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Urine can be collected separately from the general wastewater with the aim of recycling the nutrients. Urine source-separation not only prevents wasting nutrients but also prevents potentially hazardous micropollutants from entering the wastewater stream and tainting a final fertilizer product. We assessed various urine treatment technologies for their performance to remove micropollutants such as pharmaceuticals, natural and synthetic steroid hormones, and their human biotransformation products. Removal efficiencies were determined with a combination of bioassays and chemical target analysis. The yeast estrogen screen yielded information on estrogenicity. Specific phytotoxicity and nonspecific baseline toxicity was determined with an algae chlorophyll fluorescence test. Filtration methods, such as nanofiltration and electrodialysis, were highly efficient with respect to toxicity reduction. Micropollutant degradation during biological treatment in a sequencing batch reactor was very compound specific. Ozonation removed the target analytes and the estrogenicity completely, but the baseline toxicity was only reduced by 50-60% depending on the ozone doses. Struvite precipitation produced a very "clean" fertilizer product that is ready to use. The examples show that bioassays and chemical analysis yield complementary information, but are very useful to monitor treatment efficiencies and to assess the ecotoxicological potential of byproducts of urine treatment processes. The results of this study present a method to assess the micropollutant removal efficiency, and therefore, support the choice of an appropriate urine processing technique for real-world applications.  相似文献   

A urine cup for continuous and complete collection of urine from cows was constructed from Plastisol, cotton webb strapping, Velcro Brand touch fasteners [corrected], snap-fasteners, denim patches, weather stripping, and vacuum hose. The urine cup was made from Plastisol using a heated lead mold. It was large enough to enclose a 9 cm x 6 cm area around the vulva of a cow and was attached by strapping and Velcro Brand touch fasteners [corrected] to patches glued to the rump. Urine cups were used repeatedly and provided for long-term collection of urine from cows, eliminating the need for indwelling catheters. Applications include long-term nutrient balance, radioisotope, and metabolism studies.  相似文献   

A metabolism crate to collect faeces and urine from steers has been designed to avoid the possibility of stress caused by harness. This consists of a raised platform under which are one faeces tray and two urine trays, urine running forward initially and then being conducted to a collection bottle. Faeces are collected in the faeces tray. Animals are held in the crate by a neck chain, the minimum amount of restraint being applied. The standing area and positioning of the trays are adaptable to the individual animal. The crates have been successfully used for a number of years.  相似文献   

Total urine collection from female cattle requires the use of indwelling urinary catheters or an external device requiring secure attachment with adhesive to the animal; neither method is ideal for the welfare of the cattle. A urine collection device was developed to enable total urine collection in female dairy cattle without the use of adhesive to attach the device to the vulva of the animal; the device was a modification of one described previously for female cattle. The urine collection device was made from polypropylene with maximum dimensions (height × width × depth) of 17.5 × 11.0 × 6.0 cm and an opening of approximately 42 cm2 to cover the vulva. The device was secured using a commercially available udder support harness that provided snap-fasteners and support for the device to be positioned at the level of the vulva. At the point of attachment, a metal brace surrounded the device and was connected to the udder support by metal rings, which kept the urine cup in proper position as the animal arched to urinate. A metal O-clamp and pieces of rubber, serving as leak-proof washers, connected the bottom of the device to Gooch tubing. Another metal clamp was attached to a polyvinyl chloride adapter that was connected to a rubber hose, and urine was collected into carboys located on the floor approximately 1.5 m behind the animals. This modification of a urine cup allows several noninvasive total feces and urine collection studies of unrestricted length to be undertaken without the use of adhesive to attach the device. The floor-level collection system is a practical, portable, and handy system that will permit researchers to perform nutrient balance and metabolic studies on female cattle.  相似文献   

