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Consistent image registration   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This paper presents a new method for image registration based on jointly estimating the forward and reverse transformations between two images while constraining these transforms to be inverses of one another. This approach produces a consistent set of transformations that have less pairwise registration error, i.e., better correspondence, than traditional methods that estimate the forward and reverse transformations independently. The transformations are estimated iteratively and are restricted to preserve topology by constraining them to obey the laws of continuum mechanics. The transformations are parameterized by a Fourier series to diagonalize the covariance structure imposed by the continuum mechanics constraints and to provide a computationally efficient numerical implementation. Results using a linear elastic material constraint are presented using both magnetic resonance and X-ray computed tomography image data. The results show that the joint estimation of a consistent set of forward and reverse transformations constrained by linear-elasticity give better registration results than using either constraint alone or none at all.  相似文献   

图像配准技术性能评估及实现概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘松涛  杨绍清 《电光与控制》2007,14(3):73-78,83
图像配准是解决图像融合、图像镶嵌和变化检测等问题的必要前提,其应用遍及军事、遥感、医学和计算机视觉等多个领域.首先概括了图像配准技术的研究内容,然后全面论述了配准技术的性能评估及其系统实现问题,最后指出了该领域存在的主要问题,并展望了进一步的发展方向.  相似文献   

医学图像配准是医学图像处理的一项重要技术,广泛应用于临床诊断和治疗、计划设计、外科手术等领域中.从基于灰度的医学图像配准角度,描述了医学图像配准的基本过程和优化策略,着重阐述了目前普遍采用的相关技术和方法的表示形式,以及这些方法的特点和应用领域,并进一步分析了在这一方面的研究中存在的问题和未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

稳健的图像匹配方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
景象匹配是计算机视觉研究的一个重要方向,如何在复杂的环境下提高匹配概率与定位精度是其亟待解决的难点之一。在分析畸变校正的量化噪声为高斯噪声的基础上,提出了基于特征和时空关联的积相关图像匹配算法。采用基于噪声抑制小波边缘检测方法,提取实时图和基准图的边缘特征;基于归一化积相关实现序列实时图(3帧)与基准图的匹配,再根据位置信息实现相关峰值的数据融合得到匹配点。此方法克服了因面积增大由几何失真导致的匹配概率下降的缺点,提高了匹配概率,具有较好的匹配稳健性。  相似文献   

The accuracy of image registration plays a dominant role in image super-resolution methods and in the related literature, landmark-based registration methods have gained increasing acceptance in this framework. In this work, we take advantage of a maximum a posteriori (MAP) scheme for image super-resolution in conjunction with the maximization of mutual information to improve image registration for super-resolution imaging. Local as well as global motion in the low-resolution images is considered. The overall scheme consists of two steps. At first, the low-resolution images are registered by establishing correspondences between image features. The second step is to fine-tune the registration parameters along with the high-resolution image estimation, using the maximization of mutual information criterion. Quantitative and qualitative results are reported indicating the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, which is evaluated with different image features and MAP image super-resolution computation methods.  相似文献   

针对传统光流场配准模型会造成图像模糊和细节丢失的问题,提出了一种基于偏微分方程的自适应各向异性配准模型。新模型将具有自适应性的扩散滤波方法引入图像配准,定义具有图像结构保持能力的各向异性扩散函数作为模型的正则项;数据项采用作用于亮度常量假设的非二次惩罚函数以增加模型的稳健性。实验结果表明,新模型能够有效保持图像特征,实现对大脑等复杂图像的有效配准。  相似文献   

为了解决存在旋转的异类图匹配问题,在互信息(MMI,Maximum of Mutual Information)匹配方法的基础上,利用穷举法在参考图中找出实时图的对应匹配位置,并作为控制点,利用模型以及最小二乘方法找出两幅图像的对应关系。利用参考图的旋转变换较好地解决了存在旋转的异类图匹配问题;把控制点理论应用于灰度匹配得到的匹配点;把景象匹配的新成果(MMI)用于解决旋转异类图匹配。仿真实验表明此方法可较好地解决存在旋转的异类图匹配问题。  相似文献   

