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This study investigates the impacts of R&D on firm performance. It extends previous research by constructing alternative stocks of R&D‐Capital that take into account that time plays an important role in assessing the pay‐off of industrial research. The results show that even when we employed R&D‐Capitals that placed more emphasis on the industrial research that had been undertaken 7 years ago, the effects of R&D were very (statistically) significant and relatively high, thereby suggesting that the life of R&D (on average) tends to be long. The results however, vary across organizations depending on both firm size and the technological opportunities that a company faces. It appears that the depreciation rate of R&D investments is higher in the case of technologically sophisticated firms. In contrast, strategic investments in industrial research generate a relatively constant effect on the performance of other firms, supporting the notion that the corresponding returns for such firms decay slowly.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the differential impact of cooperation with heterogeneous partners on firms' innovation capabilities. We use the number of joint patent applications of Chinese manufacturing firms from 2008 to 2018 to measure cooperation with different types of partners and the number of corporate patents to measure the innovation capability of firms. The results indicate that R&D cooperation with other enterprises, universities, and research institutions all have a significantly positive impact on the innovation capability of enterprises. However, R&D cooperation with universities or research institutions has a higher positive impact on innovation capability than that with other firms. Different internal and external factors moderate the relationship between heterogeneous partners and the innovation capability of firms. Specifically, firms with higher absorptive capacity will benefit more from R&D cooperation with corporate partners. In contrast, in industries with higher market concentration or where firms are at the technological frontier, cooperation with universities will positively impact their innovation capabilities. Further research demonstrates that absorptive capacity has a more positive moderating effect when the cooperation is between firms in the same industry, compared to R&D cooperation between firms in different industries.  相似文献   

In today's global electronics industry, innovation is carried out by various value chain participants, including brand-name manufacturers (sometimes called lead firms), contract manufacturers and component suppliers, but there is little understanding of who benefits most from innovation in such networks. This research examines empirically the relationship of R&D spending and location in the value chain (lead vs. non-lead firms) to firm performance in the global electronics industry by using the Electronic Business 300 data set for 2000–2005. Our results show that firms spending more on R&D have higher gross profits, but do not have higher return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA). There is a strong positive relationship between lead firms and performance as measured by gross profit, ROE and ROA, but the relationship between lead firms and gross profit becomes insignificant when the interaction term of R&D and lead firm is included in the analysis. Finally, lead firm status has a positive interaction effect on the relationship between R&D and gross profit. These findings suggest that the relationship of R&D to performance is mixed, but that lead firms can capture higher value (gross profit) from R&D than contract manufacturers and component suppliers.  相似文献   

While the semiconductor industry is still dominated by large vertically integrated firms, fabless firms, which outsource their manufacturing, are gaining market share. Fabless firms are considered to have an advantage in product innovation, as they can focus their innovation efforts on chip design and can benefit from investments in process innovation made by their manufacturing partners. However, there is little empirical evidence of the performance of fabless firms compared to vertically integrated firms. This research empirically examines the relationship between R&D and the financial performance of fabless and vertically integrated firms from 2000 to 2010. Our results show that fabless firms maintain higher gross and net margins, earn a higher return on assets (ROA) and have greater intangible value (Tobin’s q) than vertically integrated firms when controlling for size, capital intensity and R&D ratio (R&D/sales). This supports the argument that fabless firms achieve greater performance by focusing on one part of the innovation process. The relationship of R&D ratio to net margin is negative for the whole sample, suggesting that the industry may be overinvesting in R&D. Notably, the negative relationship is greater for fabless firms, which spend a higher amount of their sales on R&D. The relationship of R&D ratio to ROA and Tobin’s q is negative, and there is no significant difference between fabless and integrated firms. We conclude that fabless firms outperform integrated firms overall, but are somewhat worse in terms of increasing profits and creating value from their R&D investments.  相似文献   

Interfirm cooperative R&D agreements are becoming more frequent, as firms seek to avoid market failures and exploit the competitive advantages of collaborating vertically with suppliers on the one hand and customers on the other. This paper investigates the phenomenon of vertical R&D linkages in the context of German manufacturing firms, based on a survey conducted at the Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim. The major finding is that vertical linkages have high prevalence, and that the most common mode of linkage involves informal exchange of technical knowledge, with formal linkages such as joint development teams and contractual R&D cooperation being less common.  相似文献   

The effect of firm size on diverse compositions of R&D expenditures is analysed in detail using firm-level data on the Korean manufacturing sector. On the grounds that each type of R&D activity differs in terms of salability in disembodied form and growth potential due to innovation, a distinction between product vs. process, and new vs. incremental R&D is made. Empirical tests show that the firm size is significantly associated with both the new and incremental R&D. Moreover, firm size is found to be significantly associated with other types of R&D compositions such as the share of R&D devoted to incremental innovation and multidimensional combinations of product, process, new and incremental R&D. These findings support the idea that large firms possess innovative advantages over smaller firms and firm size is an important determinant for firms’ heterogeneous R&D activities. We also discuss the limitations and the implications of the findings.  相似文献   