为了研究煎、炸、烤3种高温处理对羊肉营养成分含量的影响,选用横山羊肉为研究对象,通过调控高温处理的时间和温度,分别测定高温处理后羊肉的水分、脂肪、蛋白质及矿物质等营养成分的含量。结果表明:煎制2 min和3 min的肉样水分和镁含量高于4 min(P0.05),粗脂肪、总SFA及MUFA含量低于4 min(P0.05);且3 min肉样总PUFA、粗蛋白和铁含量高于2 min(P0.05)。炸制3 min的肉样水分和钙含量高于5min(P0.05),粗脂肪含量最低(P0.05),总SFA、MUFA、PUFA含量均高于4 min且低于5 min(P0.05);3min和4 min的肉样粗蛋白及总灰分含量低于5 min,而镁含量高于5 min(P0.05);3 min和4 min处理间肉样粗蛋白、总灰分及镁含量无显著差异(P0.05)。160℃烤制的肉样水分、总灰分及镁含量高于180℃(P0.05),粗脂肪含量最低(P0.05),总SFA、MUFA和PUFA含量均高于180℃却低于200℃(P0.05);160℃和180℃条件下处理的肉样粗蛋白及铁含量低于200℃(P0.05),而160℃和180℃处理间差异不显著(P0.05)。综合分析,3种高温处理对羊肉的营养成分含量影响较大,肉样在226~228℃下煎制3 min、炸制3 min、在160℃下烤制40 min时营养成分保留较好,营养品质较高。  相似文献   

GDP对食物构成及营养摄入的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从世界各国的发展看,居民收入水平越高,肉、蛋、奶等动物食品消费量增多,食物营养素摄入量增大,但不同国家和地区的居民食物结构是不相同的,食物摄入的质和量并不与居民收入水平成等比例关系,此外还与民族特点、地理环境、风俗习惯等有着密切的联系。本文主要是对我国人均GDP、食物消费构成和营养摄入变化等因素进行分析,并进一步探讨我国未来人均GDP变动对人均食物构成及营养摄入可能产生的影响。一、我国人均GDP与食物消费结构变化人均国内生产总值(GDP)与食物热值构成之间存在着密切的关系。一般来说,随着人均GD…  相似文献   

研究了蒸、煮、油炸、微波等4种不同烹调方法对番薯感官品质及淀粉、Vc、还原糖、蛋白质、花青素等营养成分的影响。结果表明:与生番薯相比较,各种烹饪方法均导致番薯营养物质的损失,尤以油炸损失率最高;煮法中番薯部分营养成分流入汤汁中,而蒸法和微波能较好地保持番薯的营养品质。仅从营养成分保持而言,微波是番薯最佳的烹饪方法。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effects of roasting sunflower seed using heated particulate medium (heated salt at 250 °C, 60 s contact of salt and sunflower seed and 120 s holding time) on crude protein (CP) fractions, ruminal dry matter (DM) and CP degradabilities, and ruminal disappearance of amino and fatty acids. Two ruminally fistulated cows were used in a randomised complete block design. Roasting of sunflower seed decreased (P < 0.05) soluble protein and increased (P < 0.05) neutral detergent‐insoluble protein with little effect on acid detergent‐insoluble protein. Results of the in situ nylon bag study showed that roasting decreased (P < 0.05) ruminal degradability of DM and CP and increased (P < 0.05) ruminal undegraded CP of sunflower seed. Roasting increased (P < 0.05) intestinal digestibility of ruminal undegraded protein. Ruminal disappearance of all amino acids (following 12 h of incubation) was greater (P < 0.05) for raw than for roasted sunflower seed. Similar results were also observed for ruminal disappearance of fatty acids. It was concluded that roasting of sunflower seed using heated salt decreased ruminal nutrient degradabilities and thus increased the concentrations of amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids available for digestion in the small intestine. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

