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Temporal lobe epileptogenic foci were blindly localized in 8 patients with medically refractory unilateral complex partial seizures using noninvasive in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (1H-MRSI) with 4-ml effective voxel size. The brain proton metabolite signals in 8 matched normal controls were bilaterally symmetrical within +/- 10%. The hippocampal seizure foci had 21 +/- 5% less N-acetyl aspartate signal than the contralateral hippocampal formations (p < 0.01). The focal N-acetyl aspartate reductions were consistent with pathology findings of mesial temporal sclerosis with selective neuron loss and gliosis in the surgically resected epileptogenic foci. Proton MRSI correctly localized the seizure focus in all 8 cases. By comparison, MR imaging correctly localized 7 of 8 cases and single photon emission computed tomography correctly localized 2 of 5 cases. No lactate was detected in these interictal studies. No significant changes in choline or creatine were observed. In conclusion, 1H-MRSI is a useful tool for the noninvasive clinical assessment of intractable focal epilepsy. These preliminary results suggest that 1H-MRSI can accurately localize temporal lobe epileptogenic foci.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging has become an invaluable tool for cognitive neuroscience, despite the fact that many of the physiological mechanisms giving rise to the effect are not well understood. We review the known biochemical and physiological basis of the technique and discuss how, within the noted limits, one might fully exploit the spatial and temporal resolution that is intrinsic to the very high magnetic fields that we use for human studies. This noninvasive brain mapping technique relies on the changes in blood oxygenation, blood volume, and blood flow, and we discuss some of the issues influencing the effects of these hemodynamic parameters on image intensity.  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated that individual foods or beverages are ingested independently and do not produce adjustments to the intake of other constituents in the diet (de Castro, 1993; Wilson, 1991). In order to eliminate time of day as a potential contaminant, the present study investigated the accommodation of foods and beverages into the amount ingested at large evening meals only. Adults (n = 601) were paid to maintain detailed diaries of the timings, quantities and preparation techniques of everything they ingested for seven consecutive days. With the exceptions of soup, beef and chicken, 12 out of 15 types of drinks or foods were found to add to the total calories ingested in evening meals without displacing calories ingested in other forms, while ingestion of non-caloric diet sodas was not associated with differences in intake. The fat and protein, but not carbohydrate, contents of the items correlated with a measure of the satiating properties of the particular food or beverage, namely the correlation between the amount ingested of the particular type and the amounts of other nutrients ingested in the meal. The results confirm that intake at a meal is quite elastic and can be significantly influenced by the presence or absence of particular components of the meal and their constituents.  相似文献   