SIFT算法在仿射变换、噪声、一定程度的光照条件下具有良好的匹配性能,星上宽波段相机成像尺寸都非常大,超大尺寸图像直接利用SIFT算法,在构建高斯金字塔时空间占用大,同时导致计算用时长。通过研究仿射变换矩阵,提出可以通过计算超大尺寸图像的降采样图像之间的配准系数间接获取超大尺寸图像的配准系数的方法。经过实验验证,具有一定的可行性,对于图像配准从空间上减少计算量从而节约计算时间具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

非均匀性严重影响红外制导武器的成像质量和系统性能,有效进行非均性校正是提高红外制导武器成像质量的有效手段。高通滤波类算法对非均匀性校正的参数漂移具有很强的适应性,但易产生“鬼影”现象,影响校正结果。本文针对高通滤波类算法的缺陷,结合帧间配准技术,提出了一种基于图像配准的非均匀性校正算法。与SLTH算法和BFTH算法中利用滤波器滤波后得到的残差图像相比,本文利用图像配准和场景删除得到的残差图像能更好地消除图像中的场景信息,抑制“鬼影”效果显著。实验表明:本文算法的校正效果良好,校正结果的平均粗糙度低至3.79,优于SLTH和BFTH两种算法。而且本文算法处理速度快,达到了每秒15.83帧,是BFTH处理速度的1.63倍。  相似文献   

MATLAB环境下的图像配准技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
喻伟林  方卫红  刘倩 《信息技术》2007,(10):127-129
图像配准技术常常用于医学图像对比分析,遥感数据分析以及目标定位、测量和分析等领域。阐述了图像配准的定义,采用人机交互的方法在待配准的图像间选择配准点,利用空间几何变换关系对输入图像进行几何变换,使用MATLAB软件提供的图像处理工具对图像进行配准。仿真实验表明,该方法简便,易于实现,能消除图像之间的位置差异,进行有效的配准。  相似文献   

This work studies retinal image registration in the context of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) standard. The ETDRS imaging protocol specifies seven fields of each retina and presents three major challenges for the image registration task. First, small overlaps between adjacent fields lead to inadequate landmark points for feature-based methods. Second, the non-uniform contrast/intensity distributions due to imperfect data acquisition will deteriorate the performance of area-based techniques. Third, high-resolution images contain large homogeneous nonvascular/texureless regions that weaken the capabilities of both feature-based and area-based techniques. In this work, we propose a hybrid retinal image registration approach for ETDRS images that effectively combines both area-based and feature-based methods. Four major steps are involved. First, the vascular tree is extracted by using an efficient local entropy-based thresholding technique. Next, zeroth-order translation is estimated by maximizing mutual information based on the binary image pair (area-based). Then image quality assessment regarding the ETDRS field definition is performed based on the translation model. If the image pair is accepted, higher-order transformations will be involved. Specifically, we use two types of features, landmark points and sampling points, for affine/quadratic model estimation. Three empirical conditions are derived experimentally to control the algorithm progress, so that we can achieve the lowest registration error and the highest success rate. Simulation results on 504 pairs of ETDRS images show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

图像配准是解决图像融合、图像镶嵌和变化检测等问题的必要前提,其应用遍及军事、遥感、医学和计算机视觉等多个领域.简要回顾了图像配准技术的发展史和研究现状,重点阐述了当前的技术热点和应用趋势,最后展望了进一步的研究方向.  相似文献   

Fast parametric elastic image registration   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
We present an algorithm for fast elastic multidimensional intensity-based image registration with a parametric model of the deformation. It is fully automatic in its default mode of operation. In the case of hard real-world problems, it is capable of accepting expert hints in the form of soft landmark constraints. Much fewer landmarks are needed and the results are far superior compared to pure landmark registration. Particular attention has been paid to the factors influencing the speed of this algorithm. The B-spline deformation model is shown to be computationally more efficient than other alternatives. The algorithm has been successfully used for several two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) registration tasks in the medical domain, involving MRI, SPECT, CT, and ultrasound image modalities. We also present experiments in a controlled environment, permitting an exact evaluation of the registration accuracy. Test deformations are generated automatically using a random hierarchical fractional wavelet-based generator.  相似文献   

