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Soil fumigants are becoming an important source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in air, especially in some agricultural areas. In this study, we used thiourea to construct a reactive surface barrier (RSB) at the soil surface for reducing 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) volatilization. The agrochemical thiourea could rapidly transform volatile 1,3-D to nonvolatile products via an SN2 nucleophilic substitution reaction. A catalytic mechanism in thiourea-amended soil facilitated the conversion process. A packed soil column system was employed to investigate the emissions and distribution of 1,3-D and optimize the original fumigant emission-reduction strategy. Volatilization of 1,3-D from the soil surface was significantly reduced in columns amended with a thiourea RSB compared with that of bare soil. Volatilization flux and cumulative emissions decreased with increasing thiourea application rate and increasing fumigation depth in packed soil columns. Surface amendment with the RSB did not affect the subsurface distribution of 1,3-D in the soil profile. Combined application of a thiourea RSB and plastic tarps had a synergetic effect in emission control and could eliminate the relatively high fumigant flux that occurs upon tarp disruption. Therefore, this reduced-risk practice was very effective in reducing atmospheric emissions of VOCs from soil treatment with halogenated fumigants.  相似文献   

The chemical kinetics of the free-radical-induced degradation of the gasoline oxygenate methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in water have been investigated. Rate constants for the reaction of MTBE with the hydroxyl radical, hydrated electron, and hydrogen atom were determined in aqueous solution at room temperature, using electron pulse radiolysis and absorption spectroscopy (*OH and e- aq) and EPR free induction decay attenuation (*H) measurements. The rate constant for hydroxyl radical reaction of (1.71 +/- 0.02) x 10(9) M(-1) s(-1) showed that the oxidative process was the dominant pathway, relative to MTBE reaction with hydrogen atoms, (3.49 +/- 0.06) x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1), or hydrated electrons, <8.0 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1). The hydroxyl radical reaction gives a transient carbon-centered radical which subsequently reacts with dissolved oxygen to form peroxyl radicals, the rate constant for this reaction was (2.17 +/- 0.06) x 10(9) M(-1) s(-1). The second-order decay of the MTBE peroxyl radical was 2k = (6.0 +/- 0.3) x 10(8) M(-1) s(-1). These rate constants, along with preliminary MTBE degradation product distribution measurements, were incorporated into a kinetic model that compared the predicted MTBE removal from water against experimental measurements performed under large-scale electron beam treatment conditions.  相似文献   

二氧化硫脲水溶液漂白废纸脱墨浆   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
介绍了用直接制备成的二氧化硫脲(TD)水溶液漂白废纸脱墨浆的实验情况。漂白废报纸脱墨浆的最佳工艺条件为:TD水溶液用量为1.0%,NaOH的用量为0.5%,纸浆浓度为7.5%,漂白温度为70℃,漂白时间为60min,白度增值5.43%ISO。并进行了TD水溶液、H2O2单段漂白、Na2S2O4单段漂白效果的比较,结果表明,TD水溶液是一种有效的废纸浆漂白剂和脱色剂。  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) methylation and volatilization in soil can be increased after organic matter (OM) amendment, though the factors influencing this are poorly understood. Herein we investigate how amended OM influences As speciation as well as how it alters microbial processes in soil and soil solution during As volatilization. Microcosm experiments were conducted on predried and fresh As contaminated paddy soils to investigate microbial mediated As speciation and volatilization under different OM amendment conditions. These experiments indicated that the microbes attached to OM did not significantly influence As volatilization. The arsine flux from the treatment amended with 10% clover (clover-amended treatment, CT) and dried distillers grain (DDG) (DDG-amended treatment, DT2) were significantly higher than the control. Trimethylarsine (TMAs) was the dominant species in arsine derived from CT, whereas the primary arsine species from DT2 was TMAs and arsine (AsH(3)), followed by monomethylarsine (MeAsH(2)). The predominant As species in the soil solutions of CT and DT2 were dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA) and As(V), respectively. OM addition increased the activities of arsenite-oxidizing bacteria (harboring aroA-like genes), though they did not increase or even decrease the abundance of arsenite oxidizers. In contrast, the abundance of arsenate reducers (carrying the arsC gene) was increased by OM amendment; however, significant enhancement of activity of arsenate reducers was observed only in CT. Our results demonstrate that OM addition significantly increased As methylation and volatilization from the investigated paddy soil. The physiologically active bacteria capable of oxidization, reduction, and methylation of As coexisted and mediated the As speciation in soil and soil solution.  相似文献   

