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An integral equation solution to the problem of transverse magnetic (TM) or transverse electric (TE) scattering by an isotropic dielectric/ferrite material cylinder in the presence of a perfectly conducting half-plane is presented. The technique is termed a method of moments (MM)/Green's function solution since the method of moments is used to determine the electric and magnetic polarization currents representing the material cylinder, while the presence of the half-plane is accounted for by including the half-plane Green's function in the kernel of the integral equations. Numerical results are presented for the echo width, material cylinder interior fields, and the surface impedance of a material slab on the surface of a half-plane.  相似文献   

The problem of diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave by a dielectric half-plane is reconsidered for solution by utilizing a set of recently developed approximate boundary conditions and the Wiener-Hopf technique. It is observed from the present solution of the problem that reflected waves cease to exist if the angle of incidence takes up the valuetan^{-1}(1/n)wherenrepresents the refractive index of the material of the half-plane under consideration. Expression for the diffracted far field is obtained by using a modification of the saddle point method, and numerical values of the diffraction coefficients are presented in the form of a table for a special value of the refractive indexnand for different values of the parameterkh, hrepresenting the (small) thickness of the half-plane andkthe wavenumber.  相似文献   

The theory and equations are developed for the scattering pattern of a dielectric cylinder of infinite length and arbitrary cross-section shape. The harmonic incident wave is assumed to have its electric vector perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder, and the fields are assumed to have no variations along this axis. Although some investigators have approximated the field within the dielectric body by the incident field, a more accurate solution is obtained here by treating the field as an unknown function which is determined by solving a system of linear equations. Scattering patterns obtained by this method are presented for dielectric shells of circular and semicircular cross section, and for a thin plane dielectric slab of finite width. The results for the circular shell agree accurately with the exact classical solution. The effects of surface-wave excitation and mutual interaction among the various portions of the shell are included automatically in this solution.  相似文献   

TM scattering from a hollow, slotted, circular cylinder with thickness is investigated. The mode-matching technique (MMT) is used to express the scattered and guided fields in the angular spectral domain in terms of the radial waveguide mode. The boundary conditions are enforced on the conducting surface and the slot to obtain simultaneous equations. The simultaneous equations are solved to represent the fields in an analytic series form. The computed results are in very good agreement with other data. The numerical computations are performed to illustrate scattering behavior in terms of cylindrical geometry, incident angle, and frequency  相似文献   

The dyadic scattering amplitude is determined for a planar electromagnetic wave incident on a dielectric cylinder of finite length and circular cross section under the assumption that the internal fields induced within the finite-length cylinder can be approximated by those within an infinite-length cylinder. These internal fields are then used to calculate the dyadic scattering amplitude in terms of the cylinder's physical dimensions, orientation, and dielectric properties. The theoretical development is complemented by numerical calculations, and its validity assessed by comparison with experiment  相似文献   

The scattering properties of a dielectric-coated nonconfocal conducting elliptic cylinder are investigated. The theoretical treatment of such a problem is based on the boundary value solution, which is an exact treatment of the problem. Only the transverse magnetic (TM) case is considered, although the transverse electric (TE) case can be treated in the same way. It is shown that this solution is much more general than all previous solutions because it can handle a variety of scattering geometries. Numerical results are presented in graphical form for the echo width pattern of various geometries  相似文献   

A new method is demonstrated for solving the electromagnetic scattering problemof a radially inhomogeneous lossless or lossy dielectric cylinder by Fourier series expansion.Com-pared with other methods,the method is simpler in numerical calculation and can be used forsolving scattering problems of a cylinder due to an arbitrary incident electromagnetic beam.  相似文献   

Chen  Z.-N. Zhang  W.-X. 《Electronics letters》1993,29(10):853-854
The electromagnetic scattering from a dielectric coated cylinder is analysed based on the generalised multipole technique (GMT) combined with the on-surface radiation condition (OSRC) for separating an open region of inhomogeneous media into the inside region of the homogeneous medium and the outside region of free space. The equivalent multipole sources inside which produce the outside scattered fields, are determined by the OSRC on the outer surface. Some numerical examples for calculating the RCS from the scatterer with concentrically circular or confocally elliptic cross-section are provided.<>  相似文献   

Expressions that apply for all observation points are derived for the field produced by a plane wave incident on a thin dielectric half-plane when the electric vector of the incident wave is parallel to the edge. Away from shadow boundaries the total field comprises an edge wave and a surface wave in addition to the transmitted and reflected waves of geometrical optics. The nature of the edge wave differs from that of a perfectly conducting half-plane in that both the amplitude and phase vary with the observation angle, for a given angle of incidence.  相似文献   

The two-dimensional problem of diffraction by a half-plane with a cylindrical dielectric cap due to an electric line source near the edge is investigated by the boundary value method. It is shown that the effect of the dielectric cap is significant for modifying the amplitudes and polar locations of the diffraction lobes.  相似文献   

A closed-form expression for the field produced by a plane wave incident on an infinitely long conducting cylinder, coated with a lossy dielectric of nonuniform thickness, is obtained using perturbation theory. This approximate series solution is later evaluated asymptotically for electrically large cylinder sizes. The scattered fields are interpreted using geometric optics and creeping waves. The fields are calculated using the exact series, the approximate perturbation series, and the high-frequency asymptotic solutions, and compared for different angles of incidence  相似文献   

