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Partitioning and mapping of nested loops for linear array multicomputers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In distributed-memory multicomputers, minimizing interprocessor communication is the key to the efficient execution of parallel programs. In order to reduce the amount of communication overhead, parallel programs on multicomputers must be carefully scheduled by parallelizing compilers. This paper proposes some compilation techniques for partitioning and mapping nested loops with constant data dependences onto linear array multicomputers. First, a systematic partition strategy is proposed to project ann-dimensional computational structure, representing ann-nested loop, onto a line to form a one-dimensional projected structure with low communication overhead. Then, a mapping algorithm is proposed for mapping the partitioned loops onto linear arrays in a way that balances the workload and minimizes the communication cost among processors. Finally, parallel execution codes can be automatically generated for such linear array multicomputers.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of communication-free partition of iteration spaces and data spaces along hyperplanes. To finding more possible communication-free hyperplane partitions, we treat statements within a loop body as separate schedulable units. Instead of using the information about data dependence distance or direction vectors, our technique explicitly formulates array references as transformations from statement-iteration spaces to data spaces. Based on these transformations, the necessary and sufficient conditions for communication-free partition along hyperplanes to be feasible have been proposed. This approach can be applied to all programs with an imperfectly nested loop or sequences of imperfectly nested loops, whose array references are affine functions of outer loop indices or loop invariant variables. The proposed approach is more practical than existing methods in finding the data and computation distribution patterns that can cause the processor to execute fully-parallel on multicomputers without any interprocessor communication.  相似文献   

A solution to the problem of partitioning data for distributed memory machines is discussed. The solution uses a matrix notation to describe array accesses in fully parallel loops, which allows the derivation of sufficient conditions for communication-free partitioning (decomposition) of arrays. A series of examples that illustrate the effectiveness of the technique for linear references, the use of loop transformations in deriving the necessary data decompositions, and a formulation that aids in deriving heuristics for minimizing a communication when communication-free partitions are not feasible are presented  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of partitioning the iterations of nested loops, and data arrays accessed by the loops. Hyperplane partitions of disjoint subsets of data arrays and loop iterations that result in the elimination of communication are sought. A characterization of necessary and sufficient conditions for communication-free hyperplane partitioning is provided.  相似文献   

提出了一种面向SIMD机器的全局数据自动分割算法,该算法能处理多个非紧嵌折循环嵌套,并且数组下标存取为循环变量的线性式,首先通过数据与迭代映射抽象了计算中的通信方式,然事提出识别规则模式通信模式的形式比条件,接着建立包含对准信息和相应通信开销的数据迭代图,并在数据迭代图的基础上提出了一个启发式算法来计算较优的数据分布和迭代分布,以优化处理单元之间的通信开销,通过发析多个循环嵌套所涉及的多个数组映和  相似文献   

Dynamic data redistribution is used to enhance data locality and algorithm performance by reducing interprocessor communication in many parallel scientific applications on distributed memory multicomputers. Since the redistribution is performed at runtime, there is a performance tradeoff between the efficiency of the new data decomposition for a subsequent phase of an algorithm and the cost of redistributing data among processors. In this paper, we present a processor replacement scheme to minimize the cost of interprocessor data exchange during runtime. The main idea of the proposed technique is to develop a replacement function for reordering logical processors in the destination phase. Based on the replacement function, a realigned sequence of destination processors can be derived and is then used to perform data decomposition in the receiving phase. Together with local matrix and compressed CRS vectors transposition schemes, the interprocessor communication can be eliminated during runtime. A significant improvement of this approach is that the realignment of data can be performed without interprocessor communication for special cases. The second contribution of the present technique is that the complicated communication sets generation could be simplified by applying local matrix transposition. Consequently, the indexing cost could be reduced significantly. The proposed techniques can be applied in both dense and sparse applications. A generalized symmetric redistribution algorithm is also presented in this work. To analyze the efficiency of the proposed technique, the theoretical analysis proves that up to (p-1)/p data transmission cost can be saved. For general cases, the symmetric redistribution algorithm saves 1/p communication overheads compared with the traditional method. Experimental results also show that the proposed techniques provide superior performance in most data redistribution instances  相似文献   

We investigate the lattice-based array partitioning based on the theory of the Smith Normal Form and we present two elegant techniques for partitioning arrays in parallel DoAll loops for message-passing parallel machines: (1) DoAll loops with constant dependencies for communication-free partitioning: a general solution of all possible communication-free partitioning is derived where the dependencies among array references are described in constant distance vectors. (2) DoAll loops with non-constant dependencies for block-communication partitioning: the dependencies among array references are described in non-constant distance vectors. We derive the partitioning equations which allocate all remote data to a unique processor such that only one block-communication can obtain all the remote data for the computation. By using the Smith Normal Form decomposition, we are also able to verify our partitioning results.  相似文献   

