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掌握齐口裂腹鱼的繁殖习性和生活习性,可为养殖企业(户)提供养殖技术和优质苗种。在群福齐口裂腹鱼养殖专业合作社的繁殖和养殖场水面,进行齐口裂腹鱼人工繁育技术研究。研究表明:只要合理建好养殖池,抓好亲鱼培育,按照齐口裂腹鱼的人工繁殖程序,熟练掌握催产操作技术,养好人工繁殖生产的水花、乌仔、夏花、秋片、冬片鱼种饲养管理等环节,在巴山浅山丘陵地区,开展齐口裂腹鱼的人工繁殖是可行的。实验成果可有效解决齐口裂腹鱼苗种供需问题,为冷流水特种养殖发展奠定基础,为山区实施渔业提质增效,建议在全省有条件的地区推广和应用。 相似文献
齐口裂腹鱼属鲤形目、鲤科、裂腹鱼亚科、裂腹鱼属、裂腹鱼亚属,俗称雅鱼、细甲鱼、齐口、剑鱼、白鱼等。其肉肥厚,富含不饱和脂肪酸,味道鲜美,属地方特产,为产区群众所喜食。齐口裂腹鱼对水温的要求介于温水性鱼类和冷水性鱼类之间,其生存地域受到一定限制,近年来,由于水域污染和过度捕捞,齐口裂腹鱼的天然资源量锐减,市场价格节节攀升.为了开发这一野生水产品的人工养殖,既满足群众的消费需求, 相似文献
针对传统河流物理栖息地模型计算范围不足,提出一种新的河流鱼类栖息地生态适宜度指数计算模型,并通过鲢鱼实地调查试验,对模型计算结果进行验证。结果表明:新模型可综合考虑河段区间汇水对鲢鱼生境的综合影响,模拟结果与实地调查结果吻合度较高。研究成果对水库放水对河道鱼类生态环境影响评估具有重要的参考价值。 相似文献
为探究泥沙浓度对齐口裂腹鱼生存的影响,选取中值粒径为0. 1 mm的悬沙进行了6种不同含沙浓度的室内水槽试验研究。试验记录了不同试验组水中溶解氧的浓度与幼鱼死亡时间,并分析了含沙浓度与溶解氧浓度、死亡率、死亡时间的关系。试验成果表明,随着含沙浓度的增加,幼鱼致死时间不断缩短。观察发现,含沙试验组死亡幼鱼鱼鳃淤堵明显,且含沙浓度高于5. 0 g/L时,死亡幼鱼鱼鳃出现出血现象,在含沙浓度为10. 0 g/L的试验组中,死亡幼鱼鱼鳃及口腔中还会出现粒径为0. 3 mm的较粗泥沙颗粒。由此可见,细颗粒泥沙淤堵、磨损鱼鳃,以及通过口腔进入其呼吸道和消化道,是泥沙颗粒影响鱼类生存的主要原因。 相似文献
为探索在苏洼龙水电站鱼类增殖站循环水系统中鱼苗的最佳养殖密度,苏洼龙水电站以鱼类增殖站循环水系统为依托,对不同养殖密度模式下短须裂腹鱼鱼苗的行为、存活、生长、摄食、代谢生理机能影响等方面进行研究试验,通过苗种的成活率、成长率、投饵率、抗病率等指标得出2 000尾/m3是最佳的养殖密度,为国内高寒高海拔地区工厂化循环水养殖系统技术的深入研究和推广应用提供参考。 相似文献
为了解齐口裂腹鱼在鱼道中的上溯情况,在大比尺竖缝式鱼道物理模型中开展了以齐口裂腹鱼幼鱼为过鱼对象的过鱼试验研究。试验中对通过时间、通过率和上溯轨迹进行了记录,并运用Spearman秩相关分析对齐口裂腹鱼的上溯轨迹和池室结构的水力因子(流速、紊动能、总水力应变)进行了分析。研究发现,试验用鱼通过时间平均值为132.7s,多数鱼倾向于快速通过鱼道完成上溯。试验鱼道通过率为71.9%,过鱼效果良好。多数齐口裂腹鱼上溯过程中会避开高流速区、高紊动能区和高水力应变区,在池室内齐口裂腹鱼上溯轨迹主要分布于上述参数较低的右侧回流区和隔板背水面,竖缝断面处多数齐口裂腹鱼选择上述参数相对较低的隔板侧区域通过。研究结果可为相关竖缝式鱼道设计和实践提供参考。 相似文献
总溶解气体过饱和胁迫下齐口裂腹鱼的耐受和回避特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
高坝工程在泄流时,高速水流强烈的掺气作用导致下游水体中总溶解气体(Total Dissolved Gas,TDG)过饱和,从而使水体中鱼类患上气泡病,威胁到其生存。本文以二龄齐口裂腹鱼幼鱼为研究对象,对其开展了急性致死实验、间歇胁迫实验、水平回避实验和垂直回避实验,结果表明齐口裂腹鱼持续暴露在TDG饱和度为120%、125%和130%的水体中的半致死时间分别为10.7 h、9.5 h和6.5 h。通过短时间的TDG过饱和暴露结合长时间的清水恢复能显著地延长齐口裂腹鱼在TDG过饱和水体中的生存时间。齐口裂腹鱼对饱和度为135%和145%水体具有较强的探知和回避能力,而当水体TDG饱和度为125%及以下时,其探知和回避能力较弱。齐口裂腹鱼在垂直方向具有利用补偿水深来回避水体中TDG过饱和的能力。 相似文献
Behrouz Ahmadi‐Nedushan Andr St‐Hilaire Michel Brub laine Robichaud Nathalie Thimonge Bernard Bobe 《河流研究与利用》2006,22(5):503-523
Habitat models serve three main purposes: First, to predict species occurrences on the basis of abiotic and biotic variables, second to improve the understanding of species‐habitat relationships and third, to quantify habitat requirements. The use of statistical models to predict the likely occurrence or distribution of species based on relevant variables is becoming an increasingly important tool in conservation planning and wildlife management. This article aims to provide an overview of the current status of development and application of statistical methodologies for analysing the species‐environment association, with a clear emphasis on aquatic habitat. It describes the main types of univariate and multivariate techniques available for analysis of species‐environment association, and specifically focuses on the assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the available statistical methods to estimate habitat suitability. A second objective of this article is to propose new approaches using existing statistical methods. A wide array of habitat statistical models has been developed to analyse habitat‐species relationship. Generally, physical habitat is dependent on more than one variable (e.g. depth, velocity, substrate, cover) and several suitability indices must be combined to define a composite index. Multivariate approaches are more