是,渴望在电信服务上做更多事情的电信服务提供商因资金匮乏而伤透了脑筋。在城域网(MAN)的建设中,这种情况尤其普遍。即使用户不断增加,对网络带宽的要求也越来越高,电信提供商迫于资金短缺而不得不延缓在这方面的大笔投资。大多数电信运营商往往通过改进现有设备来尽力满足用户需求,而不会淘汰现有的电信基础设施。耐人寻味的是,在几个改进现有电信基础设施的比较先进的方案中,光纤技术首次成为在城域…  相似文献   

High-capacity pulse code modulation (PCM) transmission systems have made little impact despite the availability of suitable technology and the rapid growth of low-capacity systems. It is shown that high-capacity systems can now be introduced into toll telephony networks without short-term economic or compatibility disadvantages and with considerable long-term advantages. A 120Mbits/s coaxial cable system compatible with 12-MHz systems is described in outline.  相似文献   

An optimal maintenance (during operation) and overhaul (repair) policy is derived for a production machine. The problem is formulated as a 2-state semi-Markov decision process. If the machine fails during operation, it then transits to the overhaul state. If the machine does not fail, it will become imperative to overhaul it due to increasing maintenance cost.  相似文献   

Transcutaneous neural stimulation is a relatively new method of pain control, the short- and long-term success of which has yet to be fully documented. In this study, electrical stimulus parameters and electrode locations were carefully monitored in 23 patients who received satisfactory relief of chronic pain with electrical stimulation. These patients were chosen from 100 patients treated with this modality on a trial basis. Analysis demonstrates that a large percentage of patients have good to excellent pain relief by employing electrical parameters within restricted ranges.  相似文献   

MERMAID is a European Union (EU)-financed maritime telemedicine project with global reach and 24 h multilingual capability to serve multinational crews working in the isolation of the world's oceans. It provides a model for the provision of healthcare services based on the electronic transmission of medical information via ISDN-based videoconferencing. This model is not limited to medical diagnostics, but it encompasses all cases in which the actual delivery of healthcare services involves a patient who is not located where the provider is. Its implementation requires the commissioning of an extensive telecommunications infrastructure that includes both satellite transmission for ship to shore communication and an extensive ground-based network for summoning expert medical help from around the world so as to meet the project's multilinguality requirements and, therefore, the exploration of a number of solutions. In fact, all categories of telemedical applications (audio and video conferencing, multimedia communications, flat file and image transfer with low-, medium-, and high-bandwidth data requirements) are considered, while the full range of network choices (digital land lines, cellular/wireless, satellite, and broadband) are being tested in terms of cost/performance tradeoffs that are inherent to them and the developmental stage each of these options occupies in their lifecycle. Finally, out of that, MERMAID utilizes advanced land-based line transmission technologies to aid the remote patient by making available the specialist care that is best suited in the particular case  相似文献   

Despite the seeming uniformity of media presentation of news about peace, the formats of news reporting and the contest among various discourses allow for the appearance and sometimes prominence of alternative and men oppositional discourses that offer a pragmatic for social action.  相似文献   

1IntroductionSupposeamachinewhichisusedaspartofamanufacturingprocesissubjecttorandomfailuresthatcanonlybedetectedthroughinspe...  相似文献   

高速公路不停车收费管理系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高速公路越建越多,但仍然很难满足经济发展的需要。高速公路堵车现象时有发生,大部分高速公路收费管理却仍停留在比较低效的人工收费阶段。不停车收费系统又称电子收费系统,简称ETC系统。它利用车辆自动识别(简称AVI)技术完成车辆与收费站之间的无线数据通讯,进行车辆自动识别和有关收费数据的交换,通过计算机网路对收费数据进行处理,实现不停车自动收费的全电子收费管理系统。可以极大地提高收费效率,目前为越来越多的国家和地区所重视。本文将对国内外高速公路不停车收费系统原理和应用现状进行简单介绍。  相似文献   

详细介绍了S1240交换机当服务项目通知音回送有误时,对交换机中数据检查的步骤和对问题的处理方法,为维护人员处理此类问题提供了参考。  相似文献   

介绍黑龙江省六大本地网建长途局的必要性 ,分析并比较几种长途局兼SSP的组网方案 ,探讨了在我省的可行性。  相似文献   

文章提出了一种电子不停车收费系统(ETC)中路边设备(RSU)的实现方案.系统以PowerPC 405处理器为核心,射频电路选用5.8GHz通信芯片ML5830,在短程通信过程中引入跳频技术,从而实现了抗干扰、高稳定性的电子不停车收费.其测试结果表明,各项指标均达到或超过ETC国家标准GB/T20851-2007和DS...  相似文献   


Despite the increase in use of supplier evaluation, there is still very limited examination of the supplier evaluation process. Most of the discussion that is in the literature treats information about suppliers as factual, technical information without regard for the social and organizational biases involved in generating this information. This paper presents a framework for examining the process of supplier evaluation based on our research and observations. A framework for supplier evaluation is developed based on whether the supplier evaluation focuses on information from product- or process-based domains and whether the information acquisition mode used is direct or indirect. A critical examination of these four approaches to supplier evaluation is presented. In doing so, various advantages and limitations related to each approach are identified. Furthermore, the relationship between the evaluation approach and organizational realities are discussed. Finally, the need for an integrated mechanism within organizations to deal with supplier information is identified  相似文献   

针对在各种社会自然灾害中的人员伤亡,提出了一种基于ZigBee无线传感器网络技术的医疗监护系统方案。给出了系统的硬件体系结构和软件流程图,并在以往LEACH协议的基础上提出了改进的LEACH-D算法,最后结合专业SANMP软件,并由30人作为实验对象进行了实验验证。实验结果表明传输的数据具有误差低、实时性高及可靠性强等特点。该系统不仅可以用于突发的自然灾害中,还可以用于医院、社区等医疗监护系统。  相似文献   

The GTD 3 EAX local clock was designed with external synchronization in mind. The initial control algorithms and control circuits required a minimum of change to incorporate the ability to maintain clock synchronization with an external timing reference. The synchronization technique used is a frequency lock method and the considerations necessary for synchronization are described in this paper.  相似文献   

This machine uses the one-to-one correspondence between spelled-speech utterances and the printed alphabet symbols. Letter recognition was done by first extracting essential features from the information picked up by a photocell scanner and then matching these features with a stored set of data. In order to reduce the amount of memory required to generate letter sounds, redundant phonemes were eliminated and a selected set of basic phonemes was extracted by a segmentation process. Letter sounds were then synthesized by concatenation of these basic phonemes. Also vowels and vowel-like sounds have quasi-periodic waveforms. These sounds were reproduced satisfactorily by repeating over and over again a pitch period extracted from the original waveforms. These algorithms of letter and phoneme synthesis offer considerable saving of memory space and cost in constructing a digital spelled-speech reading machine for the blind. Further reduction in memory storage was accomplished by an encoding scheme. For the experiments, a computer was used to synthesize the letter sounds and to simulate this machine. Experimental results indicated that blind subjects could read spelled sentences between 60 and 70 words/m with 90-percent correct intelligibility after only 1 h of contact with the letter sounds.  相似文献   

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