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正展会时间:2018年11月23日~26日展会场馆:成都世纪城新国际会展中心组织单位:成都市天一展览服务有限公司展品范围:摆件、冰箱、布艺、抽油烟机、厨房、厨房用具、橱柜、床垫、床上、床上用品、瓷砖、灯饰、地板、电视、电视机、吊顶、定制、豆浆机、儿童、儿童家具、户外、户外家具、花园、机器、机器人、家电、家居、家居用品、家具、家庭、家装、家装设计、建材、健康、洁具、净化、净化器、净水、净水器、空调、空气、空气净化、空气净化器、楼梯、门窗、暖通、暖通空调、器械、墙纸、热水器、沙  相似文献   

纸种品牌、厂家或产地铜版纸金东、三A、高唐、泉林、三洋、三棵树东帆、长鹤、紫兴、金东、金华盛、亚太、太阳、中兴金东、芬兰、大宇、紫兴、太阳、晨鸣胶版印刷纸新晨沂鸣、、湖银北鸽、、临泉沂林、、华高立唐、、镇亚江太、、四金川华、盛华、驰宁夏、UM P新闻纸河北、山东、安徽、青岛、浙江、河北、上海、富阳轻涂纸泉林、晨鸣、泰山、亚太、三洋、北越、金东、王子轻型纸湖南、上海、滨州书写纸河南、湖南、新沂、金东、江西、山东、博海、高唐打字纸凤生、永丰、山东定量/g·m-290105~157180~40055 ̄7060 ̄12048 ̄6565 ̄9070…  相似文献   

2005年10月部分纸浆参考价纸种品牌、厂家或产地铜版纸三A、高唐、泉林、金东/三洋、三棵树大宇、东帆、长鹤、紫兴、金东、金华盛、亚太金东、芬兰、大宇、紫兴、太阳中兴胶版印刷纸河南、山东、上海、高唐、湖北、临沂、华立、宝塔河南、晨鸣、银鸽、泉林湖南、山东、金球、明珠、永丰、金海、佳木斯金华盛、太阳新闻纸富河北阳、山东、安徽轻量涂布纸泉林、晨鸣、泰山UPMSCA/豪门轻型纸S湖C南A/、豪上门海书写纸河南、湖南、新沂、金东、江西、山东打字纸凤生、永丰牛皮纸湖南、四川、江西、纳溪、万利雄狮、江西、长宁长江、日本、…  相似文献   

卫生部日前公布的《保健食品禁用物品名单》中 ,列入禁用的物品的有 :八角莲、八里麻、千金子、土青木香、山莨菪、川乌、广防已、马桑叶、马钱子、六角连、天仙子、巴豆、水落石出银、长春花、甘遂、生关夏、生白附子、生狼毒、白降丹、石蒜、关木通、农吉痢、夹竹桃、朱砂、米壳 (罂粟壳 )、红升丹、红豆杉、红茴香、红粉、羊角拗、羊踯躅、丽江山慈姑、京大戟、昆明山海棠、河豚、闹羊花、青娘虫、鱼藤、洋地黄、洋金花、牵牛子、砒石 (白砒、红砒、砒霜 )、草乌、香加皮 (杠柳皮 )、骆驼蓬、鬼臼、莽草、铁棒槌、铃兰、雪上一枝蒿、黄花…  相似文献   

温性、热性食物大多能温中、散寒和助阳,适于体质虚寒者或冬令季节食用,阴虚火旺者慎食,如面粉、糯米、豆油、酒、醋、大枣、荔枝、红糖、羊肉、牛肉、狗肉、虾、鸡、鲫鱼、鲢鱼、葱、姜、韭菜、大蒜、辣椒、胡椒等。寒性、凉性食物一般具有清热泻火、解毒养阴之功,适于体质偏热者或夏天食用,如小米、绿豆、赤小豆、豆腐、豆浆、西瓜、梨、柑、柿、甘蔗、鸭肉、兔肉、猪肉、蟹、甲鱼、田鸡、蜂蜜、竹笋、苦瓜、黄瓜、白菜、蕹菜、萝卜、番茄、菠菜、荸荠等。对于平性食物,健康者可长年食用,如蛋黄、牛奶、黄豆、黑豆、红薯、马铃薯、南瓜、…  相似文献   

