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The objective of the present work was to investigate and clarify the factors affecting the efficiency of somatic cell nuclear transfer (NT) in the horse, including embryo reconstruction, in vitro culture to the blastocyst stage, embryo transfer, pregnancy monitoring and production of offspring. Matured oocytes, with zona pellucida or after zona removal, were fused to cumulus cells, granulosa cells, and fetal and adult fibroblasts, and fused couplets were cultured in vitro. Blastocyst development to Day 8 varied significantly among donor cells (from 1.3% to 16%, P < 0.05). In total, 137 nuclear transfer-embryos were transferred nonsurgically to 58 recipient mares. Pregnancy rate after transfer of NT-embryos derived from adult fibroblasts from three donor animals was 24.3% (9/37 mares transferred corresponding to 9/101 blastocysts transferred), while only 1/18 (5.6%) of NT-blastocysts derived from one fetal cell line gave rise to a pregnancy (corresponding to 1/33 blastocysts transferred). Overall, seven pregnancies were confirmed at 35 days, and two went to term delivering two live foals. One foal died 40 h after birth of acute septicemia while the other foal was healthy and is currently 2 months old. These results indicate that (a) the zona-free method allows high fusion rate and optimal use of equine oocytes, (b) different donor cell cultures have different abilities to support blastocyst development, (c) blastocyst formation rate does not correlate with pregnancy fate and (d) healthy offspring can be obtained by somatic cell nuclear transfer in the horse.  相似文献   

The objective was to examine the direct and correlated responses of linear type, yield traits, and somatic cell scores (SCS) to divergent selection for predicted transmitting ability for type (PTAT) in Holsteins, while maintaining selection for yield traits across lines. For four generations, one-half of the University of Nebraska research Holstein herd was bred to Holstein sires with PTAT > 1.50 and the other half to sires with PTAT < 1.25, with nearly equal predicted transmitting abilities for yield traits for both groups. Estimates of genetic and residual correlations and heritabilities were obtained from REML estimates of (co)variance components. Model for type traits included fixed effect of date cows were classified, effects of age in days at freshening, and stage of lactation at classification. Year-season when cows freshened was fixed effect in model for yield and SCS. Animal genetic and residual effects were random. Final score, milk, fat, and protein yields, and SCS had heritability estimates of 0.38, 0.13,0.22, 0.09, and 0.38, respectively. Heritability estimates for type traits ranged from 0.04 to 0.52. Estimates of genetic correlations of final score with SCS and milk, fat, and protein yields were -0.64, 0.01, -0.18, and 0.06, respectively. Estimates of genetic correlations among linear type traits ranged from -0.77 to 1.00. Means of estimated breeding values for final score, stature, strength, body depth, fore udder attachment, rear udder height and width, udder cleft, udder depth, and front teat placement were significantly different between lines in the third generation. Milk, fat, and protein yields were not significantly different between lines in third generation, whereas SCS was significantly different. Estimate of genetic correlation between final score and SCS suggest that selection on PTAT would result in a change for SCS. In this study, divergent selection on PTAT of sires had a significant effect on udder and body traits, but little or no effect on feet and leg traits.  相似文献   

Food Science and Biotechnology - This study investigated the impact of starch proteins on the hydroxypropylation and acetylation of rice starch. Hydroxypropylated (HP) and acetylated (AC) starches...  相似文献   