Our purpose was to analyze and compare the image quality and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) of different fast T1- and T2-weighted sequences with conventional spin-echo sequences in renal MRI. Twenty-three patients with focal renal lesions were examined with a T2-weighted ultrafast turbo spin-echo (UTSE) sequence with and without frequency selective fat suppression (SPIR), a combined gradient-and-spin-echo sequence (GraSE), and a conventional spin-echo sequence (SE). In addition, T1-weighted images were obtained pre- and postcontrast, using a fast spin-echo sequence (TSE) with and without SPIR and the conventional SE sequence. Among the T2-weighted images, the highest CNR and the best image quality were obtained with the UTSE sequence, followed by the fat-suppressed UTSE sequence. GraSE and conventional SE sequences showed a significantly lower CNR and image quality (p < 0.05). The T1-weighted sequences did not show significant differences, in either precontrast or postcontrast measurements. T2-weighted UTSE with and without fat suppression combined excellent image quality and high CNR for imaging and detection of renal lesions. The T1-weighted fast sequences provided no alternative to the gradient-echo or to the conventional SE sequences. The results of this systematic study suggest the use of T2-weighted fast techniques for improved diagnostic accuracy of renal MRI.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study noninvasively the functional anatomy and pathophysiologic characteristics of the globus pallidus external (GPe) and internal (GPi) divisions. DESIGN: Structural and functional neuroimaging using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging. SETTING: University medical center research facility. SUBJECTS. Seven patients with pallidal lesions, 4 with an akinetic-rigid syndrome and 3 with a dystonic syndrome, and 15 age-matched volunteers. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: T2-weighted anatomical magnetic resonance imaging and number of activated voxels in the GP during rapid supination and pronation of the hand. RESULTS: T2-weighted images showed hyperintense bilateral lesions in the GP of all patients. Patients with dystonic syndromes had isolated lesions in the GPi. Patients with signs of akinetic-rigid syndromes showed abnormalities in the GPe or in central portions of the GP (GPc). Patients with lesions in both parts of the GP had akinetic-rigid or dystonic syndromes. All patients showed activation in the areas of the lesions. The number of activated voxels in the GP was significantly smaller (P < .005, Wilcoxon signed rank test) in patients than in control subjects. Activation of the GP was predominantly contralateral to the moving hand. CONCLUSIONS: Lesions in the GPi result in a loss of inhibitory pallidal projections to the thalamus, which may explain the hyperkinetic signs. Lesions in the GPe lead to an increased inhibition of the thalamus, which may explain the hypokinetic signs. Neuronal activation in lesion sites suggests the presence of remaining functionally vital tissue.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the diagnostic potential of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in neonatal seizures; to elucidate the aetiology, timing, and prognosis of the cerebral lesions detected. METHODS: Thirty one term neonates with clinical seizures underwent ultrasonography between days 1-7 (mean 2.5 days) and a high field spin-echo MRI scan on days 1-30 (mean 8.1 days), both of which were repeated at 3 months of age. Routine investigation excluded, as far as possible, infection, haematological, and metabolic-toxic causes as causes of the neonatal seizures. RESULTS: Brain abnormality was demonstrated by MRI in 68% of infants and ultrasonographically in 10%. Diffuse brain lesions (present in 29%) were associated with high mortality (58%) and morbidity (42%), whatever the aetiology. In contrast to a better short term prognosis for neonates with focal lesions where no infants died, 33% had a handicap, and the rest were normal at a mean follow up age of 2 1/2 years. Cerebral lesions were presumed to have antepartum origin in 43% of cases. Seizure aetiology was considered to be hypoxic-ischaemic in 35%, haemorrhagic in 26%, metabolic disturbances and cerebral dysgenesis in 16% and unknown in 23%. CONCLUSIONS: MRI detected a remarkably high incidence of brain lesions in neonatal seizures. Almost half of these were of prenatal origin and pathogenesis may essentially be attributed to hypoxic and/or haemodynamic causes.  相似文献   

Patients with focal frontal, temporal lobe, or diencephalic lesions were investigated on measures of temporal (recency) and spatial (position) context memory, after manipulating exposure times to match recognition memory for targets (pictorial stimuli) as closely as possible. Patients with diencephalic lesions from an alcoholic Korsakoff syndrome showed significant impairment on the temporal context (recency) task, as did patients with frontal lesions penetrating the dorsolateral frontal cortex, according to MRI (and PET) evidence. Patients with temporal lobe lesions showed only a moderate (non-significant) impairment on this task, and patients with medial frontal lesions, or large frontal lesions not penetrating the dorsolateral cortical margins, performed as well as healthy controls at this task. On the spatial context memory task, patients with lesions in the temporal lobes showed significant impairment, and patients with right temporal lesions performed significantly worse than patients with left temporal lesions. Patients with diencephalic lesions showed only a modest (non-significant) impairment on this task, and the frontal lobe group performed normally. When a group of patients with temporal lobe lesions resulting from herpes encephalitis were examined separately, an identical pattern of results was obtained, the herpes group being significantly impaired on spatial memory and showing a trend towards impairment for temporal context memory. There were strong correlations between anterograde memory quotients and context memory performance (despite the use of an exposure time titration procedure) and a weak association in the frontal group with one frontal/executive task [corrected] (card-sorting perservations). It is predicted that correlations between temporal context memory and frontal/executive tasks will be greater in samples of patients all of whom have frontal lesions invading the dorsolateral cortical margin.  相似文献   

Described herein is a patient with Wilson's disease who had tremor as a prominent neurological manifestation. T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging showed abnormal high signal intensities in the bilateral lenticular nuclei, thalami, and red nuclei of the midbrain. Improvement of tremor with copper chelating agents was well correlated with a decrease of the abnormal signals in the thalami and the red nuclei.  相似文献   