The startup mode of spinoffs founded by R&D employees (R&D spinoffs) within the same industry is widespread in high-tech industries. The founders usually own specific human capital and key technological capability, enabling them to take the operational risk and to appropriate rewards of innovations under the industrial environment of rapid technological change. Whether high-tech R&D spinoffs, compared to their other spinoff counterparts, have better R&D productivity remains less well explored. According to the conceptual discussion of the advantages of intangible innovation assets embodied in company founders, this study argues that the founders' innovation cognition, knowledge externalities, absorptive capability and routine experience can help R&D spinoffs to have higher R&D productivity. We thus propose three hypotheses that are then empirically tested. Based on a sample of Taiwanese electronics firms, the empirical findings show that R&D spinoffs invest with a higher R&D intensity and on average have more patents issued. More importantly, the microeconometric estimates show that the patent and output elasticities of the R&D of R&D spinoffs are significantly higher than those of other firms, indicating that they actually have higher R&D productivity.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how the macroeconomic business cycle impacts the empirical relation between innovation and firm growth. Based on representative panel data of Swiss firms ranging from 1996 to 2014, the paper finds that firms with innovations based on R&D activities show higher sales growth rates than non-innovative firms in periods dominated by economic recessions. This finding is in line with the idea that recessions play an important role in the adaptation process of the economy towards the innovative. In contrast, the paper finds that firms with innovations based on other, non-R&D innovation activities show higher sales growth rates than non-innovative firms in periods dominated by economic booms. Hence, while firms with innovations based on R&D activities are more resilient to business cycle fluctuations than non-innovative firms, firms with innovations based on other, non-R&D innovations activities are more sensitive to business cycle fluctuations than non-innovative firms.  相似文献   

The paper contributes to an emerging literature that critically questions the degree to which R&D, at the centre of national and transnational innovation policies, results in firm growth. The differences in how innovation affects firm growth is explored for small and large publicly quoted US pharmaceutical firms between 1950 and 2008. We observe that the positive impact of R&D on firm growth is highly conditional upon a combination of firm-specific characteristics such as firm size, patenting and persistence in patenting. For small firms, R&D boosts growth for only a subset of firms: namely, those that patent persistently for a minimum of five years. For large pharmaceutical firms, on the other hand, R&D may have a negative impact on growth; potentially resulting from the low R&D productivity these firms have suffered from since the mid-1990s. These results raise important issues around the R&D and firm growth relationship for small and large firms as well the role of persistence in innovation for boosting firm performance.  相似文献   


This study examines how R&D intensity and open innovation affect the technological capabilities of firms in newly-developed countries, such as South Korea. East Asian latecomers are transitioning from a catch-up phase toward becoming leaders, and they are engaging in open innovation activities to drive this transition. This research quantitatively analyzes three kinds of open innovation activities—outside-in, inside-out, and coupled—to investigate their influence upon technological capabilities, while also considering the effect of R&D intensity. Data from 75 South Korean medium-sized firms were analyzed, and two major findings are reported. First, technological capabilities are enhanced by some open innovation activities and by R&D intensity. Second, R&D intensity negatively moderates the impact of open innovation activities on technological capabilities. Therefore, it may be concluded that firms with relatively low R&D intensity will gain the most benefit from increasing their open innovation activities.  相似文献   

The relationship between R&D and market value has attracted the interest of many scholars within different fields, but scant attention has been paid to the countries with weak protection of intellectual property rights (IPR). This is unfortunate, since this problem is potentially highly relevant for IPR policy in developing countries. In particular, several questions arise when the problem of R&D market value is analyzed in a country where IPR protection is weak. First, there are concerns regarding incentives (i.e., private returns) for firms to invest in R&D when IPR is only weakly protected. Second, significant differences could emerge in the market valuation of R&D investments of domestic and foreign firms, above all in those industries where spillovers are more likely. To examine these issues, this paper investigates the market valuation of R&D investments of a panel of 219 R&D-reporting domestic and foreign firms publicly traded in India with an empirical analysis. First, the market valuation of the R&D capital for the whole sample is positive and higher than those obtained in U.S. or European countries from similar analyses. Second, in the sub-samples of the domestic and foreign firms, the market value of R&D investments of foreign firms is not significantly different from zero, while the valuation coefficient of domestic firms is four times higher than that obtained on the whole sample. Third, in science-based industries the difference between domestic and foreign firms is smaller than in the other industries. The policy implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes whether belonging to a business group enhances firms' propensity for and intensity of R&D based on the greater opportunities to finance and co-ordinate R&D strategies and internalize knowledge spillovers. Compared with the existing literature, this paper has the following novelties: (a) it examines how the organization and diversification of business groups influence the R&D investment of affiliated firms; (b) it analyzes the role of R&D spillovers among affiliated firms; and (c) it distinguishes between propensity for and intensity of R&D. We find that less diversified groups are more likely to centralize R&D, while in more diversified groups firms are more likely to be autonomous. We find that controlled companies are more likely to benefit from knowledge spillovers than firms at the head of the group. Finally, we find that R&D autonomy is significantly associated with both a higher propensity for and intensity of R&D in controlled companies.  相似文献   