The numbers of organic dairy farms are increasing in the United Kingdom and in other parts of the world. On organic farms, the use of veterinary medicines is restricted. Because of this, there is concern that cow health is poorer on these farms. As udder health is primarily maintained by the use of antimicrobials, the effect of organic status on mastitis and somatic cell counts (SCC) is important to investigate. The aim of this study was therefore to determine whether the organic status and other management factors affect SCC. A group of 80 dairy farms was used in the study: 40 organic farms and 40 nonorganic farms. The farms were recruited in pairs, and each organic:nonorganic pair was matched for herd size, housing type, genetic merit for milk production and geographical location. Somatic cell count data were extracted from national databases for a standard year (2004), and analyzed using stepwise logistic regression models. The organic status of the farm did not appear in the final model, indicating no major influence of organic status on SCC. There were, however, several effects of management on SCC. Somatic cell counts were lower on farms where the udders were not cleaned or cleaned only when dirty. Somatic cell counts were also lower on farms that kept cows in larger management groups and where the majority, but not all cases of mastitis are treated with antimicrobials. It can be concluded that the control measures used on the organic farms in this study are at least as effective as those used on nonorganic farms in controlling SCC. Other management factors are influential and attention to these factors will allow farmers to reduce SCC.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood with an animal model on first lactation data of 29,284 French Holstein cows for clinical mastitis, lactation somatic cell score, milking ease, production, and nine udder type traits. The heritability was low for clinical mastitis (0.024), moderate for lactation somatic cell score (0.17) and milking ease (0.17), and ranged from 0.17 to 0.30 for type traits. A high (0.72) but lower than unity genetic correlation was found between clinical mastitis and lactation somatic cell score and indicated that both traits were genetically favorably associated. The antagonism with production was stronger for clinical mastitis than for lactation somatic cell score (genetic correlations 0.45 and 0.15, respectively). Udder depth, fore-udder attachment, and udder balance were favorably associated with lactation somatic cell score and clinical mastitis with genetic correlations ranging from -0.29 to -0.46, whereas low correlations were found with teat length. Milking ease was found to be unfavorably correlated with lactation somatic cell score (genetic correlation 0.44) but not with clinical mastitis.  相似文献   

体细胞数(SCC)是诊断乳房炎和判定原乳质量和加工稳定性的关键指标.通过实验评价了SCC镜检计数的3种染色方法,以及乳样保藏温度和时间、防腐剂、热处理等对SCC的影响.结果表明,美兰染色计数效果最好,甲基绿-派洛宁次之,瑞士染色效果最不理想.乳样应在4℃保存,建议在48 h内检测;室温存放12 h内体细胞破裂溶解殆尽.体积分数为0.4%甲醛即可显著防止牛乳的酸败,但对SCC没有明显的稳定意义:戊二醛使乳样显著变色.冻融使SCC急剧下降,乳样切忌冷冻.短时间煮沸和巴氏杀菌对SCC计数均有显著的影响,巴氏杀菌损失的SCC比短时间煮沸的高.  相似文献   