This study investigates the oxidation of pharmaceuticals during conventional ozonation and advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) applied in drinking water treatment. In a first step, second-order rate constants for the reactions of selected pharmaceuticals with ozone (k(O3)) and OH radicals (k(OH)) were determined in bench-scale experiments (in brackets apparent k(O3) at pH 7 and T = 20 degrees C): bezafibrate (590 +/- 50 M(-1) s(-1)), carbamazepine (approximately 3 x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1)), diazepam (0.75 +/- 0.15 M(-1) s(-1)), diclofenac (approximately 1 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1)), 17alpha-ethinylestradiol (approximately 3 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1)), ibuprofen (9.6 +/- 1.0 M(-1) s(-1)), iopromide (<0.8 M(-1) s(-1)), sulfamethoxazole (approximately 2.5 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1)), and roxithromycin (approximately 7 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1)). For five of the pharmaceuticals the apparent k(O3) at pH 7 was >5 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1), indicating that these compounds are completely transformed during ozonation processes. Values for k(OH) ranged from 3.3 to 9.8 x 10(9) M(-1) s(-1). Compared to other important micropollutants such as MTBE and atrazine, the selected pharmaceuticals reacted about two to three times faster with OH radicals. In the second part of the study, oxidation kinetics of the selected pharmaceuticals were investigated in ozonation experiments performed in different natural waters. It could be shown that the second-order rate constants determined in pure aqueous solution could be applied to predict the behavior of pharmaceuticals dissolved in natural waters. Overall it can be concluded that ozonation and AOPs are promising processes for an efficient removal of pharmaceuticals in drinking waters.  相似文献   

Four prepubertal Holstein heifers, average age 146.0 +/- 3.6 d and 152.8 +/- 8.6 kg of body weight (BW), fitted with rumen cannulae were used to evaluate increasing levels of dietary protein with a constant metabolizable energy intake on rumen ammonia N concentrations, N balance, total tract apparent digestibility, and urinary excretion of purine derivatives in a 4 x 4 Latin square design with 20 d periods. Heifers were fed dietary crude protein levels (CP) of 11.9, 16.7, 18.1, and 20.1% CP with similar amounts of metabolizable energy (ME) (2.6 Mcal per kg of dry matter) at 2.0% BW as dry matter intake. Resulting protein to ME ratios (CP:ME) were 45.0, 63.3, 69.4, and 77.3 g of dietary CP per Mcal of ME. Rumen ammonia N and plasma urea nitrogen increased as CP level increased. Rumen pH, volatile fatty acids, and the acetate-to-propionate ratio were not affected with increasing CP levels. Greater urinary N excretion resulted in an increase in total N excretion with increasing CP levels. Apparent dry matter digestibility was similar for all diets, while apparent total tract N digestibility was lowest for the 11.9% CP level. Microbial N calculated from urinary excretion of purine derivatives increased with increasing CP levels. Holstein heifers between 153 and 196 kg consuming a diet at 2.0% BW as dry matter intake containing a CP level of 16.7% achieved a better synergistic relationship of dietary protein to energy (CP:ME of 63.3 g of CP per Mcal of ME) than the diets lower or higher in CP that were studied.  相似文献   

微波对台湾青枣果实采后营养品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用家用微波炉对采后台湾青枣果实进行微波处理,研究处理后果实的贮藏寿命及营养品质变化。结果表明:20~25 s的微波处理,能延缓果实呼吸高峰的出现,对果实贮藏期间可溶性固形物、有机酸及Vc的降解有一定的抑制作用,减缓了果实含水量的下降,提高了果实的好果率,使贮藏寿命延长了2~3 d。  相似文献   

硼对烤烟生长及养分吸收的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在溶液培养条件下,研究了不同B033-浓度对烤烟生长和养分吸收的影响.结果表明,营养液中B033-浓度为0 50-2.00mg/L的各处理烤烟的株高和干物质的积累量高于其他3个处理.不同B033-浓度下烤烟各器官对钾的吸收最多,氮次之,磷最少.BO33-浓度为0 50-2.00mg/L的各处理,烤烟各器官对氮磷钾的吸收量明显高于其他处理.缺硼(BO33-<0 50mg/L)或硼浓度过高(BO33≥200mg/L)时都会抑制烤烟的生长发育、干物质和养分的积累.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effects of moist heat treatment (autoclaving at 127 °C with a steam pressure of 117 kPa for 10, 20 and 30 min) of sunflower seed on crude protein (CP) fractions, ruminal dry matter (DM) and CP degradabilities, and ruminal disappearance of amino and fatty acids. Two ruminally fistulated cows were used in a randomised complete block design. Heating of sunflower seed decreased soluble protein and increased neutral detergent‐insoluble protein, with little effect on acid detergent‐insoluble protein. Results of the in sacco study showed that moist heat treatment decreased (cubic effect, P < 0.05) ruminal degradability of DM and CP of sunflower seed. Ruminal undegraded CP of raw sunflower seed was low (84 g kg?1 of CP) and increased (cubic effect, P < 0.05) by 139, 143 and 164% as the heating time increased from 0 to 10, 20 and 30 min respectively. Ruminal disappearance of all amino acids (following 12 h of incubation) was greater (P < 0.05) for raw than for heated sunflower seed. Similar results were also observed for ruminal disappearance of fatty acids. It was concluded that moist heat treatment decreased ruminal DM and CP degradability of sunflower seed (by 17 and 19% respectively) and thus increased the concentrations of amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids available for digestion in the small intestine. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

