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王志伟 《中国通信》2011,8(3):212-215
Digital signature, one of the most important cryptographic primitives, has been commonly used in information systems, and thus enhancing the security of a signature scheme can benefit such an application. Currently, leakage resilient cryptography is a very hot topic in cryptographic research. A leakage resilient cryptographic primitive is said to be secure if arbitrary but bounded information about the signers secret key (involving other states) is leaked to an adversary. Obviously, the leakage resilient signature is more secure than the common signature. We construct an efficient leakage resilient signature scheme based on BLS signature in the bounded retrieval model. We also prove that our scheme is provably secure under BLS signature.  相似文献   

提出一种密码学可靠的Zhou-Gollmann不可否认协议辅助验证方法。首先建立了计算模型下协议的执行语义模型,构造了一种基于密码学算法的证据伪造攻击。其次,指出目前对协议公平性建模方面的缺陷,并结合辅助工具证明:在加密算法满足选择明文攻击下的不可区分性和明文完整性,且数字签名算法满足选择消息攻击的不可伪造性的条件下,Zhou-Gollmann协议具有公平性和不可否认性。与现有方法相比,既能有效利用辅助工具的自动验证能力,又能弥补其验证能力的不足,提高了验证效率和验证结果的可靠性。  相似文献   

Scalable Protocols for Authenticated Group Key Exchange   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider the problem of authenticated group key exchange among n parties communicating over an insecure public network. A number of solutions to this problem have been proposed; however, all prior provably secure solutions do not scale well and, in particular, require O(n) rounds. Our main contribution is the first scalable protocol for this problem along with a rigorous proof of security in the standard model under the DDH assumption; our protocol uses a constant number of rounds and requires only O(1) "full" modular exponentiations per user. Toward this goal (and adapting work of Bellare, Canetti, and Krawczyk), we first present an efficient compiler that transforms any group key-exchange protocol secure against a passive eavesdropper to an authenticated protocol which is secure against an active adversary who controls all communication in the network. This compiler adds only one round and O(1) communication (per user) to the original scheme. We then prove secure—against a passive adversary—a variant of the two-round group key-exchange protocol of Burmester and Desmedt. Applying our compiler to this protocol results in a provably secure three-round protocol for authenticated group key exchange which also achieves forward secrecy.  相似文献   

Seamless roaming in the global mobility network (GLOMONET) is highly desirable for mobile users, although their proper authentication is challenging. This is because not only are wireless networks susceptible to attacks, but also mobile terminals have limited computational power. Recently, some authentication schemes with anonymity for the GLOMONET have been proposed. This paper shows some security weaknesses in those schemes. Furthermore, a lightweight and provably secure user authentication scheme with anonymity for the GLOMONET is proposed. It uses only symmetric cryptographic and hash operation primitives for secure authentication. Besides, it takes only four message exchanges among the user, foreign agent and home agent. We also demonstrate that this protocol enjoys important security attributes including prevention of various attacks, single registration, user anonymity, user friendly, no password/verifier table, and use of one‐time session key between mobile user and foreign agent. The security properties of the proposed protocol are formally validated by a model checking tool called AVISPA. Furthermore, as one of the new features in our protocol, it can defend smart card security breaches. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A protocol has everlasting security if it is secure against adversaries that are computationally unlimited after the protocol execution. This models the fact that we cannot predict which cryptographic schemes will be broken, say, several decades after the protocol execution. In classical cryptography, everlasting security is difficult to achieve: even using trusted setup like common reference strings or signature cards, many tasks such as secure communication and oblivious transfer cannot be achieved with everlasting security. An analogous result in the quantum setting excludes protocols based on common reference strings, but not protocols using a signature card. We define a variant of the Universal Composability framework, everlasting quantum-UC, and show that in this model, we can implement secure communication and general multi-party computation using signature cards as trusted setup.  相似文献   