The potential management benefits of in vitro embryo production have been offset by an increased incidence of health-related problems in resulting calves [increased birth weight, congenital abnormalities, and peri- and postnatal mortality (large-offspring syndrome)] and of recipient cows (prolonged gestation, dystocia, increased hydroallantois, abortion). The aim of the present research was to determine whether relevant metabolic, endocrine, or hematological traits could be related to the causes of enhanced growth performance of in vitro fertilized calves. Growth performance and feed efficiency as well as hematological, metabolic, and endocrine traits studied in calves derived from in vitro-produced embryos (IVP; n = 11) and in calves derived from artificial insemination (AI; n = 8). Donor cows from which oocytes for in vitro fertilization were obtained had a heterogeneous background, thus excluding genetic maternal influences. On the other hand, semen for in vitro fertilization and for artificial insemination was from the same bull, and recipient cows were held under the same husbandry and feeding conditions as AI cows, thus reducing the variability. Blood samples were collected preprandially on d 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 14, 28, 56, and 112 of life and every 20 min between 0830 and 1630 h on d 7 and 112 for the evaluation of growth hormone secretory patterns. Gestation of IVP cows was longer than that of AI cows, but birth weights were similar in both groups. Feed intake, average daily gain, and body length during the experimental period, body weight from wk 8 to 16, and gain/feed ratio during the first month of life were higher in IVP than in AI calves. At birth, potassium, 3,5,3′-triiodothyronine, and thyroxine concentrations were lower in IVP than in AI calves. Concentrations of sodium and potassium on d 7, of triglycerides on d 28, and of albumin on d 56 were higher in IVP than in AI calves. In conclusion, IVP calves had higher feed intake and growth rate during the entire growth period and improved feed efficiency in the first month of life than AI calves, but this was not mirrored by consistent changes of hematological, metabolic, or endocrine traits, whose concentrations were in the normal range. Additional work is needed to study IVP calves under field conditions.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the relationships among daughter clinical mastitis during first and second lactations and sire transmitting abilities for somatic cell score, udder type traits, productive life, and protein yield. Data on clinical mastitis during first lactation were available for 1795 daughters (in six Pennsylvania herds, one Minnesota herd, and one Nebraska herd) of 283 Holstein sires. Data on clinical mastitis during second lactation were available for 1055 of these daughters. A total of 479 cows had 864 clinical episodes during first lactation, and 230 cows had 384 clinical episodes during second lactation. Clinical mastitis incidence and the total number of clinical episodes during each lactation were regressed on herd-season of calving (a classification variable), age at first calving, lactation length, and sire transmitting abilities taken one at a time. Linear effects, nonlinear effects, and odds ratios were estimated for sire transmitting abilities. Separate analyses were conducted on dependent variables that considered clinical mastitis from: all organisms, coagulase-negative staphylococci, coliform species, streptococci other than Streptococcus agalactiae, and the most common environmental organisms (coliform species and streptococci other than Streptococcus agalactiae). Heritability of clinical mastitis ranged from 0.01 to 0.42. Daughters of sires that transmit the lowest somatic cell score had the lowest incidence of clinical mastitis and the fewest clinical episodes during first and second lactations. Daughters of sires that transmit longer productive life, shallower udders, deeper udder cleft, and strongly attached fore udders had either fewer clinical episodes or lower clinical mastitis incidence during first and second lactations. The incidence of clinical mastitis and the number of clinical episodes per lactation may be reduced by selection for lower somatic cell score, longer productive life, shallower udders, deeper udder cleft, or strongly attached fore udders.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the relationships among severity and duration of clinical mastitis during first and second lactation and sire transmitting abilities for somatic cell score, udder type traits, productive life, and protein yield. Recording of clinical episodes began at first parturition for 1704 Holstein cows (in six Pennsylvania herds and one Nebraska herd) and continued into second lactation for 1055 of these cows. A total of 456 cows (sired by 168 bulls) had at least one clinical episode during first lactation, and 230 cows (sired by 100 bulls) had at least one clinical episode during second lactation. A severity code from 1 (normal milk) to 5 (acute systemic mastitis) was assigned daily (for up to 30 d after detection) to all quarters that had clinical mastitis. Only the severity codes for the first clinical episode to occur during first and second lactation are considered here. The initial and maximum severity codes, as well as the natural logarithms of both the sum of severity codes that were above normal (> 1) and the total days severity codes were above normal were regressed on herd (a classification variable), age at first calving, days in milk at clinical detection, and sire transmitting abilities taken one at a time. Linear and nonlinear effects were estimated for sire transmitting abilities. Separate analyses were conducted on dependent variables that considered severity and duration of clinical mastitis from: all organisms, coagulase-negative staphylococci, coliform species, streptococci other than Streptococcus agalactiae, and the most common environmental organisms (coliform species and streptococci other than Streptococcus agalactiae). Daughters of sires that transmit the lowest somatic cell score had the least severe and shortest clinical episodes from environmental organisms during first lactation. Selection for lower somatic cell score may reduce the severity and duration of clinical episodes from environmental organisms during first lactation.  相似文献   

The objectives of this work were 1) to examine the responsiveness of SCC, lactose concentration, and NAGase activity in milk to changes in bacteriological status and 2) to develop models for predicting bacteriological status of mammary glands. Data included 550 cows in 10 commercial herds. Natural logarithm NAGase and log cell count were most responsive to changes in bacterial status. The log NAGase was relatively more effective in identifying major from minor pathogen infections, whereas log SCC was better able to differentiate between infected and uninfected classes. Non-transformed NAGase, SCC, and lactose were considerably less responsive to infection status. Logistic regression of bacterial status on herd, lactation number, milk, log SCC, log NAGase, and stage of lactation was performed. The least significant variables were removed in a stepwise process. Final predictors of infection status were herd, log SCC, and log NAGase. The role of log SCC was to discriminate infection from no infection, whereas log NAGase discriminated major from minor pathogens. The log NAGase, alone or in combination with log SCC, added substantially to the detection power of the model. Chi-square goodness of fit tests found no significant differences between observed and predicted infection probabilities. Substitution of herd averages for log SCC and log NAGase for the herd variables resulted in significant differences between predicted and observed herd infection probabilities.  相似文献   

