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The formation of acetic acid and/or ethylene by oxidation of ethane is strongly dependent on X additives or Y promotor added to MoVO-based catalysts. MoV 0.4X 0.12Y O z (X = Nb; Y = Pd; = 10 −4) catalysts were prepared by the slurry method and their structural properties were studied by in situ (redox conditions) XRD, Raman and XPS techniques. The reactivity during reduction and reoxidation was analysed by thermal analysis (TGA/DSC). The oxidation of ethane was carried out in a conventional fixed bed microreactor with on line analysis by gas chromatography. Results show that Nb exerts mainly a structural effect as it is responsible for the stabilisation of molybdenum (VI) by formation of solid solutions with V, and that Pd modifies the rate of reduction of the solid catalysts. The increase of selectivity to acetic acid observed by Pd promotion is likely due to the transformation of ethylene to acetic acid occurring on neighboring Pd–V active sites. 相似文献
Ruthenium catalysts were prepared by impregnation of different supports: ZrO 2, CeO 2, TiO 2, ZrO 2–CeO 2 and TiO 2–CeO 2. Their activities for acetic acid oxidation in aqueous solution were investigated in a stirred reactor at a reaction temperature of 200 °C and total pressure of 4 MPa. The order of the catalyst activity obtained was RuO 2/ZrO 2–CeO 2 > RuO 2/CeO 2 > RuO 2/TiO 2–CeO 2 > RuO 2/ZrO 2 > RuO 2/TiO 2, which corresponds to surface concentration of non-lattice oxygen (defect-oxide or hydroxyl-like group) of these catalysts. The non-lattice oxygen on the catalyst surface plays an important role in the catalytic activity. 相似文献
The electrochemical (COOH) 2 oxidation reaction was studied at high potentials (i.e. in the region where O 2 is evolved) in acidic, aqueous solutions using conductive WO x based anodes. The WO x films used as anodes also contained Pt ‘micro’-centers. Comparative oxidation studies were also carried out using antimony doped SnO 2 anodes. More rapid (COOH) 2 oxidation rates were observed for the WO x based anodes than for the antimony doped SnO 2 anodes. The (COOH) 2 oxidation reaction studied under the conditions used in this work was shown to be activation rather than mass transport controlled. The (COOH) 2 oxidation rate constant was found to be independent of the applied potential using the WO x based anodes. This likely suggests that a chemical reaction is involved in the (COOH) 2 oxidation reaction. This chemical reaction is also suggested to be the rate determining step in the (COOH) 2 to CO 2 oxidation reaction. Furthermore, it is believed that the (COOH) 2 oxidation reaction involves adsorptive interactions of this organic with the Pt/WO x anode surface. 相似文献
In this contribution, a commercial spherical SiO 2 was modified with different amounts of La 2O 3, and used as the support of Ni catalysts for autothermal reforming of methane in a fluidized-bed reactor. Nitrogen adsorption, XRD and H 2-TPR analysis indicated that La 2O 3-modified SiO 2 had higher surface area, strengthened interaction between Ni and support, and improved dispersion of Ni. CO 2-TPD found that La 2O 3 increased the alkalescence of SiO 2 and improved the activation of CO 2. Coking reaction (via both temperature-programmed surface reaction of CH 4 (CH 4-TPSR) and pulse decomposition of CH 4) disclosed that La 2O 3 reduced the dehydrogenation ability of Ni. CO 2-TPO, O 2-TPO (followed after CH 4-TPSR) confirmed that only part amount of carbon species derived from methane decomposition could be removed by CO 2, and O 2 in feed played a crucial role for the gasification of the inactive surface carbons. Ni/ xLa 2O 3-SiO 2 ( x = 10, 15, 30) possessed high activity and excellent stability for autothermal reforming of methane in a fluidized-bed reactor. 相似文献
Catalytic wet air oxidation of two acidic and alkaline Kraft bleach plant effluents (total organic carbon (TOC) content 1138 and 1331 mg l −1, respectively) was investigated in a trickle-bed reactor at T=463 K and oxygen partial pressure of 8 bar. The reactor packed with titania or titania-supported ruthenium catalyst was operated in a low-interaction (LIR) trickle-flow regime either in continuous-flow or batch-recycle mode. In the off-gas, no carbon monoxide was detected in any of the runs. When the catalytic bed was composed of TiO 2 particles, moderate abatement of organic compounds from the bleach plant effluents was observed (TOC conversions up to 46 and 26%, respectively). The removal of parent organic material was further enhanced by deposition of metallic ruthenium (3 wt.%) on the titanium oxide support. In that case, the once-through oxidation produced decolorized outlet streams with TOC conversions as high as 89 and 88%, respectively. These values further increased to 98 and 95%, respectively, by running the trickle-bed reactor in the batch-recycle mode of operation; the residual carbon content in treated effluents was found in the form of acetic acid. No leaching of Ru or Ti was detected by ICP-AES analysis to the detection limits of 0.2 and 0.1 mg l −1, respectively. 相似文献
