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PURPOSE: To determine normal values of blood-flow velocities in extraocular vessels. METHODS: In one eye each in 189 healthy adult volunteers, blood-flow velocities in the ophthalmic artery (OA), central retinal artery (CRA), central retinal vein (CRV), short lateral posterior ciliary artery (LPCA), and short medial posterior ciliary artery (MPCA) were measured by color Doppler imaging. In the arteries, peak systolic velocity (PSV), end diastolic velocity (EDV), and resistivity index (RI) were calculated. In the CRV, maximal and minimal blood-flow velocities were measured. Influence of age, gender, blood pressure, and heart rate on blood-flow velocities and the resistivity index were analyzed. RESULTS: Mean outcomes +/- S.D. cm/sec were as follows: in the OA, PSV was 39.2 +/- 5.3, EDV was 9.1 +/- 2.5, and RI was 0.77 +/- 0.05. In the CRA, PSV was 11.0 +/- 1.8, EDV was 3.3 +/- 0.9, and RI was 0.71 +/- 0.05. In the short LPCA, PSV was 11.2 +/- 1.7, EDV was 3.7 +/- 1.0, and RI was 0.68 +/- 0.06. In the short MPCA, PSV was 11.2 +/- 11.7, EDV was 3.6 +/- 0.9, and RI was 0.68 +/- 0.05. In the CRV, mean maximal velocity was 4.5 +/- 0.9, and mean minimal velocity was 3.3 +/- 0.7. Age, gender, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate had no consistent statistically significant influence on the measured and calculated variables. CONCLUSION: Normal values for blood-flow velocities in the extraocular vessels serve as a basis in deciding whether a measured value of a patient is normal or abnormal.  相似文献   

The finding of flow-dependent vasodilation rests on the basic observation that with an increase in blood flow the vessels become wider, with a decrease the vascular smooth muscle cells contract. Proteoheparan sulphate could be the sensor macromolecule at the endothelial cell membrane-blood interface, that reacts on the shear stress generated by the flowing blood, and that informs and regulates the vascular smooth muscle cells via a signal transduction chain. This anionic biopolyelectrolyte possesses viscoelastic and specific ion binding properties which allow a change of its configuration in dependence on shear stress and electrostatic charge density. The blood flow sensor undergoes a conformational transition from a random coil to an extended filamentous state with increasing flow, whereby Na+ ions from the blood are bound. Owing to the intramolecular elastic recoil forces of proteoheparan sulphate the slowing of a flow rate causes an entropic coiling, the expulsion of Na+ ions and thus an interruption of the signal chain. Under physiological conditions, the conformation and Na+ binding proved to be extremely Ca(2+)-sensitive while K+ and Mg2+ ions play a minor role for the susceptibility of the sensor. Via counterion migration of the bound Na+ ions along the sensor glycosaminoglycan side chains and following Na+ passage through an unspecific ion channel in the endothelial cell membrane, the signal transduction chain leads to a membrane depolarization with Ca2+ influx into the cells. This stimulates the EDRF/NO production and release from the endothelial cells. The consequence is vasodilation.  相似文献   

A novel algorithm for construction of complete maps of local similarity for two biopolymer sequences is described. The algorithm is much faster than the related Altschul-Erickson procedure, it is implemented as the Dot-Helix module within the GeneBee package. Performance of the algorithm is exemplified with the analysis of the polyproteins of two poliovirus type 3 strains and its effectivity is compared to the Staden method. Possible applications of the algorithm are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to establish the localization of the anion transporter Npt1 in liver and the relevance of Npt1 to carrier-mediated hepatic transport of beta-lactam antibiotics. Immunocytochemical examination of mouse liver with antiserum for Npt1 showed basolateral (sinusoidal) membrane localization. Function of Npt1 was characterized in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Injection of in vitro-transcribed cRNA into oocytes resulted in an increased uptake of [14C]benzylpenicillin (PCG). The Npt1-mediated uptake was saturable with a Michaelis constant (Km) of 0.46 +/- 0.18 mM and a maximum rate (Vmax) of 46.6 +/- 8.5 pmol/60 min/oocyte, and the uptake of [14C]PCG was independent of Na+ and pH, but dependent on chloride ion. Npt1-mediated [14C]PCG uptake was inhibited by several beta-lactam antibiotics and probenecid. Oocytes injected with Npt1-cRNA demonstrated significantly enhanced transport activity for other anionic compounds such as [14C]faropenem, [14C]foscarnet and [3H]mevalonic acid, as well as [14C]PCG, compared with water-injected oocytes. In conclusion, Npt1 is suggested to participate in hepatic sinusoidal membrane transport of organic anions such as beta-lactam antibiotics as well as inorganic anions for the efflux from hepatocyte-to-blood direction.  相似文献   