This study aimed to estimate genetic parameters for body condition score (BCS), calving interval (CI), somatic cell score (SCS), yield, and linear type traits for the Italian Brown Swiss cattle population. A total of 32,359 records of first-parity lactating cows were collected from 2002 to 2004 in 4,885 dairy herds. The pedigree file included 96,661 animals. Multiple-trait animal models were analyzed using REML to estimate (co)variance components without repeated observations on traits. The estimated heritability was 0.15 for BCS, 0.05 for CI, and 0.06 for SCS, and ranged from 0.09 to 0.14 for test-day yield traits and from 0.07 to 0.32 for linear type traits. The genetic correlations of CI with yield and most linear type traits were positive, whereas the correlation between CI and BCS was negative (−0.35). For type traits, BCS showed, in general, a moderately negative genetic correlation except for strength, pastern, and heel height. The genetic correlation of CI or BCS with SCS was moderately low but favorable (0.19 and −0.26, respectively). The estimated correlations indicated that selection for greater yield and type traits can exert unfavorable effects on the reproductive ability of cows. To counterbalance these effects and to carry out early prediction of breeding values of bulls for fertility, inclusion of BCS in the breeding program is advisable.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the usefulness in mastitis diagnostics of new diagnostic measures using the continuous nature of the variation in quarter milk samples of four inflammatory markers: somatic cell count, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase (EC, electrical conductivity and antitrypsin. A two-way analysis of variance was performed for each of the inflammatory markers on results from 273 cows sampled six times at 14 d intervals. Adjustment for the individual cow's mean removed approximately half the total variation for all four markers, indicating that comparisons in marker levels between quarters without taking the cows' overall level into account, as is done in diagnostic keys based on fixed threshold, is a rash procedure. After adjusting for the individual cow means, the total variation of the marker observations was partitioned in three sources of variation: between the four quarter levels, between different sampling days, and the experimental error, i.e. the variation within each quarter over the study period. As expected, the variation between quarters accounted for the largest percentage of the variation (44-65%). In contrast the variation between days was only 16-34% and of the same magnitude as the experimental error. These figures can profitably be taken into account when designing experiments in future mastitis research studies. They imply that mastitis diagnostics based on quarter milk samples collected over time will be influenced only slightly by random biological variation and that the same relative differences that exist in marker levels between the four quarters of a cow as a rule will be disclosed irrespective of sampling day. Thus, the udder health state is relatively stable when determined by these inflammatory markers. In addition to simple correlations between markers measured on the same day, correlations of the logarithm of the interquarter ratios and of the experimental errors were computed. Stronger associations between the markers emerged and these correlations reflect more precisely than simple correlations the real diagnostic relations of the markers.  相似文献   

