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发展低碳经济与能源低碳科技创新紧密相联,并相互作用。发展低碳能源必须发展低碳能源科技。在应对气候变化下,发展低碳能源科技是我们的必然选择。能源低碳科技创新是发展低碳经济动力之源。能源低碳科技创新,将会极大地改变世界的政治格局和地缘政治。我国在低碳技术的研发方面还面临诸多困难,缺乏完整、有效的政策支持体系;低碳技术项目还没有形成稳定的政府投入机制。这就要求我们要大力推进低碳科技创新,加强法律政策对低碳科技创新的支撑力度。  相似文献   

科技创新在能源革命中起决定性作用。能源科技创新是"安全、高效、低碳"现代能源工业体系的核心,是引领能源产业发展的第一动力,是建设现代化能源经济体系的战略支撑。我国在低碳技术研发方面还面临诸多困难,如缺乏完整、有效的法律政策支持体系;低碳技术项目还没有形成稳定的政府投入机制。这就要求我们不断健全能源科技创新体系,加强低碳科技法律政策支撑,大力推进低碳科技创新,要以科技创新推动能源技术革命。要充分发挥科技创新在建设清洁低碳、安全高效现代能源体系中的引领和支撑作用。我们要奋起直追,弯道超车,实现能源科技整体水平由跟跑、并跑为主向并跑、领跑为主转变,早日建立能源科技强国。  相似文献   

王田  谢旭轩  高虎  任东明  张成强 《中国能源》2012,34(6):32-35,45
从90年代的非化石燃料义务政策到2002年以来的可再生能源义务政策,英国一直致力于通过市场配额机制推动可再生能源发展。但由于政策机制设计复杂,不确定性较大,以及罚金返还导致的市场投机等问题,无法拉动足够投资保障可再生能源快速发展。2011年,结合碳减排目标,英国政府计划推出一揽子电力市场改革方案(EMR),其重点之一是可再生能源义务逐步向差价合约固定电价政策转移。本文通过综述英国可再生能源义务政策演变历程,解析评价可再生能源证书市场运行机制和实施效果,并介绍英国电力市场改革方向,以及对我国的启示。  相似文献   

为发展可再生能源和完善优化现有电力系统,提高整体能源利用效率,世界主要国家均出台支持储能大规模发展的政策措施.尽管我国储能产业发展迅速,但仍处于从政策层面向行动计划过渡的时期.本文简要介绍了储能在全球绿色能源革命中发挥的重要作用以及全球储能产业的发展现状,从储能产业发展规划、储能应用在电力市场中的激励政策、可再生能源、清洁能源发展政策和新能源汽车类政策等方面,对我国国家层面的储能政策进行了梳理;然后从"十三五"时期能源规划类、调峰辅助市场运营规则类、地方补贴政策、储能协同可再生能源政策以及峰谷电价政策等方面,对我国地方政策进行了分析;并对国家电网和南方电网两个企业近年储能政策方向的转变进行了研究,最后分析了我国储能政策目前存在的主要问题,提出了促进我国储能发展的政策建议.  相似文献   

传统的固定电价政策以财政补贴为主要手段,侧重于对发电侧的鼓励,当可再生能源发电达到一定规模时,就会造成大规模的资源浪费,导致"弃风"、"弃光"现象,同时也使国家财政负担加重。2018年国家能源局发布了3次关于可再生能源电力配额制的征求意见稿,主要目的在于有效解决可再生能源的消纳问题。可再生能源配额政策是电力市场发展到相对成熟阶段的产物,也是产权理论在政策层面的具体应用。该项政策设计有利于构建有效率的电力市场体系,发展能源利用技术,优化现有能源结构。但由于我国可再生能源配额政策仍处于探索阶段,政策设计在目标设定、运作机制、惩罚措施等方面均存在诸多不完善之处,需要借鉴国外先进经验。我国的可再生能源配额政策设计还需要进一步完善和细化,解决好与现有固定电价补贴政策、绿色电力证书制度的衔接问题,制定更为长远、细致、稳定的配额目标,鼓励多样化的可再生能源发电,设立强有力的惩罚措施与监管机构等。  相似文献   

正《国家能源发展战略行动计划》(2014~2020年)明确提出,到2020年,中国非化石能源占一次能源消费的比重要达到15%。实现这一战略目标,以风电和太阳能发电为代表的可再生能源不可缺位。不过,在经历了2016年空前严重的弃风、弃光问题之后,可再生能源政策机制的改革已然迫在眉睫。国外可再生能源激励政策主要可以分为两类:一类是固定电价模式,通过电价补贴支持可再生能源发展;另一类是"可  相似文献   

