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科学发展现的核心是“以人为本”,新的执教理念就是把人民的利益作为一切工作的出发点和落脚点。民生、民情、民意、民权……与建设领域关系最大的就是拆迁和拖欠。温总理在政府工作报告中指出要抓紧解决城镇房屋拆迁和农村土征用中存在的问题,并专门用200多字的篇幅列出了政府今后清理欠薪的措施和时间表。据悉,建设部已会同有关部门制定了《关于解决建设领域拖欠工程款问题的工作方案》,并正在联系最高人民法院出台城市房屋拆迁司法解释,将拆迁管理纳入法制轨道。  相似文献   

日前,著名经济学家张曙光力陈现有土地政策之弊端,并明确表示应对现有拆迁政策进行违宪审查。 担心土地新政策变“打补丁” 张曙光表示,国家现有土地政策的问题已经“非常严重”,现在政府重视是件好事,修订现有土地政策是一个进步,但从政府现有表现和意愿来看,只怕会是“头痛医头,脚痛  相似文献   

应松年 《中州建设》2011,(18):50-50,65
城市房屋拆迁制度的改革和完善,有四个关键问题。 第一,区分公益拆迁和非公益拆迁。 理论上讲,拆迁的性质应当取决于被拆迁房屋所占土地的开发性质。土地开发可以分为公益型土地开发和非公益型土地开发。  相似文献   

城市房屋拆迁是城市建设、房屋开发的重要前期工作,这项工作做得好坏,直接影响到政府的形象,也涉及到群众的切身利益。如何按市场经济规律,把拆迁工作做好是至关重要的。随着危改的发展和房改的深化,实物分房已不能满足群众对住房的需求和住宅建设发展的需要,1996年以来,益阳市人民政府解放思想,依靠群众,从实际出发,按照危改、旧城改造、市重点工程建设与房改结合,加大住房分配体制改革力度的工作思路,大胆探索房屋拆迁货币安置的新路子。由居民自行到市场购房,购房差额自负。货币安置减少了拆迁居民周转之苦,引导子职工住房消费,启动了住房市场,抑制了不合理的住房要求,加快了危改进度,消纳了闲置商品房,受到了广大居民群众的欢迎。  相似文献   

许保华 《中州建设》2008,(19):43-43
今年以来,河南民权建委党组大力推行政务公开,促进“阳光规划”,结合深入贯彻实施《行政许可法》,不断提高城乡规划工作的公开透明度。  相似文献   

我国房屋拆迁制度检讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上世纪末本世纪初,中国经济的迅速崛起开始表现出强烈的城市化渴求:城市进行大规模的扩张,旧城区翻新改造,新城区、开发区、卫星城遍地开花;县镇也加速现代化,城市化进程,我们仿佛置身于一股房地产建设的浪潮之中.  相似文献   

拆迁补偿制度是我国的重要法律制度,它事关公民财产权,与人们生活息息相关。本文从房屋拆迁补偿的概念入手,对拆迁补偿的相关知识进行基本介绍,并着重对特殊房屋拆迁补偿进行了界定,并尝试对其中存在的争议进行探讨。  相似文献   

通过对城市房屋拆迁听证制度的考证和分析,强调了在城市房屋拆迁中坚持听证制度的重要意义;进而在对我国城市房屋拆迁听证现状检讨的基础上,从确立听证地位、前移听证时间、明确听证内容、细化听证程序等几方面提出了完善拆迁听证制度的若干具体可行建议。  相似文献   

随着城市住宅建设的迅速发展,特别是成街成片的改造旧城区,扩宽道路,拆迁工作量越来越大。所谓拆迁工作,主要是把动迁户及时的迁出,做好动迁户的临时安置和新房建成后的动迁户房屋分配工作。多年来,城市改造的拆迁工作,一直是实施由建设单位包下来的办法,实际上建设单位很难包下来,结果拆迁工作不能做到取信于民,年复一年,使拆迁工作越来越难做。  相似文献   

