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黄海贤  匡洪海  黄少先 《广东电力》2006,19(6):52-55,69
近年来,配电设备的数量和种誊越来越多,使配电网故障点诊断越来越费时和困难,因此研制和开发了一个功能强大而且可以升级的停电管理系统。在分析配电网停电管理的内容和任务的基础上明确了配电网停电管理系统的功能以及与其它系统的连接关系,介绍了该系统的组织架构,并通过分析停电管理的工作流程,总结停电管理系统的优点。  相似文献   

随着电能质量在线监测系统深化应用,输变电停电事件自动集成已成为电能质量在线监测系统核心的管理功能,实现了从源头系统采集数据并能自动生成停电事件。但是,停电事件生成后,还需要人工进行判断和修改停电性质及原因,增加了管理人员工作负担,同时也不能保证对相关事件管理和统计的及时性。该论文从技术路线与架构、数据流向和数据研判等方面介绍了一种基于工作票的输变电停电原因自动集成典型设计,在现有电能质量在线监测系统中实现了停电原因自动集成。  相似文献   

针对配电网络中的10k V线路、配电变压器、分支箱、表箱、计量装置及实际用户之间存在着对应关系不一致的情况,传统方法采用电力载波信号通讯识别由于存在共高压串线、共地串线、共电缆沟串线等情况,经常会造成误判。该文介绍一种不需停电即可完成低压配电网络连接线一致性快速检测的方案和装置。该装置分核查主机和核查副机2部分,检测时,核查副机在被检测电路的潮流末端发出一个形变脉动电流信号,通过低频过零载波通讯技术沿电缆传输,如果主机收到副机的形变脉动信号说明接线正确;否则,被检测的电缆接线不正确。该方案对排查现场串户具有参考价值。  相似文献   

The reliability of supply in sub-transmission systems is usually quantified in terms of two sets of indices, the individual supply/load point indices (average failure rate, average outage duration and average annual unavailability) and the system performance indices (SAIFI, SAIDI, CAIDI, ASUI, ASAI, etc.). These probabilistic indices are very useful not only for assessing the severity of system failures in future reliability predictions but also in assessing the system’s past performance. Many utilities, however, continue to use deterministic methods (rule-of-thumb methods) to assess the reliability of their systems. This paper presents a method designated as system well-being analysis, which in addition to the conventional probabilistic risk index of supply point unavailability, also incorporates the specified deterministic criteria in defining additional system healthy and marginal states. The proposed method is illustrated in this paper to calculate the well-being indices of electric sub-transmission systems. The proposed technique, which can be used to evaluate the adequacy of sub-transmission systems, is applied in this paper to a small but comprehensive test system to show the effects of some pertinent factors and deterministic criteria on the system well-being indices.  相似文献   

在配电网回路阻抗法潮流算法的基础上,提出了一种新的配电网线路开断后潮流算法:对应取零法.该算法通过对已有的基态潮流方程的矩阵经过适当的变形,得到所求的因子表,从而节约了大量计算机时.对一个35节点配电网实例计算与比较的结果证明了"对应取零法"的可行性和正确性.  相似文献   

配电网故障停电事件会严重影响正常的社会经济生活。因此,迫切需要有效的配电网故障停电预测方法。采用人工智能方法分析配电网故障停电数据,发现存在配电网故障停电次数较少和引发配电网故障停电的原因分布不均等数据不平衡情况。为了及时、准确地预测配电网故障停电情况,从数据集质量和防止过拟合两方面入手改进故障停电预测模型。首先,设计了基于聚类的对抗神经网络来增强数据集质量。其次,构造了基于随机代价敏感卷积神经网络(RandomCost-CNN)的故障停电预测模型。RandomCost-CNN预测算法中采用有放回随机抽样思想设计了损失函数的随机选择策略,用以解决常规代价敏感过度拟合少数类(故障停电类)而使得大量多数类(正常类)被误报的问题,既保证少数类具有较好召回率与精确度,同时又提高了模型的泛化性能。实验证明所提方法能有效预测配电网故障停电事件发生概率,在配电网运维管理中能够发挥较好的预警作用。  相似文献   

