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Two experiments were conducted to determine the physical, chemical, and microbial properties of turkey cecal droppings and relate them to intake of common dietary components, namely fat, fiber, and the anticoccidial, monensin. Experiment 1 involved collection and analysis of physical and chemical properties of cecal and regular droppings from commercial turkey flocks. Experiment 2 tested the effect of dietary fat, fiber, and monensin on growth performance and cecal activity in male turkeys. Compared to regular excreta, cecal droppings analyzed in Experiment 1 were higher in viscosity and fat content, and lower in dry matter, nitrogen, and fiber content (P < 0.05). High dietary fiber and fat significantly (P < 0.05) improved growth performance in Experiment 2. Prolonged feeding of monensin significantly (P < 0.05) reduced cecal evacuation. Results of chemical composition showed that higher dietary fat and fiber significantly (P < 0.01) reduced the fat percentage of cecal contents, whereas prolonged feeding of monensin increased the fat in both cecal contents and droppings. There was no significant effect of any of the treatments on pH, viscosity, and microbial counts of cecal contents. There is the need to identify and characterize the compound responsible for the high viscosity of cecal droppings.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to monitor endocrine and ovarian changes immediately preceding the onset of nutritionally induced anestrus. Daily blood samples were obtained from 14 postpubertal heifers for one estrous cycle (initial estrous cycle). Subsequently, heifers designated "restricted" were given a limited diet (n = 9), and daily blood samples were obtained for approximately 21 days preceding onset of anestrus (anovulatory cycle). Controls were allowed ad libitum dietary intake (n = 5), and daily blood samples were collected for a complete estrous cycle during a time period that coincided with that preceding onset of anestrus in restricted heifers. Plasma samples were assayed for LH, FSH, progesterone, and estradiol-17 beta. The ovaries of all heifers were examined daily using transrectal ultrasonography from the initial until the final or anovulatory estrous cycles to determine changes in growth of follicles and corpora lutea. Anestrus was defined as failure of ovulation of the dominant follicle following luteolysis. When anovulatory and initial estrous cycles in restricted heifers were compared, mean concentrations of LH were lower (p < 0.01), and diameters of dominant follicles were smaller (p < 0.01); mean concentrations of estradiol-17 beta were also lower in the three days following luteolysis (p = 0.06), but concentrations of FSH appeared to be higher (p = 0.003); maximum diameters of corpora lutea were smaller (p < 0.001), but duration of luteal phases and concentrations of progesterone preceding luteolysis were similar (p > 0.10). In controls, no differences were found between estrous cycles for any of these variables. It is concluded that failure of ovulation, following reduced dietary intake, resulted from insufficient circulating LH to stimulate maturation of the ovulatory follicle.  相似文献   

The effect of Monensin (Rumensin, Eli Lilly & Co.) in incubations with mixed rumen microorganisms metabolizing carbohydrate or protein substrates was investigated. Monensin partly inhibited methanogenesis and increased propionate production, although the effect was not always statistically significant. Incubations with substrates specific for methane bacteria suggest that inhibition of methanogenesis by Monensin was not due to a specific toxic action on the methanogenic flora, but rather to an inhibition of hydrogen production from formate. Total and net microbial growth were considerably decreased by addition of Monensin, although the amount of substrate fermented was not altered, resulting in lowered values of microbial growth efficiency. In incubations with casein, Monensin lowered protein degradation in line with a lowered ammonia production, whereas a slight accumulation of alpha-amino nitrogen was observed. The results suggest that besides an influence of Monensin on the rumen carbohydrate fermentation pattern, another reason for the beneficial effects observed in vivo might be decreased food protein degradation in the rumen, altering the final site of protein digestion in the animal. Also, the possibility of a decrease in rumen microbial growth efficiency has to be considered when using Monensin as a food additive.  相似文献   