A structural lesion of the brain is a frequent finding in intractable partial epileptic patients. We analyse anatomo-electro-clinical characteristics of 58 patients in which MR showed a lesion inside the temporal lobe. They are 29 males and 29 females with a mean age at surgery of 23.5 +/- 10.7 years (2.6-45.9). The mean epilepsy duration is of 13.4 +/- 8 years (1.3-35.5), with a mean seizure frequency of 28.7 +/- 43.6 per month, with a great inter-individual variability (from 3 per month to 15 a day). The minimum follow-up is 3.5 years. A video-EEG monitoring was performed in 21 cases, while a stereo-EEG investigation was judged mandatory in 26. On the basis of anatomo-electro-clinical correlations and of the results of presurgical investigations, the epileptogenic area was proved to be temporal in 49 cases, temporal but controlateral to the lesion in 1, and at least bilobar in 8 patients.  相似文献   

The neutralization of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) was studied using JEV-specific neutralizing (NT) monoclonal antibody (MAb) 503 that recognizes the envelope glycoprotein. Analysis using radiolabeled JEV and observations by confocal laser microscopy and electron microscopy indicated that the NT and protection activities of MAb 503 did not result from the prevention of the first step of JEV infection, binding of virus to the cell surface. Treatment with MAb 503 strongly inhibited JEV-induced cell fusion and internalization of JEV into the cells, and resulted in enhanced release of JEV-RNA from the cells. These observations suggested that the NT activity of MAb 503 is involved in the later steps of JEV infection.  相似文献   

The results of complex radiation study of 269 patients with various focal hepatic diseases were analyzed. Present day methods of radiation study were used. Dynamic contrast magnetic resonance imaging (DCMRI) was made in 62 patients. It is concluded that DCMRI is higher sensitive in detecting focal hepatic diseases than other techniques. The time course of changes in signal intensity in different abnormalities greatly differs in quantitative and qualitative parameters, which differentiates the nosological nature of the revealed changes to a high accuracy.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR is a remarkably versatile technology applicable to various aspects of medical science. Currently, there are three categories of MR techniques available for probing human brain function in detail. The first category comprises the most widely utilized techniques which make use of the metabolic effects of brain activation, represented by BOLD (blood oxygenation level dependent) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The second category of techniques deals with apparent diffusion tensor probing the axonal connectivity and is represented by three dimensional anisotropy contrast (3DAC) axonography. The third category of techniques is a biological application of classical nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy capable of providing biochemical information in vivo and is represented by spectroscopic imaging (SI). As techniques directly applicable to clinical medicine, BOLD fMRI and 3DAC axonography possess the highest potential.  相似文献   

An understanding of the normal magnetic resonance (MR) infrastructural details of musculotendinous elements of the rotator cuff forms the basis for analysis of its pathology. The muscular bellies of the teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, and subscapularis are easily identified in MR images. In their lateral course both the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles transition to tendons gradually. Their lateral tendinous portions partially overlap and form a layered appearance on MR images. The subscapularis, with its fan-like tendinous insertional slips at the lesser tuberosity, can be identified easily in all imaging planes. The ligamentous structures of the shoulder, including the coracoacromial and coracohumeral ligaments, are visualized as low signal bands in all imaging planes. The capsuloligamentous structures including the superior, middle, and inferior glenohumeral ligament and glenoid labrum present considerable anatomic variations. This is especially true with respect to the anterior labrum, which varies from absent to a well-formed triangular appearance. Understanding the basic MRI anatomy of all soft tissue structures of the shoulder is essential for appropriate interpretation of lesions related to the shoulder.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) is capable of determining the spatial distribution in vivo of cerebral metabolites, including N-acetylaspartate (NAA), a compound found only in neurons. We used this technique in 10 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) to determine the location of maximal neuronal/axonal loss or damage and to evaluate the potential of MRSI for presurgical lateralization. Asymmetry of the relative resonance intensity of NAA to creatine was determined for mid and posterior regions of the temporal lobes defined anatomically and also for "metabolic lesions" defined as the regions of maximal abnormality on MRSI. MRSI revealed decreased relative signal intensity in at least one temporal lobe of all patients. Two patients had a widespread reduction in NAA in both temporal lobes. The region of maximal abnormality was usually in the posterior temporal lobe but sometimes in the mid temporal lobe. The side of lowest NAA was ipsilateral to the clinical electroencephalographic lateralization in all patients. Lateralization based on NAA to creatine correlated with the atrophy of amygdala and hippocampus in 8 patients who showed this on magnetic resonance imaging volumetric measurements. MRSI can demonstrate regional neuronal loss or damage that correlates with clinical electroencephalographic and structural lateralization in temporal lobe epilepsy. The ability to identify a region of maximal metabolic abnormality on spectroscopic images may confer greater sensitivity than that available from single voxel methods. The maximal metabolic abnormality may not be located in a voxel defined a priori, and based on anatomical considerations, without knowledge of the distribution of the metabolic abnormality.  相似文献   