纸和纸制品经水疏解成单纤维后,用Na OH/尿素/硫脲溶液溶解,然后用叔丁基甲醚进行超声提取,提取产物经处理后进行超高效液相色谱法分析,外标法定量,从而建立了1个快速测定纸和纸制品中松香酸含量的超高效液相色谱方法。该方法的加标平均回收率为87.50%~98.96%,精密度实验RSD为1.27%~2.68%(n=9),检出限为0.1mg/kg(S/N=3)。该方法简便快速,分析过程耗时仅仅3.5min,适用于纸和纸制品中松香酸含量的快速测定,为制定相关检测标准提供了参考。  相似文献   

Oxidation of diclofenac with ozone in aqueous solution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ozonation of diclofenac in aqueous solution in the presence and absence of an *OH scavenger, tertiary butanol (t-BuOH), was studied, and the most important reaction intermediates and products were identified. The second-order O3 rate constantwas determined by competition with buten-3-ol and was found to be 6.8 x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1) at 20 degrees C. From this high rate constant, it has been concluded that O3 must initially add on the amino nitrogen. Decomposition of the adduct results in the formation of O3*- (--> *OH) and aminyl radical precursors. A free *OH yield of 30% was estimated based on the HCHO yields generated upon reaction of *OH with 0.01 M t-BuOH. Almost all diclofenac reacted when the molar ratio of O3/diclofenac was approximately 5:1 in the presence of t-BuOH and approximately 8:1 in its absence. As primary reaction products (maximum yield), diclofenac-2,5-iminoquinone (32%), 5-hydroxydiclofenac (7%), and 2,6-dichloroaniline (19%) were detected with respect to reacted diclofenac in the presence of t-BuOH. These primary products degraded into secondary ones when the O3 dose was increased. In the *OH-mediated reaction (absence of t-BuOH) small yields of 5-hydroxydiclofenac (4.5%), diclofenac-2,5-iminoquinone (2.7%), and 2,6-dichloroaniline (6%) resulted. Practically all Cl- (95%) was released in the absence of t-BuOH but only about 45% in the presence of t-BuOH at an O3/diclofenac molar ratio of 10: 1. Based on the reaction products, mechanisms that may account for the high O3 consumption during ozonation of diclofenac are suggested. For technical applications, adequate supply of O3 is needed not only to eliminate diclofenac, but also for the degradation of its potentially toxic products like diclofenac-2,5-iminoquinone and 5-hydroxydiclofenac.  相似文献   