A patient with ultrasound-detected polycystic ovaries and anovulatory oligomenorrhea had extremely low luteinizing hormone (LH) levels, but a heightened sensitivity to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Of interest is the finding of undetectable basal LH levels. This rare presentation may suggest that polycystine ovarian syndrome (PCOS) features may be a consequence of the increased response of LH, independently on basal levels of LH.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the incidence of retained fetal membranes could be reduced by limiting oxidative stress. Sixty-four primigravid heifers (56 Holstein and 8 Jersey) and 80 multiparous cows (64 Holstein and 16 Jersey) were used. A combination of vitamin E or Zn and Fe was fed in a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement during the last 42 d prepartum. Amounts of supplements per animal were 1000 IU of vitamin E (d, l alpha-tocopheryl acetate), 0.8 g of Zn (Zn-Met and ZnSO4), and 12 g of Fe (FeSO4.7H2O) for Holsteins and 9 g for Jerseys. Neither vitamin E nor Zn directly affected the incidence of retained fetal membranes, but plasma alpha-tocopherol was lower when fetal membranes were retained > 12 h or when vitamin E was not supplemented. Iron had no direct negative effects on reproductive performance, but cows receiving additional Fe had lower unsaturated iron-binding capacity, which, in turn, was also lower in cows that retained fetal membranes. Days to first observed estrus were reduced by supplementation with either vitamin E or Zn. Vitamin E reduced days to first artificial insemination (AI) and tended to reduce days open. Supplemental Zn tended to reduce days to first AI but did not affect days open. Milk production during the first 12 wk and AI per conception were not affected by supplementation with either vitamin E or Zn. Both vitamin E and Zn reduced days to first observed estrus, indicating improved reproductive health during the early postpartum period.  相似文献   

Human ovarian cancer cell line SKOV3 was grown during a period of four months in the presence of increasing concentrations of cisplatin (25-100 ng/ml). In the course of this treatment, the cells exhibited dramatic changes in morphology, including reduction in cell size, loss of cellular projections and clustering. This was accompanied by the appearance of P-glycoprotein (Pgp) on the cell membrane, as detected by flow cytometry and immunochemistry methods using the anti-Pgp monoclonal antibodies MRK16 and C219. The new cell line, designated SKOV3/CIS, was also resistant to alkylating agents, such as chlorambucil, similarly to the parental SKOV3 cells. In addition, it also acquired resistance to classical multidrug resistance drugs, such as doxorubicin, taxol and actinomycin D. Verapamil enhanced the sensitivity of SKOV3/CIS to doxorubicin (260-fold), in conformity with the proposed mechanism of Pgp in multidrug resistance (MDR), but it did not potentiate cisplatin cytotoxicity in SKOV3/CIS cells. Our results suggest that cisplatin can cause Pgp expression, and that both cisplatin-resistance and Pgp-mediated MDR phenotypes can coexist in some tumor types. Although Pgp does not appear to be responsible for cisplatin resistance, exposure to cisplatin can lead to the development of MDR phenotype, a complication that should be considered in clinical situations, especially in the chemotherapy of ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

