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The colour stability of thawed lamb chops was examined, by colour panel and colorimeter, under simulated retail display conditions. Chops held frozen at –20°C for 1 week had a display life of 3 days when thawed, compared with 2 days for fresh chops. When the frozen storage was increased to 8 weeks the display life was reduced to 1 day. When the whole loin was stored frozen for 8 weeks, chops cut from it and thawed had a 2-day display life. By comparison, vacuum-packed chops stored at –1.5°C for 8 weeks had a 3-day display life. The relationship between Hunter colour values and panel scores is discussed.  相似文献   

Steaks from three different muscles were either vacuum or carbon dioxide packed and stored for up to 24 weeks at three different storage temperatures (−1.5, 2, or 5 °C). Following storage, they were displayed for up to 30 h. CIE color coordinates, the oxidative states of myoglobin and pH were measured and muscle color, surface discoloration, retail appearance, and odor were evaluated prior to storage and during display (0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 24 and 30 h), and/or immediately prior to and following display. Prior to display, pH was negatively related to duration of storage, and samples stored at −1.5 °C had the highest and samples stored at 5 °C, had the lowest pH. Perception of muscle color was influenced by duration of storage and display, but lower storage temperatures appeared to produce a stabilizing effect. Both lightness of muscle color and deoxymyoglobin content were apparently not influenced by storage temperature or duration of storage or display. Both oxymyoglobin (OMB) and redness, as defined by CIE a* values, were lost progressively during storage and display, but this loss was progressively lower as storage temperature decreased. Yellowness of muscle color, as defined by CIE b* values, generally decreased as storage was prolonged, and this decrease was observed more quickly at higher storage temperatures. Surprisingly, b* values were not related to duration of display. Both surface discoloration and metmyoglobin (MMB) content increased progressively during storage and display. Samples stored at 5 °C displayed the most surface discoloration, while samples stored at −1.5 °C contained the least MMB and displayed the least surface discoloration. Retail appearance deteriorated progressively during storage in all samples stored at 2 and 5 °C and in samples stored at −1.5 °C, which were displayed for at least 24 h. Retail appearance also deteriorated progressively during display in samples stored at −1.5 and 2 °C for three weeks or longer and in samples stored at 5 °C for 0 to 15 and 24 weeks. In unstored samples, samples to be stored at −1.5 °C generally received the lowest retail appearance scores, but after prolonged storage and display, samples stored at −1.5 °C received higher retail appearance scores than samples stored at 5 °C, particularly when samples were stored for 12 weeks or longer and displayed for 1 h or more. Odor deteriorated progressively during storage when measured both prior to display and after 30 h of display. In samples stored for three weeks or longer, samples stored at −1.5 °C generally received the lowest odor scores and were perceived to have the least prevalent off-odors. Samples stored at −1.5 °C maintained a retail case-life of 30 h, when stored for up to 17 weeks, while samples stored at 2 and 5 °C maintained a retail case-life of 30 h, when stored for only eight and seven weeks, respectively. Consequently, storage life can be more than doubled by storage at subzero temperatures (−1.5 °C).  相似文献   

为掌握不同气体成分对橙汁胞贮藏期间品质的影响,本实验以72-1锦橙汁胞为原料,采用充气(100%N2、100%CO2、50%N2+50% CO2)贮藏橙汁胞6个月,以-18℃冷冻贮藏橙汁胞作为对照,对品质相关指标的变化进行监测。结果表明:充气贮藏期间,橙汁胞VC含量均在保质期含量范围内;p H和可溶性固形物含量变化均不显著;还原糖含量均先上升后下降;橙汁胞菌落总数符合果汁饮料的卫生标准。充气与冷冻贮藏期间,橙汁胞总黄酮含量的变化较小。充气贮藏前期(02月),橙汁胞色泽变化不显著。3种充气贮藏方式中,充CO2贮藏抑菌效果较好;充N2贮藏更有利于橙汁胞VC和总黄酮含量的维持,且对橙汁胞的褐变和色差变化抑制效果也较好;充50%N2+50%CO2贮藏的橙汁胞还原糖含量变化最小。   相似文献   