appropriate for the analysis of aquatic habitat as they inherently consider the interrelation and correlation structure of the environmental variables. Ordinary multiple linear regression and logistic regression are popular methods often used for modelling of species and their relationships with environment. Ridge regression and Principal component regression are particularly useful when the independent variables are highly correlated. More recent regression modelling paradigms like generalized linear models (GLMs) present advantages in dealing with non‐normal environmental variables. Generalized additive models (GAMs) and artificial neural networks are better suited for analysis of non‐linear relationships between species distribution and environmental variables. The fuzzy logic approach presents advantages in dealing with uncertainties that often exist in habitat modelling. Appropriate methods for analysis of multi‐species data are also presented. Finally, the few existing comparative studies for predictive modelling are reviewed, and advantages and disadvantages of different methods are discussed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Evaluation of fish habitat suitability using a coupled ecohydraulic model: Habitat model selection and prediction 下载免费PDF全文
The selection of an approach to evaluate habitat suitability for a specific fish or life stage has been a matter of concern in habitat quality modelling studies. This study has taken Jinshaia sinensis, a commercially valuable fish endemic to the Jinsha River, China, as the target fish species. One‐ and two‐dimensional hydrodynamic models were coupled and combined with fish habitat models for a middle reach of the Jinsha River. The resulting ecohydraulic model was used to predict the changes in hydrodynamics and spawning habitat suitability that resulted from the operation of an under‐construction reservoir downstream of the study area. The preference function (product, arithmetic mean, geometric mean, and minimum value) and fuzzy logic habitat evaluation methods were compared to predict the spawning habitat suitability of the fish. The model was validated using the numbers of spawning eggs, and the results show that both the arithmetic mean and fuzzy logic method can be used to predict spawning habitat suitability. The model predictions show that the hydrodynamics of the study area would be altered if the impoundment water level exceeded 969 m. During the spawning season, the spawning habitat suitability would increase from April to early June and has little change from early June to July under the impact of the reservoir impoundment. The optimal river discharge rate for fish spawning is ~3,500 m3/s, and this would not change after the reservoir begins operation. This research can benefit other regions that will be affected by planned dams by predicting the impacts of reservoir operation on fish habitat quality, and the results will help decision makers protect the health of rivers and the overall ecosystem. 相似文献
