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着眼无人智能化保障装备发展问题,为构建智能高效的保障装备体系,在对智能化战争条件下装备保障“任务—能力”进行分析,确定感知战场态势、辅助指挥决策、装备检测维修、物资精准保障4项智能化保障任务和大数据分析处理能力、智能决策能力、多源数据采集能力等9种无人智能化保障装备能力的基础上,运用基于灰色关联分析的质量功能展开方法,建立包含灰色综合关联矩阵的无人智能化保障装备能力需求分析质量屋,得到无人智能化保障装备能力指标重要度排序,大数据分析处理能力重要度为6.890 6,居于首位,该能力是保障装备开展所有保障活动的基础,符合智能化装备保障“以智取胜”的致胜机理;结果表明该模型具有较好的可行性和适用性,验证了该方法在无人智能化保障装备能力需求分析中的可行性和有效性,为下一步无人智能化保障装备建设规划提供了有力参考。  相似文献   

针对我军新型装备缺乏系统规范的保障训练需求分析的问题,提出了“基于人员素质差距确定训练需求”的思路,并结合案例建立了我军装备保障训练需求分析的仿真模型,经验证,仿真结果科学有效。  相似文献   

信息系统安全需求分析方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹阳  张维明 《计算机科学》2003,30(4):121-124
1 引言在人类社会的发展和生存越来越依赖于信息的今天,信息系统已成为人们用于产生、传送、使用、管理信息的主要工具和手段。然而,随着计算机和通信网络技术的飞速发展,信息系统的安全保密问题也日益突出和复杂化。怎么才能确保信息系统的有效性和安全性,已经成为社会普遍关注的重点问题。为此,在新信息系统的构建以及旧信息系统的维护和扩  相似文献   

信息系统及信息产业的迅速成长与发展,离不开商业市场客户的支持,许多IT项目出现失控的主要原因之一是客户需求问题。因此,在信息系统人才培养和实验教学过程中,指导学生关注信息系统的用户需求分析就显得十分重要,是提升信息系统实验教学效果的重要手段。  相似文献   

基于SOA的装备保障领域信息系统集成研究   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
本文分析了我军目前信息系统集成中存在的问题,介绍了面向服务的设计思想与标准,说明了SOA(Service-orientedar-chitecture,面向服务的体系架构)在装备保障MIS设计中的作用,提出了基于SOA的装备保障信息系统设计层次,表明了充分利用已有的信息系统,复用现有的服务,进行基于SOA的装备保障信息系统集成的优势。  相似文献   

装备技术保障数据仓库的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文针对XX装备技术保障信息管理系统的开发,划分了系统的层次结构,提出了建立技术保障数据仓库的概念,并结合现有各个XX装备技术保障信息管理子系统模型,具体规划了面向决策分析的技术保障数据仓库的模型,研究了其实现方法。  相似文献   

结合深圳市住房保障信息系统的开发建设,阐述了深圳市住房保障信息系统的体系结构、建设内容、技术特点以及应用效果。重点探讨了利用流程化、模型化、组件化、标签化的设计,建立一个具有高内聚低耦合特性的可扩展、可维护的系统架构,以持续支持住房保障业务的不断发展和政策的调整变化。  相似文献   

在高科技的现代作战中迫切需要建立装备保障仿真研究系统.该文从尽力提高仿真精度且实际可行的角度出发,采用分级分层、逐步细化的方法建立了作战过程中的装备毁伤模型,采用面向对象的方法建立了装备保障模型.在此基础上,把作战和装备保障结合起来初步建立了装备保障仿真系统.  相似文献   

阐述了信息系统需求分析质量控制的重要性。提出了从管理学、经济学以及工程技术的角度进行需求分析质量控制的方法。  相似文献   

随着时代的进步和发展,如今出现了诸多的计算机软件服务手段;我国银行业发展迅速,在竞争日趋激烈的今天,各个银行都开始将客户服务为中心。银行信息系统的建设也日趋复杂,过去的小系统,如今已经有了成千上百个。那么在银行信息系统设计之前,就需要做好需求分析工作。本文简要分析了银行信息系统设计的项目需求分析应用,希望可以提供一些有价值的参考意见。  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of stakeholder analysis and soft systems thinking for an investigation of information system requirements. It is argued that it is appropriate to approach IS development as an exercise in managing complexity (soft systems) and pluralism (stakeholder analysis). A framework for investigating IS requirements is proposed that contrasts the current situation with the future situation and the real world with conceptual thinking about the real world. These aspects are viewed as outcomes of the process of IS requirements analysis, for which the metaphor of mediation is adopted in preference to presenting requirements analysis as a binary distinction between social construction and objectivity. The IS requirements analysis framework is applied in action research and the findings and learning that arose are presented.  相似文献   

