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Modern lifestyles, new demographic trends, and the expansion of the European Community are changing the European countryside. At stake are cultural landscapes, their richness in wildlife, historical interest, scenic beauty, and the recreational opportunities they provide. Visible phenomena of change are symptoms of a growing socio-economic and ecological disparity between different regions. Agreements on AGENDA 2000 European policy provide a new platform for regional and agricultural development. The paper explores which landscape dynamics are in store. Employing examples from rural Germany, the paper presents corridors of possible futures for unique, and at the same time, dynamic places. Modern strategies of landscape and urban planning are discussed which aim at closer co-operation between a multitude of stakeholders, policy makers, planners, and other agents of change. Methods and tools are needed to build consensus among ever increasing numbers of participants representing potentially wide ranges of values.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new measure to approach the accessibility of places in the frame of the digital economy. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and the Internet are not equally spread around places and this heterogeneity affects spatial configuration. Despite the wide societal changes due to ICTs and the extensive interest in accessibility studies, these two themes have not yet come together in order to study the digital accessibility (DA) of places. Adopting an infrastructural perspective and a potential accessibility framework, a DA measure – embedding different types of impedance distance functions – is calculated for cities in Europe. Spatial Interaction Model and Complex Network Analysis are employed to calibrate and validate the DA results. The outcome of this approach is a new urban hierarchy which reveals a core-periphery pattern in Europe owing to digital accessibility.  相似文献   

强调中国大地上广大传统村落是保障国土生态安全、维持人地关系和谐,以及保障中华民族草根信仰持续稳定的细胞,也是和谐社会的基础.如何保护好村落的生态环境、传承历史文化、维护草根信仰体系,建立一个充满活力的和谐社会将是新农村建设规划的出发点和归宿.笔者应用景观安全格局的理论和方法,以广东省顺德市的马岗村为例,把村落看作是大地生命系统的有机组成部分,通过判别和完善对村落的生态、历史文化、社会结构和信仰体系具有关键意义的景观元素、局部和空间关系,建立景观安全格局,来保障村落的生态、历史和社会文化之生命在快速的城镇化和社会主义新农村建设中得以延续.  相似文献   

This paper addresses current changes in the highly diverse European landscape, and the way these transitions are being treated in policy and landscape management in the fragmented, heterogeneous and dynamic context of today’s Europe. It appears that intersecting driving forces are increasing the complexity of European landscapes and causing polarising developments in agricultural land use, biodiversity conservation and cultural landscape management. On the one hand, multifunctional rural landscapes, especially in peri-urban regions, provide services and functions that serve the citizens in their demand for identity, support their sense of belonging and offer opportunities for recreation and involvement in practical landscape management. On the other hand, industrial agricultural production on increasingly large farms produces food, feed, fibre and energy to serve expanding international markets with rural liveability and accessibility as a minor issue. The intermediate areas of traditionally dominant small and family farms in Europe seem to be gradually declining in profitability. The paper discusses the potential of a governance approach that can cope with the requirement of optimising land-sharing conditions and community-based landscape development, while adapting to global market conditions.  相似文献   

Along with the social recomposition of rural communities, the increase in residential use of the countryside appears a determining factor in landscape change. The extent to which urban and non-farming migrants are settling in rural areas is creating a 'rural renaissance', characterized by a demographic revival in these areas. While many studies focus on rural landscapes, few empirical works have explored the residential practices that may ultimately affect these landscapes. These changes are documented within a defined territory in southern Quebec at a scale where they are the most expressive, namely, that of domestic space. Seven clusters of residential practices are identified, and four domestic landscape scenarios are revealed: the non-farming residential lot, the farming lot, the landscape aesthetic lot and the declining lot.  相似文献   