Automatic data allocation to minimize communication on SIMD machines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Straightforward compilation of array operations onto massively parallel SIMD machines results in a significant amount of interprocessor data motion. Careful allocation of data across the processors eliminates much of this interprocessor data motion. Researchers are working on extending programming languages to include user directives for specifying good data allocation. Our focus is to automate the data allocation through compiler techniques to achieve portability without sacrificing efficiency. These techniques can be used to fully automate the data allocation process or can be integrated with alignment directives.We present here a complete compiler algorithm for the automatic layout of data to minimize interprocessor data motion. Arrays are aligned by mapping them onto the processors based on their usage. Arrays may be mapped differently in different sections of the program, eliminating much of the interprocessor data motion resulting from a static mapping of arrays. We describe an integrated technique for determining the alignment of arrays locally within regions of the program and minimizing communication globally among these regions. This technique starts with the alignments specified by the directives, if any, and determines the alignment for the remaining arrays.The algorithms proposed in this paper were used in the SIMD compilers at Compass, Inc. Preliminary results from the initial implementation of the data optimization techniques described here suggest a significant decrease of the interprocessor data motion. More analysis is required to better understand the range of expected gains and the conditions under which those gains are achieved.The research described in this paper was supported in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under contracts N00014-87K-0825, F19628-92-C-0045, and N00014-91-J-1698 and in part by a National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award, grant MIP-8657531, with matching funds from General Electric Corporation, IBM Corporation, and AT&T.  相似文献   

Transposing anN×Narray that is distributed row- or columnwise acrossP=Nprocessors is a fundamental communication task that requires time- consuming interprocessor communication. It is the underlying communication task for the fast Fourier transform of long sequences and multidimensional arrays. It is also the key communication task for certain weather and climate models. A parallel transposition algorithm is presented for hypercube and mesh connected multicomputers with programmable networks. The optimal scheduling of network transmissions is not unique and is known to be nontrivial. Here, scheduling is determined by a single de Bruijn sequence ofNbits. The elements in each processor are first preordered and then, in groups of log2 Padjacent elements, either transmitted or not transmitted, depending on the corresponding bit in the de Bruijn sequence. The algorithm is optimal both in overall time and the time that any individual element is in the network. The results are extended to other communication tasks including shuffles, bit reversal, index reversal, and general index-digit permutation. The casePNand rectangular arrays with non-power-of-two dimensions are also discussed. Algorithms for mesh connected multicomputers are developed by embedding the hypercube in the mesh. The optimal implementation of the algorithms requires certain architectural features that are not currently available in the marketplace.  相似文献   

《Parallel Computing》2007,33(10-11):663-684
We present cache-efficient algorithms for scientific computations using graphics processing units (GPUs). Our approach is based on mapping the nested loops in the numerical algorithms to the texture mapping hardware and efficiently utilizing GPU caches. This mapping exploits the inherent parallelism, pipelining and high memory bandwidth on GPUs. We further improve the performance of numerical algorithms by accounting for the same relative memory address accesses performed at data elements in nested loops. Based on the similarity of memory accesses performed at the data elements in the input array, we decompose the input arrays into sub-arrays with similar memory access patterns and execute on the sub-arrays for faster execution. Our approach achieves high memory performance on GPUs by tiling the computation and thereby improving the cache-efficiency. Overall, our formulation for GPU-based algorithms extends the current graphics runtime APIs without exposing the underlying hardware complexity to the programmer. This makes it possible to achieve portability and higher performance across different GPUs. We use this approach to improve the performance of GPU-based sorting, fast Fourier transform and dense matrix multiplication algorithms. We also compare our results with prior GPU-based and CPU-based implementations on high-end processors. In practice, we observe 2–10× improvement in performance.  相似文献   

Presents a theoretical framework for automatically partitioning parallel loops to minimize cache coherency traffic on shared-memory multiprocessors. While several previous papers have looked at hyperplane partitioning of iteration spaces to reduce communication traffic, the problem of deriving the optimal tiling parameters for minimal communication in loops with general affine index expressions has remained open. Our paper solves this open problem by presenting a method for deriving an optimal hyperparallelepiped tiling of iteration spaces for minimal communication in multiprocessors with caches. We show that the same theoretical framework can also be used to determine optimal tiling parameters for both data and loop partitioning in distributed memory multicomputers. Our framework uses matrices to represent iteration and data space mappings and the notion of uniformly intersecting references to capture temporal locality in array references. We introduce the notion of data footprints to estimate the communication traffic between processors and use linear algebraic methods and lattice theory to compute precisely the size of data footprints. We have implemented this framework in a compiler for Alewife, a distributed shared-memory multiprocessor  相似文献   