OBJECT: The goal of this study was to evaluate the clinical potential of combining functional magnetic resonance (fMR) imaging with conventional morphological MR imaging and to assess its usefulness for objective evaluation of visual function as part of treatment planning in patients harboring space-occupying lesions involving the posterior afferent visual system. METHODS: It was hypothesized that regional activation of the visual cortex during visual stimulation would show an asymmetric response consistent with the well-known retinotopical organization of the human visual cortex. To test this hypothesis, the pattern of regional cortical activity detected by fMR imaging during binocular repetitive photic stimulation (10 Hz) was compared with the findings of conventional visual field testing. Functional mapping of the visual cortex was performed using a noninvasive blood oxygen level-dependent MR technique in 10 patients with intraaxial and two with extraaxial lesions. Experiments involving two of the patients were unsuccessful because of motion artifacts. In all the remaining patients functional activity was demonstrated in the primary visual area that corresponded to the anatomical location of the calcarine cortex. In nine patients, the identified patterns of activation in the visual cortex were consistent with the visual field deficits (seven homonymous hemianopsias, one homonymous central scotoma, and one inferior quadrantanopsia) and with the traditional teaching of retinotopical representation. Discordance between fMR imaging and perimetric findings was observed in one case. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that fMR imaging can be performed routinely and successfully in patients with visual abnormalities as part of a conventional neuroradiological evaluation. The technique provides essential information about the function-structure relationship specific to an individual patient and holds promise not only for diagnosis and therapy planning, but also for understanding the topography and functional specialization of the human visual cortex.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND and PURPOSE: We have recently shown high-dose human serum albumin therapy to confer marked histological protection in experimental middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo). We have now used diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) in conjunction with morphological methods to expand our understanding of this therapeutic approach. METHODS: Physiologically controlled Sprague-Dawley rats received 2-hour MCAo by the modified intraluminal suture method. Treated rats received 25% human serum albumin solution (1% by body weight) immediately after the MCA was reopened. Vehicle-treated rats received saline. Computer-based image averaging was used to analyze DWI data obtained 24 hours after MCAo and light-microscopic histopathology obtained at 3 days. In a matched series, plasma osmolality and colloid oncotic pressure, as well as brain water content, were determined. RESULTS: Albumin therapy, which lowered the hematocrit on average by 37% and raised plasma colloid oncotic pressure by 56%, improved the neurological score throughout the 3-day survival period. Within the ischemic focus, the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) computed from DWI data declined by 40% in vehicle-treated rats but was preserved at near-normal levels (8% decline) in albumin-treated rats (P<0.001). Albumin also led to higher ADC values within unlesioned brain regions. Histology revealed large consistent cortical and subcortical infarcts in vehicle-treated rats, while albumin therapy reduced infarct volume at these sites, on average, by 84% and 33%, respectively. Total infarct volume was reduced by 66% and brain swelling was virtually eliminated by albumin treatment. Microscopically, while infarcted regions of vehicle-treated rats had the typical changes of pannecrosis, infarcted zones of albumin-treated brains showed persistence of vascular endothelium and prominent microglial activation, suggesting that albumin therapy may help to preserve the neuropil within zones of residual infarction. CONCLUSIONS: These findings confirm the striking neuroprotective efficacy of albumin therapy in focal cerebral ischemia and reveal that this effect is associated with DWI normalization and a mitigation of pannecrotic changes within zones of residual injury.