应用大数据平台深入挖掘计量数据对配电网的运行支撑是当前电网重要研究方向,文中应用支持向量机(SVM)算法研究中压配网停电事件补全方法,解决停电事件准确统计难题。首先总结中压配电网的5类停电事件,接着重点研究了SVM补全方法,给出停电事件补全思路,5类停电事件的SVM补全模型构建方法,并提出了涵盖配电网模型构建、SVM模型构建、SVM求解及故障类型判断的补全流程,然后从工程应用角度,设计了补全模块与用电信息采集等各相关系统间的业务关系框架并进行数据分析架构设计。最后以安徽黄山等4家地市公司为例进行了实践应用分析,验证了文中研究方法可极大提升停电事件统计的及时性和准确性。  相似文献   

基于人工免疫算法借鉴生物免疫系统中抗体多样性的保持机制和基于抗体浓度的调节机制,同时又具有一般进化算法的随机全局搜索能力,适合求解多目标问题的特点,综合考虑配电网供电可靠性对用户侧的经济影响,提出了应用免疫算法求解考虑用户侧停电损失的配电网网架规划问题的优化方法.针对配电网辐射性的要求,根据图论知识,采用将新增加负荷节点作为染色体基因座的编码方法,保证了生成解的可行性,避免了辐射性检查,提高了计算速度.最后通过实际算例说明了这种方法的有效性.  相似文献   

考虑停电损失的配电网网架规划的免疫算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于人工免疫算法借鉴生物免疫系统中抗体多样性的保持机制和基于抗体浓度的调节机制,同时又具有一般进化算法的随机全局搜索能力,适合求解多目标问题的特点,综合考虑配电网供电可靠性对用户侧的经济影响,提出了应用免疫算法求解考虑用户侧停电损失的配电网网架规划问题的优化方法。针对配电网辐射性的要求,根据图论知识,采用将新增加负荷节点作为染色体基因座的编码方法,保证了生成解的可行性,避免了辐射性检查,提高了计算速度。最后通过实际算例说明了这种方法的有效性。  相似文献   

配电网设备故障停电风险实时评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实现配电网设备故障停电风险的实时评估对供电可靠性的提高、停电损失的降低有积极意义。提出包含设备故障率和设备故障停电影响程度的配电网设备故障停电风险评估模型,设备故障率综合考虑了实时系统因素及环境因素,设备故障停电影响程度考虑了损失负荷、损失电量、停电用户小时数、停电用户级别加权户数4个指标。以某配电网为例实现对配电网设备故障停电风险的实时评估,结果达到了实时评估的要求,证明了所提方法的准确性。  相似文献   

Energy management system operators perform regular outage simulations in order to ensure secure operation of power systems. AC power flow based outage simulations are not preferred because of insufficient computational speed. Hence several outage models and computational methods providing acceptable accuracy have been developed. On the other hand, double branch outages are critical rare events which can result in cascading outages and system collapse. This paper presents a double branch outage model and formulation of the phenomena as a constrained optimization problem. Optimization problem is then solved by using differential evolution method and particle swarm optimization algorithm. The proposed algorithm is applied to IEEE test systems. Computational accuracies of differential evolution based solutions and particle swarm optimization based solutions are discussed for IEEE 30 Bus Test System and IEEE 118 Bus Test System applications. IEEE 14 Bus Test System, IEEE 30 Bus Test System, IEEE 57 Bus Test System, IEEE 118 Bus Test System and IEEE 300 Bus Test System simulation results are compared to AC load flows in terms of computational speed. Finally the performance of the proposed method is analyzed for different outage configurations.  相似文献   

精准预测停电敏感的电力客户群体,能够有效感知客户用电需求,提升客户用电满意度,助力提高电力服务水平。文中提出基于贝叶斯网络构建电力客户停电敏感度预测模型,从95598客服平台、营销业务系统、用电信息采集系统获取分析数据,结合客户基本信息、用电信息、智能电能表计量信息以及用户用电交互行为,定义客户停电敏感度数据标签,对用户的停电投诉进行分析与预测。采用K折交叉验证法对停电敏感度预测模型进行实验验证。实验表明,基于贝叶斯网络构建的电力客户停电敏感度预测模型,在停电投诉分析应用中具备较高的精准度,验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