Minimizing data communication over processors is the key to compile programs for distributed memory multicomputers. In this paper, we propose new data partition and alignment techniques for partitioning and aligning data arrays with a program in a way of minimizing communication over processors. We use skewed alignment instead of the dimension-ordered alignment techniques to align data arrays. By developing the skewed scheme, we can solve more complex programs with minimized data communication than that of the dimension-ordered scheme. Finally, we compare the proposed scheme with the dimension-ordered alignment one by experimental results. The experimental results show that our proposed scheme has more opportunities to align data arrays such that data communications over processors can be minimized.  相似文献   

非规则计算是大规模并行应用中普遍存在和影响效率的关键问题.在基于分布式内存的数据并行范例中,如何针对非规则数组引用,有效地生成本地内存访问序列和通信集,是并行编译生成SPMD结点程序所必须解决的重要问题.文中针对两重嵌套循环中,下一层循环边界是上一层循环变量的线性或非线性函数,数组下标是两层循环变量的非线性函数这样一类包含非规则数组引用的并行应用问题,提出了一种在编译时生成通信集的代数算法.并且针对cyclic(k)数据分布和线性对齐模板,借助整数格概念,给出了编译时全局地址和本地地址之间的转换方法.文中还给出了相应的经过通信优化的SPMD结点程序.最后通过实例验证了算法的正确性.该算法的意义在于避免了传统Inspector/Executor非规则计算模型中的Inspector阶段,从而节省了运行时Inspector阶段通过穷举下标生成通信集的巨大开销.  相似文献   

Array operations are useful in a large number of important scientific codes, such as molecular dynamics, finite element methods, climate modeling, atmosphere and ocean sciences, etc. In our previous work, we have proposed a scheme of extended Karnaugh map representation (EKMR) for multidimensional array representation. We have shown that sequential multidimensional array operation algorithms based on the EKMR scheme have better performance than those based on the traditional matrix representation (TMR) scheme. Since parallel multidimensional array operations have been an extensively investigated problem, we present efficient data parallel algorithms for multidimensional array operations based on the EKMR scheme for distributed memory multicomputers. In a data parallel programming paradigm, in general, we distribute array elements to processors based on various distribution schemes, do local computation in each processor, and collect computation results from each processor. Based on the row, column, and 2D mesh distribution schemes, we design data parallel algorithms for matrix-matrix addition and matrix-matrix multiplication array operations in both TMR and EKMR schemes for multidimensional arrays. We also design data parallel algorithms for six Fortran 90 array intrinsic functions: All, Maxval, Merge, Pack, Sum, and Cshift. We compare the time of the data distribution, the local computation, and the result collection phases of these array operations based on the TMR and the EKMR schemes. The experimental results show that algorithms based on the EKMR scheme outperform those based on the TMR scheme for all test cases.  相似文献   

A method for executing nested loops with constant loop-carried dependencies in parallel on message-passing multiprocessor systems to reduce communication overhead is presented. In the partitioning phase, the nested loop is divided into blocks that reduce the interblock communication, without regard to the machine topology. The execution ordering of the iterations is defined by a given time function based on L. Lamport's (1974) hyperplane method. The iterations are then partitioned into blocks so that the execution ordering is not disturbed, and the amount of interblock communication is minimized. In the mapping phase, the partitioned blocks are mapped onto a fixed-size multiprocessor system in such a manner that the blocks that have to exchange data frequently are allocated to the same processor or neighboring processors. A heuristic mapping algorithm for hypercube machines is proposed  相似文献   

分布存储系统中优化通信的冗余计算分割   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对并行循环套序列,提出一种冗余计算分割的通信优化方法,根据数据流分析,文中给出用以确定每个循环套的冗余计算量的一般方法,并在此基础上提出冗余计算分割的实现和判定,针对规则依赖的程序,该文还提出了一个高效的冗余计算分割的实现方法,该技术已经在一个并行编译器中实现,试验结果表明,它比传统的通信优化技术有明显的优越性。  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of assigning the tasks of a distributed application to the processors of a distributed system such that the sum of execution and communication costs is minimized. Previous work has shown this problem to be tractable for a system of two processors or a linear array of N processors, and for distributed programs of serial parallel structures. Here we focus on the assignment problem on a homogeneous network, which is composed of N functionally-identical processors, each with its own memory. Some processors in the network may have unique resources, such as data files or certain peripheral devices. Certain tasks may have to use these unique resources; they are called attached tasks. The tasks of a distributed program should therefore be assigned so as to make use of specific resources located at certain processors in the network while minimizing the amount of interprocessor communication. The assignment problem in such a homogeneous network is known to be NP-hard even for N=3, thus making it intractable for a network with a medium to large number of processors. We therefore focus on task assignment in general array networks, such as linear arrays, meshes, hypercubes, and trees. We first develop a modeling technique that transforms the assignment problem in an array or tree into a minimum-cut maximum-flow problem. The assignment problem is then solved for a general array or tree network in polynomial time  相似文献   

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