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An integrated p-i-n/JFET/resistor has been developed using a GaInAs epitaxial structure grown on a planar substrate A four-layered structure allows separate optimization of both active devices. Owing to the good performances and high reliability of individual components, the sensitivity of these monolithic photoreceivers is evaluated as -29 dBm at 560 Mb/s (10-9 bit error rate). Remarkable stability over time is exhibited  相似文献   

A planar structure monolithic optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEIC), comprising an InGaAs PIN photodiode and an InGaAs junction field effect transistor (JFET), has been developed. A cutoff frequency of 1.3 GHz has been successfully obtained. A low dark-current characteristic has also been obtained by polyimide passivation. Design principle, fabrication procedures, and operation characteristics of the PIN/JFET are described.  相似文献   

An optical receiver front-end consisting of a lateral interdigitated GaInAs pin detector integrated with an InP JFET amplifier has been fabricated. This lateral detector structure simplifies the GaInAs material growth requirement to a single layer and provides low capacitance. A quasiplanar approach has been developed in conjunction with a two-level metallisation interconnect scheme. An optical sensitivity of -29 dBm was measured at 560 Mbit/s and 1.3 mu m wavelength.<>  相似文献   

杨易  施惠英 《半导体光电》1994,15(2):109-112
文章简要地介绍了InGaAs/InP PIN PD阵列的制作现状及其应用和发展趋势。  相似文献   

Two InGaAs p-i-n photodetectors connected in a balanced configuration have been monolithically integrated with a transimpedance preamplifier made from InP-InGaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) to realize a balanced optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEIC) receiver. The receiver, with a bandwidth of 3 GHz and a common mode rejection of 25 dB, has a sensitivity of -49 dBm at a bit error rate of 10/sup 9/ under NRZ FSK reception at 200 Mb/s.<>  相似文献   

本文报道了平面结构正面进光高速GaInAs/InP平面PIN光电二极管(使用Si-InP衬底)。该器件具有高的稳定性(在150℃下经1440小时高温老化后,暗电流无变化),大带宽(15GHz),高响应度(在1.3μm波长下,响应度为0.94A/W)。  相似文献   

Ga0.47In0.53As/InP heterophotodiodes are demonstrated with a bandwidth greater than 2 GHz, less than 0.5 pF capacitance, and subnanoampere dark current at the operating bias. These photodiodes satisfy criteria for both low noise and high speed in the 1 MHz?2 GHz bit-rate range for optical fibre telecommunications  相似文献   

A monolithically integrated p-i-n FET amplifier, fabricated using ion-planted indium-phosphide (InP) JFETs, is described. The vertically integrated structure consists of a vapor-phase epitaxy (VPE)-grown InGaAs photoabsorption layer and a metal-organic-chemical-vapor-disposition (MOCVD)-grown Fe-doped semi-insulating layer. A Zn diffusion was performed to complete the p-i-n photodiode. High-performance fully implanted InP JFETS were used to form the integrated amplifier with a symmetrical design to remove the DC offset. With a receiver sensitivity of -36.4 dBm measured at 200 Mb/s NRZ for 10-9 BER, it is thought to be the most sensitive monolithic p-i-n FET preamp yet reported in this frequency range. The p-i-n amplifier has a dynamic range of 15 dB  相似文献   

A detailed study on the performance analysis and optimum design of an integrated front-end PIN/HBT photoreceiver for fiber-optic communication is presented. Receiver circuits with two different transimpedance amplifiers-a single-stage common emitter (CE) amplifier and a three-stage amplifier comprising a CE amplifier and two emitter followers (EFs), are analyzed assuming a standard load of 50 /spl Omega/. A technique to include the transit-time effect of a PIN photodetector on the overall receiver circuit analysis is introduced and discussed. Gain-bandwidth product (GB) and gain-bandwidth-sensitivity measure product (GBS) are obtained as functions of feedback resistance (R/sub F/) and various device parameters. Hence, some optimum designs are suggested using a photodetector of area 100 /spl mu/m/sup 2/ and with a feedback resistance of 500 /spl Omega/. The bandwidth plays a major role in determining the optimum designs for maximum GB and maximum GBS. A bandwidth >8 GHz has been obtained for the photoreceiver even with a single-stage CE amplifier. The optimum design for a receiver with a three-stage amplifier shows a bandwidth of 35 GHz which is suitable for receivers operating well beyond 40 Gb/s; however, in this case, the gain is reduced. The performance of different fixed square-emitter structures are investigated to choose the optimum designs corresponding to different gains. Very low power dissipation has been estimated for the optimized devices. The noise performance of the devices with optimum designs was calculated in terms of the minimum detectable optical power for a fixed bit-error rate of 10/sup -9/. The present design indicates that GB and noise performance can be improved by using an optimum device design.  相似文献   

An AlGaAs/GaAs PIN photodiode and a GaAs transimpedance amplifier including six FETs have been monolithically integrated on a GaAs substrate. A photoreceiver operation exhibiting an excellent linearity has been demonstrated. The photodiode sensitivity of 0.44 A/W and the amplifier transimpedance of 1.0 × l04 V/A have been determined from the measurement.  相似文献   