The theoretical and experimental feasibility of direct conversion of CH 4 and CO 2 to acetic acid by an isothermal step-wise route over Pd/SiO 2 and Rh/SiO 2 catalysts was investigated. The methyl radical formation from CH 4 dissociation and CO 2 inserting into the intermediate are regarded as two limiting steps. Preliminary experimental results have shown that the following step-wise route can circumvent the thermodynamic limitation of this direct synthesis at low temperatures. Pd catalysts are more active than Rh catalysts at 170 °C and 200 °C, while formic acid is only produced on Pd catalysts. The optimum contact time of CH 4 and CO 2 with catalysts is 1 min under the experimental conditions. And there is no apparent deactivation resulting from carbon deposition for catalysts during the successive reaction cycles. 相似文献
It is expected that the simultaneous removal of acid gases and particles from flue gas, using a single process and at the same temperature, will become an economical, and thus, desirable option. Accordingly, this study investigates the potential for the utilization of a fluidized-bed adsorbent/catalyst reactor for the simultaneous removal of SO 2 and fly ash from simulated flue gas. The operating conditions for the evaluation include: (1) different pre-treatments of the adsorbent/catalyst, (2) the operating parameters of adsorption/filtration and (3) the effects of simultaneous adsorption/filtration through the fluidized-bed reactor. Based on the experimental data gathered, the Brönsted acid sites were formed on the surface of activated carbon (AC) support materials after modification with nitric or sulfuric acid and it acted as anchor. This characteristic accounts for the promotion of the effects of dispersion and adsorption of the adsorbent/catalyst. Moreover, the addition of copper facilitated the oxygen transfer of SO 2 to the carbon matrix. The concentration of SO 2 removed by the fluidized-bed adsorbent/catalyst reactor decreased from 17.9 to 14.2 mg SO 2/g of adsorbent after exposure to a high concentration of fly ash. Therefore, an acid-pre-treatment of the adsorbent/catalyst is required to hasten the removal of SO 2 in the simulated flue gas. Our result shows that the acidic groups may facilitate the adsorbent/catalyst removal of SO 2 when there exist high concentrations of fly ash in the flue gas. 相似文献
Two series of catalysts, V 2O 5/TiO 2 and modified V 2O 5/TiO 2, were prepared with a conventional impregnation method. They were tested in the selective oxidation of toluene to benzoic acid under microwave irradiation. The reaction conditions were optimized over V 2O 5/TiO 2. It was found that in the microwave catalytic process the optimum reactor bed temperature of the titled reaction decreases to 500 K (600 K in the conventional process). The modification of V 2O 5/TiO 2 with MoO 3, WO 3, Nb 2O 5 or Ta 2O 5, which has no negative influence on the reaction in the conventional catalytic process, can greatly promote the catalytic activities in the microwave process, leading to a high yield of benzoic acid (41%). The effects of microwave electromagnetic field on the catalysts are discussed. 相似文献
Ru/C catalysts promoted, or not, by cerium were prepared by impregnation of an active carbon (961 m 2 g −1) with chlorine-free precursors of Ru and Ce. They were characterized by chemisorption of H 2 and of CO and by electron microscopy. TEM and H 2 chemisorption gives coherent results while CO chemisorption overestimates Ru dispersion. In Ru–Ce/C, Ce is in close contact with Ru and decreases Ru accessibility. Catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) of phenol and of acrylic acid (160°C and 20 bar of O2) was investigated over these catalysts and their performance (activity, selectivity to intermediate compounds) compared with that of a reference Ru/CeO2 catalyst. Carbon-supported catalysts were very active for the CWAO of phenol but not for acrylic acid. Although high conversions were obtained, phenol was not totally mineralized after 3 h. It was shown that acrylic acid was more strongly adsorbed than phenol. Moreover, the number of contact points between Ru particles and CeO2 crystallites constitutes a key parameter in these reactions. A high surface area of ceria is required to insure O2 activation when the organic molecule is strongly adsorbed. 相似文献