The microbiology and storage stability of vacuum packed lamb   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lamb joints (shoulders, loins and legs) stored in vacuum packs at 0–1°C remained unspoiled for 6 weeks, but since the aerobic storage life at 5°C (retail shelf life) of lamb after holding in vacuum packs at 0–1°C for 6 weeks was only 2 days, vacuum storage should be limited to a maximum of 4 weeks in practice. Brochothrix thermosphacta , Moraxella spp, and Moraxella-like organisms were predominant on aerobically spoiled lamb and the preservative effect of vacuum packing resulted from the inhibitory effects of the high carbon dioxide (>20%) and low oxygen concentrations (<1%) which developed in the packs. Brochothrix thermosphacta was not completely inhibited, however, and with lactic acid bacteria was the possible cause of cheesy/sour odours which terminated vacuum packed storage life.  相似文献   

Rambouillet lambs were assigned to three production systems varying in physical environment and diet: RF (a new, raised-floor feeding structure, with animals fed a pelleted mixture of 85% oat hay, 7.5% barley and 7.5% molasses); FL (a feedlot, with animals fed high-concentrate rations); and P (a pasture, with animals given access to the pasture and a high-concentrate supplement). Lengths of time on feed were adjusted to produce similar final shorn weights for each system. Ground meat patties were made with knife-separable lean from hind legs and aerobically refrigerated. Fat content of patties was not significantly different between RF and FL or P, while total unsaturated fatty acid percentage was slightly lower (P<0.05) for RF treatment. Patty color (redness) was most stable for RF. Lipid oxidation in raw patties also was lower (P<0.05) for RF than FL, but oxidation in cooked patties was greater for RF.  相似文献   

动物油脂含有多不饱和脂肪酸,很容易出现酸价升高[1]、哈败等品质下降的情况,生产企业也会采取各种方法来减少各种诱发因素,本篇文章就以猪油为例,通过正交和多因素控制实验,采用不同的保藏时间、保藏温度及添加抗氧化剂的方法,针对猪油的AV值和POV值的升高进行研究。研究中发现,其他条件相同时控制温度对控制猪油AV值和POV值的影响最大;控制O2对控制AV值的效果不大,对控制POV值的效果很大;36℃/O2促氧化条件下,添加抗氧化剂VE抑制AV升高的效果最好,VE、BHT、TBHQ抑制POV升高的效果最好。  相似文献   

Forty-nine Manchega breed male suckling lambs were used in this experiment. The effect of CO2 concentration and exposure time at stunning [80% CO2 for 90 s (G1); 90% CO2 for 90 s (G2); 90% CO2 for 60 s (G3); 80% CO2 for 60 s (G4)] plus an electrically stunned control group (G5) was assessed for pH, colour (L, a, b, C and h), water holding capacity (WHC), drip loss (DL), cooking loss (CL) and shear force (SF) in samples packed under two different types of modified atmospheres (MA: MA A: 70%O2 + 30%CO2; MA B: 69.3%N2 + 30%CO2 + 0.7%CO) at 7, 14 and 21 d post-packaging. The lowest pH was found in G4 and in G5. The highest WHC and the lowest CL were found in G2 and G3 groups (P < 0.05). Modified atmospheres did not affect on pH, WHC, CL and DL, although a significant effect (P < 0.001) on colour was found at all the analysis times. Both the type of stunning and the modified atmosphere affected SF values.  相似文献   