The common random string model introduced by Blum, Feldman, and Micali permits the construction of cryptographic protocols that are provably impossible to realize in the standard model. We can think of this model as a trusted party generating a random string and giving it to all parties in the protocol. However, the introduction of such a third party should set alarm bells going off: Who is this trusted party? Why should we trust that the string is random? Even if the string is uniformly random, how do we know it does not leak private information to the trusted party? The very point of doing cryptography in the first place is to prevent us from trusting the wrong people with our secrets. In this paper, we propose the more realistic multi-string model. Instead of having one trusted authority, we have several authorities that generate random strings. We do not trust any single authority; we only assume a majority of them generate random strings honestly. Our results also hold even if different subsets of these strings are used in different instances, as long as a majority of the strings used at any particular invocation is honestly generated. This security model is reasonable and at the same time very easy to implement. We could for instance imagine random strings being provided on the Internet, and any set of parties that want to execute a protocol just need to agree on which authorities’ strings they want to use. We demonstrate the use of the multi-string model in several fundamental cryptographic tasks. We define multi-string non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs and prove that they exist under general cryptographic assumptions. Our multi-string NIZK proofs have very strong security properties such as simulation-extractability and extraction zero-knowledge, which makes it possible to compose them with arbitrary other protocols and to reuse the random strings. We also build efficient simulation-sound multi-string NIZK proofs for circuit satisfiability based on groups with a bilinear map. The sizes of these proofs match the best constructions in the single common random string model. We also suggest a universally composable commitment scheme in the multi-string model. It has been proven that UC commitment does not exist in the plain model without setup assumptions. Prior to this work, constructions were only known in the common reference string model and the registered public key model. The UC commitment scheme can be used in a simple coin-flipping protocol to create a uniform random string, which in turn enables the secure realization of any multi-party computation protocol.  相似文献   

刘志猛 《通信技术》2009,42(12):73-75
在环境受限的无线通信网络环境中,身份认证和会话密钥的协商是确保通信双方能否建立安全会话的关键。为使认证和密钥建立协议中采用的密码技术能适合受限通信环境中的应用,提出一个基于身份的认证的密钥建立协议,并使用SVO逻辑证明设计协议的安全目标。  相似文献   

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the most important cryptographic protocol in use today. However, finding a cryptographic security proof for the complete, unaltered protocol has proven to be a challenging task. We give the first such proof in the standard model for the core cryptographic protocol underlying TLS cipher suites based on ephemeral Diffie–Hellman key exchange (TLS-DHE). This includes the cipher suite TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, which is mandatory in TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1. It is impossible to prove the TLS Handshake secure in the classical security models of Bellare–Rogaway and Canetti–Krawczyk. The reason for this is that the final Finished messages of the TLS Handshake are encrypted with the session key, which provides an opportunity to distinguish real keys from random values. Therefore we start with proving the security of a truncated version of the TLS Handshake protocol, which has also been considered in previous work on TLS, and give the first proof of this variant in the standard model. Then we define the new notion of authenticated and confidential channel establishment (ACCE), which allows the monolithic analysis of protocols for which a modular security proof is not possible. We show that the combination of the TLS-DHE Handshake protocol and the TLS Record Layer encryption is secure in this model. Since the conference publication of this paper, the notion of ACCE has found many further applications, for example to the analysis of further TLS cipher suites (Krawczyk et al., Crypto 2013; Li et al., PKC 2014), advanced mechanisms like secure renegotiation of TLS session keys (Giesen et al., CCS 2013), and other practical protocols like EMV channel establishment (Brzuska et al., CCS 2013), SSH (Bergsma et al., CCS 2014), and QUIC (Lychev et al., S&P 2015).  相似文献   

Byzantine agreement requires a set of parties in a distributed system to agree on a value even if some parties are maliciously misbehaving. A new protocol for Byzantine agreement in a completely asynchronous network is presented that makes use of new cryptographic protocols, specifically protocols for threshold signatures and coin-tossing. These cryptographic protocols have practical and provably secure implementations in the random oracle model. In particular, a coin-tossing protocol based on the Diffie-Hellman problem is presented and analyzed. The resulting asynchronous Byzantine agreement protocol is both practical and theoretically optimal because it tolerates the maximum number of corrupted parties, runs in constant expected rounds, has message and communication complexity close to the optimum, and uses a trusted dealer only once in a setup phase, after which it can process a virtually unlimited number of transactions. The protocol is formulated as a transaction processing service in a cryptographic security model, which differs from the standard information-theoretic formalization and may be of independent interest.  相似文献   

