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The design of the control software for complex systems is a difficult task. It requires the modeling, the simulation, the integration and the adaptation of a multitude of interconnected entities and behaviors. To tackle this complexity, the approach proposed consists in combining architectural concepts, Design Patterns and object-oriented modeling with unified modeling language (UML). In this context, the present paper describes a modeling framework to take greater advantage of these concepts and to design flexible, intelligible control software. It proposes to objectify the behaviors, which leads to a two-level architecture based on three concepts: resources software images of the controlled system-behaviors applied to these resources, and meta-behaviors, i.e. means for behavior integration and adaptation. Two Design Patterns are proposed to describe how to specify behaviors and define the means to combine and adapt them. The first pattern, Polymorphic Behavior, provides the means to define new behaviors for a system and to plug them dynamically. The second one, Structured Behavior, provides the means to use finite state machines for behavior switching. The originality of the framework is that it defines concepts, a UML-based notation and heuristics which specifies how to apply these concepts. To illustrate the elements mentioned, this paper uses the control software of a walking robot as a running example.  相似文献   

现代战争要求后勤保障体制从传统的补给模式向以"精确保障"为目标的主动配送式模式转变。分析配送式后勤保障的内涵和物联网及其核心技术,提出将物联网技术用于实现配送式后勤保障系统的思想;从硬件平台配置和软件设计两方面构建配送式后勤保障系统,利用射频识别技术、传感技术、无线网络技术和智能技术,给出配送式后勤保障系统的网络设计方案,并建立配送式后勤保障信息系统的功能模型。  相似文献   

柴恩惠  智敏 《计算机应用》2017,37(7):2003-2007
针对可变形部件模型(DPM)算法在行人检测领域中的检测精度高,但由于在特征提取和行人定位两步中的计算量过大,导致检测速度过慢而不能应用于实时行人检测的问题,提出了一种融合分支定界算法和级联检测算法的可变形部件模型(BBCDPM)算法。首先,选取梯度方向直方图(HOG)特征作为描述人体目标的特征,从而生成特征金字塔;然后,进行可变形部件模型的建模,并使用隐变量支持向量机(LSVM)对模型进行训练;同时,为了提高行人检测的准确度,将传统可变形部件模型算法中的5个部件模型增加到了8个;最后,在利用了级联检测算法简化检测模型的基础上,结合了分支定界算法寻找最大值,排除大量不可能的对象假设,完成对行人目标的定位和检测。在INRIA数据集上进行了实验,结果表明,与传统DPM算法相比,该算法将准确率提高了12个百分点,且大幅提高了行人检测与识别的速度。  相似文献   

Existing word embeddings learning algorithms only employ the contexts of words, but different text documents use words and their relevant parts of speech very differently. Based on the preceding assumption, in order to obtain appropriate word embeddings and further improve the effect of text classification, this paper studies in depth a representation of words combined with their parts of speech. First, using the parts of speech and context of words, a more expressive word embeddings can be obtained. Further, to improve the efficiency of look‐up tables, we construct a two‐dimensional table that is in the <word, part of speech> format to represent words in text documents. Finally, the two‐dimensional table and a Bayesian theorem are used for text classification. Experimental results show that our model has achieved more desirable results on standard data sets. And it has more preferable versatility and portability than alternative models.  相似文献   

Current research on design knowledge capture and reuse has predominantly focused on either the codification view of knowledge or the personalisation view of knowledge, resulting in a failure to address designers’ knowledge needs caused by a lack of context of information and insufficient computational support. Precisely motivated by this gap, this work aims to address the integration of these two views into a complete, contextual and trustworthy knowledge management scheme enabled by the emerging collaborative technologies. Specifically, a knowledge model is developed to represent an integrated knowledge space, which can combine geometric model, knowledge-based analysis codes and problem-solving strategies and processes. On this basis, a smart collaborative system is also designed and developed to streamline the design process as well as to facilitate knowledge capture, retrieval and reuse as users with different roles are working on various tasks within this process. An engineering case study is undertaken to demonstrate the idea of collaborative knowledge creation and sharing and evaluate the effectiveness of the knowledge representation model and the collaborative technologies employed. As evidenced in the development and evaluation, the methods proposed are effective for capturing an integrated knowledge space and the collaborative knowledge management system not only facilitates problem-solving using knowledge-based analysis but also supplies in-context tacit knowledge captured from the communications between users throughout the design process.  相似文献   