The influence of packaging barrier properties and frozen storage on phenolic and phytosterol content, oxidative stability and crumb texture of frozen dough, part-baked and fully baked frozen bread was investigated in comparison to conventionally produced bread. Samples were stored either in blue coloured high density polyethylene (PE-HD) or transparent polyester-polyethylene-ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (PET-PE/EVAL/PE) pouches for 22 days at −18 °C. Packaging materials were different in oxygen permeability: 3.67 cm3m−2day−1 bar−1 for PET-PE/EVAL/PE and 2080 cm3m−2day−1 bar−1 for PE-HD material, which did not significantly change during storage. Total phenolic content and oxidative stability of bread samples decreased during storage depending on the process. Frozen dough bread had the lowest phenolics decrease and the highest oxidative stability. Total phenolic content and oxidative stability of frozen breads during 8 days were similar to conventional bread. The phenolics reduction was higher for samples stored in PET-PE/EVAL/PE laminate than in PE-HD packaging. Total sterol content did not significantly change during bread storage in investigated packaging and did not contribute to the oxidation. Bread firmness was affected only by the process and not by the storage time and packaging material.  相似文献   

不同贮存条件对海藻油氧化稳定性影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以过氧化值为指标,考察空气、温度、光照等环境条件对海藻油稳定性影响,然后采用Schall烘箱加速氧化法,以POV和DHA含量为指标,通过L9(34)正交试验,从抗氧化剂TBHQ、VE、Vc棕榈酸酯优选海藻油复合抗氧化剂;及研究充N2保护、充N2保护结合添加抗氧化剂对海藻油稳定性影响。结果表明:空气,高温及光照均可显著加速海藻油氧化,降低海藻油稳定性;抗氧化剂TBHQ、VE、Vc棕榈酸酯能明显延缓海藻油氧化,影响顺序为Vc棕榈酸酯TBHQVE,最佳抗氧化剂组合为0.01%Vc棕榈酸酯+0.02%TBHQ+0.50%VE;充N2保护也能提高海藻油氧化稳定性,但效果比最佳复合抗氧化剂为差;充N2保护结合添加抗氧化剂能有效提高海藻油氧化稳定性。  相似文献   

The oxidation stability of storage lipids from adipose tissue and of structural lipids from liver was compared to the coefficients of oxidizability of the pure fat used: lard (L); lard + sunflower oil 2:1 (LS); butter (B) and partially hydrogenated oil (H). The oxidation stability of the corresponding high-fat dietary regimens (50 energy-%) was also investigated. The experimental groups L, LS, B and H were compared to the control group (C) fed low-fat laboratory pellet-food. The coefficients of oxidizability were calculated from the fatty-acid composition of the used pure fats. The oxidation stability was performed in condition of accelerated oxidation under kinetic regimen, assaying the peroxide concentration in appropriate time intervals. The coefficients of oxidizability of dietary fats and storage lipids were very similar. This is explained by the fact that the fatty-acid composition of storage lipids reflected that of the corresponding high-fat diets. The oxidation stabilities in storage lipids were markedly lower than these in the respective dietary regimens. The highest oxidation stability in lipids from adipose tissue was found in group B, and the lowest in group LS. Contrarywise, the oxidation stability in liver lipid showed the following declining sequence: C greater than H greater than L greater than LS greater than B. The discrepancies in oxidation stability of the various specimens (pure fats, dietary fats, storage and structural lipids) may be explicated by an intervention of factors with pro- and anti-oxidative action. The large deviations in fatty acid composition in the examined tissues in comparison to the composition of the respective high-fat diets may also play an important role in this respect. These parallel studies on oxidation stability at different levels could improve our possibilities for evaluation of the stability and biological value of fats.  相似文献   