福州贺兰山思域酒业锖售有限公司 是法国卡斯特兄弟股份有限公司在中国的战略合作伙伴,现诚聘全国各区域销售经理。工作地点(北京、南京、苏州、连云港、扬州、杭州、宁波、台州、合肥、温州、福州、厦门、泉州、广州、深圳、东莞、海口、武汉、长沙、南昌、赣州、贵阳、西安、成都、重庆、昆明、南宁、天津、太原、大连、沈阳、济南、青岛、长春、哈尔滨、上海)  相似文献   

卫生部新公布的名单: 蒲公英、益智、淡竹叶、胖大海、金银花、余甘子、葛根、鱼腥草 卫生部曾公布的两批名单: 八角茴香、刀豆、姜(生姜、干姜)、枣(大枣、酸枣、黑枣)、山药、山楂、小茴香、木瓜、龙眼肉(桂圆)、白扁豆、百合、花椒、芡实、赤小豆、佛手、青果、杏仁(甜、苦)昆布、桃仁、莲子、桑椹、榧子、淡豆  相似文献   

正展会时间:2018年11月23日~26日展会场馆:成都世纪城新国际会展中心组织单位:成都市天一展览服务有限公司展品范围:摆件、冰箱、布艺、抽油烟机、厨房、厨房用具、橱柜、床垫、床上、床上用品、瓷砖、灯饰、地板、电视、电视机、吊顶、定制、豆浆机、儿童、儿童家具、户外、户外家具、花园、机器、机器人、家电、家居、家居用品、家具、家庭、家装、家装设计、建材、健  相似文献   

缺铁:可多食黑木耳、海藻、动物肝脏、黄花菜、血.豆腐、蘑菇、油莱、腐竹、酵母、芝麻、蚬子等.缺铜:多食动物肝脏、猪肉、菠菜、大豆、柿子、芝麻、淡水河螺、虾、蛤蜊、糙米.缺锌:可多食鱼、牡蛎、瘦肉、牛肉、羊肉、动物肝肾、蛋类、可可、奶制品、干酷花生、芝麻、大豆制品、核桃、糙米、粗面粉.缺镁:多食海带、紫菜、芝麻、大豆、糙米、玉米、小麦、菠菜、芥菜、黄花莱、黑枣、香蕉、菠菜.缺碘:多食海带、紫菜、海鱼、海虾.缺钙:可多食虾米、虾皮、蟹、鱼、海藻、海带、菠菜、骨头汤、大豆、核桃、花生.  相似文献   

北京、河北、内蒙古、辽宁、吉林、上海、江苏、浙江、安徽、福建、山东、河南、湖北、湖南、广东、广西、重庆、四川、陕西、甘肃、宁夏省、自治区、直辖市卫生厅局,中国疾病预防控制中心:[第一段]  相似文献   

《Food chemistry》2001,75(4):453-457
Eighteen different species of wild mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus, Agaricus silvicola, Amanita muscaria, Amanita rubescens, Amanita vaginata, Boletus sp., Hydnum repandum, Hypholoma fasciculare, Laccaria lacceta, Lactarius piperatus, Lactarius sp., Lactarius volemus, Pleurotus ostreatus, Russula cyanoxantha, Russula sp., Russula delica, Russula foetens andTricholoma terreum) growing in the East Black Sea region were analyzed spectrometrically for their metal element (Pb, Cd, Hg, Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe, Co, As, Ca, Na, K, Mg, Ba, Ni, Ti, Cr, Al, Bi, Sb, and Ag) levels. In the mushrooms, the highest metal concentrations were measured as 4.91, 3.48, 0.60, 92.5, 44.4, 176, 169, 0.72, 1.76, 106.4, 136, 51 000, 1320, 1.62, 145, 282, 1.68, 24.1, 1.84, 0.26, and 0.37 mg/kg (dry weight basis) for Pb, Cd, Hg, Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe, Co, As, Ca, Na, K, Mg, Ba, Ni, Ti, Cr, Al, Bi, Sb, and Ag in Russula foetens, Agaricus bisporus, Hypholoma fasciculare, Hydnum repandum, Lactarius sp., Tricholoma terreum, Amanita vaginata, Laccaria lacceta, Pleurotus ostreatus, Hypholoma fasciculare, Pleurotus ostreatus, Hypholoma fasciculare, Agaricus bisporus, Pleurotus ostreatus, Lactarius piperatus, Hydnum repandum, Russula sp., Agaricus bisporus, Russula delica, and Lactarius sp., respectively.  相似文献   