提出一种新的在线逆散射方法-支持向量机,通过支持向量机将原问题转化成一个回归估计问题.该方法可广泛应用于各种逆散射方面,尤其是目标的几何与电磁参数重构.以相对介电常数作为输入,复散射系数作为输出,通过对训练样本的学习,利用支持向量机回归估计了介质圆柱体不同相对介电常数下复散射系数的实部与虚部.同时,以多个观测点的散射电场值作为样本信息,利用支持向量机对已知探测范围内的介质圆柱体的相对介电常数和电导率进行了重构.比较结果显示了该方法的有效性和准确性.  相似文献   

将人工智能技术应用于介质圆柱体电磁逆散射问题研究,通过BP神经网络将原逆散射问题转化为一个回归估计问题,重构了目标的几何与电磁参数。在TM波的照射下,设置多个目标散射场的观测点,以散射场的幅值作为BP网络的输入,相应的几何与电磁参数作为输出,经过适当的训练,建立了介质圆柱体逆散射模型,并以此模型重构了已知探测范围内的介质圆柱体的半径、相对介电常数及电导率。比较结果显示了该方法的有效性和准确性,为目标的实时逆散射研究提供了一种有效方法。  相似文献   

The problem of H-wave scattering by a metal/dielectric cylinder that is inhomogeneous over its curvilinear cross section and positioned perpendicularly to the wide wall is solved. According to the proposed method of solution, a system of external currents is associated with the cylinder with allowance for the selfmatching conditions.  相似文献   

An analytical solution is presented for the electromagnetic scattering from a dielectric circular cylinder embedded in a dielectric half-space with a slightly rough interface. The solution utilizes the spectral (plane-wave) representation of the fields and accounts for all the multiple interactions between the rough interface and the. buried cylinder. First-order coefficients from the small perturbation method are used for computation of the scattered fields from the rough surface. The derivation includes both TM and TE polarizations and can be easily extended for other cylindrical buried objects (e.g., cylindrical shell, metallic cylinder). Several scattering scenarios are examined utilizing the new solution for a dielectric cylinder beneath a flat, sinusoidal, and arbitrary rough surface profile. Results indicate that the scattering pattern of a buried object below a slightly rough surface differs from the flat surface case only when the surface roughness spectrum contains a limited range of spatial frequencies. Furthermore, the illuminated area of the incident wave is seen to be a critical factor in the visibility of a buried object below a rough surface.  相似文献   

The scattering of H-polarised plane waves by an infinitely long axially magnetised cylinder of uniform plasma is investigated for the case in which the radius of the cylinder is small in comparison with the wavelength of the incident wave. The scattering amplitude is found to be a maximum at two frequencies, which are shown to be related to the familiar dipolar resonant frequency of an isotropic plasma column. Approximate expressions for the two resonant frequencies are derived.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic fields in a rectangular waveguide containing a lossy dielectric cylinder are investigated by means of the orthogonal expansion method. The calculated results are provided by measurement. Resonance effects become visible through the frequency responses of the scattering parameters and understandable by patterns due to magnetic fields and Poynting vectors. The lowest resonance is nonsymmetric and can be used to realize tunable bandstop filters with a relative 3-dB bandwidth of about 0.04 and an attenuation of more than 40 dB  相似文献   

Using Keller's geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) the field diffracted by a wedge is infinite at the shadow and reflection boundaries. In general, uniform diffraction coefficients must be used to provide continuous fields at these boundaries. In this communication it is shown that by properly adding the singular contributions from a pair of adjacent edges, Keller's diffraction coefficients yield a continuous far-zone field at the reflection boundaries of a polygonal cylinder illuminated by a plane wave. Furthermore the procedure is justified by noting that the uniform diffraction coefficients reduce to the Keller diffraction coefficients for this case.  相似文献   

A uniform solution is proposed to, describe the diffraction by a penetrable anisotropic dielectric halfplane illuminated at normal incidence by an electromagnetic plane wave. Resorting to second-order boundary conditions on a sheet simulating a special type of anisotropic dielectric thin layer, a physical optics (PO) approximation for the induced electric and magnetic surface currents is derived. Then, a uniform asymptotic evaluation of the corresponding radiation integral provides the diffracted field in terms of the standard transition function relevant to the uniform theory of diffraction. The effectiveness of the solution is proved by many numerical tests  相似文献   

Uniform asymptotic high-frequency ray solutions are developed for the problems of diffraction of electromagnetic plane, cylindrical, and surface waves normally incident on the edge of an isotropic, homogeneous dielectric/ferrite half-plane. The boundary conditions developed, which are referred to as the generalized impedance boundary conditions (GIBC), yield solutions that recover the exact geometrical constants of the surface wave fields in these problems. In the limiting case of small thickness, the solutions recover the solutions based on the boundary conditions given by L.A. Weinstein (1969). Furthermore, the relatively simple ray solutions developed are shown to be very accurate by comparing them with those obtained by an independent approach based on the moment method  相似文献   

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