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Critical vascular surgery of the brain or the heart occasionally requires total cessation of the circulatory system. Profound hypothermia is used to protect the brain from ischaemic injury. This study explores the use of microdialysis to measure metabolic indices of ischaemia: glutamate, lactate, and pH, and cerebral temperature during profound hypothermia and circulatory arrest. METHODS: Effluent from a microdialysis catheter placed in the cerebral cortex of three patients undergoing complete circulatory arrest was continuously sampled. Samples were pooled over 10 minute periods and glutamate and lactate concentrations were measured postoperatively. Brain temperature and pH were measured on line intraoperatively. Electroencephalography and monitoring of somatosensory evoked potentials and brainstem auditory evoked potentials were simultaneously carried out. RESULTS: Patient 1 had normal glutamate and lactate. PH was 6.75 to 6.85 and increased to 6.9 after warming ensued. Patient 2 had raised glutamate and lactate during most measurements. The glutamate concentrations peaked at 305 microM/l at the start of the measurements and fell below 20 microM/l after warming. The lactate concentrations peaked at 680 microM/l before cooling, rose to 1040 microM/l during the cooling process, decreased to 212 microM/l during circulatory arrest, and rose again to 620 microM/l after warming. The pH started at 7.06 and continued a downward course until stabilising at a pH of 6.5 after circulatory arrest. Patient 3 had a transient, mild increase in glutamate and lactate during the cooling and warming period. pH was stable throughout. CONCLUSION: Microdialysis combined with temperature and pH measurements of the cerebral cortex promises to be an important tool in detecting cerebral ischaemia. Further studies are needed to validate our findings and test the feasibility of modifying ischaemic changes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The question of whether training-induced left ventricular hypertrophy in athletes is a physiological rather than a pathophysiological phenomenon remains unresolved. The purpose of the present study was to detect any abnormalities in cardiac function in hypertrophic hearts of elite cyclists and to examine the response of myocardial high-energy phosphate metabolism to high workloads induced by atropine-dobutamine stress. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied 21 elite cyclists and 12 healthy control subjects. Left ventricular mass, volume, and function were determined by cine MRI. Myocardial high-energy phosphates were examined by 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy. There were no significant differences between cyclists and control subjects for left ventricular ejection fraction (59+/-5% versus 61+/-4%), left ventricular cardiac index (3.4+/-0.4 versus 3.4+/-0.4 L x min(-1) x m[-2]), peak early filling rate (562+/-93 versus 535+/-81 mL/s), peak atrial filling rate (315+/-93 versus 333+/-65 mL/s), ratio of early and atrial filling volumes (3.0+/-1.0 versus 2.6+/-0.6), mean acceleration gradient of early filling (5.2+/-1.4 versus 5.8+/-1.9 L/s2), mean deceleration gradient of early filling(-3.1 +/- 0.9 versus -3.2 +/- 0.7 L/s2), mean acceleration gradient of atrial filling (3.6+/-1.8 versus 4.5+/-1.7 L/s2), and atrial filling fraction (0.23+/-0.06 versus 0.26+/-0.04, respectively). Cyclists and control subjects showed similar decreases in the ratio of myocardial phosphocreatine to ATP measured with 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy during atropine-dobutamine stress (1.41+/-0.20 versus 1.41+/-0.18 at rest to 1.21+/-0.20 versus 1.16+/-0.13 during stress, both P=NS). CONCLUSIONS: Left ventricular hypertrophy in cyclists is not associated with significant abnormalities of cardiac function or metabolism as assessed by MRI and spectroscopy. These observations suggest that training-induced left ventricular hypertrophy in cyclists is predominantly a physiological phenomenon.  相似文献   

The involvement of structures in the medial temporal lobe during the encoding of visual associations was studied with functional magnetic resonance imaging. In 11 out of 12 normal healthy volunteers this task resulted in activation in posterior portions of the parahippocampal region, close to the collateral sulcus. In seven subjects activation was encountered in the hippocampal formation. The visual association task as adapted for this study may provide a sensitive measure to study anterograde amnesia prevalent in Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, the present paradigm enables the study of individual changes in learning and memory capacities over time.  相似文献   

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