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许飞岩江西省高级工艺美术师。景德镇陶瓷艺术研究院院长助理。毕业于景德镇陶瓷学院艺术设计本科,学士学位。师从中国陶瓷艺术大师,教授宁钢先生。江西省美术家协会会员。江西省陶瓷协会常务理事。景德镇市美术家协会理事。景德镇市陶瓷协会常务理事。电话:13317986868  相似文献   

钱大统(又名冠统)生于1948年,上海市人,祖籍江苏吴江。《法兰西共和国荣誉勋章》获得者。法国国际艺术交流协会荣誉会员。复旦大学上海视觉艺术学院客座教授。上海电影艺术学院客座教授。焦版画创始人。釉下彩高温颜料人物绘画陶瓷艺术家。  相似文献   

艾俊原籍安徽,出生于景德镇。江西省工艺美术师。景德镇市高级工艺美术师。毕业于景德镇陶瓷学院。现任聘为江西省旅游商贸学院艺术系客座教授。景德镇市美术家协会会员。曾得到中国工艺美术大师王锡良、陆如老师的指点和好评。其作品多采取古代历史人物神话故事和民间故事题材,在传统绘画手  相似文献   

芦永芳中国工艺美术师,陶瓷工艺美术师。中国工艺美术学会会员,景德镇陶瓷美术家协会会员。自由陶艺家。1970年生于景德镇。自幼酷爱绘画。1990年毕业于景德镇市陶瓷职业学院。2000年创办“听松阁”陶艺工作室。  相似文献   

陈诚原籍江西万年,出生于景德镇。江西省工艺美术师,景德镇市高级工艺美术师。毕业于景德镇陶瓷学院。现任聘为江西省旅游商贸学院艺术系客座教授。景德镇市美术家协会会员。自幼喜爱绘  相似文献   

黄斌字尚卿,号萍童。斋号艺兰轩,职业画家。1959年4月生于江西省吉安市。现为中国收藏家协会会员,东莞市美术家协会会员。1997年《秋实图》(国画)入选东莞市美术作品赴京展。1999年《大寿图》获中国工商银行庆祝建国50周年绘画比赛三等奖。2000年《黄斌篆刻选》入选东莞市首届篆刻作品展。2003年《雨熟》入选东莞风情画展。  相似文献   

自去年下半年以来。关于中国加息的传闻时起时落.每一次都牵动着海内外市场的神经。然而。今年2004年10月29日中国人民银行宣布利塞调整的消息传来,仍然令市场为之震动。加息之后,各方人士观点见诸媒体报端。现本刊整理部分权威人士的观点看法.以飨读者。  相似文献   

雪柳 《影像视觉》2008,(11):146-147
四川妇女摄影家协会主席。世界华人摄影学会会员。擅长风光及人文摄影。2005年被授予“四川摄影年度人物”称号。2006荣获“世界FIAP黑白双年展”铜牌奖。2006年作品“福”入选上海第八届国际摄影艺术展并被上海图书馆永久收藏。  相似文献   

混凝土是应用最广的建筑材料。混凝土通常采用钢筋来增加强度。在压力荷载下,钢筋混凝土性能卓越,但在拉伸荷载下它有变脆的趋势。混凝土养护时的拉伸应力易导致裂纹。裂纹会让水分进入,最终引起钢筋腐蚀。  相似文献   

1932年生,河北人。清华大学美术学院(原中央工艺美术学院)教授。中国美术家协会会员。历届全国陶瓷艺术创作设计评比委员、主任委员。中国工艺美术、中国陶瓷艺术大师荣誉职称评委。现兼中国工艺美术馆馆藏品定级委员。国务院陶瓷顾问。淄博、龙泉等陶瓷产区政府顾问。中国陶瓷工业协会顾问。  相似文献   

概述了碳铵企业进行产品结构调整的迫切性。叙述了碳铵企业产品结构调整的方案,介绍了主体系统实施改造的技术以及有关回收气体和甲醇、氨延伸产品的生产技术。  相似文献   

通过10年研究化肥与根茬、秸秆和有机肥定量配比施肥对土壤肥力、养分平衡及玉米产量的影响,结果表明:玉米单施化肥产量下降了7.9%;化肥 根茬产量持平;化肥 根茬 秸秆,土壤肥力和玉米产量同步上升,玉米增产17.1%;化肥 根茬 有机肥效果更佳,土壤肥力指标均上升,玉米增产32.1%。这对制定科学合理的培肥地力施肥措施,建立高产、优质、低耗的培肥制度,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