It is well known from previous research activities that R&D collaboration among economic actors for knowledge production is very important. An accompanying analysis of the impact of R&D collaboration on innovative performance has to be conducted for transferring knowledge to the globalized knowledge-based economy. When we first investigated previous research concerning R&D collaboration, we found some limitations in the analysis methodology. In order to overcome these limitations in previous research, we applied a Bayesian network for analyzing the impact of R&D collaboration in Korean firms on their innovative performance.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the positions of institutions from the private domain in bibliometric rankings of as many as 27,000 research institutions and highlights factors that are crucial for a proper interpretation of such positions. It was found that among the institutions with the largest output in terms of published research articles, private firms are underrepresented, whereas in the top quartile of institutions with the largest citation impact firms are overrepresented. A firm’s publication output is not a good indicator of its R&D investment: big firms in Pharmaceutics are both heavy investors in R&D and frequent publishers of scientific articles, whereas in Automobiles firms tend to invest heavily in R&D but their publication output is low. This is ascribed to the fact that the former need a validation of their results by the scientific community, while the latter do less so. Private institutions generating the largest citation impact tend to collaborate with the best public research institutions. This reflects the crucial importance of publicly funded research for the private sector.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between regional R&D decentralization—i.e. the extent to which R&D activity is distributed among distinct firms collocated in the same geographic area and operating in the same technological domain—and the generation of breakthrough inventions. R&D decentralization might affect the chance of generating breakthrough inventions in two distinct ways. On the one hand, firms might just search in parallel along diverse technological paths, which augments the probability that at least some trajectories will lead to extremely valuable inventions. On the other hand, firms pursuing diverse paths might also exchange knowledge with each other, for instance through inventors' mobility, and such recombination possibly leads to a higher likelihood of producing breakthroughs. By assessing (a) the impact of R&D decentralization on the share of breakthrough inventions and (b) how this impact changes according to the rate of inventors' mobility in regions, this paper aims at understanding which mechanism, if any, actually operates.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the propensity of firms to apply for R&D public grants, their capacity for obtaining subsides and how these relate to the firm age. This analysis is particularly relevant in understanding why young firms may be more or less successful in their application for public subsidies. Using data from an extensive database of 19,236 firms in Catalonia, we estimate a maximum likelihood probit model with sample selection. Our results show that firm age does not exert a significant direct impact on the application propensity in R&D public call, but younger firms tend to show a larger propensity to receive an R&D subsidy. They also show that firm age exerts a moderating role through different internal resources. They highlight the need to design R&D public policies that explicitly favour applications by young firms to help overcome their obstacles to innovation.  相似文献   

The effects of firm size on innovative activity have been extensively debated in the literature, with generally inconclusive results. This study poses a contingent framework in which environmental dynamism moderates the effects of firm size on the returns to research and development (R&D) investments. We hypothesize that dynamic environments favor small firms, as they reward organizational flexibility and promote the development of the markets for technology. Empirical evidence obtained on a sample of Spanish manufacturing firms shows that technological, but not market, dynamism negatively moderates the effects of firm size on the economic productivity of R&D, thus contributing to the success of research efforts by small firms vis-à-vis those of larger corporations.  相似文献   

This paper analyses how context- and time-dependent factors determine the impact of R&D subsidies on firm behaviour with respect to private R&D expenditures. Based on German R&D survey data, we combine propensity score matching with a difference-in-difference estimator in order to measure the causal influence of public direct R&D project funding on firm behaviour. Our results indicate that (i) repeated participation in R&D projects on average leads to a higher increase in R&D expenditures than once-off funding; (ii) the aggregate effect of R&D funding on R&D expenditures of business firms is somewhat higher for business–business collaboration projects than for science–business collaboration projects; (iii) R&D expenditures of business firms that cooperate with science show a higher share of external R&D spending. Results of one particular cluster programme indicate that at least the short-term development of R&D does not so much depend on which programme direct R&D project funding is applied to.  相似文献   

H. Eto 《Scientometrics》1984,6(3):183-188
The applicability of the Bradford law to the R&D expending of firms is examined and its usefulness is proved. It successfully identifies core firms, peripheral firms and minor firms. It also provides a measure to evaluate the degree of R&D concentration to a small number of firms.  相似文献   

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