Low oxygen and/or high carbon dioxide environments (hypoxic, anoxic or hypercarbic atmospheres) can cause a delay in insect development, the length of which depends on the exposure time, gas concentration, environmental factors, species, etc. Therefore, in this study, delay in development in 0–72 h old pupae of Cadra (=Ephestia) cautella was investigated by exposing them to two low oxygen (1% and 3%) atmospheres supplemented with high carbon dioxide (95% and 85%) balanced with nitrogen for 6–112 h at 20 °C, 25 °C and 30 °C and 65% relative humidity. Development-delaying effects of controlled or modified atmospheres (MA) were strongest at 20 °C, followed by 25 °C and 30 °C. The shortest exposure time at which delay in development was statistically meaningful was 24 h. Development-delaying effects of both MAs were of similar pattern. When compared to control groups, delay in development was in the range of 2.03–9.64 d at 20 °C, 0.19–3.72 d at 25 °C, and 0.02–2.77 d at 30 °C. Cadra cautella pupae, which were exposed to 1% oxygen with 95% carbon dioxide (balance with nitrogen) at 20 °C for 64 h, could still hatch 24 d after the treatment in comparison to control groups in which pupal eclosion was max. 16 d. Therefore in MAs applications, delay in development could be an important issue to consider for controlling stored-products pests, especially at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

应用16S rDNA变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)指纹图谱和系统发育分析方法,揭示了羊屠宰后经电刺激、吊挂两种方式处理后在4℃贮藏条件下主要微生物的动态变化。DGGE图谱表明,电刺激处理组在贮藏初期具有丰富的微生物群落,但经过一段时间后,只有少数种类细菌存活并最终成为主导菌群。吊挂组较电刺激组相比细菌群落较少。DGGE优势条带经DNA序列分析表明,羊肉中的主要细菌为嗜冷杆菌、葡萄球菌、克雷伯氏菌、假单胞菌、寡养单胞菌、肠杆菌、乳酸杆菌、热死环丝菌。两个处理组在储藏初期微生物菌群差异不大,但吊挂组在第10d后以葡萄球菌为主导菌群。电刺激组在贮藏过程后期才凸显的腐败菌为假单胞菌。   相似文献   

目的 探究不同储藏环境对铁皮石斛配制酒(Dendrobium officinale blended liquor,DBL)稳定性的影响。方法 通过测定不同储藏环境下DBL外观、风味、功效成分和酒体抗氧化能力等指标,评价其稳定性。结果 在12周的储藏期内,低温(-10℃)储藏最有利于保持DBL外观、功效成分含量和酒体抗氧化活性的稳定,并且有助于保留药香、减弱糟味,但谐调感、净爽感有所变差,储藏期内DBL的整体感官变化不明显,风味成分总含量略有下降。高温(45℃)储藏对维持DBL外观、功效成分含量和酒体抗氧化活性的稳定效果较差,但有助于DBL整体感官,特别是谐调、劲爽和陈香方面的提升,风味物质中醛酮类、酯类含量下降,醇类、酸类增加。光照储藏会严重破坏DBL外观、风味、功效成分含量和酒体抗氧化活性,各类风味成分变化趋势与高温储藏相似,但风味成分总含量明显下降。结论 在低温(-10℃)储藏最有利于保持DBL的稳定,且有助于保留药香、减弱糟味。本研究为配制酒行业选择合适的储藏环境,进而提高货架期提供了参考。  相似文献   

Direct measurements of the oxygen partial pressure profiles at the surface of the longissimus dorsi muscle of six bulls were obtained by means of a solid-state-probe after 1 min and 5 h exposure to air at 5°C. Changes in muscle colour were examined at the same time. The results show the profiles of oxygen partial pressure at the muscle surface after differing storage times (1, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13 days at 5°C). Up to 5 days post mortem, increases in oxygen partial pressure with lengthening storage periods also led to higher percentages of oxymyoglobin, following exposure to air 1 min to 5 h. Further storage for up to 13 days decreased oxygenation, despite higher oxygen partial pressures. There was no evidence of rapid autoxidation to metmyoglobin during a 5-h period of exposure to air. Obvious connections between oxygenation and measurements of a-value were not found. The Lab-values increased dependent on the length of storage time.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Textural stabilization of extruded beef jerky analogs (BJA) by using modified starches was studied. From a series of modified starches studied, Frigex W and Instant Pure Flo were identified to show very reduced retrogra-dation, both in gels and after extrusion. These starches were used as textural stabilizers for BJA, an extruded product obtained from potato granules and ground beef. The partial substitution of potato granules with modified starches, at a level of 5% of the formulation, led to increased moisture sorption capacity of the analogs. After a storage period of 1 mo, the samples that contained modified starch had a degree of swelling with 30% higher and much lower elastic modulus as compared to those that contained only potato starch.  相似文献   