Along with the social recomposition of rural communities, the increase in residential use of the countryside appears a determining factor in landscape change. The extent to which urban and non-farming migrants are settling in rural areas is creating a 'rural renaissance', characterized by a demographic revival in these areas. While many studies focus on rural landscapes, few empirical works have explored the residential practices that may ultimately affect these landscapes. These changes are documented within a defined territory in southern Quebec at a scale where they are the most expressive, namely, that of domestic space. Seven clusters of residential practices are identified, and four domestic landscape scenarios are revealed: the non-farming residential lot, the farming lot, the landscape aesthetic lot and the declining lot.  相似文献   

网络化和拼贴:拯救乡土村落生命之顺德马岗案例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在我国快速城市化进程中和新农村建设高潮来临之际,城市边缘村落和中国广袤大地上的众多村落景观,正面临着前所未有的冲击.尽管有为数不多的古老村落被认定为历史文化名村而得到较好的保护,但大量的一般性传统村落则面临毁灭性的冲击.同时,在城市扩张过程中原居民被迁居到全新的社区中.这种对乡土景观和本土居民的忽视,带来众多严重的社会文化和生态问题.马岗正是一个典型案例.本研究提出了城市边缘村落城市化建设的另一个模式.景观规划师将马岗村作为一个具有历史的生命机体.这一有机系统不应该在城市化过程中被彻底铲平,而应该保持其生命的整体性,并融入到新城市规划之中.同时,马岗的乡土文化遗产不应成为城市化过程的障碍,而应该被看作形成新城社区文化归属感和社会认同感的积极因素,为新社区提供社会草根体系,并提供休闲旅游的机会.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization, as a result of population growth and migration from rural to urban, has been recognized as a critical process in urban areas. This study analyzed the spatiotemporal landscape dynamics using multi-temporal satellite images in two petroleum-based cities: Houston, Texas in the United States and Daqing, Heilongjiang province in China. Both cities expanded rapidly on the basis of the petroleum industries during the last 50 years; however, under different socio-political contexts. Comparing the landscape pattern and dynamics in these two cities, we can identify how the urbanization in these two petroleum-based cities affects the landscape pattern, especially in the natural landscapes. A set of landscape indices with supplementary ecological meanings was chosen to facilitate our analyses of spatial dynamics over a span of 20 years. On the basis of the derived indices, a general trend of landscape change was revealed in these two cities: natural landscapes such as grassland and wetland were degraded or fragmented into a more heterogeneous pattern, while the human landscapes such as residential area expanded greatly by replacing other natural classes.  相似文献   

论乡土景观及其对现代景观设计的意义   总被引:41,自引:3,他引:38  
该文探讨了乡土景观的含义,论述了解读乡土景观对现代景观设计的意义,提出乡土景观是指当地人为了生活而采取的对自然过程和土地及土地上的空间及格局的适应方式,是此时此地人的生活方式和价值观在大地上的投影。因此,乡土景观是包含土地及土地上的城镇、聚落、民居、寺庙等在内的地域综合体。这种乡土景观反映了人与自然、人与人及人与神之间的关系。乡土景观的这种理解包含几个核心的关键词:即,它是适应于当地自然和土地的,它是当地人的,它是为了生存和生活的,三者缺一不可。这可以从乡土景观的主体、客体及相互关系方面来理解解读乡土景观对现代景观设计的意义在于理解景观是乡土经验的一种历史记载,帮助设计师用种新的、非自我的视角,设计内在人生活的景观,从种不自觉的、没有设计师的景观和唯设计师的景观,走向自觉的为使用者而设计的景观。  相似文献   

The European landscape reflects its agricultural legacy, but agriculture is losing its dominant position in the rural economy. The rural landscapes of Europe are in a process of polarization between intensive land use and naturalistic areas. In addition to this process, fragmentation of the landscape is also taking place. Regional distinctiveness is disappearing due to the impact of globalization on food production. If regional differences are not maintained and protected then the cultural landscapes of Europe and their biological diversity will decline and only remnants will remain. It is argued that regional differences can only be maintained through conscious environmental and ecological planning. Concepts for this, such as ecostabilization and ecological networks, have been developed in many European countries. The role of the landscape planner should be one of integrating knowledge and functions by designing new functions in existing landscapes and new landscapes with regional character.  相似文献   