Anionic dyes, notably acid fuchsine, strongly stain the nuclei and cytoplasm of neurons severely damaged by injury or disease. We provide detailed instructions for staining nervous tissue with toluidine blue and acid fuchsine for optimal demonstration of injured neurons. Degeneration was induced in the hippocampus of the mouse by systemic administration of kainic acid, and the resulting acidophilia was investigated using paraffin sections of the Carnoy- or Bouin-fixed brains. The affected cells were bright red with the toluidine blue-acid fuchsine sequence. Their nuclei were stainable also with alkaline Biebrich scarlet and with the 1,2-naphthoquinone-4-sulfonic acid-Ba(OH)2 method; all staining was blocked by benzil but was relatively refractory to deamination by HNO2. These properties indicated an arginine-rich protein. The nuclei were strongly acidophilic in the presence of a high concentration of DNA (strong Feulgen reaction), and acidophilia could not be induced in normal neuronal nuclei by chemical extraction of nucleic acids. The cytoplasmic acidophilia of degenerating hippocampal neurons was due to a protein rich in lysine (extinguished by alkalinity, easily prevented by deamination, and unaffected by benzil). Stainable RNA was absent from the perikarya of the affected cells, but normal neuronal cytoplasm did not become acidophilic after extraction of nucleic acids. We suggest that kainate-induced cell death is preceded by increased production of basic proteins, which become concentrated in the nucleus and perikaryon. Groups of small, darkly staining neurons were seen in the cerebral cortex in control and kainate-treated mice. These shrunken cells were purple with the toluidine blue-acid fuchsine stain, and were attributed to local injury incurred during removal of the unfixed brain.  相似文献   

The calcium-sensing receptor (CaR) is activated by small changes in extracellular calcium [Ca2+]o) in the physiological range, allowing the parathyroid gland to regulate serum [Ca2+]o; however, the CaR is also distributed in a number of other tissues where it may sense other endogenous agonists and modulators. CaR agonists are polycationic molecules, and charged residues in the extracellular domain of the CaR appear critical for receptor activation through electrostatic interactions, suggesting that ionic strength could modulate CaR activation by polycationic agonists. Changes in the concentration of external NaCl potently altered the activation of the CaR by external Ca2+ and spermine. Ionic strength had an inverse effect on the sensitivity of CaR to its agonists, with lowering of ionic strength rendering the receptor more sensitive to activation by [Ca2+]o and raising of ionic strength producing the converse effect. Effects of osmolality could not account for the modulation seen with changes in NaCl. Other salts, which differed in the cationic or anionic species, showed shifts in the activation of the CaR by [Ca2+]o similar to that elicited by NaCl. Parathyroid cells were potently modulated by ionic strength, with addition of 40 mM NaCl shifting the EC50 for [Ca2+]o inhibition of parathyroid hormone by at least 0.5 mM. Several CaR-expressing tissues, including regions of the brain such as the subfornical organ and hypothalamus, could potentially use the CaR as a sensor for ionic strength and NaCl. The Journal guidelines state that the summary should be no longer than 200 words.  相似文献   