用氧氧化钠/硫脲/尿素混合溶剂测定棉与再生纤维素纤维双组分混纺产品的混纺比,确定了最佳溶解条件为:预冷温度-9℃,溶解时间30 min,该溶剂体系为7.5%/6%/8%氢氧化钠/硫脲/尿素.该测定方法简便快速,准确度高,可操作性强,所使用的溶剂普遍、价格低、无毒.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the environmentally important reaction between permanganate anion and trichloroethene (TCE) has been studied theoretically using modern DFT functional. It has been shown that IEFPCM/M05-2X/aug-cc-pVDZ theory level yields activation parameters and carbon isotopic fractionation factor in excellent agreement with the experimental data. Obtained results indicate that this reaction proceeds via the 3+2 mechanism with a very early transition state, in which the new C-O bonds are formed only in about 20%. An alternative, stepwise mechanism that involves initial formation of a single new C-O bond and a C-Mn bond, followed by rearrangement to the permanganate-TCE adduct, has been found to be more energetically demanding and in disagreement with the experimental isotopic fractionation.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the transformation of methyl parathion have been investigated in aqueous solution containing reduced sulfur species and small concentrations of natural organic matter (NOM) from different sources such as soil, river, and peat. It was shown that NOM mediates the degradation of methyl parathion in aqueous solutions containing hydrogen sulfide. After evaluating and quantifying the effect of the NOM concentration on the degradation kinetics of methyl parathion in the presence of hydrogen sulfide, it was found that the observed pseudo-first-order reaction rate constants (k(obs)) were proportional to NOM concentrations. The influence of pH on the degradation of methyl parathion in the aqueous solutions containing hydrogen sulfide and NOM has been studied. The rate of degradation of methyl parathion was strongly pH dependent. The results indicate k(obs) with a commercially available humic acid has a maximum value at approximately pH 8.3. Two main reaction mechanisms are identified to dominate the degradation of methyl parathion in aqueous solution containing hydrogen sulfide and NOM based on the products aminomethyl parathion and desmethyl methyl parathion. The two mechanisms are nitro-group reduction and nucleophilic attack at the methoxy-carbon. The reduction of the nitro-group is only observed in the presence of NOM. The results of this study form an important base for the evaluation and interpretation of transformation processes of methyl parathion in the environment.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to check if the specific microstructure of a water/oil nonionic microemulsion could induce a modification of the bioavailability of a probe (methyl nicotinate). The vasodilatory drug effects were recorded by laser doppler velocimetry in vivo , in man. The results show a quicker activity, and a better release of the drug in the microemulsion, than in the well-known kinetics of an aqueous solution.  相似文献   

Implicated as a stratospheric ozone-depleting compound, methyl bromide (MeBr) is being phased out despite being considered to be the most effective soil fumigant. Its alternatives, i.e., 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D, which includes cis and trans isomers), chloropicrin (CP), and methyl iodide (MeI), have been widely used. High emissions of MeI from fumigated soil likely put farm workers and other bystanders at risk of adverse health effects. In this study, two types of constructed reactive film were tested for their ability to mitigate emissions of 1,3-D, CP, and MeI using laboratory permeability cells. Before activation, these films act as a physical barrier to trap fumigants leaving soil. After activation of the reactive layer containing ammonium thiosulfate solution, the films also act as a sink for the fumigants. Over 97% of trans-1,3-D and 99% of the cis-1,3-D, CP and MeI were depleted when they passed into the reactive film. Half-lives (t(1/2)) of cis-, trans-1,3-D, CP and MeI under activated reactive film were 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, and 2.0 h respectively at 40 °C.  相似文献   

Glyoxal and methyl glyoxal are common secondary atmospheric pollutants, formed from aromatic and terpene precursors. Both compounds are extremely water-soluble due to dihydrate formation and partition into cloudwater. In this work, FTIR-ATR and mass measurements indicate that both compounds remain primarily in the condensed phase due to oligomer formation when aqueous solution droplets are evaporated, regardless of concentration (> or = 1 mM) or, for glyoxal, droplet evaporation rate. FTIR spectral analyses suggestthat oligomer formation is triggered by conversion from dihydrate to monohydrate forms, which are still nonvolatile but contain reactive carbonyl groups. Methyl glyoxal hemiacetal formation is observed by changes in the C-0/C=0 stretch peak area ratio. The formation of glyoxal oligomers is detected by a dramatic shift of the C-0 stretching peak toward low frequencies. Glyoxal oligomer peaks at 1070 cm(-1), 950 cm(-1), and 980 cm(-1) are assigned to free C-OH stretch, dioxolane-linked C-OC asymmetric stretch, and tentativelyto non-dioxolane-linked C-OC stretches, respectively. Acids have little effect on glyoxal oligomer formation; however, base interrupts oligomer formation by catalyzing glyoxal hydration and disproportionation to glycolic acid. Since glyoxal and methyl glyoxal are commonly found in cloudwater and are expected to remain largely in the aerosol phase when cloud droplets evaporate, this process may be a source of secondary organic aerosol by cloud processing.  相似文献   