This study is an empirical exploration of the effects of job accessibility on ethnic minority employment in urban and rural areas. The urban sample is composed of Taiwanese aborigines who migrated to cities from their native locales while the rural sample is composed of aborigines who reside in aboriginal villages. Sample data are collected through questionnaire surveys conducted in 2009 and 2012. Results indicate that rural aborigines have a lower unemployment rate but less stable employment than urban aborigines. Employed rural aborigines receive slightly higher salaries and incur higher commuting cost than employed urban aborigines. However, regardless of where the aborigines live (i.e., urban or rural areas), increased job accessibility is not related to employment and employment stability, but significantly increases aboriginal salary. Moreover, improved job accessibility increases the commuting time of rural aborigines, but its effects on the commuting time of urban aborigines depend on the travel mode. Empirical evidence implies that migrating to cities can be both beneficial and fruitless for aboriginal employment, and that the effects of accessibility on the employment of Taiwanese aborigines in urban and rural areas are both similar to and different from those of non‐aborigines documented in previous studies.  相似文献   

The European landscape reflects its agricultural legacy, but agriculture is losing its dominant position in the rural economy. The rural landscapes of Europe are in a process of polarization between intensive land use and naturalistic areas. In addition to this process, fragmentation of the landscape is also taking place. Regional distinctiveness is disappearing due to the impact of globalization on food production. If regional differences are not maintained and protected then the cultural landscapes of Europe and their biological diversity will decline and only remnants will remain. It is argued that regional differences can only be maintained through conscious environmental and ecological planning. Concepts for this, such as ecostabilization and ecological networks, have been developed in many European countries. The role of the landscape planner should be one of integrating knowledge and functions by designing new functions in existing landscapes and new landscapes with regional character.  相似文献   

朱晓娟  李斌 《现代城市研究》2011,(7):93-94,105,106
成长型城中村有良好的自然景观和人文景观,保留部分农田,采用CSA模式进行积极地生态田园式改造,发展休闲农业,加强城乡联系,把"城市反哺农村"号召具体化,使本地经济生态环境和人们之间的关系得到可持续性的发展。  相似文献   

现代城市公园平淡朴实的审美与景观规划   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
姚亦锋 《中国园林》2004,20(8):37-40
古代园林的最初设计,是从景观意境出发,其中没有商业目的.现代国内某些园林用地,被作为商业赢利场地,大兴土木,充斥着商业竞争气息,扭曲了园林本身应该具有的生态本质.在国外,大多数园林用地都是没有围墙的,城市与公园景观融为一体,园林绿地是公众社会福利事业,公园以绿化景观为主,表面看起来,似乎比中国的公园设计简单,但这是由于对"现代园林"的理解不同.  相似文献   

近30年来轰轰烈烈的城市化,既是中国城市与乡村内生性的现代性的建立过程,也是当代全球城市化大潮中一个外源性的扩散涟漪.城市化过程中展现出的诸多奇妙现象,既受到中国城乡的内在经济、社会和文化结构的影响,也受到全球城市和乡村演化中的普遍性逻辑的影响.“在地城镇化”是对快速城市化诸多失衡和变异的一种纠正,三个关键词——在地、城、镇分别对应城市与乡村的三个特性——在地性、城市性和二元性的重建与修复.这三个特性几乎是全球所有城市和乡村在长期演化和短期突变中普遍存在的.因此,“在地城镇化”既是中国新型城镇化的一种选择路径,也是对城市与乡村发展哲学的一种思考模式.  相似文献   