基于CPK的可证安全组群密钥交换协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CPK组合公钥密码体制无需证书来保证公钥的真实性,克服了用户私钥完全由密钥管理中心生成的问题。丈中基于CPK设计了一个高效常数轮的组群密钥交挟协议,并且协议在CDH假设下可证安全和具有完美的前向安全性。该协议只需两轮通信即可协商一个组群会话密钥,无论在通信以及计算方面均很高效。此外该协议提供了一个设计组群密钥交换协议的方法,大部分的秘密共享体制均可直接应用于该协议。  相似文献   

Satellite's communication system is used to communicate under significant distance and circumstances where the other communication systems are not comfortable. Since all the data are exchanged over a public channel, so the security of the data is an essential component for the communicating parties. Both key exchange and authentication are two cryptographic tools to establish a secure communication between two parties. Currently, various kinds of authentication protocols are available to establish a secure network, but all of them depend on number–theoretical (discrete logarithm problem/factorization assumption) hard assumptions. Due to Shor's and Grover's computing algorithm number theoretic assumptions are breakable by quantum computers. Although Kumar and Garg have proposed a quantum attack-resistant protocol for satellite communication, it cannot resist stolen smart card attack. We have analyzed that how Kumar and Garg is vulnerable to the stolen smart card attack using differential power analysis attack described in He et al and Chen and Chen. We have also analyzed the modified version of signal leakage attack and sometimes called improved signal leakage attack on Kumar and Garg's protocol. We have tried to construct a secure and efficient authentication protocol for satellites communication that is secure against quantum computing. This is more efficient as it requires only three messages of exchange. This paper includes security proof and performance of the proposed authentication and key agreement protocol.  相似文献   

Recent developments in identity‐based cryptography (IBC) have provided new solutions to problems related to the security of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). Although many proposals to solve problems related to the security of MANETs are suggested by the research community, there is no one solution that fits all. The interdependency cycle between secure routing and security services makes the use of IBC in MANETs very challenging. In this paper, two novel methods are proposed to eliminate the need for this cycle. One of these methods utilizes a key pool to secure routes for the distribution of cryptographic materials, while the other adopts a pairing‐based key agreement method. Furthermore, our proposed methods utilize threshold cryptography for shared secret and private key generation to eliminate the “single point of failure” and distribute cryptographic services among network nodes. These characteristics guarantee high levels of availability and scalability for the proposed methods. To illustrate the effectiveness and capabilities of the proposed methods, they are simulated and compared against the performance of existing methods.  相似文献   

设计高效安全的群组证明协议有利于RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)系统的广泛应用.本文提出了一种轻量级隐私保护的RFID群组证明协议LPGP(Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Grouping Proof),LPGP协议只使用计算复杂度比较小的伪随机发生器和散列运算来提高协议的运行效率,并且LPGP协议具有认证性、隐私性和可证明安全性,满足了RFID系统群组证明协议的安全性要求.与现有的群组证明协议相比,LPGP协议的标签只需较小的计算复杂度和存储空间,具有较高的效率.  相似文献   

We propose a straightforward technique to provide peer-to-peer security in mobile networks. We show that far from being a hurdle, mobility can be exploited to set up security associations among users. We leverage on the temporary vicinity of users, during which appropriate cryptographic protocols are run. We illustrate the operation of the solution in two scenarios, both in the framework of mobile ad hoc networks. In the first scenario, we assume the presence of an offline certification authority and we show how mobility helps to set up security associations for secure routing; in this case, the security protocol runs over one-hop radio links. We further show that mobility can be used for the periodic renewal of vital security information (e.g., the distribution of hash chain/Merkle tree roots). In the second scenario, we consider fully self-organized security: Users authenticate each other by visual contact and by the activation of an appropriate secure side channel of their personal device; we show that the process can be fuelled by taking advantage of trusted acquaintances. We then show that the proposed solution is generic: It can be deployed on any mobile network and it can be implemented either with symmetric or with asymmetric cryptography. We provide a performance analysis by studying the behavior of the solution in various scenarios.  相似文献   