In recent decades, indispensability of customized development of industrial-grade products has been widely recognized. The present paper describes the design, modeling and indigenous hardware development of such a product, namely, ‘Electronic Light Barrier’, with two separate (design) variations to suit user-specific applications in respective cases, pertaining to robotic and mechatronic systems. One of the versions of the said product has been crystallized as an obvious choice for the sensor-operated guarding system for machine tools and/or manipulators in a shop-floor environment, while the other variant is earmarked for specific application in industrial metrology. The developments have been aimed to facilitate round-the-clock industrial operation, with an insight to critical estimation of analytical modeling and system performance. Both varieties of the developed product encompass instrumented hardware, comprising infrared type sensory elements in a pre-conceived layout. Although the dimensionally larger variant is aptly suited for potential application related to workplace safety and ‘object’ detection and the smaller variant can act as a perfect choice for metrology-based operation, both variants rely on similar control algorithm and activation logic.  相似文献   

机械设计软件正在向CAD/CAM/CAE与PIM集成化的方向发展。I—DEAS软件是第一个使用变量化特征技术的软件系统,其强大的建模、仿真技术,为指控系统电子设备的机械结构设计提供了巨大的帮助。  相似文献   

With increasingly digitization, more and more information is collected from individuals and organizations, leading to several privacy concerns. These risks are further heightened in the mobile realm as data collection can occur continuously and ubiquitously. When individuals use their own devices in work settings, these issues become concerns for organization as well. The question then is how to ensure individuals perform proper information protection behaviors on mobile devices. In this research, we develop a model of mobile information protection based on an integration of the Theory of Planned Behavior and the information privacy literature to explore the antecedents of the attitude of individuals towards sharing information on their mobile devices, their intentions to use protective settings, and their actual practices. The model is tested with data from 228 iPhone users. The results indicate that mobile information protection intention leads to actual privacy settings practice, and that attitude towards information sharing and mobile privacy protection self-efficacy affect this intention. Determinants of attitude towards information sharing include mobile privacy concern and trust of the mobile platform. Finally, prior invasion experience is related to privacy concern. These findings provide insights into factors that can be targeted to enhance individuals’ protective actions to limit the amount of digital information they share via their smartphones.  相似文献   

This paper presents a scheme for collaborative 3D design using product model at various levels of detail (LODs). Design features are selectively hidden at each level from certain participants, depending on their actual needs and individual accessibility in the collaboration. A tree data structure represents the feature hierarchy of CAD construction, the link between feature and LOD, and 2D mesh data for display control of each feature. An XML/XSLT-based approach is proposed to enable real-time visualization of different LOD models in distributed environment. A collaborative design system is implemented using multi-agent technologies, which focuses on function design of each agent, interactions among agents, the client–server structure, and generation of the LOD data using the XML/XSLT approach. A scenario of synchronous 3D mold assembly demonstrates that geometric categorization of product model provides an operational mechanism for assuring security of information sharing in engineering collaborations over the Internet. It also validates the effectiveness of the agent technologies for automating complex engineering activities.  相似文献   

应用钱学森先生的以人为主、人机结合,从定性到定量综合集成法,探讨信息系统及其求解过程的内在特性,纠正其中的错误认识,并提出现实业务、信息系统的分析设计是反复递归构造上游模型、下游职能模型、功能模型、执行模型、物理模型的过程。这5层模型依序为上下游推导关系,稳定性逐次减弱,反对忽略上游模型直接构造下游模型。通过5种上下游模型法,可有效提高信息系统质量与成效。  相似文献   

讨论信息系统开发实践课程的特点和重点,从完善课程体系、更新教学内容、改进教学方式、师资队伍建设四个方面探讨如何对课程进行建设和优化,讨论如何利用该课程的建设提高高校学生毕业设计的质量。  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce the notion of Dynamic Generalized Controllability and Observability functions for nonlinear systems. These functions are called dynamic and generalized since they make use of additional states (dynamic extension) and are such that partial differential inequalities are solved in place of equations. The presence of the dynamic extension permits the construction of classes of canonical controllability and observability functions without relying on the solution of any partial differential equation or inequality. The effectiveness of the proposed concept is validated by means of two applications: the model reduction problem via balancing and the sensor deployment problem in a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR).  相似文献   