正固定电价政策即按各类可再生能源发电标准成本,直接明确规定各类可再生能源电力上网价格,电网企业必须按此价格向可再生能源发电企业支付费用。其主要特点是能保证可再生能源发电项目稳定的收益。固定补贴政策(溢价电价机制),既考虑可再生能源发电实际成本情况和价格政策需求,又与电力市场的竞价挂钩,是在电力市场价格基础上给予可再生能  相似文献   

我国水电资源丰富,水电类上市公司很大程度上支撑着我国的能源供给。水电开发与资本运作两大系统是其中的两大板块,两者耦合对风险的影响不容忽视。对水电开发市场、资本运作市场以及合并市场的GARCH模型的实证检验表明,风险具有持续性,且耦合风险有所降低。因此,能源企业可通过资本运作来应对冲实体经济的风险,可在一定程度上减轻能源企业在实体经济上所受的损失。研究成果可为能源类上市公司的资本运作提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>2014年11月19日,国务院办公厅印发《能源发展战略行动计划(2014—2020年)》(以下简称《计划》),明确了以优化能源结构、推进能源科技创新为我国能源发展的战略任务,特别指出要着力优化能源结构,把发展清洁低碳能源作为调整能源结构的主攻方向,大力发展可再生能源。在国家战略布局的刺激下,新能源行业将迎来黄金发展期,从资本市场的角度来看,涉及能源科技的上市公司凸显投资机会。两大瓶颈催生新战略。此次国务院《计划》的出台其实并非偶然,纵观中国经济的20年高速发展让  相似文献   

本文讨论了煤炭、石油等两大类中国能源企业在国内资本市场的基本情况。列举了目前国内证券市场上所有煤炭、石油开采两类上市公司的最新基础财务数据,并按照企业总资产规模进行排序。讨论了中国加入WTO和中国“十五”规划中关于以上两个行业的相关政策和经营环境的变化,结合目前这些上市公司的基本情况、国内外资本市场情况,讨论了相关政策对以上两类能源开发企业的影响和发展机遇,列举了部分上市公司的资产重组和资本运营的现状。本文对于关注中国能源业的企业人士和国内外投资者,了解中国能源类上市企业有较强的实用性和可读性。  相似文献   

Faced with pressure from greenhouse gas reductions and energy price hikes, the Taiwan government is in the process of developing an energy tax regime to reflect environmental external costs and effectively curb energy consumption, as well as mitigate CO2 emissions through an adequate pricing system. This study utilizes a CGE model to simulate and analyze the economic impacts of the draft Energy Tax Bill and its complementary fiscal measures. Under the assumption of tax revenue neutrality, the use of energy tax revenue generated for the purpose of reducing income tax is the best choice with double dividend effects since it will effectively stimulate domestic consumption and investment, and, consequently, mitigate the negative impacts of the distortionary tax regime. The double dividend effect is less significant, however, when the supplementary measures being used are for government expenditure. Nevertheless, all supplementary measures have effectively reduced energy consumption, which means they have delivered at least the first dividend—in the sense of CO2 emissions control. It has been verified in this study that having adequate public-finance policy measures is the key to realizing the double dividend effect.  相似文献   

This study analyses and compares the cost efficiency of Japanese steam power generation companies using the fixed and random Bayesian frontier models. We show that it is essential to account for heterogeneity in modelling the performance of energy companies. Results from the model estimation also indicate that restricting CO2 emissions can lead to a decrease in total cost. The study finally discusses the efficiency variations between the energy companies under analysis, and elaborates on the managerial and policy implications of the results.  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》2005,33(12):1577-1585
In this paper, we follow the tradition of applied general equilibrium modelling of the Walrasian static variety to study the empirical viability of a double dividend (green, welfare, and employment) in the Spanish economy. We consider a counterfactual scenario in which an ecotax is levied on the intermediate and final use of energy goods. Under a revenue neutral assumption, we evaluate the real income and employment impact of lowering payroll taxes. To appraise to what extent the model structure and behavioural assumptions may influence the results, we perform simulations under a range of alternative model and policy scenarios. We conclude that a double dividend—better environmental quality, as measured by reduced CO2 emissions, and improved levels of employment—may be an achievable goal of economic policy.  相似文献   

The Chinese government initiated the Feed-In Tariff (“FIT”) policy for downstream power generation in August 2013. The effectiveness of the downstream FIT policy has attracted the attention of academia and government. Using the quarterly data of listed solar PV companies between 2009 and 2015, this paper provides an empirical analysis regarding the effects of the downstream FIT policy. We find that (1) the FIT policy has significantly enhanced the inventory turnover of listed PV firms and improved their profitability; (2) the FIT policy has significant effects on the inventory turnover of midstream companies and mixed industry-chain companies mainly engaged in downstream operations; (3) FIT policy is more favorable towards increasing the inventory turnover of private enterprises. Our results indicate that the FIT policy can have substantial effects on the sustainable development of China's solar photovoltaic industry.  相似文献   