Poultry litter often contains arsenic as a result of organo-arsenical feed additives. When the poultry litter is applied to agricultural fields, the arsenic is released to the environment and may result in increased arsenic in surface and groundwater and increased uptake by plants. The release of arsenic from poultry litter, litter-amended soils, and soils without litter amendment was examined by extraction with water and strong acids (HCI and HNO3). The extracts were analyzed for As, C, P, Cu, Zn, and Fe. Copper, zinc, and iron are also poultry feed additives. Soils with a known history of litter application and controlled application rate of arsenic-containing poultry litter were obtained from the University of Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station. Soils from fields with long-term application of poultry litter were obtained from a tilled field on the Delmarva Peninsula (MD) and an untilled Oklahoma pasture. Samples from an adjacent forest or nearby pasture that had no history of litter application were used as controls. Depth profiles were sampled for the Oklahoma pasture soils. Analysis of the poultry litter showed that 75% of the arsenic was readily soluble in water. Extraction of soils shows that weakly bound arsenic mobilized by water correlates positively with C, P, Cu, and Zn in amended fields and appears to come primarily from the litter. Strongly bound arsenic correlates positively with Fe in amended fields and suggests sorption or coprecipitation of As and Fe in the soil column.  相似文献   

Octenyl succinate (OSA) modified starches are used, as emulsifiers and stabilizers, in many food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products. The aim of this study was to determine critical micellar concentration (CMC) of two different octenyl succinate modified waxy corn starches at 25 °C, and to examine possibility of their interactions with xanthan gum in aqueous solution. The CMC was determined by viscometry, conductometry, surface tension and dye solubilization. The CMC values for two OSA starches (OS1 and OS2) varied from 0.050 to 0.088 g/100 cm3 and from 0.041 to 0.081 g/100 cm3 respectively, depending on applied technique. The same techniques were used for investigation of the interactions between OSA starch and xanthan gum. The addition of xanthan gum decreases the specific viscosity and increases surface tension and the CMC values compared to the single OSA starch solutions.  相似文献   

Animal manure amended soils often contain large amounts of bioavailable phosphorus (P) and constitute high risk for the deterioration of surface water quality through eutrophication. Current standards set for the safe disposal of animal manure through soil application are based on the assumption that phosphorus in all P sources would behave similarly. The primary objective of this study was to understand the influence of P from several manure and mineral fertilizer sources applied at 0, 50, and 150 mg P kg(-1) on two measures of bioavailable P to six soils of different initial soil test P levels using corn (Zea mays L.) P uptake and an iron oxide strip method for soil analysis (FeO-P). Total net bioavailable P (TNBP) was calculated by subtracting total P uptake by corn after seven consecutive harvests in control treatments that did not receive P from the P uptake from P-amended treatments. Net biovavailable P after the first harvest (NBP1) was calculated in a similar fashion but only using data from the first harvest. Significant differences in TNBP and NBP1 were found when comparing P sources. The hog (Sus scrofa) manure had the greatest P bioavailability while turkey (Meleagris gallopava) litter had the lowest among the animal P sources across all soils and levels of P application. Significant differences were also found between soils with the highest amounts of TNBP and NBP1 found in the Woodson soil and lowest detected in the Crete soil for most P sources. The FeO-P method was useful in predicting TNBP from most P sources.  相似文献   