目的利用大米中无机多元素分析数据建立判别模型,实现对4个我国进口大米主要产地的鉴别。方法采用ICP-MS和ICP-OES分析技术,测定了泰国、巴基斯坦、柬埔寨、缅甸4个产地的76份大米样本中磷、钾、镁、钙、锌、钠、锰、铁、铷、铜、硼、铝、钼、镍、钡、锶、砷、钛、硒、铬、钴、铯、铅、镉、锂、钒、银、锑、铍、铊、镧、铈、镨、钕、钐、铕、钆、铽、镝、钬、铒、铥、镱、镥、钪、钇等46种无机元素含量。通过对检测数据进行单因素方差分析、Fisher判别分析,建立了产地判别模型。结果4个产地大米的部分元素存在显著性差异,产地判别模型的原始校验准确率100%,交叉验证准确率96.1%。结论所建方法和判别模型对泰国、巴基斯坦、柬埔寨、缅甸所产大米具有很好产地鉴别能力。  相似文献   

利用电感耦合等离子体质谱对宁夏中宁枸杞中55种矿物元素在不同成熟阶段的含量进行跟踪测定,分析其变化规律.结果表明,中宁枸杞中55种元素含量差异较大,Cu、Co、B、Mg、Mn、Mo、Ca、Cd、Cr、Ni、Ba、Sr、Rb、Ti、W、Ga元素含量在5个成熟阶段呈降低趋势,Fe、Zn、V、Pb、As、Hg、Sb、Tl、L...  相似文献   

A nutritional study was carried out on 30 rural, low-income women, aged 25 to 35 years, in the village of Dhandra, Ludhiana District, Punjab, India, to measure the energy cost of selected household and farm activities. The mean weight, mid-upper-arm circumference, and triceps skinfold thickness were below the reference standards. A negative energy balance among the subjects indicated their poor energy status. The energy costs of selected household and farm activities were assessed by the Caltrac personal activity computer. The energy costs of household activities--making dough, making chapatis, grinding masala, hand pumping, washing utensils, sweeping, mopping, washing the floor, mud pasting, and washing clothes--were 0.0306, 0.0281, 0.0595, 0.0337, 0.0266, 0.0424, 0.0530, 0.0331, 0.0634, and 0.0453 kcal/kg/min, respectively. The energy costs of farm activities--collecting fodder, chaffing fodder, milking, making dung cakes, picking sag, harvesting wheat, bundling wheat, picking paddy, brooming paddy, and separating paddy--were 0.0472, 0.0372, 0.0530, 0.0270, 0.0337, 0.0623, 0.0374, 0.0411, 0.0370, and 0.0744 kcal/kg/min, respectively. All selected activities were categorized as light, except for grinding masala, mopping, mud pasting, harvesting wheat, separating paddy, and milking, which were categorized as moderate on the basis of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) physical activity ratios. The Caltrac gave lower values for the energy costs of most of the activities. Although it is simpler and less costly, the Caltrec must be calibrated against methods of measuring oxygen consumption for similar activities.  相似文献   

The essential oil constituents of Sideritis cretica Boiss have been investigated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Over 30 compounds were identified or partially identified in the oil which was obtained by steam distillation. The compounds reported in this work are: limonene, β-phellandrene, γ-terpinene, p-cymene, hexanol, nonanal, 1-octen-3-ol, a-copaene, linalool, octanol, 1-terpinen-4-ol, caryophyllene, pulegone, β-farnesene, terpineole, borneol, carvone, naphthalene, zingiberene, trimethyl-dihydro-naphthalene, β-cadinene, ar-curcumene, anethol, damascenone, calamene, colacorene, hexenyl benzoate, γ-decalactone, drimenol, thymol, carvacrol, diterpenes, diethyl phthalate and benzyl benzoate.  相似文献   

Inductively coupled plasma optical emission (ICP-OES), in combination with different chemometric approaches, has been used to verify the origin of different red wine samples from Utiel-Requena, Jumilla, Yecla and Valencia protected designation of origin (PDO). The ability of multivariate analysis methods, such as hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), principal component analysis (PCA), classification and regression trees (CARTs) and discriminant analysis (DA), to achieve wine classification from their elemental contents has been investigated. The calculations were performed using 38 variables (contents of Al, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Dy, Er, Eu, Fe, Gd, Ho, K, La, Li, Lu, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nd, Ni, Pb, Pr, Sc, Se, Sm, Sr, Tb, Ti, Tm, V, Y, Yb and Zn, at mg l−1 level, determined by ICP-OES).  相似文献   