Numerous attempts have made to describe the particular protein pattern of malignant cells by using high resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-D PAGE). The placental hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) inhibits tumor initiation and progression in experimental animals and has an inhibitory effect on the proliferation of human breast epithelial cells (HBEC) in vitro. The inhibitory effect on the immortalized HBEC MCF-10F is accompanied by the immunocytochemical expression of inhibin alpha and beta subunits by treated cells. With the purpose of clarifying the molecular mechanisms involved in this effect, the pattern of protein synthesis and mRNA were studied by 2-D PAGE in the immortalized HBEC MCF-10F cells treated in vitro 1001U for 24 h. The effect of hCG treatment on the synthesis of MCF-10F cells was monitored by labeling both control and treated cells with [S35]methionine and separation by 2-D PAGE. At least 11 proteins were preferentially synthesized and five specific polypeptides were decreased in hCG treated cells in comparison with controls. The hCG induced at least four new mRNAs which encoded protein in the molecular mass range of 24-72 kDa. It also increased the expression of at least six mRNAs and reduced the expression of least four mRNAs in comparison with control cells. The hCG-treated cells actively synthesized a 33-kDa polypeptide which was not present in control cells. The nature of this hCG-inducible 33 kDa protein elucidated by immunoprecipating [S35]methionine-labeled proteins with antisera directed against rat inhibin subunit alpha and beta b.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Although several genes for mental retardation and epilepsy, including double cortex/X-linked lissencephaly (DC/XLIS), have been localized to Xq21.3-q23, there has been no complete physical map of this region available. We constructed a YAC/STS contig map by initiating two yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) walks from the markers that flanked the DC/XLIS candidate gene region. We report an approximately 4-Mb contig extending from DXS287 to DXS8088, encompassing DXS1072 and DXS1059, and composed of 52 YACs identified with 15 previously published STSs and 19 novel YAC-end STSs. This contig also contains two brain-specific genes, doublecortin (HGMW-approved symbol DCX), responsible for DC/XLIS, and PAK3, which may be responsible for neurological diseases localized to this region. The new contig extends and incorporates several previously published contigs, providing a total overlapping contig extending approximately 34 Mb from DXS441 in Xq13.1 to DXS8088 in Xq23.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships between 4-vinylcyclohexene-induced follicular destruction, plasma FSH levels, and the development of ovarian preneoplastic changes. Female, 28-day-old, B6C3F1 mice were administered VCH (800 mg/kg/day, ip) or sesame seed oil, ip daily for 30 days. At 30, 60, 120, 240, and 360 days following the beginning of treatment, groups were killed, their ovaries were harvested, and plasma was collected for measurement of FSH. Ovarian weight was less and oocytes contained in preantral follicles were significantly fewer than controls at all time points. Plasma FSH concentrations in VCH-treated animals were increased significantly above controls at 240 d and 360 d. Histologically, there was oocyte loss at all times, whereas at 240 and 360 days, small to medium, irregularly shaped foci of hypertrophic cells were present. In addition, at 360 days 80% of the VCH-treated mice had a 1- to 2-mm, blood-filled cystic structure present in one or both ovaries. These studies indicate that VCH-induced oocyte destruction and follicle loss are associated with increases in plasma FSH, are associated with ovarian failure at 360 days, and are temporally related to ovarian cellular hypertrophy and the formation of blood-filled cystic ovarian structures. These events are possibly related to ovarian neoplasms produced by long-term exposure to VCH.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to determine the effects of incremental increases in dietary gossypol on metabolic homeostasis and reproductive endocrine function in postpubertal beef heifers and the long-term effects of elevated dietary gossypol on various metabolic and reproductive endocrine characteristics in mature cows. In Exp. 1, heifers (n = 6/group) were fed either 0, .5, 2.5, 5, 10, or 20 g.animal-1 x d-1 of dietary free gossypol for 62 d. Erythrocyte membrane osmotic fragility was increased (P < .0001) in both the 10- and 20-g groups. Slight alterations in plasma concentrations of sorbitol dehydrogenase and K+ were also detected in the latter group. Treatment did not affect ADG, body condition scores, or concentrations of progesterone during the estrous cycle; however, mean concentrations of LH were higher (P < .001) in heifers fed 20 g/d of gossypol than in heifers in all other groups. In Exp. 2, lactating cows (n = 17) exhibiting regular estrous cycles were fed a control (no gossypol, n = 8) or high-gossypol (20 mg.kg BW-1 x d-1 free gossypol, n = 9) diet for 33 wk. Mean BW and body condition scores did not differ during the feeding period. Erythrocyte membrane fragility was greater (P < .05) in the high-gossypol than in the control group. Magnitude of the preovulatory LH surge, luteal phase concentrations of progesterone, follicular fluid concentrations of estradiol and progesterone, in vitro granulosa cell estradiol production, and 60-d pregnancy rates were similar between groups. The amounts of gossypol fed in these experiments are not likely to affect reproductive performance adversely in beef heifers or cows.  相似文献   

Three milliliters of blood from the present commercially produced heartwater infective blood vaccine (Ball3 stock) was experimentally tested in sheep and cattle for infectivity and efficacy. Results obtained for this vaccine dose were statistically not different from results for the prescribed 5 ml vaccine dose.  相似文献   

The systemic and neurobehavioral effects of benzo[b]thiophene (routinely referred to as benzothiophene) were studied in rats following 13-wk oral exposure. Male (170 +/- 16 g) and female (146 +/- 12 g) Sprague-Dawley rats (10 animals per group) were fed diet containing 0.5, 5, 50, or 500 ppm benzothiophene for 13 wk. Control animals were given rat feed plus vehicle (corn oil) only. No clinical signs of toxicity and neurobehavioral effects were observed using screening tests that included cage-side observations, righting reflex, open field activities, and forelimb and hindlimb grip strength. Elevated serum aspartate aminotransferase activity and bilirubin level were observed in highest dose females. Except for a statistically significant decrease in hematocrit in the highest dose males, benzothiophene exerted no marked effects on hematological parameters. Benzothiophene exposure did not result in alterations in hepatic alkaline phosphatase activity, or the typical hepatic phase I (aniline hydroxylase, ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase, pentoxyresorufin O-dealkylase, aminopyrine N-demethylase) and phase II (UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, glutathione S-transferase) drug-metabolizing enzyme activities. No significant elevation in urinary ascorbic acid, protein, and N-acetylglucosaminidase activity was detected in the treated animals. Peribiliary fibrosis was the most significant histological change and occurred in the liver of females in the 50 and 500 ppm groups. Mild epithelial hyperplasia in the renal pelvis was detected in the majority of 5 and 50 ppm females, with epithelial hyperplasia in the urinary bladder observed in the 50 ppm females. In males, increased incidence and severity of mild binucleation of hepatocytes and mild thickening of the basement membrane in kidney cortex were observed at 500 ppm. Benzothiophene was not detected in the urine of high-dose animals at the termination of the experiment. Based on the kidney, hepatic, and hematocrit changes, the no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) in the diet was determined to be 0.5 ppm (0.04 mg/kg/d) for females and 50 ppm (3.51 mg/kg/d) for males.  相似文献   