During the period beginning with the Korean War ceasefire in 1953 until the end of the 1960s, the North Korean regime attempted to socialise the countryside, creating model villages to transform rural space. An analysis of the model villages and housing reveals that rural policy in North Korea passed through three major changes. First, the North Korean regime finished implementing land nationalisation and cooperativisation by 1958, which led to an enormous change in the rural landscape. Second, after a visit to Chongsan-Ri in 1960, Kim Il-Sung suggested a new model that mixed urban housing and service networks with rural living spaces. Finally, in 1964, Kim Il-Sung announced the Rural Theses, which emphasised the role of the ‘county’ (gun) in rural transformation, positioning the county seat as the model of urbanised countryside society. However, North Korea’s continuous efforts to urbanise the countryside were frustrated by reality, except for certain model village cases. As a result, North Korea’s actual rural living spaces stood in stark contrast to these ideal models.  相似文献   

研究农业结构转型对山地乡村景观与居民生活满意度的影响,对促进山地欠发达地区乡村转型发展、乡村景观改善及居民生活质量提升具有重要意义。以重庆开州区九岭村为例,通过GIS遥感、野外实地填图和半结构访谈等方法分析九岭村农业结构调整状况,以及由此带来的乡村景观变化和居民生活满意度提升。结果显示:1)九岭村农业结构调整向规模化、专业化和非粮化的“增效提质”转型方向发展,农业结构调整沿着更加契合山地自然条件的方向优化,具有明显的垂直分布层级规律;2)乡村景观变化具有显著的空间多级分化特征,平坡较低、缓坡低和中坡中地形位区域的景观多样性指数(LDI)、景观破碎度指数(FI)、最大斑块指数(LPI)和景观聚集度指数(AI)得到较大改善,斜坡较高和陡坡高地形位区域的LDI、FI和AI变化幅度最低;3)农业纯收入、乡村旅游收入占比、村交通设施条件以及人均实际耕地面积是影响居民生活满意度的显著性要素;4)研究构建的“农产品非粮化的增效提质需求推动农业结构调整-农用地利用方式转变-乡村景观的多功能再造-乡村居民生活质量提升”的分析路径能够有效揭示农业结构调整、乡村景观变化和居民生活满意度的三位一体耦合关系。  相似文献   

如何理解现代城市园林的本质内涵?这是进行城市绿化景观规划的根本问题。古代园林的最初设计是从景观意境出发,其中没有商业目的。现代中国以园林用地作为商业赢利场地,大兴土木,充斥着混乱的商业气息,严重破坏了绿化景观,也扭曲了园林本身应该具有的生态本质。在国外园林用地都是没有围墙的,城市与公园景观融合为一体,园林绿地是公众社会福利事业,公园以绿化景观为主,所以表面看起来似乎比中国的公园设计简单。但这并不意味我们园林建设更深刻,在某种程度上,我们对"现代园林"还有一些错误的理解。  相似文献   

Urbanization is a major driver of land cover change worldwide, yet little is known about how urbanization affects beneficial arthropod communities. This study examined how local and landscape scale variables associated with urbanization influenced parasitic Hymenoptera abundance and diversity in residential and commercial properties along a rural to urban landscape gradient in Wisconsin. At a landscape scale, 300 m surrounding sites, land cover percentages were calculated for five cover classes: impervious cover, forest, grassland, agriculture, and urban green space. In addition, habitat diversity (Simpson's index) was calculated for the landscape surrounding study sites. At a local scale (within the boundaries of an individual property), flower diversity, flower area, tree density, and hardscape were measured and related to parasitoid abundance and diversity. During 2006 and 2007, parasitoids were sampled twice a month June-August using yellow sticky cards. Parasitoid abundance was a positive function of flower diversity, a local scale variable. The positive relationship between parasitoid abundance and flower diversity only occurred in areas containing high to moderate levels of urban development, suggesting parasitoids locally benefited from the increased availability of floral resources in urban but not rural sites. Parasitoid diversity decreased as impervious cover increased in the surrounding landscape. Parasitoid diversity decreased by approximately 10% in highly urbanized sites relative to rural sites, a pattern driven by several parasitoid families not detected in urban sites. These results suggest conservation strategies that focus on landscape variables at multiple scales can play an integral role in preserving beneficial arthropods across urban landscapes.  相似文献   

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