The acid-base properties of humic acids (HAs) are known to significantly affect the acid-base buffering capacity of soils, thus having a marked influence on the speciation of cations in the soil solid and liquid phases. Detailed information on the proton binding behavior of humic-like acids (HALs) from organic amendments and humic acids (HAs) from amended soils is, therefore, of intrinsic interest for the evaluation of the agronomic efficacy and environmental impact of soil amendment. In this work, the acid-base properties of HLAs isolated from sewage sludge (SS) and municipal solid waste compost (MSWC), and HAs isolated from soils amended with either SS or MSWC and the corresponding nonamended control soils were investigated by potentiometric titrations at various ionic strengths (0.01, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.3 M) over the pH range from 3.5 to 10.5. The nonideal competitive adsorption (NICA)-Donnan model that describes proton binding by two classes of binding sites with low and high proton affinity, i.e., carboxylic- and phenolic-type groups, was fit to titration data, and a set of fitting parameters was obtained for each HLA and HA sample. The NICA-Donnan model successfully described the shapes of the titration curves, and highlighted substantial differences in site density and proton-binding affinity between the HLAs and HAs examined. With respect to the nonamended control soil HAs, SS-HLA and MSWC-HLA were characterized by smaller carboxylic-type and phenolic-type group contents, larger affinities for proton binding by the carboxylic-type groups, and smaller affinities for proton binding by the phenolic-type groups. Amendment with SS and MSWC determined a number of modifications in soil HAs, including decrease of acidic functional group contents, slight increase of proton affinity of carboxylic-type groups, and slight decrease of the affinities for proton binding by phenolic-type groups. These effects were more evident in the HA fraction from the SS-amended soil than in the HA fraction from the MSWC-amended soil. Thus, both organic amendments examined can be a considered as a valuable source of organic matter for soil. However, MSWC appears to be an amendment of greater quality producing a smaller impact than SS on proton-binding behavior of soil HA.  相似文献   

亚甲基蓝的超声化学降解   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
邢铁玲  K.H.Chu  陈国强 《印染》2005,31(23):13-15
采用频率为24kHz、探头直径为14 mm的超声波反应器,对碱性染料亚甲基蓝进行降解,探讨反应温度、pH值和Fe^2+对染料脱色的影响.研究表明,Fe^2+的加入显著提高了超声反应的脱色率;在pH值2.8、温度20℃、Fe^2+浓度1 mg/L条件下,超声反应60min,染料脱色率达94.51%;超声反应180 min,COD去除率为60%.该染料的超声降解符合一级反应.  相似文献   

采用超声(US)-Fenton试剂法降解水中的己烯雌酚(DES),用LC-MS/MS进行测定。考察了己烯雌酚初始浓度、反应时间、反应温度、溶液pH、超声功率和Fenton试剂对DES降解率的影响,优化了降解反应的工艺条件:0℃、pH为3.0、超声功率为200W、Fenton试剂中H2O2添加量为8%、FeSO4·7H2O添加量为0.2g/L时,处理初始浓度为200μg/L的DES,在反应50min后降解率可达85%。DES浓度在50600μg/L范围时的降解速率符合一级反应动力学。   相似文献   

Many pharmaceutical compounds and metabolites are currently found in surface and ground waters which indicates their ineffective removal by conventional water treatment technologies. Advanced oxidation/reduction processes (AO/ RPs) are alternatives to traditional water treatment, which utilize free radical reactions to directly degrade chemical contaminants. This study reports the absolute rate constants for reaction of three beta-blockers (atenolol, metoprolol, and propranolol) with the two major AO/RP radicals; the hydroxyl radical (*OH) and hydrated electron ((e-)aq). The bimolecular reaction rate constants for *OH are (7.05 +/- 0.27) x 10(9), (8.39 +/- 0.06) x 10(9), and (1.07 +/- 0.02) x 10(10), and for (e-)aq they are (5.91 +/- 0.21) x 10(8), (1.73 +/- 0.03) x 10(8), and (1.26 +/- 0.02) x 10(10), respectively. Transient spectra were observed for the intermediate radicals produced by hydroxyl radical reactions. In addition, preliminary degradation mechanisms and major products were elucidated using 60Co gamma-irradiation and LC-MS. These data are required for both evaluating the potential use of AO/RPs for the destruction of these compounds and for studies of their fate and transport in surface waters where radical chemistry may be important in assessing their lifetime.  相似文献   

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