We recently demonstrated that an amphipathic net-negatively charged peptide consisting of 11 amino acids (WAE 11) strongly promotes fusion of large unilamellar liposomes (LUV) when anchored to a liposomal membrane [Pecheur, E. I., Hoekstra, D., Sainte-Marie, J., Maurin, L., Bienvenue, A., and Philippot, J. R. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 3773-3781]. To elucidate a potential relationship between peptide structure and its fusogenic properties and to test the hypothesis that specific structural motifs are a prerequisite for WAE-induced fusion, three 11-mer WAE-peptide analogues (WAK, WAEPro, and WAS) were synthesized and investigated for their structure and fusion activity. Structural analysis of the synthetic peptides by infrared attenuated total reflection spectroscopy reveals a distinct propensity of each peptide toward a helical structure after their anchorage to a liposomal surface, emphasizing the importance of anchorage on conveying a secondary structure, thereby conferring fusogenicity to these peptides. However, whereas WAE and WAK peptides displayed an essentially nonleaky fusion process, WAS- and WAEPro-induced fusion was accompanied by substantial leakage. It appears that peptide helicity as such is not a sufficient condition to convey optimal fusion properties to these 11-mer peptides. Studies of changes in the intrinsic Trp fluorescence and iodide quenching experiments were carried out and revealed the absence of migration of the Trp residue of WAS and WAEPro to a hydrophobic environment, upon their interaction with the target membranes. These results do not support the penetration of both peptides as their mode of membrane interaction and destabilization but rather suggest their folding along the vesicle surface, posing them as surface-seeking helixes. This is in striking contrast to the behavior observed for WAE and WAK, for which at least partial penetration of the Trp residue was demonstrated. These results indicate that subtle differences in the primary sequence of a fusogenic peptide could induce dramatic changes in the way the peptide interacts with a bilayer, culminating in equally drastic changes in their functional properties. The data also reveal a certain degree of sequence specificity in WAE-induced fusion.  相似文献   

Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein capable of replacing telomeric DNA sequences that are lost at each cell division. Under normal circumstances, it is active in rapidly dividing embryonic cells and in stem cell populations but not in terminally differentiated somatic cells. Much attention has recently focused on the hypothesis that activity of this enzyme is necessary for cells to become immortal. This predicts that telomerase activity should be detectable in malignant cells and tissues but not in their normal counterparts, which slowly senesce and die. In accordance with this notion, telomerase activity has been reported in a wide range of malignancies, including those of the gastrointestinal tract, breast and lung. In the present study, we used a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assay for telomerase activity, designated the "telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP)', to examine initially 35 colonic carcinomas, their corresponding normal tissues and 12 inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) lesions. We detected strong enzyme activity in 32 (92%) of the 35 colon carcinomas while there was no activity in 30 (86%) of 35 matched normal colonic tissue specimens and only very weak activity in the remainder. Four of seven specimens of ulcerative colitis and two of five Crohn's disease lesions were negative, and the rest were only weakly positive. These results led us to examine whether telomerase could be detected in carcinoma cells exfoliated into the colonic lumen. We assayed lysates of exfoliated cells in luminal washings from colectomy specimens of 15 patients with colon carcinoma and nine with IBD. Telomerase activity was detected in washings from 9 (60%) of the 15 colon carcinoma cases but not in any from cases with IBD, suggesting that it can be a good marker for the detection of colon carcinoma, possibly even in non-invasively obtained samples.  相似文献   

正丙醇析相萃取BiI4-络阴离子的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
试验了在氯化钠存在下,Bi3+以BiI4-络阴离子萃取到正丙醇相的最佳条件。结果表明,氯化钠能使正丙醇的水溶液分成两相,在分相过程中,Bi3+与碘化钾生成的BiI4-与质子化正丙醇(C3H7OH2+)形成的缔合物[BiI4-][C3H7OH2+]能被正丙醇相完全萃取。当正丙醇、碘化钾和氯化钠的浓度分别为30%(V/V)、6.0×10-3mol/L、0.2 g/mL时,Bi3+的萃取率达到99.2%以上,Fe2+、Co2+、Ni2+、Ag+、Mn2+、Cr3+、Ce3+、Zn2+和Al3+基本不被萃取,实现了Bi3+与上述金属离子的分离,对合成水样和锌铋合金中Bi3+的分离和测定,结果满意。  相似文献   