Broilers were fed a high fat diet containing 11% oil (9% rapeseed oil, 2% soya bean oil) and the oil was given either as fresh (peroxide value of 1 meqv. O2kg−1 oil) or as highly oxidised (peroxide value of 156 meqv. O2kg−1 oil). Diets were supplemented with 46 mg all-rac--tocopheryl acetate kg−1 diet, resulting in a tocopherol content of 80.8 mg -tocopherol and 58.6 mg γ-tocopherol per kg diet in the fresh oil diet and of 44.0 mg -tocopherol and 18.3 mg γ-tocopherol per kg diet in the oxidised oil diet, respectively, reflecting the degradation of the natural occurring tocopherols in the oxidised diet. Only minor differences were seen with respect to fatty acid composition in muscles from birds fed the two diets. The oxidation of the dietary oil lowered lipid stability significantly (p < 0.01) in both raw and precooked meats during chill storage, whereas only minor effects on the stability of frozen meat were seen. Tocopherol levels were significantly lower (p < 0.01) in muscles from birds fed the oxidised oil diet, explaining the decreased lipid stability of meat from these birds. Thigh meat was more susceptible to lipid oxidation during storage than breast meat, regardless of dietary treatment, although thigh meat had markedly higher tocopherol levels than breast meat. The molar ratio of PUFA > 18:2 (polyunsaturated fatty acids with three or more double bonds) to -tocopherol was significantly (p < 0.01) higher in thigh meat compared with breast meat, explaining the lower stability of the former during storage.  相似文献   

为了研究合适的核桃油储存方式,以温度、光照、氧气、水分四个因素为自变量,酸价、过氧化值为指标研究氧化规律。Rancimat法和60℃烘箱加速氧化法预测货架期,以常温储存核桃油为对照组,比较两种方法的可靠性。结果表明:效果最好为冷藏组,储存超过60 d,最短为敞口组和摇晃组,不足14 d,添加0. 1%~0.3%水分组,21 d开始酸败,避光组储存期为49 d。Rancimat法预测货架期为212 d,烘箱加速法预测为48~80 d。常温储存49 d酸败,烘箱加速法预测货架期更可靠。建议核桃油低温储存,同时可避光存放,尽量选用与空气接触面积小的储油容器,并减少油的重复使用。  相似文献   

以压榨美藤果油为原料,以过氧化值和酸值为评价指标,考察温度、光照、空气、水分对美藤果油氧化稳定性的影响。结果表明:经24个月的贮藏,美藤果油酸值和过氧化值都有不同程度的升高,温度、光照、空气、水分均可加速美藤果油氧化,降低美藤果油氧化稳定性,其中空气对美藤果油氧化稳定性影响最大,因此在贮藏中控制美藤果油水分含量0.10%以下,在常温、干燥、避光的环境中密封贮藏为宜;美藤果油脂肪酸组成变化不明显。  相似文献   

研究了不同加工工艺(压榨毛油、压榨精炼油、浸出精炼油)、不同容器(铁罐、无色玻璃瓶和塑料瓶)及不同光照条件(光照、避光)下油茶籽油的储藏稳定性.结果显示:不同加工工艺油茶籽油样品中浸出精炼油和压榨精炼油储藏稳定性较好,压榨毛油最差;光照是影响油茶籽油储藏稳定性的关键因素,油茶籽油包装及储藏要尽量采用不透光材料或避光储藏;3种容器材料中,铁罐储藏效果最好,玻璃瓶次之,塑料瓶最差.  相似文献   

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