Methods for the protection of power transmission lines can be based on various line models ranging from a 50 Hz impedance, an L-R series circuit, and a π-equivalent to distributed parameter models. The application of such line models for deriving distance protection schemes is discussed. Fundamental concepts are introduced which allow various protection schemes to be discussed in a unified and novel framework. A large class of algorithms are then examined with regard to their ability to identify the location of a fault on a transmission line in the presence of transient phenomena which distort the sinusoidal voltage and current waveforms shortly after the occurrence of the fault.  相似文献   

马迎东 《黑龙江电力》2013,35(3):206-210
针对电网事故等诸多因素对电网公司供电连续性的影响及增大供电成本问题,提出采用切负荷赔款措施以均衡用户和电网公司的损失,即在传统的输电网规划模型上增加考虑缺电成本影响而建立了数学模型,使规划后的网络具有最佳的综合效益。在符合工程实际的前提下,用故障排序法选取断线支路,有效减少了计算时间与计算量。对断线后支路分别采用逐步切负荷法与单一点切负荷法进行计算,验证了逐步切负荷法的合理性和有效性。  相似文献   

分布式电源发电商与配电网公司利益共赢是促进能源战略落地的重要保障.文中提出了一种计及配电网停电损失的分布式电源双层规划方法.上层模型以DG发电商收益最大化为目标,基于网损灵敏度方法确定DG候选安装位置,对DG的选址和定容进行优化;下层模型以配电网公司净收益最大化为目标,通过孤岛划分方法动态优化分段开关安装位置,减少配电...  相似文献   

This paper presents an educational software package, FYPREL.EXE, that was developed for conducting sub-transmission system adequacy studies. The fundamental objective of the developed software is to simulate the basic system failure modes and assess the impact that fluctuating weather conditions have on a system's overall reliability. Due to obvious advantages, the failure modes and effects analysis was implemented as the key evaluation technique. Two sets of indices, the basic load point and system performance indices, are used to assess the reliability. A series of studies were conducted using the developed software on a test system designated RBTS. Selected results from these studies are presented in the paper  相似文献   

A frequency and duration approach for generation reliability evaluation using the method of stages is presented. Two separate expressions are provided, one for the loss of load expectation (LOLE) and the other for the loss of load frequency (LOLF). Explicit relationships for determining the parameters of these expressions from the generation system data are derived. Several studies to illustrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed approach are also reported  相似文献   

严重的台风灾害可能导致配网用户停电,有效的配网用户停电数量预测可为电网应急抢修提供辅助指导.综合考虑气象因素、电网因素及地理因素,提出了基于机器学习回归算法的配网用户停电数量预测方法.分析比较了线性回归、支持向量回归(Support Vector Regression,SVR)、分类回归树(Classification...  相似文献   

简要介绍了TMN分层结构、我国传送网络的分层结构,以及针对这些结构特点,华为公司为传送网络管理提供的解决方案。  相似文献   

Sub-transmission network, as an intermediate grid between the distribution and transmission systems, receives the electric energy from the transmission network at extra high voltage levels, and delivers it to the distribution network at medium or low voltage levels. The adequate design and operation of sub-transmission system will lead to an efficient design of transmission network from the technical and economic viewpoints on one hand and the adequacy of power delivery to the distribution loads on the other hand. Therefore, the design optimality of these three networks is highly dependent on each other. However, as the simultaneous design of distribution, sub-transmission, and transmission systems is highly complicated, very few researches have tried to model and solve such a difficult problem. In this paper, a new approach has been developed for simultaneous distribution, sub-transmission, and transmission networks expansion planning. The proposed approach has been formulated as an optimization problem where an efficient and improved genetic algorithm (GA) is employed to solve such a complex problem. The utilized GA has been equipped with different modifying operators in order to make sure of its appropriate performance in obtaining useful and optimal solutions for the coordinated planning problem. The conducted approach has been implemented on a real network of Zanjan Regional Electrical Company (ZREC), and the results are compared with those of conventional method, i.e. separate expansion planning of these networks. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the conducted approach.  相似文献   

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