Catalytic wet oxidation reactions of aqueous phenol over unpromoted, base- and noble-metal promoted MnO 2/CeO 2 catalysts were carried out under mild conditions (80–130°C, 0.5 MPa O 2) in a batch slurry reactor. Even though the catalyst-mediated oxidation was very effective in destroying phenol, only a moderate selectivity toward complete mineralization into CO 2 and H 2O was attained due to parallel formation of deactivating carbonaceous deposits. Promotion of the mixed-oxide catalysts with platinum and/or silver enhanced the mineralization selectivity and reduced appreciably the amount of deposits. 相似文献
The oxidation of CH 4 over Pt–NiO/δ-Al 2O 3 has been studied in a fluidised bed reactor as part of a major project on an autothermal (combined oxidation–steam reforming) system for CH 4 conversion. The kinetic data were collected between 773 and 893 K and 101 kPa total pressure using CH 4 and O 2 compositions of 10–35% and 8–30%, respectively. Rate–temperature data were also obtained over alumina-supported monometallic catalysts, Pt and NiO. The bimetallic Pt–NiO system has a lower activation energy (80.8 kJ mol −1) than either Pt (86.45 kJ mol −1) and NiO (103.73 kJ mol −1). The superior performance of the bimetallic catalyst was attributed to chemical synergy. The reaction rate over the Pt–NiO catalyst increased monotonically with CH 4 partial pressure but was inhibited by O 2. At low partial pressures (<30 kPa), H 2O has a detrimental effect on CH 4 conversion, whilst above 30 kPa, the rate increased dramatically with water content. 相似文献
Selective oxidation of methanol to dimethoxymethane (DMM) was conducted in a fixed-bed reactor over an acid-modified V 2O 5/TiO 2 catalyst. The influence of the acid modification on its structure, redox and acidic properties, and catalytic performance for methanol oxidation were investigated. The results indicated that the content of vanadia in the catalyst exhibits a vital influence on the dispersion of vanadium species, while the acid modification can enhance its surface acidity. Proper amounts of the acid ( W() = 15%) and V 2O 5 ( W(V 2O 5) = 15%) components loaded in the acid-modified V 2O 5/TiO 2 catalyst are able to build a bi-functional circumstance that is favorable for the formation of DMM with high activity and selectivity. As a result, for the selective oxidation of methanol, the H 2SO 4-modified V 2O 5/TiO 2 catalyst gives a much higher DMM yield at 150 °C than the unmodified one. 相似文献
Ni/Al 2O 3 with the doping of CeO 2 was found to have useful activity to reform ethane and propane with steam under Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) conditions, 700-900 °C. CeO 2-doped Ni/Al 2O 3 with 14% ceria doping content showed the best reforming activity among those with the ceria content between 0 and 20%. The amount of carbon formation decreased with increasing Ce content. However, Ni was easily oxidized when more than 16% of ceria was doped. Compared to conventional Ni/Al 2O 3, 14%CeO 2-doped Ni/Al 2O 3 provides significantly higher reforming reactivity and resistance toward carbon deposition. These enhancements are mainly due to the influence of the redox properties of doped ceria. Regarding the temperature programmed reduction experiments (TPR-1), the redox properties and the oxygen storage capacity (OSC) for the catalysts increased with increasing Ce doping content. In addition, it was also proven in the present work that the redox of these catalysts are reversible, according to the temperature programmed oxidation (TPO) and the second time temperature programmed reduction (TPR-2) results.During the reforming process, in addition to the reactions on Ni surface, the gas-solid reactions between the gaseous components presented in the system (C 2H 6, C 3H 8, C 2H 4, CH 4, CO 2, CO, H 2O, and H 2) and the lattice oxygen (O x) on ceria surface also take place. The reactions of adsorbed surface hydrocarbons with the lattice oxygen (O x) on ceria surface (C nH m+O x→ nCO+ m/2(H 2)+O x−n) can prevent the formation of carbon species on Ni surface from hydrocarbons decomposition reaction (C nH m⇔ nC+ m/2H 2). Moreover, the formation of carbon via Boudard reaction (2CO⇔CO 2+C) is also reduced by the gas-solid reaction of carbon monoxide (produced from steam reforming) with the lattice oxygen (CO+O x⇔CO 2+O x−1). 相似文献
The addition of CO 2 to the reaction mixture for the oxidation of butane over a VPO catalyst gives rise to significantly improved yields of maleic anhydride. 相似文献