The preimplantation period in the rabbit consists of a 3 day cleavage stage during which the number of cells increases with little change in embryo size, followed by a 3-4 day blastocyst stage during which the inner cell mass, the blastocoel and the trophectodermal layer are formed and the embryo grows rapidly in size and protein content. This study used [3H]inositol to investigate the transport of inositol, an essential component of the phosphatidylinositol signal transduction system, over the 6 days of preimplantation development by rabbit embryos. In the presence of 15 micromol inositol-1 in the incubation medium, there was a small linear increase in inositol uptake from 0.07 pmol per embryo per h at the one-cell stage (day 1) to 0.135 pmol at the late morula (day 3) stage. Inositol uptake increased to 0.58 pmol per embryo per h for early blastocysts (day 4) and 23.7 pmol for late blastocysts (day 6). There was a significant linear relationship between inositol uptake and blastocyst diameter and surface area. Efflux of inositol from early morulae was minimal (about 1.25% of embryo content per h), whereas efflux from mid-blastocysts (day 5) was much greater (about 15.6% of embryo content per h). Efflux of inositol from both early morulae and mid-blastocysts was increased by decreasing the osmolality of the incubation medium. Varying the osmolality had no effect on inositol uptake up to 2 h. Inositol uptake was dependent on sodium in cleavage-stage embryos but independent of sodium in blastocyst stages. In early morulae, inositol uptake was inhibited by glucose and the sodium-dependent hexose transport inhibitor, phloridzin, but not by the facilitated transport inhibitor, phloretin. Inositol uptake in early morulae was saturable; estimates of 0.227 and 0.288 pmol per morula per h for V(max) and 0.045 and 0.038 mmol-1 [corrected] for Km were obtained for sodium-dependent transport in two separate experiments. All of these results are consistent with the hypothesis that transport in cleavage stages occurs via a sodium myo-inositol transporter (SMIT) protein. Uptake in blastocysts was non-saturable. Uptake into blastocysts appeared to take place by a transcellular rather than a paracellular route.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the relationships among daughter intramammary infections at first parturition and sire transmitting abilities for somatic cell score, udder type traits, productive life, and protein yield. Quarter milk samples from 958 daughters (in eight Pennsylvania herds and one Nebraska herd) of 182 Holstein sires were collected within a few days of first calving and cultured to determine intramammary infection status. A total of 446 cows had intramammary infections in 835 quarters at first parturition. Incidence of intramammary infections at first parturition and the proportion of quarters infected per cow were regressed on age at first calving, days in milk at sample collection, herd-season of calving (a classification variable), and sire transmitting abilities taken one at a time. Linear effects, non-linear effects, and odds ratios were estimated for sire transmitting abilities. Separate, preplanned analyses were conducted on data from one herd that gave all heifers an intramammary antibiotic infusion in each quarter 30 d prior to the expected calving date. Separate analyses were also conducted on dependent variables that considered intramammary infections at first parturition from: all organisms, coagulase-negative staphylococci, coliform species, streptococci other than Streptococcus agalactiae, and the most common environmental organisms (coliform species and streptococci other than Streptococcus agalactiae). Daughters of sires that transmit the lowest somatic cell score had the fewest intramammary infections at first parturition. Daughters of sires that transmit longer productive life, shorter teats, and closely spaced front teats had fewer intramammary infections at first parturition. Selection for lower somatic cell score, longer productive life, shorter teats, or closely spaced front teats may reduce the incidence of intramammary infections at first parturition.  相似文献   