王凤华 《中国能源》2001,(11):10-12
本文介绍了上海能源(ShanghaidatunenergyresourcesCo.,LTD)在资本市场上的运作和其自身优势,上海能源集产品、技术、区位、管理、股东等优势于一体,具有很强的竞争力,是能源产业的新星。本文分析了上海能源第三季度业绩增长的原因,在原因中谈到了美国煤炭市场和煤炭股的走势和中国对煤炭行业的产业政策,并结合世界煤炭价格走势展望了上海能源的未来发展趋势。最后对上海能源的二级市场走势做了分析。本文对于关注中国能源类上市公司的企业人士和国内外投资者了解最新上市能源企业情况有较强的实用性和可读性。  相似文献   

There is increasing global interest in market-based climate change policies following the last elections in the United States. In this context an Exxon Mobil chief executive came out in favour of a carbon tax. This paper is concerned with the welfare analysis of Environmental Tax Reforms (ETR), and takes up the claims for the need of an unambiguous and operative definition of the double dividend both for empirical purposes and political advisement. In this paper, we contest the usual definition of the second dividend and its assimilation to an “efficiency dividend”. We propose alternative definitions by suggesting a different splitting of the total welfare variation between the first and the second dividend in order to isolate the efficiency effects of the ETR. The new definitions become clearly understandable and easy for economic and policy interpretation. Concepts like “weak” and “strong” double dividend turn out to be unnecessary. Finally, we analyze ETR for the US economy to illustrate the advantages of the proposed definitions for policy implementation.  相似文献   

Sustainability is an issue of concern in many industrial sectors. The construction industry is no exception. The study described in this paper adopts a critical qualitative approach to investigate sustainability policy practices in the construction industry. This approach includes a statement of principles, sustainability reporting incorporated within a financial report, and a stand-alone sustainability reporting system. The top international contractors listed by Engineering News Record (ENR) were examined. The results show that sustainability policy development varies from case to case in these companies but trends are emerging on common issues addressed. The findings show a trend of increasingly level of disclosure of corporation's commitmnets an achievements on sustainability. Similarly, the energy efficiency and conservation, greenhouse gas emission reduction and integration of renewable energy resources into projects are among the common themes of these sustainability policies disclosed by construction contractors. The construcion industry can learn from the energy sector that is advanced in sustainability reporting.  相似文献   

Continually rising energy prices in global markets highlights a serious concern about the need to improve energy efficiency and the efficiency in energy sector in many countries. China, as one of the fastest growing countries in the world and the largest coal producer, has high coal consumption but a low recovery rate of coal utilization. Coal efficiency and the efficiency in coal industry have therefore attracted a great deal of attention from Chinese policy makers, coal firms and academics. This study attempts to compare the relative technical efficiency performance of listed coal mining companies in China and the US using CCR and BCC models in the advanced DEA linear programming. The results show that the level of relative efficiency in Chinese coal mining enterprises, regardless of total technical efficiency or decomposed pure technical and scale efficiency, is much lower than in American coal firms. The study also highlights the input resources that cause the inefficiency of Chinese coal mining companies. Furthermore, in-depth discussion and analysis of how the institutional environments of the two countries could cause the differences are provided.  相似文献   

周伏秋 《中外能源》2011,16(7):26-29
《国务院关于加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业的决定》明确宣布国家将重点培育和发展节能环保产业等七大战略性新兴产业,而节能服务产业属于节能环保产业范畴,被寄予引领整个节能环保产业发展的厚望。加快推行合同能源管理、加快发展节能服务产业是"十二五"加快经济转型的战略选择和迫切要求。我国现有的节能服务产业发展支持政策可归结为法律法规支持、行政规章支持、专项财政支持以及规划引导和工程推动等4类,这些政策的制定和施行为"十二五"期间我国节能服务产业的快速发展营造了较好的政策环境。"十二五"期间,我国节能服务市场需求的驱动力来自市场驱动和政策驱动两个方面,全社会对节能服务的市场需求巨大。届时节能服务公司数量将经历一个先增后减的过程,"十二五"后期全国公司数量将为1500家左右,有大型企业背景的节能服务公司可能带来不公平竞争,跨国公司或将成为我国节能服务市场重要的竞争参与者;节能服务市场的开发将主要集中在工业领域,同时在建筑领域业务活动将有所加强,东、中、西部节能服务市场开发的差距将缩小,节能服务市场将进一步细分。  相似文献   

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