加工条件对青梅果脯营养成分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过测定青梅果脯加工过程中营养成分的变化,找到最适应的加工条件,为青梅加工提供理论依据。方法对不同腌渍方式、烘干温度、脱盐时间及糖渍条件下青梅营养成分进行考察,包括水分、含盐量、有机酸、总糖、总膳食纤维、总蛋白质、维生素含量等营养素。结果青梅中有机酸(59.25%)、黄酮(84.61%)及膳食纤维(83.74%)损失主要表现在腌渍阶段,而维生素C损失主要是在烘干阶段,约为80.74%,青梅糖渍阶段使青梅营养成分再次损失。青梅果脯最佳加工工艺为:20%干盐腌渍11 d后50℃热风干燥32 h,料液比1:5(m:m)脱盐6 h后真空糖渍2次。结论腌渍和糖渍是青梅加工过程中营养损失的关键控制点,该研究采用的干法腌渍和真空糖渍能够有效降低其营养流失。  相似文献   

目的 研究不同营养强化剂对脱脂乳粉中甲醛生成的影响.方法 脱脂乳粉添加5%有效含量的单一营养强化剂,经热处理后测定甲醛含量,进行单因素实验,考察不同营养强化剂对甲醛产生的影响,选择作用显著的营养强化剂进行双因素组合实验,研究不同营养强化剂之间的相互作用.结果 110℃热处理10 min的情况下,单因素实验结果表明,维生...  相似文献   

烘焙处理对小球藻营养成分及其抗氧化活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究探讨了不同烘焙温度对小球藻蛋白质、氨基酸、总糖等生化组成的影响。结果表明,烘焙前,小球藻的蛋白质、总糖和总脂肪酸的含量分别为31.37、10.06和11.55 g/100 g。当温度不超过100℃时,烘焙处理对小球藻的总蛋白质、总脂及总糖含量影响不大;当温度升至150℃时,总糖含量即大幅下降;总蛋白和总脂在200℃烘焙处理后,其含量也急剧减少。经过不同温度的烘焙处理后,小球藻的必需氨基酸与总氨基酸比值(essential amino acid/total amino acid,EAA/TAA)和必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸比值(essential amino acid/none essectial amino acid,EAA/NEAA)值仍接近联合国粮农组织(Food and Agriculture Organization,FAO)和世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)提出的参考值,说明烘焙处理并未影响小球藻的氨基酸营养价值。小球藻热水提取物的抗氧化活性对烘焙温度很敏感。当温度超过150℃时,小球藻清除羟基自由基的能力受到严重破坏。  相似文献   

通过L9(34)正交实验考查了培养基中的葡萄糖浓度、尿素浓度和磷酸二氢钾浓度对酿酒酵母KH37合成谷胱甘肽的影响。结果表明,葡萄糖浓度为影响谷胱甘肽产量的主要因素,其次是尿素浓度和磷酸二氢钾浓度。最优培养基组成为:35g/L葡萄糖、100mg/L尿素和250mg/L磷酸二氢钾。方差分析表明,葡萄糖浓度对谷胱甘肽产量的影响作用显著,而其他2个因素(尿素和磷酸二氢钾)对谷胱甘肽产量无显著影响。  相似文献   

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