A low-dark-current (1?2 nA) InGaAs/InP single-heterostructure planar PIN PD was fabricated and integrated with an InP MISFET on stepless substrates. The characteristics of the PIN PD did not change with integration.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of a diffused junction photodiode is presented in which the illumination, monochromatic or broad-band, is applied to the diffused face. The electric field produced by the impurity distribution, assumed exponential, assists the transport and collection of minority carriers created by photons absorbed in the graded region. The theoretical study covers both the steady-state and the transient response, and takes into account the effect of surface recombination velocity. The presence of the built-in field increases the photocurrent and reduces the dark current compared with homogeneous base diodes. For p-n silicon photodiodes with 5-micron base widths and acceptor concentrations of say, 2 × 1018atoms/cm3at the surface, photosensitivities of approaching 0.01 ampere per lumen may be achieved. The transient-response analysis considers the extrinsic delay imposed by the time constant of the junction capacitance and the load resistance, and also the inherent delay caused by the transit time of the minority carriers. With moderate or high load resistances, the extrinsic delay is much larger than the transit-time delay. However, for comparable graded- and homogeneous-base photodiodes, the capacitances of graded junctions are lower, and therefore the transient response is improved on this account. The graded junctions also are shown to have greatly reduced transit-time delays because of the built-in field effect.  相似文献   

Monolithic arrays of interdigitated GaInAs/InP photodetectors have been fabricated for high density wavelength division multiplexing (HDWDM) applications. The detectors typically exhibit a reverse leakage current of 400 nA, capacitance of less than 70 fF and a responsivity of 0.5 A/W at -5 V bias. An optical crosstalk of -33.4 dB has been measured between adjacent detectors in an experimental grating demultiplexer system. Preliminary electrical crosstalk measurements in the frequency range of 1-500 MHz indicate signal isolation of the order of 46 dB  相似文献   

Reports on an integrated photoreceiver using a flip-chip bonding technique. The integrated photoreceiver consists of a back-illuminated GaInAs/InP pin photodiode with a small junction area and a GaAs high-impedance preamplifier having a two-stage amplifier. The quantum efficiency and the cut-off frequency of the pin photodiode were 81% and 19GHz. This photoreceiver exhibited good practical performance characteristics, including a minimum detectable power of -29.8 dBm at 1 Gbit/s, and -26.9 dBm at 2 Gbit/s  相似文献   

对GP大信号模型及其参数提取方法进行了研究,并对发射极尺寸为2μm×19μm的InP/InGaAs HBT进行了建模.模型的仿真结果表明,所建模型能较为精确地表征实际HBT器件的直流和高频小信号特性.基于建立的HBT大信号模型设计并制备出InP基PIN+HBT单片集成光接收前端,经在片测试,集成前端的3dB带宽可达3GHz.  相似文献   

利用0.5μm GaAs PHEMT技术研究了适用于单片集成GaAs PIN/PHEMT光接收机前端的关键工艺,解决了台面工艺和PHEMT平面工艺的兼容性问题,包括不同浓度磷酸系腐蚀液对台面腐蚀均匀性的影响、台面与平面共有金属化工艺对光刻技术的要求。结果表明,工艺技术完全满足单片设计要求,研制得到的单片集成光接收机前端在输入1Gb/s和2.5Gb/s非归零(NRZ)伪随机二进制序列(PRBS)调制的光信号下得到较为清晰的输出眼图。  相似文献   

Monolithic integration of two optical switches consisting in carrier depletion directional couplers based on GaInAsP/InP double heterostructure waveguides, with two GaInAs p-i-n detectors has been realized on semi-insulating InP. Packaged devices based on 2 mm coupling length directional couplers exhibit a switching voltage of -15 V and a 3 dB cutoff frequency of 1.3 GHz. Also, total fiber-to-fiber insertion loss of only 16 dB is achieved without any antireflection coating  相似文献   

Reports on a back-illuminated GaInAs/InP pin photodiode with a monolithic microlens fabricated by the authors. The photodiode has both an ultrabroad bandwidth of 18 GHz and a high quantum efficiency of about 84%. It achieves this by using a small pin junction area while maintaining a large fibre alignment tolerance by incorporating an InP microlens. The photodiode capacitance was 20 fF for a junction diameter of approximately 15 μm  相似文献   

Effect of subcell parameters on the efficiency of GaInP/Ga(In)As/Ge tandem solar cells irradiated with 1-MeV electrons at fluences of up to 3 × 1015 cm−2 has been theoretically studied. The optimal thicknesses of GaInP and GaInAs subcells, which provide the best photocurrent matching at various irradiation doses in solar cells with and without built-in Bragg reflectors, were determined. The dependences of the photoconverter efficiency on the fluence of 1-MeV electrons and on the time of residence in the geostationary orbit were calculated for structures optimized to the beginning and end of their service lives. It is shown that the optimization of the subcell heterostructures for a rated irradiation dose and the introduction of Bragg reflectors into the structure provide a 5% overall increase in efficiency for solar cells operating in the orbit compared with unoptimized cells having no Bragg reflector.  相似文献   

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