The action of monensin, an electroneutral Na/H antiport, has been studied on liver glycogen content of female rats. The results showed that monensin, when administered in vivo, is able to determine liver glycogen depletion, in agreement with the increase of glycemia and the decrease of insulinemia. Glycogen stores are reformed in 3-4 hours. Moreover, glycogen depletion is more evident in periportal areas, in agreement with "metabolic zonation" of liver carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: There are many different approaches to vaginal reconstruction. Methods include simple dilatation, skin grafts techniques, amnion grafts and the use of bowel segments for vaginal replacement. METHOD: We herein discuss the most common surgical techniques and present our series of 15 patients who underwent intestinal vaginoplasty with either sigmoid colon or cecum. RESULTS: The complication rate was low, with two patients requiring revision for prolapse. Ten patients are sexually active with only one describing any degree of dyspareunia. CONCLUSION: When dealing with vaginal aplasia, intestinal vaginoplasty seems to have clear advantages with an excellent surgical success rate and low incidence of complications.  相似文献   

Chorionic gonadotropin (CG) used at 10 and 50 IU/ml concentrations was introduced into a short-term macroculture of splenocytes of CBA mice suppressors fractionated on a nylon wool column. Regulatory effects of CG were evaluated in a syngeneic transfer system by the degree of inhibition of a humoral immune response in recipients. It was found that CG (50 IU/ml) inhibits the functional activity of splenocyte suppressors. The observed effect of the hormone was blocked by introduction into the incubation medium of the inhibitor, inositol-1-monophosphatase (lithium), and did not depend on cyclooxygenase (voltaren) or potential-independent Ca(2+)-channel (verapamil) inhibitors. Determination of the intracellular cAMP level by radioimmunoassay revealed a reliable increase of this secondary messenger in splenocyte suppressors during their incubation with CG. The ability of CG (50 IU/ml) to inhibit the functional activity of intact T-lymphocytes (but not B-cells) was established. The suppressive hormone activity was also followed by cAMP level increase in target cells. These findings suggest that the mechanism of a transmembrane transfer of the CG signal in splenocyte suppressors is related to the adenylate cyclase system and, probably, to phosphoinositide metabolism products.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of organic acids and monensin on the in vitro fermentation of cracked corn by mixed ruminal microorganisms. Ruminal fluid was collected from a steer fed 36.3 kg of wheat silage and 4.5 kg of concentrate supplement once daily. Mixed ruminal microorganisms were incubated in anaerobic media that contained 20% (vol/vol) ruminal fluid and .4 g of cracked corn. Incubations were carried out in batch culture for 24 h at 39 degrees C. Organic acids (L-aspartate, fumarate, and DL-malate) were added to serum bottles (n = 4) to achieve final concentrations of 0, 4, 8, or 12 mM. Monensin, dissolved in ethanol, was included in serum bottles at a final concentration of 0 or 5 ppm of culture fluid. The addition of 8 and 12 mM organic acids to cracked corn fermentations increased final pH (P < .05), tended to increase total gas production and CO2 concentration, and decreased the acetate:propionate ratio (P < .05). Organic acids tended to decrease methane concentrations and hydrogen concentration was not altered. DL-Malate addition at all levels reduced (P < .05) lactate accumulation. Additive effects of monensin and organic acids were observed in some fermentations. In conclusion, organic acid addition to in vitro mixed ruminal microorganism fermentations yielded beneficial results independent of monensin treatment by decreasing the acetate: propionate ratio and increasing final pH.  相似文献   

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