In a heap model, solid blocks, or pieces, pile up according to the Tetris game mechanism. An optimal schedule is an infinite sequence of pieces minimizing the asymptotic growth rate of the heap. In a heap model with two pieces, we prove that there always exists an optimal schedule which is balanced, either periodic or Sturmian. We also consider the model where the successive pieces are chosen at random, independently and with some given probabilities. We study the expected growth rate of the heap. For a model with two pieces, the rate is either computed explicitly or given as an infinite series. We show an application for a system of two processes sharing a resource, and we prove that a greedy schedule is not always optimal.  相似文献   

Local cluster neural net: Architecture, training and applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the structure, training and computational abilities of the local cluster (LC) artificial neural net architecture. LC nets are a special class of multilayer perceptrons that use sigmoid functions to generate localised functions. LC nets train as fast as radial basis functions nets and are more general. They are well suited for both, multi-dimensional function approximation and discrete classification. The LC net is the result of our search for a widely applicable neural net architecture suitable for low-cost hardware realisation. The LC net seem particularly well suited for analog VLSI realisation of small-size, low-power, fully parallel neural net chip for real time control applications.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of (en)action from a conceptual and theoretical point of view. This model is used to provide solid bases to overcome the complexity of designing virtual environments for learning (VEL). It provides a common grounding for trans-disciplinary collaborations where embodiment can be perceived as the cornerstone of the project. Where virtual environments are concerned, both computer scientists and educationalists have to deal with the learner/user’s body; therefore the model provides tools with which to approach both human actions and learning processes within a threefold model. It is mainly based on neuroscientific research, including enaction and the neurophysiology of action.  相似文献   

Although tools for developing graphical user interfaces are becoming increasingly popular, they do not usually highlight precisely which key elements developers should take into account. This still entails considerable expertise in developing user interfaces. In this paper we present an approach to overcome these problems. Our approach is based on a model for interaction objects and a corresponding design space. This is supported by a toolkit where the available interaction objects are initially classified by their semantics whereas in most current toolkits they are investigated by their appearance. This facilitates designers and developers in identifying the interactors needed in order to obtain an Interactive System supporting user tasks.  相似文献   

Random walk with restart: fast solutions and applications   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
How closely related are two nodes in a graph? How to compute this score quickly, on huge, disk-resident, real graphs? Random walk with restart (RWR) provides a good relevance score between two nodes in a weighted graph, and it has been successfully used in numerous settings, like automatic captioning of images, generalizations to the “connection subgraphs”, personalized PageRank, and many more. However, the straightforward implementations of RWR do not scale for large graphs, requiring either quadratic space and cubic pre-computation time, or slow response time on queries. We propose fast solutions to this problem. The heart of our approach is to exploit two important properties shared by many real graphs: (a) linear correlations and (b) block-wise, community-like structure. We exploit the linearity by using low-rank matrix approximation, and the community structure by graph partitioning, followed by the Sherman–Morrison lemma for matrix inversion. Experimental results on the Corel image and the DBLP dabasets demonstrate that our proposed methods achieve significant savings over the straightforward implementations: they can save several orders of magnitude in pre-computation and storage cost, and they achieve up to 150 × speed up with 90%+ quality preservation.  相似文献   

Model transformation is a key concept in model-driven software engineering. The definition of model transformations is usually based on meta-models describing the abstract syntax of languages. While meta-models are thereby able to abstract from superfluous details of concrete syntax, they often loose structural information inherent in languages, like information on model elements always occurring together in particular shapes. As a consequence, model transformations cannot naturally re-use language structures, thus leading to unnecessary complexity in their development as well as in quality assurance.In this paper, we propose a new approach to model transformation development which allows to simplify the developed transformations and improve their quality via the exploitation of the languages׳ structures. The approach is based on context-free graph grammars and transformations defined by pairing productions of source and target grammars. We show that such transformations have important properties: they terminate and are sound, complete, and deterministic.  相似文献   

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