建立和运行集成维修保障信息系统,是提高航空装备维修保障工作效率的有效手段.在分析建立航空装备维修保障信息系统(AEMSIS)框架结构需求的基础上,构建了包含运行体系结构、软件体系结构、安全体系结构的AEMSIS系统的总体框架结构,分析了上述3个层次的体系结构如何满足AEMSIS系统总体框架结构的需求.建立的框架结构为构建航空装备维修保障信息管理应用程序建立了基础.  相似文献   

Abstract. Since the mid-1980s there has been a growing interest in the application of soft systems methodology (SSM) to the information systems design process. This interest has resulted from attempts to overcome the recognized deficiencies of conventional computer systems analysis methods and techniques. A particular problem which has received attention over the past 5 years is the epistemological and operational differences between the investigative process of the pre-design stage and the technological specification. We suggest that this argument is somewhat unproductive and advocate a necessary rethinking about the nature of information systems and the use of technology to support their activities. A re-evaluation of the way that we set about designing computer-based information systems suggests that many of the problems of conventional systems analysis methods may be alleviated by an approach that allows the 'client', or 'user', to have a greater control over the identification, specification and development of their information system(s). The authors' belief in this course of action has led to the development of client-led design as an underpinning philosophy for user participation in the design of computer-based information systems. Client-led design draws upon and develops concepts and tools from 'interpretive', or 'soft', systems thinking and, in particular, can be seen as providing a framework for the type of subjective inquiry that Checkland & Scholes (1990) referred to as 'ideal-type' mode 2 SSM. This paper is related to the papers published in the Journal of Information Systems (Vol. 3, No. 3), which was a special edition to illustrate the influence of 'soft' systems thinking upon information systems design and development.  相似文献   

The identification of the potential benefits of a proposed information system project is a very challenging and important task. However, little research describes how this is actually carried out. The objective of this research was to answer the core question: how do organizations identify the expected benefits of proposed IS projects? To accomplish this objective, the authors studied 24 projects by interviewing 20 subjects from 13 organizations. Based on these interviews, a model of the benefit identification process was formulated showing it to be a set of loosely defined, overlapping, iterative activities. The study suggests that, despite great uncertainty about the potential benefits, proposers were compelled to use the benefit identification process to persuade the organization to be committed to the project. This effort to build commitment under great uncertainty may contribute to the overstatement or understatement of expected benefits. The study offers managers an understanding of the process and guidance for carrying it out. It also suggests that future researchers validate the model, use it to help identify best practices and test related hypotheses.  相似文献   

Action research in information systems development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. Action research is located within a spectrum of problem-solving activity that ranges from pure basic scientific research, the purpose of which is to add to knowledge, to human action designed to achieve a purpose without thought of contributing to knowledge. Action research both adds to knowledge and applies it in practice. Action research is particularly appropriate information systems development. A number of alternative methodologies for action research exist that make differing philosophical assumptions. A body of theory exists that enables a choice to be made among methodologies. This theory is useful in analysing information system problems.  相似文献   

End-user computing is a growing area within the information technology (IT) industry. The number and size of end-user-developed applications is steadily increasing, yet little attention is paid to the way in which such applications are developed, and their impact upon organizations. In this paper we examine the relationship between information systems methodologies and the end-user-computing environment. In particular, the potential benefits and disadvantages of the use of information systems methodologies for end-user-computing, and strategies by which such usage can be accomplished are discussed. This paper is partly the result of a research programme involving case studies in 34 UK organizations aimed at improving business systems.  相似文献   

Comprehensive and elaborate systems analysis techniques have been developed in the past of routine and operational information systems. Developing support systems for organizational decision-making requires new tools and methodologies. We present a new framework for data collection and decision analysis which is useful for developing decision support systems. This task analysis methodology encompasses (1) event analysis, (2) participant analysis, and (3) decision content analysis. With a proper coding manual, it provides a framework for collecting relevant and detailed information required for decision support design and implementation. Further research is suggested for application and evaluation of the methodology in real-life DSS environments.  相似文献   

The occurrence in the literature of success stories dealing with (management) information systems is rare indeed. This paper addresses some of the possible factors that make it difficult to design and implement successful information (and decision support) systems. More specifically, we consider the role of problem formulation and specification, including goal setting, in the design of information systems.  相似文献   

根据信息系统评价原则,提出了信息系统性能评价的指标体系,并对各指标进行了定量描述,后利用支持向量机(SVM)的分类算法,建立了基于SVM的性能评估模型,实现了信息系统评估的自动化。通过测试,证明了该方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

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