Honey is a popular natural food product with a very complex composition mainly consisting of both organic and inorganic constituents. The composition of honey is strongly influenced by both natural and anthropogenic factors, which vary based on its botanical and geographical origins. Although minerals and heavy metals are minor constituents of honey, they play vital role in determining its quality. There are several different analytical methods used to determine the chemical elements in honey. These methods are typically based on spectroscopy or spectrometry techniques (including atomic absorption spectrometry, atomic emission spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry). This review compiles available scientific information on minerals and heavy metals in honey reported from all over the world. To date, 54 chemical elements in various types of honey have been identified and can be divided into 3 groups: major or macroelements (Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, S, Cl), minor or trace elements (Al, Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn, Cd, Tl, Co, Ni, Rb, Ba, Be, Bi, U, V, Fe, Pt, Pd, Te, Hf, Mo, Sn, Sb, La, I, Sm, Tb, Dy, Sd, Th, Pr, Nd, Tm, Yb, Lu, Gd, Ho, Er, Ce, Cr, As, B, Br, Cd, Hg, Se, Sr), and heavy metals (trace elements that have a specific gravity at least 5 times higher than that of water and inorganic sources). Chemical elements in honey samples throughout the world vary in terms of concentrations and are also influenced by environmental pollution.  相似文献   

Dietary exposure estimates of 30 elements from the UK Total Diet Study   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Dietary exposures of consumers to 30 elements (aluminium, antimony, arsenic, barium, bismuth, boron, cadmium, calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, germanium, gold, iridium, iron, lead, lithium, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, palladium, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, selenium, strontium, thallium, tin and zinc) estimated from the UK 1994 Total Diet Study are reported, and compared with those from previous UK Total Diet Studies and those from other countries. Dietary exposure estimates were generally low and, where comparisons are possible, similar to those from other countries and below the relevant Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intakes and Provisional Maximum Tolerable Daily Intakes. For most of those elements included in previous UK Total Diet Studies, dietary exposures have declined.  相似文献   

中国烟叶矿质营养及主要化学成分含量特征研究   总被引:67,自引:4,他引:63  
利用2002年抽样调查的220个烤烟样品,对我国烤烟中的氮、钾、磷、钙、镁、锰、铜、锌、硼、钠、铁、氯、烟碱、还原糖等14个指标的含量特征进行了分析。结果表明:1)除钙、钠、锌、硼、还原糖、烟碱外,其余指标在品种之间的差异极显著,但不同指标在品种之间的高低秩序不同。在样本数较多的K326、云烟85、云烟87、NC82、NC89中,K326的钾含量为1.79%,显著地高于云烟85、NC82、NC89,NC82、云烟87的氯含量分别为0.39%、0.32%,显著地高于K326、云烟85、NC89中的氯含量;2)氮、硼、烟碱含量从上部烟叶到下部烟叶显著地依次降低,而钾、铁、还原糖则从上部烟叶到下部烟叶显著地依次升高;3)烟碱含量地域之间的差异不明显,而其余指标在地域之间的差异极显著,但不同指标在品种之间的高低秩序不同。河南烟叶的钾含量显著地低于其他省份,贵州烟叶的氯离子含量显著地高于其他地方,湖南烟叶的还原糖含量显著地低于其他所有地方;4)我国烟叶氮、磷、钾、钙、镁、锰、氯、铜、锌、硼、钠、铁、烟碱、还原糖含量落在巴西烟叶范围之内的理论概率分别为0.525、0.598、0.485、0.338、0.462、0.839、0.449、0.384、0.275、0.586、0.621、0.586、0.739、0.684;还原糖、烟碱、钾、氯含量符合"国际型优质烟叶"质量标准的概   相似文献   

Thirty-eight elements, including toxic cadmium, lead, mercury, silver and thallium, were determined in 18 species of wild edible mushrooms collected from several sites in Pomorskie Voivodeship in northern Poland in 1994. Elements were determined by double focused high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HR-ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES), after wet digestion of the dried samples with concentrated nitric acid in closed PTFE vessels using a microwave oven. K, P and Mg were present at levels of mg/g dry matter; Na, Zn, Ca, Fe, Cu, Mn, Rb, Ag, Cd, Hg, Pb, Cs, Sr, Al and Si were present at µg/g levels, while Tl, In, Bi, Th, U, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, La, Lu and Ba were present at ng/g levels.  相似文献   

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