墙体改革与轻钢结构住宅体系的发展   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
结合国内墙体改革与节能建筑等政策,围绕当前住宅外墙体系“砖”、“块”、“板”的发展动态,从建筑设计角度论述开发新型墙体材料的紧迫性和重要性,以推动轻钢结构住宅系设计开发工作进一步展开。  相似文献   

While the Chinese housing reform programme has been rigorously implemented along the direction of marketization and commodification,this paper argues that the reform process has generally neglected its impact on issues such as inequality and distributive justice. Other than its apparent effects on housing production and the improvementof the living condition within some big cities, this paper questions both the underlying values of some of those newly created housing reform institutions such as the Housing Provident Fund and the housing monetarisation policy. It is argued that China is now facing a similar dilemma as with many other Western countries on the question: how much the state should collectively provide housing and how much individuals should be responsible for themselves. It is further suggested that since the reform process is implemented from top-down directives, it often generates a far-reaching impact on the distributional front and, without the right values and corrective measures, social exclusions for vulnerable housing groups are bound to occur, notwithstanding that China is still one of the largest remaining socialist countries.  相似文献   

通过系统的回顾我国住房制度改革的发展历史,以及对住房市场和住房保障两条发展路线的梳理,结合福利经济学的观点,提出住房保障是住房市场的必要补充,是对社会财富合理再分配的观点。提出了住房保障应当与住房市场相互协调,住房保障的规模要与经济发展水平、社会发展阶段相适应的相互发展关系。  相似文献   

住房制度改革与城市规划对策探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
戴宗辉 《规划师》1999,15(1):93-95
作者分析住房制度改革对城市规划可能产生的一系列影响, 从居住区布局、居住规划设计的理论和方法以及规划法规等方面探讨了城市规划的对策。  相似文献   

Abstract: The goals of public housing have evolved from providing shelter to providing opportunities for escaping from welfare and buying one's own home. Despite numerous federal policies aimed at enhancing resident self‐sufficiency and homeownership through programs run by local public housing authorities, little is known about who participates and who succeeds. This study explores barriers to participation and success in an innovative resident self‐sufficiency/homeownership program developed by the Housing Authority of the city and county of Denver. We conduct surveys of participants in the Foundations for Homeownership program, eliciting their perceptions regarding willingness and ability to participate in the program and, thereafter, completing it successfully. We find that at time of entry into the program, participants reported, on average, 4.6 major barriers that they perceive would limit their ability to achieve current goals. OLS and logistic regression analyses were conducted to ascertain the degree to which perceived barriers were associated with participants’ demographic, economic, or attitudinal characteristics.  相似文献   

Exacerbated by the specificity of housing as a welfare good, debates on housing, citizenship and rights are complex and often confusing. This article attempts to clarify the debate on rights-based approaches in the field of housing, shelter and homelessness. It focuses on the philosophical distinction between “natural” and “socially constructed” rights, and suggests that a plausible “third way” may be found by using Martha Nussbaum’s “central human capabilities” approach as a foundation for universal human rights. “Citizenship” is proposed as a conceptual bridge between the philosophical discourse on rights and its practical application in specific political contexts. For this purpose, T.H. Marshall’s classic division between “civil” and “social” citizenship rights is translated into a distinction between “legal” and “programmatic” rights to housing. The article demonstrates that it is possible to object to the notion of natural and/or human rights in the housing field, and still be in favour of clearly delimited legal rights to housing for homeless people and others in acute need. Conversely, one may be in sympathy with the discourse of universal moral rights, but be sceptical about the allegedly “atomizing” implications of individually enforceable legal rights.  相似文献   

The Chilean housing policy, which anticipated the enabling approach widely advocated by international institutions in the 1990s, has succeeded in improving housing conditions in the country. The analysis of this experience indicates that this success only partially comes from reforms in the housing sector, and that its financial mechanisms are the result of reforms in capital markets and a stable macroeconomic environment. Lessons from this experience include the need for an integrated approach to reform including housing production and financing mechanisms and the full consideration and prevention of the urban impacts of housing policies that succeed in increasing housing production.  相似文献   

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