Scope: Sulforaphane (SFN) is an isothiocyanate derived from cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli. The ability of SFN to inhibit histone deacetylase (HDAC) enzymes may be one mechanism by which it acts as a chemoprevention agent. The ability of a chemopreventive agent to specifically cause cytotoxicity in cancer and not normal cells is an important factor in determining its safety and clinical relevance. Methods and results: We characterized the effects of SFN in normal (PrEC), benign hyperplasia (BPH1) and cancerous (LnCap and PC3) prostate epithelial cells. We observed that 15 μM SFN selectively induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in BPH1, LnCap and PC3 cells but not PrEC cells. SFN treatment also selectively decreased HDAC activity, and Class I and II HDAC proteins, increased acetylated histone H3 at the promoter for P21, induced p21 expression and increased tubulin acetylation in prostate cancer cells. HDAC6 over‐expression was able to reverse SFN‐induced cyotoxicity. In PrEC cells, SFN caused only a transient reduction in HDAC activity with no change in any other endpoints tested. The differences in sensitivity to SFN in PrEC and PC3 are likely not due to differences in SFN metabolism or differences in phase 2 enzyme induction. Conclusion: SFN exerts differential effects on cell proliferation, HDAC activity and downstream targets in normal and cancer cells.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting the risk of clinical mastitis (CM) and QTL affecting somatic cell score (SCS) exhibit pathogen-specific effects on the incidence of mastitis. Bacteriological data on mastitis pathogens were used to investigate pathogen specificity of QTL affecting treatments of mastitis in first parity (CM1), second parity (CM2), and third parity (CM3), and QTL affecting SCS. The 5 most common mastitis pathogens in the Danish dairy population were analyzed: Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Escherichia coli, coagulase-negative staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus uberis. Data were analyzed using 2 approaches: an independence test and a generalized linear mixed model. Three different data sets were used to investigate the effect of data sampling: all samples, only samples that were followed by antibiotic treatment, and samples from first-crop daughters only. The results showed with high certainty that 2 QTL affecting SCS exhibited pathogen specificity against Staph. aureus and E. coli, respectively. The latter result might be explained by a pleiotropic QTL that also affects CM2 and CM3. Less certain results were found for QTL affecting CM. A QTL affecting CM1 was found to be specific against Strep. dysgalactiae and Staph. aureus, a QTL affecting CM2 was found to be specific against E. coli, and finally a QTL affecting CM3 was found to be specific against Staph. aureus. None of the QTL analyzed was found to be specific against coagulase-negative staphylococci and Strep. uberis. Our results show that particular mastitis QTL are highly likely to exhibit pathogen-specificity. However, the results should be interpreted carefully because the results are sensitive to the sampling method and method of analysis. Field data were used in this study. These kind of data may be heavily biased because there is no standard procedure for collecting milk samples for bacteriological analysis in Denmark. Furthermore, using only the mean SCS from d 10 to 180 after parturition may lead to truncated effects of SCS-QTL when samples collected after d 180 are used. Additionally, repeated samples were used, which could boost the difference in incidence of pathogens between daughters of sires inheriting the positive and negative QTL allele, respectively. However, the magnitude of these effects in this study is unclear.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of dietary supplementation of a novel phytobiotics-rich herbal mixture (PRHM) on feed intake, performance, udder health, ruminal fermentation, and plasma metabolites in cows with moderate or high somatic cell counts (SCC) in the milk. Twenty-four Holstein dairy cows (117 ± 26 d in milk and 46.3 ± 4.7 kg of milk/d at the start of the experiment) were blocked by parity and days in milk and split into 2 groups, based on SCC in the milk; 12 cows were with moderate SCC (260,000 < SCC <500,000 cells/mL), whereas 12 other cows had high levels of SCC (>500,000 cells/mL) in the milk. Within each SCC group, cows were blocked by milk yield and parity, and were randomly assigned to 2 different feeding regimens. Half of the cows in each SCC group (n = 6) were supplemented with PRHM (185 g/cow per day, providing 12.4 g of phenolic compounds per day), and the other half (n = 6) were not supplemented in their diets. The experiment lasted 36 d, whereby the first 24 d were used for adaptation to the diets and the last 12 d for sampling. Data showed that supplementation of PRHM decreased somatic cell score in the milk, indicating improved udder health of cows with high initial SCC, but not in cows with moderate SCC. Also, cows supplemented with PRHM consumed more feed DM, produced greater amounts of milk, and showed an improvement of feed utilization efficiency. However, these cows also lost more back-fat thickness during the experiment. Supplementation of PRHM increased fat- and energy-corrected milk yields in cows with high initial SCC, but not in cows with moderate SCC. Supplementation of PRHM decreased milk fat content, whereas other milk components were not affected by PRHM feeding. The PRHM supplementation decreased the acetate-to-propionate ratio in the rumen fluid, but increased β-hydroxybutyrate and cholesterol concentration in the plasma, irrespective of the initial SCC level in the milk. Other plasma metabolites and liver enzymes were not affected by PRHM supplementation. Apparent nutrient digestibility did not differ among treatments. Overall, supplementation of PRHM seems to be an effective strategy to enhance performance and lower SCC, particularly in cows having high SCC levels in the milk. Further research is warranted to evaluate long-term effects of PRHM supplementation, especially with regard to metabolic health status and reproduction.  相似文献   

Teat lengths and diameters, udder clearance, cleft depth, and distances between teats were measured from 1967 to 1982 on Holstein cows. Numbers of observations per trait ranged from 5934 to 11,449. Cows were from six herds owned by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and two research herds of North Carolina State University. Repeatabilities between adjacent lactations for physical traits of udder were mostly between .60 and .80. Repeatabilities between first and second lactations for average somatic cell count and mean log somatic cell count were .11 +/- .04 and .21 +/- .04. Heritabilities in first lactation were .63 for front teat length, .44 for teat diameter, .56 for rear udder clearance, .10 for cleft depth, .32 for mature equivalent milk, and .18 for somatic cell counts. Heritabilities of distances between teats ranged from .33 to .48. Cows with udder clearance higher from the ground, deeper clefts, smaller distances between teats, and teats of smaller diameter had lower somatic cell counts. Multiple regression analysis showed that dams' somatic cell counts and rear udder clearances were not significant predictors of daughters' somatic cell counts. Lactation average somatic cell counts of daughters were predicted with greater accuracy from averages of somatic cell counts of multiple lactations of dams than from single lactations of dams. Milk production and somatic cell counts seemed positively genetically correlated, more so in first than later lactations.  相似文献   

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