Two anionic residues in the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, Asp-152 in the alpha-subunit and Asp-174 in the gamma-subunit or the corresponding Asp-180 in the delta-subunit, are presumed to reside near the two agonist binding sites at the alphagamma and alphadelta subunit interfaces of the receptor and have been implicated in electrostatic attraction of cationic ligands. Through site-directed mutagenesis and analysis of state changes in the receptor elicited by agonists, we have distinguished the roles of anionic residues in conferring ligand specificity and ligand-induced state changes. alphaAsp-152 affects agonist and antagonist affinity similarly, whereas gammaAsp-174 and deltaAsp-180 primarily affect agonist affinity. Combining charge neutralization on the alpha subunit with that on the gamma and delta subunits shows an additivity in free energy changes for carbamylcholine and d-tubocurarine, suggesting independent contributions of these residues to stabilizing the bound ligands. Since both aromatic and anionic residues stabilize cationic ligands, we substituted tyrosines (Y) for the aspartyl residues. While the substitution, alphaD152Y, reduced the affinities for agonists and antagonists, the gammaD174Y/deltaD180Y mutations reduced the affinity for agonist binding, but surprisingly enhanced the affinity for d-tubocurarine. To ascertain whether selective changes in agonist binding stem from the capacity of agonists to form the desensitized state of the receptor, carbamylcholine binding was measured in the presence of an allosteric inhibitor, proadifen. Mutant nAChRs carrying alphaD152Q or gammaD174N/deltaD180N show similar reductions in dissociation constants for the desensitized compared with activable receptor state and a similar proadifen concentration dependence. Hence, these mutations influence ligand recognition rather than the capacity of the receptor to desensitize. By contrast, the alphaD200Q mutation diminishes the ratio of dissociation constants for two states and requires higher proadifen concentrations to induce desensitization. Thus, the contributions of alphaAsp-152, gamma/deltaAsp-174/180, and alphaAsp-200 in stabilizing ligand binding can be distinguished by the interactions between agonists and allosteric inhibitors.  相似文献   

According to a recent hypothesis (Sandhoff, K., and Kolter, T. (1996) Trends Cell Biol. 6, 98-103), glycolipids, which originate from the plasma membrane, are exposed to lysosomal degradation on the surface of intralysosomal vesicles. Taking the interaction of membrane-bound lipid substrates and lysosomal hydrolases as an experimental model, we studied the degradation of glucosylceramides with different acyl chain lengths by purified glucocerebrosidase in a detergent-free liposomal assay system. Our investigation focused on the stimulating effect induced by lysosomal components such as sphingolipid activator protein C (SAP-C or saposin C), anionic lysosomal lipids, bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate, and dolichol phosphate, as well as degradation products of lysosomal lipids, e.g. dolichols and free fatty acids. The size of the substrate-containing liposomal vesicles was varied in the study. Enzymatic hydrolysis of glucosylceramide carried by liposomes made of phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol was rather slow and only weakly accelerated by the addition of SAP-C. However, the incorporation of anionic lipids such as bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate, dolichol phosphate, and phosphatidylinositol into the substrate carrying liposomes stimulated glucosylceramide hydrolysis up to 30-fold. Dolichol was less effective. SAP-C activated glucosylceramide hydrolysis under a variety of experimental conditions and was especially effective for the increase of enzyme activity when anionic lipids were inserted into the liposomes. Glucosylceramides with short acyl chains were found to be degraded much faster than the natural substrates. Dilution experiments indicated that the added enzyme molecules associate at least partially with the membranes and act there. Surface plasmon resonance experiments demonstrated binding of SAP-C at concentrations up to 1 microM to liposomes. At higher concentrations (2.5 microM SAP-C), liposomal lipids were released from the liposome coated chip. A model for lysosomal glucosylceramide hydrolysis is discussed.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) synthase (FPPS) has been cloned from a cDNA library of Artemisia annua. The sequence analysis showed that the cDNA encoded a protein of 343 amino acid (aa) residues with a calculated molecular weight of 39420 kDa. The deduced aa sequence of the cDNA was highly similar to FPPS from other plants, yeast and mammals, and contained the two conserved domains found in polyprenyl synthases including FPPS, geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthases and hexaprenyl diphosphate synthases. The expression of the cDNA in Escherichia coli showed enzyme activity for FPPS in vitro.  相似文献   

The results of applying linear position sensitive proportional counters to diffuse small-angle synchrotron radiation scattering to biopolymer solutions are presented. Synchrotron radiation of the VEPP-3 storage ring (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk) was used. On the basis of small-angle scattering curve obtained from protein pepsinogen it has been shown that the exposure is about 100 times less than with conventional X-ray technique.  相似文献   