Freshwater mussels are often relocated from existing beds for both conservation and management reasons. In this study, we empirically tested whether the habitat type at the destination site was important in predicting the success of mussel relocation. In 1993, four species of freshwater mussels were relocated in the Apalachicola River in Florida, into three distinct habitat types: stable sand, limestone/sand and cobble. The conditional probability of survival of relocated mussels varied by species and habitat. Two species were considered habitat specialists, one species was considered a habitat generalist and recovery rates for the fourth species were too low to assess habitat preferences. We show empirically that microhabitat is important in the survival of relocated mussels and that the habitat-specific criteria for relocation is species specific. These results suggest that survival of relocated mussels can be enhanced if species-specific site selection criteria are developed using quantitative information. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The diversity of fish species found in warmwater stream systems provides a perplexing challenge when selecting species for assessment of instream flow needs from physical habitat analyses. In this paper we examined the feasibility of developing habitat suitability criteria (HSC) for the entire fish community of a warmwater stream using habitat guilds. Each species was placed a priori into a guild structure and habitat data were collected for depth, velocity, Froude number, distance to cover, embeddedness and dominant and subdominant substrate. Correct guild classification was tested with linear discriminant analysis for each species. Correct classification based on habitat‐use data was highest for riffle and pool‐cover guilds, whereas the fast‐generalist and pool‐run classes, the broader niche guilds, were more frequently misclassified. Variables most important for discriminating guilds were Froude number, velocity and depth in that order. Nonparametric tolerance limits were used to develop guild suitability criteria for continuous variables and the Strauss linear index was used for categorical variables. We recommend the use of a wide array of variables to establish more accurate habitat analysis. Additionally, guild HSC can be developed with similar effort to that needed to develop HSC for a small number of individual species. Results indicate that a habitat guild structure can be successfully transferred to another river basin and that habitats for a diverse fish assemblage can be adequately described by a small number of habitat guilds. This approach represents an alternative for incorporating entire fish assemblages into habitat analyses of warmwater stream systems. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
以三汉河道水闸防洪调度模糊决策为例,设计了水闸防洪调度模糊系统.结果表明,基于模糊逻辑的水闸防洪调度决策方法,具有决策响应速度快、可以利用调度经验知识、适应非结构化等优点. 相似文献
We constructed energetic models of habitat use for 82–322 g rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in a large regulated river, and 8–28 g Colorado River cutthroat trout (O. clarki pleuriticus) in a small headwater stream, to determine if observed summer habitat use by these species could be attributed to net energy acquisition, and to develop habitat suitability criteria based on net energy gain. Metabolic models of energy expenditure were derived from literature sources, but measurements of energy availability were site-specific. From the energy models, we assigned a suitability value of 1.0 to the entire range of velocities where positive net energy gains were predicted, and a suitability value of zero to velocities where negative net energy gains were predicted. Predicted net energy gain velocities were compared with observed