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This study examines 4 online news sites to compare stories that journalists display most prominently with stories consumers read most frequently. We find that journalists' chosen stories are “soft” with respect to subject matter but not story format, and that these choices diverge from consumers' choices, resulting in a choice gap. The study design makes important methodological contributions by using the story as the unit of analysis, operationalizing “soft news” in terms of subject matter as well as format, and considering the influence of journalists' and consumers' choices on each other. This article discusses the implications of the findings on such issues as the dynamics of agenda setting, the prospects for consumer‐authored content, and the watchdog function of the media.  相似文献   

管理和技术作为信息安全保障不可或缺的两大部类,构成了防护体系互为补充的坚枪和利炮。然而对于管理与技术孰重孰轻的问题却一直存在着种种的困惑。27号文提出管理与技术并重的原则,其实已经对此作出了明确的回答,但是在实际工作中,这种原则性的东西却很难让人把握好它的分寸:究竟该拿出多少力量来搞技术,多少力量来抓管理?强调信息安全的高技术和强对抗,导致人们更多地注重在技术上穷其所能,跟着病毒或攻击的脚步堵漏洞,筑高墙,严防死守。而与之相对应的,又由于管理的滞后,结果,网络的安全环境并未有所好转。如果说,70%-80%的安全问题是产…  相似文献   

Microcavity laser linewidth behavior close to the threshold transition region is investigated through high-resolution linewidth measurements. A local maximum is found for the linewidth of lasers operating slightly above threshold. The increase in laser linewidth close to threshold is explained by the effective contribution of the linewidth enhancement factor ( $alpha $) to the laser linewidth. The Fokker–Planck model of laser noise is then solved using the eigenfunction expansion method to fit to the measured linewidth data. The behavior of the measured linewidth agrees with the model with an extracted linewidth enhancement factor ($alpha $ ) ranging between 3.5 and 5.0.   相似文献   

本文提出在"电磁场理论"和"电磁场与电磁波"课程教学中关注电磁学相关物理效应,并分析其必要性和可行性。关注电磁学效应的教学,将有助于学生对电磁场与电磁波相关基本概念和定理的理解,有利于提高学生的创新研究能力,有助于激发学生的学习兴趣和科研热情。在本课程教学过程中,可根据不同专业的需要和教学内容的相关性等,适当选讲具有一定理论和实际意义的电磁学效应。  相似文献   

Time-alternating biological signals, i.e., alternans, arise in variety of physiological states marked by dynamic instabilities, e.g., period doubling. Normally, a sequence of large–small–large transients, they can exhibit variable patterns over time and space, including spatial discordance. Capture of the early formation of such alternating regions is challenging because of the spatiotemporal similarities between noise and the small-amplitude alternating signals close to the bifurcation point. We present a new approach for automatic detection of alternating signals in large noisy spatiotemporal datasets by exploiting quantitative measures of alternans evolution, e.g., temporal persistence, and by preserving phase information. The technique specifically targets low amplitude, relatively short alternating sequences and is validated by combinatorics-derived probabilities and empirical datasets with white noise. Using high-resolution optical mapping in live cardiomyocyte networks, exhibiting calcium alternans, we reveal for the first time early fine-scale alternans, close to the noise level, which are linked to the later formation of larger regions and evolution of spatially discordant alternans. This robust method aims at quantification and better understanding of the onset of cardiac arrhythmias and can be applied to general analysis of space-time alternating signals, including the vicinity of the bifurcation point.   相似文献   

光源附近组织的空间分辨漫反射研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张小娟  刘迎  高宗慧 《中国激光》2005,32(4):571-575
P3 近似理论可以描述光源附近约1个输运平均自由程(MFP)内组织的漫反射光分布,这个区域的光分布与组织的散射相函数有关。利用P3 近似理论研究了组合相函数的结构因子α对光源附近组织的漫反射光分布的影响。研究表明:在输运平均自由程不变条件下,各向异性因子的变化不引起漫射近似适用区域光分布的改变,但对光源附近约1个输运平均自由程附近的光分布有很大影响;α对漫反射率的影响远大于相函数的高阶矩对漫反射率的影响。研究结果对于使用内窥方式或对表层组织进行活体检测的空间分辨漫反射测量技术具有实际意义。  相似文献   

对于OEM制造厂商来说认识含铅和无铅化元器件之间所存在的封装和焊盘的不同处是非常关键的;这种差异可能会导致成本昂贵的制造缺陷。含铅的可制造性设计(Design for Manufacturing,简称DfM)包含确认在PCB设计布线、制造、装配和元器件管理方面己开展的行之有效的工作。然而,无铅化的可制造性设计在那四大类的每一个方面的工作都面临着非常大的变化。所以要确认每一个细节使之能够正确地进行操作。  相似文献   