在弱的安全假设下构造可证明安全的密码体制原型可以有效提高密码体制的安全性,该文对用Lucas序列构造公钥密码体制做进一步研究,给出一种新的可证明安全的密码体制原型,该密码体制的加、解密效率比现有的LUC密码体制效率高,并证明它的安全性等价于分解RSA模数,最后给出该体制在签名方面的应用,伪造签名等价于分解RSA模数。  相似文献   

Digital chaotic ciphers have been investigated for more than a decade. However, their overall performance in terms of the tradeoff between security and speed, as well as the connection between chaos and cryptography, has not been sufficiently addressed. We propose a chaotic Feistel cipher and a chaotic uniform cipher. Our plan is to examine crypto components from both dynamical-system and cryptographical points of view, thus to explore connection between these two fields. In the due course, we also apply dynamical system theory to create cryptographically secure transformations and evaluate cryptographical security measures.  相似文献   


Constraint Application Protocol (CoAP), an application layer based protocol, is a compressed version of HTTP protocol that is used for communication between lightweight resource constraint devices in Internet of Things (IoT) network. The CoAP protocol is generally associated with connectionless User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and works based on Representational State Transfer architecture. The CoAP is associated with Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) protocol for establishing a secure session using the existing algorithms like Lightweight Establishment of Secure Session for communication between various IoT devices and remote server. However, several limitations regarding the key management, session establishment and multi-cast message communication within the DTLS layer are present in CoAP. Hence, development of an efficient protocol for secure session establishment of CoAP is required for IoT communication. Thus, to overcome the existing limitations related to key management and multicast security in CoAP, we have proposed an efficient and secure communication scheme to establish secure session key between IoT devices and remote server using lightweight elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). The proposed ECC-based CoAP is referred to as ECC-CoAP that provides a CoAP implementation for authentication in IoT network. A number of well-known cryptographic attacks are analyzed for validating the security strength of the ECC-CoAP and found that all these attacks are well defended. The performance analysis of the ECC-CoAP shows that our scheme is lightweight and secure.


Wireless ad hoc networks support rapid on-demand and adaptive communication among the nodes due to their self-configurable and autonomous nature and lack of fixed infrastructure. Security is a crucial factor for such systems. Since ad hoc networks rely on the collaboration principle, the issue of key distribution and efficient group key management in such networks represents two of the most important problems. We describe hybrid solutions to the problem of key distribution and key management by reflecting ad hoc networks in a topology composed of a set of clusters. To date no security proofs exist for these types of protocols. We present two dynamically efficient schemes. We show that both our hybrid schemes are provably secure in the standard model under Decision Diffie–Hellman (DDH) assumption. The proposed protocols avoid the use of a trusted third party (TTP) or a central authority, eliminating a single point of attack. We analyse the complexity of the schemes and differentiate between the two approaches based on performance in a wireless setting. In comparison with the existing cluster-based hybrid key agreement protocols, our proposed approaches individually provide better performance in terms of both communication and computation, handle dynamic events efficiently, and are supported by sound security analysis in formal security models under standard cryptographic assumptions.  相似文献   

Even when using a provably secure voting protocol, an election authority cannot argue convincingly that no attack that changed the election outcome has occurred, unless the voters are able to use the voting protocol correctly. We describe one statistical method that, if the assumptions underlying the protocol’s security proof hold, could provide convincing evidence that no attack occurred for the Norwegian Internet voting protocol (or other similar voting protocols). To determine the statistical power of this method, we need to estimate the rate at which voters detect possible attacks against the voting protocol. We designed and carried out an experiment to estimate this rate. We describe the experiment and results in full. Based on the results, we estimate upper and lower bounds for the detection rate. We also discuss some limitations of the practical experiment.  相似文献   

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