Analysis of phospholipases A2 on model phospholipid bilayers in which enzyme is essentially irreversibly bound at the lipid-water interface, termed "scooting mode", is a useful tool for studying the kinetic properties of interfacial enzymes. It is shown that human cytosolic 85 kDa phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) hydrolyzes sn-2-arachidonyl-containing phospholipids or the gamma-linolenoyl ester of 7-hydroxycoumarin (GLU) dispersed in vesicles of 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphomethanol (L-DOPM) in the scooting mode. Trapping of cPLA2 on L-DOPM vesicles is rapid and independent of product formation. Slowing of cPLA2-catalyzed hydrolysis of substrates present in phosphatidylmethanol and phosphatidylcholine vesicles is primarily due to apparent inactivation rather than to substrate depletion. cPLA2 phosphorylated on serine 505 by mitogen-activated protein kinase displays a 30% increase in the rate of sn-2-arachidonylphosphatidylcholine hydrolysis in the scooting mode compared to that of the nonphosphorylated enzyme. Kinetic parameters of cPLA2 acting on a variety of different phosphatidylmethanol vesicles were evaluated, and the results are discussed in terms of active site affinities for substrates and of lateral organization of substrates in the bilayer. A key result is that the sigmoidal kinetics reported previously using 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphomethanol (DMPM) vesicles are most prominent near the phase transition temperature of DMPM. No sigmoidal kinetics was observed using L-DOPM vesicles. The results of kinetic experiments and the behavior of a fluorescent substrate analog are consistent with nonideal mixing of substrate in DMPM vesicles, but not in L-DOPM vesicles, suggesting that apparent saturation and sigmoidal kinetics are more a result of nonideal mixing of substrate in DMPM vesicles than of active site binding of substrate. The fluorescence assay described using L-DOPM/GLU vesicles is useful for evaluating the interfacial behavior of cPLA2, including its substrate preferences and the effect of active site-directed inhibitors.  相似文献   

Polyvinylmethylsiloxanediol (50% vinyl) was synthesized and combined with a cross-linker for static coating onto fused-silica columns. After cross-linking and binding to the surface, linear polyacrylamide was grafted to the double bonds of the siloxanediol; subsequently, this linear polymer matrix was cross-linked with formaldehyde. The grafted neutral polymeric layer provided suppression of electroosmotic flow and minimized adsorption. This combination yielded successful open tube and polymer network separations of proteins, peptides and DNA molecules. Very high efficiencies (ca. 1 x 10(6) plates/m) were achieved for open tube protein separations, and hundreds of consecutive runs were performed with minimal change in migration times.  相似文献   

In a previous large scale screen for differentially expressed genes in pancreatic cancer, we identified a gene highly overexpressed in cancer encoding a novel putative transmembrane protein with two Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor domains. The identified gene named kop (Kunitz domain containing protein overexpressed in pancreatic cancer) was assigned to chromosome 19 in the region 19q13.1. Kop was detected at high levels in pancreatic cancer cell lines and was overexpressed in pancreatic cancer tissues as compared to both, normal pancreas and chronic pancreatitis tissues. Being a member of the Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor family, this new gene may participate in tumour cell invasion and metastasis and in the development of the marked desmoplastic reaction typical for human pancreatic cancer tissues. In this context, the fact that kop has a putative transmembrane domain may have functional implications of particular interest.  相似文献   

The multidrug resistance-associated protein Mrp2 is expressed in liver, kidney, and small intestine and mediates ATP-dependent transport of conjugated organic anions across the apical membrane of epithelial cells. We recently cloned a rabbit cDNA encoding a protein that on basis of highest amino acid homology and tissue distribution was considered to be the rabbit homolog of rat Mrp2. To investigate whether rabbit Mrp2 mediates ATP-dependent transport similar to rat Mrp2, we expressed rabbit Mrp2 in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells using recombinant baculovirus. Mrp2 was expressed as an underglycosylated protein in Sf9 cells and to a higher level compared with rabbit liver and renal proximal tubules. Both 17beta-estradiol-17-beta-D-glucuronide ([3H]E217betaG, 50 nM) and [3H]leukotriene C4 (3 nM) were taken up by Sf9-Mrp2 membrane vesicles in an ATP-dependent fashion. Uptake of [3H]E217betaG was dependent on the osmolarity of the medium and saturable for ATP (Km = 623 microM). Leukotriene C4, MK571, phenolphthalein glucuronide, and fluorescein-methotrexate were good inhibitors of [3H]E217betaG transport. The inhibitory potency of cyclosporin A and methotrexate was moderate, whereas fluorescein, alpha-naphthyl-beta-D-glucuronide, and p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucuronide did not inhibit transport. In conclusion, we show direct ATP-dependent transport by recombinant rabbit Mrp2 and provide new data on Mrp2 inhibitor specificity.  相似文献   

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