The article looks at the role of journalists as collective memory agents via an investigation of the interplay between the stories journalists tell as professionals and the stories they tell about their profession. It does so through an exploration of the stories that Israeli journalists have narrated about the sensational and radical weekly Haolam Hazeh (in Hebrew: This World; 1937–1993) over time and the ways in which such stories reflect and shape the changing professional self-perceptions of the Israeli journalistic community. The article first looks into the dynamics through which Haolam Hazeh became the "functional transgressor" of Israeli journalism during the 1950s and 1960s. Next, it probes the complementing commemorative and noncommemorative components of Haolam Hazeh's current glorified memory, as a forefather of critical Israeli journalism. Correspondingly, the article traces the conditions and circumstances that facilitated this process. Finally, the article discusses the ways by which the inquiry of transformed journalistic reputations could be used as a framework for the exploration of the development of communal journalistic consciousness.  相似文献   

论述了中性点直接接地高压输电系统发生接地故障时,其附近的通信局(站)地网上的地电位分布,根据不同的接地故障位置选择相应的模型推导出相应的地电位升公式,同时给出了案例分析。  相似文献   

This study explored how U.S. and Chinese journalists (N = 120) made news decisions in a transcultural context. It proposed a model of news decision making, drawing on 3 intellectual traditions—media effects, study, cognitive psychology, and decision making. To test the model, it employed a 2×2×3 factorial repeated-measures design, where the factors were nationality (United States or China), beat (overseas or domestic), and repeated measure (story topic). Results confirmed the model's validity and showed that participants, regardless of nationality, used more effort in processing cognitive news elements and included them more in the stories than those at cultural or rational level. Surprisingly, the attention they gave to cognitive information was so counterintuitive that it might point to the possibility of an ever-increasing globalization in journalistic standards.  相似文献   

The brain activity of humans and many other animals is dominated by processing visual images relative to body position. This is not to sell short other sensory paths such as heaving or smell, which are also exquisitely sensitive. The complexity of visual interpretation requires a very interactive and highly parallel brain function. It is not surprising that VR, which depends on interactivity between sensing and the kinetic domains of the body, has emphasized visual applications. Virtual reality is now being used to enhance other senses like touch and hearing. The key contribution of VR is the ability to interact with the human brain at a higher and more creative level than you might experience by looking at a monitor screen, or reading print from the page as you are doing now. At the present time most VR demonstrations have the appearance of being a solution in search of a problem. Applications that truly exploit the power of this technology will surely continue to develop as more people experience the effect of VR and learn how to harness and then to leverage the power in this mode of communication  相似文献   

网络给人们带来了便捷:新闻、炒股、网络购物、休闲娱乐……,哪一个也离不开计算机网络。但是.在计算机网络给人们带来便利的同时.也同样伴随着不少的网络安全问题:个人账户被盗、企业信息泄露、计算机网络瘫痪等等。为了解决这些安全问题.各种安全机制、策略和工具被开发和应用。但是.即便是在这样的情况下.网络的安全依旧存在很大的隐患.促使人们对网络的安全也越加重视。笔者根据自己的实际经历就中小企业网络安全做一下分析。  相似文献   

记者在日前的走访中发现,现阶段网络信息安全发展态势的确不够理想,可以用“有意识,没认识”来形象地概括。人们的安全意识淡薄;文件在网上随意共享;虽然安装了防病毒软件,依然被病毒困扰机密信息散落在桌面或未上锁的柜子中。要解决好这一系列的网络信息安全问题,国家教育部教育管理信息中心网络处处长祁伟认为,关键是要在管理上下功夫。  相似文献   

The decoding error probability of codes is studied as a function of their block length. It is shown that the existence of codes with a polynomially small decoding error probability implies the existence of codes with an exponentially small decoding error probability. Specifically, it is assumed that there exists a family of codes of length N and rate R=(1-epsiv)C (C is a capacity of a binary-symmetric channel), whose decoding probability decreases inverse polynomially in N. It is shown that if the decoding probability decreases sufficiently fast, but still only inverse polynomially fast in N, then there exists another such family of codes whose decoding error probability decreases exponentially fast in N. Moreover, if the decoding time complexity of the assumed family of codes is polynomial in N and 1/epsiv, then the decoding time complexity of the presented family is linear in N and polynomial in 1/epsiv. These codes are compared to the recently presented codes of Barg and Zemor, "Error Exponents of Expander Codes", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2002, and "Concatenated Codes: Serial and Parallel", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2005. It is shown that the latter families cannot be tuned to have exponentially decaying (in N) error probability, and at the same time to have decoding time complexity linear in N and polynomial in 1/epsiv  相似文献   

记者是电视新闻节目的核心人物,把控着整个节目的质量和走向。如今的时代飞速发展,手机、网络等一系列新媒体相继诞生,这无疑对传统电视新闻节目带来了一定的影响。记者作为一名新闻媒体的记录者,在面对新形势、新时代、新媒体背景的情况下,应该如何提高自身的职业素养成为了一个亟待研讨的话题。文章主要新媒体背景下电视新闻记者的职业素养展开探究。  相似文献   

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