采用PCA和PSNR的医学图像配准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医学图像配准是医学图像融合的前提,是目前医学图像处理中的热点,具有重要的临床诊断和治疗价值.利用图像矩计算医学图像的质心,根据图像坐标矩阵主分量分析(PCA)的特征矢量旋转不变性,计算参考图像和浮动图像的倾斜角,获得配准初始值;在寻找最优几何变换参数时,采用峰值信噪~(PSNR)作为参考图像和浮动图像的相似性测度.实验时,采用单纯形法作为多参数寻优方法.实验结果表明,该方法计算简单,运算量少,配准速度快,精度高,而且克服了容易陷入局部最优的问题.该方法既可用于单模态图像配准,也可以用于多模态配准.  相似文献   

针对快速鲁棒特征(SURF)算法对微观驱替图像进行配准存在的误匹配比例较高和由于提取的特征点过多导致时间偏长的问题,提出了一种改进的 SURF算法.利用了微观驱替模型的特点,提取出信息量相对比较丰富的边界,仅在边界和边界附近提取特征点.借鉴了 Hassion角点检测的方法,筛选出那些满足设定条件的稳定的特征点.实验证明,本文提出的方法在匹配正确率上得到了提高.同时,特征点匹配的耗时有所减少.  相似文献   

A bound on mutual information for image registration   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
An upper bound is derived for the mutual information between a fixed image and a deformable template containing a fixed number of gray-levels. The bound can be calculated by maximizing the entropy of the template under the constraint that the conditional entropy of the template, given the fixed image, be zero. This bound provides useful insight into the properties of mutual information as a similarity metric for deformable image registration. Specifically, it indicates that maximizing mutual information may not necessarily produce an optimal solution when the deformable transform is too flexible.  相似文献   

基于合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像和光学图像间的变形可用仿射变换来近似,提出了一种SAR图像和光学图像自动配准的方案.对分割后的图像进行K-L变换得到两幅图像的主分量与坐标轴之间的关系,从而得出两幅图像的角度关系,接着,利用旋转后图像的横纵象素范围的比值和前景重心偏移值得到仿射变换的缩放和平移参数,最后再利用二值图像相关对仿射变换的结果图像进行精配,从而实现较高精度的图像配准.实验结果表明,在满足精度要求的情况下,本方法可以自动完成具有明显方向性和较大前景目标图像的配准任务.  相似文献   

对数极坐标变换域下互信息图像配准方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
当待配准中的图像中存在较大的尺度变换时,传统的图像互信息配准方法对图像尺度变换参数很敏感,易于在优化搜索时陷入局部极值点,配准效果不好。文中提出基于对数极坐标(log—polar)域的图像配准方法,它较好地分离了图像缩放参数和图像旋转参数的相互影响。仿真结果表明,该方法在大尺度图像配准场合应用时比通常的互信息方法有更高的精度和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

基于SURF的图像匹配算法改进   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在图像匹配中,SURF算法采用最邻近与次邻近欧式距离比查寻匹配点,当阈值过大时,这种方法会产生大量误匹配点,从而严重影响图像配准的精度。RANSAC算法是一种有效剔除误匹配点的方法,但需要人工确定部分参数值。提出一种多层次图像匹配方法,不仅能够剔除误匹配点还可以无需人工参与完成图像匹配。实验表明,该匹配方法能够精确提取匹配点和实现自动匹配,很好地满足图像配准的要求,具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

基于傅里叶变换的遥感图像配准算法   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
提出了一种基于傅里叶的遥感图像自动配准方法,图像间的变化包括平移、旋转及比例变化。该方法是傅里叶相位相关技术的扩展,其主要优点是在不需要寻找控制点和传感器参数的情况下进行图像自动配准。通过对数一极坐标变换、利用傅里叶变换的比例特性和旋转特性搜索图像间的比例和旋转变化,利用傅里叶的相位相关技术(能量谱)确定图像间的平移关系,实验结果表明了此方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

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