This paper presents an investigation on the NO oxidation properties of perovskite oxides. La 1−xCe xCoO 3 ( x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) perovskite-type oxides were synthesized through a citrate method and characterized by XRD, BET and XPS. The catalytic activities were enhanced significantly with Ce substitution, and achieved the best when x was 0.2, but decreased at higher x values. The performed characterizations reveal that the adsorbed oxygen on the surface plays an important role in the oxidation of NO into NO 2. The surface compounds after the co-adsorption of NO and O 2 at room temperature, were investigated by DRIFTS and TPD experiments. Three species: the bridging nitrate, the hyponitrites and the monodentate nitrate, were formed on the surface. The order of thermal stabilities was as follows: monodentate > hyponitrite > bridging. Among them, only the monodentate nitrate which decomposed at above 300 °C, would desorb NO 2 into the gas phase. When Ce was added, the temperature of monodentate nitrate desorption became low and the adsorption of the other two species decreased. This might be related to the oxidation state of Co on the surface. Analysis by synthesizing the characterization results and catalytic activity data shows that large amounts of adsorbed oxygen, small amount of inactive compounds on the surface and low NO 2 desorption temperature are favorable for the oxidation of NO. 相似文献
Voltammetric studies of Mn(II) were carried out in acetic acid (AA), trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), butyric acid (BA), perfluorobutyric acid (PFBA) and methanesulphonic acid (MSA) media. Influence of anodic limit and the nature of acids were investigated. Oxidation of Mn(II) shows two anodic peaks in weak acids namely acetic acid and butyric acid media due to the formation of insoluble Mn(III) and Mn(IV) species. Reduction of these species were also observed as two peaks in the cathodic region. Formation and reduction of solid oxide phases are the dominant electrode processes in such weak acid media. In strong acids like MSA and TFA media sharp anodic and cathodic peaks were obtained due to the formation and reduction of stable soluble Mn(III) species. SEM studies reveal the formation of thicker oxide phases in weak acid media and much thinner oxide layers in strong acid media. γ-MnO 2 phase was formed from AA and TFA while -MnO 2 phase was formed from BA and PFBA, suggesting a relationship between phase structure and anionic size. 相似文献
Alkanes such as iso-butane, n-pentane, and cyclohexane have been converted effectively to maleic anhydride, 2-methyl maleic anhydride, and acetic acid
over MoVO catalysts below 330 °C. In order to explore the possible reaction pathways, the oxidation of iso-butene, cyclohexene, 2-methyl-1-propanol, tert-butanol, and 2-methylacrylic acid were examined over the catalysts. In iso-butene oxidation, acetic acid and 2-methyl maleic anhydride were detected but not maleic anhydride. In cyclohexene oxidation,
benzene and phenol were detected as major products but it was not the case in cyclohexane oxidation. The results of our investigation
indicate that the oxidation pathway of iso-butane is different from that of iso-butene, 2-methyl-1-propanol, tert-butanol, and 2-methylacrylic acid, whereas the oxidation pathway of cyclohexane is different
from that of cyclohexene. 相似文献
SBA-3 and SiO 2-supported MoVTe mixed oxide catalysts have been prepared by impregnation and/or direct synthesis methods and tested for selective oxidation of isobutane to methacrolein (MAL). It was found that the supported catalysts showed much higher activity than the bulk MoVTe mixed oxide for the reaction. Among the supported catalysts, better isobutane conversion and MAL yield were achieved on the 3% MoV 0.8Te 0.23O x/SBA-3 catalyst prepared by the impregnation method. The catalysts were characterized with BET, XRD, Raman, H 2-TPR, XPS and FT-IR of pyridine adsorption. The good performance of the SiO 2 and SBA-3 supported MoV 0.8Te 0.23O x catalysts was attributed to a combination of different properties: (i) formation of well dispersed active phases on large surface areas of SiO 2 and SBA-3 supports, which is beneficial for the isolation of active site and preventing the further oxidation of unstable reaction intermediate as well as product; (ii) improved activity for hydrogen abstraction of C-H bond of isobutane due to the formation of isolated pseudotetrahedral VO 4 species. 相似文献
LaTi 1−xCu xO 3 perovskites are efficient catalysts for the oxidation of aqueous solutions of phenol using hydrogen peroxide as precursor of free radicals. The catalytic results have shown that under mild reaction conditions and oxidant contents lower than stoichiometric, phenol was rapidly removed with a final total organic carbon (TOC) conversion of ca. 90%. Initial rate of TOC removal depends dramatically on temperature, catalyst loading and peroxide concentration. Perovskite catalyst after reaction is completely regenerated by calcination and retains a similar catalytic performance. Finally, the catalytic results demonstrate that leaching of active species during the catalytic oxidation seems to proceed by a complex mechanism in which the presence of hydrogen peroxide in combination with phenol plays an essential role. 相似文献