The method of generating functions is used to calculate the number fraction of molecules having any specified degree of polymerization and number of long branches for polymers produced under conditions in which the probabilities of chain propagation and of branching on a monomer unit incorporated in the polymer are both constant; termination by combination is assumed absent. Expressions are given for the moments of degree of polymerization and the first two moments of branch number. It is shown that all moments of degree of polymerization are finite, for this model. An asymptotic expression for the number distribution at very high degrees of polymerization is obtained. The way in which the average number of branches per monomer unit varies with degree of polymerization is studied.  相似文献   

The influence of spatially nonuniform initiation is investigated for a class of photoreactions in which diffusion of intermediates is important. The investigation is centered on a differential equation for reaction and diffusion of reactive intermediates. The circumstances are set forth under which the equation is valid for several kinetically similar reaction types. A solution is obtained for Lambert's law attenuation. The characteristics of this solution and the solution obtained by Noyes for linear attenuation are discussed. The practical consequences of these solutions are shown through illustrative calculations based on the photochlorination of tetrachloroethylene.  相似文献   

Shigeru Itoi 《Desalination》1979,28(3):193-205
Electrodialysis is applied for treatment of effluents from washing after galvanization, and specifically from washing after nickel galvanization. This method is useful for recovery of galvanization reagents used in various processes. Electrodialysis seems to be applicable for treatment of effluents from washing after cyanide galvanization or galvanization with other substances.For the purpose of establishing a closed system for the effluents discharged during the treatment processes for metallic surfaces, techniques for industrialization of electrodialysis have been developed not only for the recovery of useful components, but also for recycled use of water. Industrialization of electrodialysis is expected in the near future. In order to establish these techniques, technical development is needed not only in ion-exchange membranes and electrodialyzers, but also in systematized processes, including all related techniques such as pretreatments.  相似文献   

A simple model is developed for the sedimentation of particles of mixed sizes and is tested experimentally for binary systems. A correction factor has been determined to allow for the interactions between particles settling at ditterent velocities.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation is carried out to study the transition from stratified to slug flow and the development of slug flow. The variation of Lockhart–Martinelli parameter with the non‐dimensional liquid height is established based on the experimental data. A correlation is developed for the liquid height as a function of superficial gas and liquid Reynolds number. The liquid height is observed to increase up to some level depending on the mass flow rate, beyond which there is a sudden jump in the height leading to the formation of slug. This critical liquid height is the limiting condition for the evolution of slug. Below the critical height a stable stratified flow is observed. The critical height for stability limit of stratified flow is established experimentally for various combinations of mass flow rates of the primary and secondary phases. © 2011 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering  相似文献   

通过改变现用蛋白污布的污液配方,制备了新的蛋白污布,并对其进行洗涤测试实验。实验结果表明,改进蛋白污布洗前白度值的标准偏差为0.28,小于现用蛋白污布的0.44;国标粉对其洗涤差值约是现用蛋白污布的2.5倍;改进蛋白污布的去污测试结果标准偏差为0.45,小于现用蛋白污布的0.96;在对多个实际样品的测试中,改进蛋白污布去污结果的波动程度小于现用蛋白污布;此外,蛋白酶的分档试验结果显示,改进蛋白污布对酶的分档更接近国外同类污布。  相似文献   

The brisance parameter can be used to show the shattering power of an energetic compound and the speed to reach its peak pressure. It determines the effectiveness with which an explosive can fragment a shell. Nowadays, the sand test or sand crushing test is the preferred method for brisance measurements but there is no reliable method for the prediction of the brisance parameter. In this paper, a method for the prediction of the brisance through sand test for pure and mixed energetic materials as well as aluminized explosives is reported. It is based on the molecular structure of the desired compound and once the conclusion is established any experimental data is redundant. The calculated brisance relative to 2,4,6‐trinitrotoluene (=100) shows good agreement with the measured values.  相似文献   

A shape normalization, which is applicable in the entire range of Thiele modulus φ, is developed. A shape normalization established here for small φ and the shape normalization already established here for large φ are used in developing the normalization for all φ. This normalization brings the η - φ curves for all pellet shapes to a single curve corresponding to infinite slab geometry for all φ. The effectiveness factor for any shape of catalyst is simply the effectiveness factor for an infinite slab when the Thiele modulus for the slab is properly defined in terms of the characteristic pellet length and the reaction kinetics. The shape normalization is shown to give negligible error for any pellet configuration and first order reaction, and is postulated to hold for general kinetics and any pellet configuration, by proper definition of the Thiele modulus.  相似文献   

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