velocities used by each species. For rainbow trout, the energetic model predicted energetically profitable velocities ranging from 5 to 45 cm s−1. Predicted velocities were similar to velocities used by rainbow trout. This indicated that rainbow trout, as a group, were using energetically profitable stream locations, but some rainbow trout used non-profitable velocities. For Colorado River cutthroat trout, the energetic model predicted energetically profitable velocities ranging from 5 to 45 cm s−1; however, Colorado River cutthroat trout used significantly lower velocities than predicted. The dissimilarity between velocities predicted and used by Colorado River cutthroat trout may be attributed to their inability to utilize energetically profitable velocities available in the stream because of depth restrictions The results suggest that the predictive abilities of energetic models vary between streams because of differences in depth and velocity availability. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Hydraulic microhabitat assessment is a category of environmental flow tools (e.g., Physical Habitat Simulation system and other methodologically similar software) that, at its core, uses habitat suitability criteria (HSC) to link values of point hydraulic variables (usually depth, velocity, and substrate/cover) to habitat values for target life stages. Although this assessment tool has been used worldwide for decades, the history of the HSC curve is relatively unknown because the foundational information is predominantly contained in obscure and often unpublished reports. We review the history of the HSC concept in applied aquatic ecology to clarify its scientific pedigree, ensure its proper use, and build a foundation for future research. We begin the review with the formative decades of the 1950's through the 1970's, when consumptive‐based western USA water law conflicted with conservation traditions and natural resource management objectives, although water allocation issues date back at least to the 19th century. By analysing the history of the HSC concept, we aim to establish the biological, hydrologic, and geomorphological conditions that must be met for the HSC concept to be successfully employed. In spite of its documented assumptions and limitations, the HSC concept will likely continue to be a useful tool to help address water resources allocation issues in defined hydrologic and geomorphic settings. We conclude that HSC‐based methodologies should be considered as one of several environmental flow approaches involved in sustainable water resources management. 相似文献
四大家鱼产卵栖息地适宜度与大坝泄流相关性分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为探究三峡—葛洲坝水库联合调度运行后,长江四大家鱼对不同大坝泄流工况下产卵栖息地水动力环境的适宜性,在构建长江四大家鱼主要产卵栖息地水动力数学模型及产卵栖息地适宜度评价模型基础上,针对大坝不同运行参数进行大坝泄流方式与四大家鱼产卵栖息地适宜度相关性分析。结果表明,大坝泄流量为10 000~15 000 m~3/s时,四大家鱼产卵栖息地具有较高的适宜度;在流量基数为10 000~15 000 m~3/s,日均流量增长率为1 000~1 500 m~3/s时,四大家鱼产卵栖息地同样有较高的产卵栖息适宜度。研究结果可为构建考虑家鱼自然繁殖的水库生态调度方式提供参考。 相似文献
基于黄河鲤栖息地水文-生态响应关系的黄河下游生态流量研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本研究采用野外生物监测、栖息地同步观测和实验室控制实验等技术手段,应用生物学、鱼类生态学、生态水力学、水文学等多学科理论,基于河流栖息地模拟法,研究了黄河下游指示物种黄河鲤生态学特性及其栖息生境与流速、水深、水温等水文水环境因子之间的关系,将径流条件与目标物种不同生长阶段生物学信息相结合,建立了代表物种繁殖期、越冬期栖息地适宜度指数,构建了黄河下游重点河段河流栖息地模型,建立了指示物种栖息地状况与河川径流条件定量响应关系,提出黄河下游花园口和利津断面繁殖期最小生态流量为300 m3/s和100 m3/s、适宜生态流量为600~700 m3/s和190~250 m3/s。该研究在水生生物习性及其与河川径流响应关系方面实现突破,解决了黄河生态需水研究中关键技术问题。 相似文献