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The adenovirus type 5 243R E1A protein induces p53-dependent apoptosis in the absence of the 19- and 55-kDa E1B polypeptides. This effect appears to result from an accumulation of p53 protein and is unrelated to expression of E1B products. We now report that in the presence of the E1B 55-kDa polypeptide, the 289R E1A protein does not induce such p53 accumulation and, in fact, is able to block that induced by E1A 243R. This inhibition also requires the 289R-dependent transactivation of E4orf6 expression. E4orf6 is known to form complexes with the E1B 55-kDa protein and to function both in the transport and stabilization of viral mRNA and in shutoff of host cell protein synthesis. We demonstrated that the block in p53 accumulation is not due to the generalized shutoff of host cell metabolism. Rather, it appears to result from a mechanism targeted specifically to p53, most likely involving a decrease in the stability of p53 protein. The E1B 55-kDa protein is known to interact with both E4orf6 and p53, and as demonstrated recently by others, we showed that E4orf6 also binds directly to p53. Thus, multiple interactions between all three proteins may regulate p53 stability, resulting in the maintenance of low levels of p53 following virus infection.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical expression of mutant p53 protein and human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 and 18 related E6 oncoprotein was studied in 36 biopsy proved anal cancers. Mutant p53 was detected in 61.1% cases. HPV 16 and 18 E6 protein was expressed in 22.2% cases, all of which were squamous cell carcinomas. Coexpression of both mutant p53 and E6 protein was found in only 5 cases (13.8%). In HPV 16/18 positive anal tumors, the degradation of p53 is accelerated by viral E6 oncoprotein. In HPV negative tumors, however, other mutagenic factors probably play a role in carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Previous observations that the adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) E4orf6 and E4orf3 gene products have redundant effects in viral lytic infection together with the recent findings that E4orf6 possesses transforming potential prompted us to investigate the effect of E4orf3 expression on the transformation of primary rat cells in combination with adenovirus E1 oncogene products. Our results demonstrate for the first time that E4orf3 can cooperate with adenovirus E1A and E1A plus E1B proteins to transform primary baby rat kidney cells, acting synergistically with E4orf6 in the presence of E1B gene products. Transformed rat cells expressing E4orf3 exhibit morphological alterations, higher growth rates and saturation densities, and increased tumorigenicity compared with transformants expressing E1 proteins only. Consistent with previous results for adenovirus-infected cells, the E4orf3 protein is immunologically restricted to discrete nuclear structures known as PML oncogenic domains (PODs) in transformed rat cells. As opposed to E4orf6, the ability of E4orf3 to promote oncogenic cell growth is probably not linked to a modulation of p53 functions and stability. Instead, our results indicate that the transforming activities of E4orf3 are due to combinatorial effects that involve the binding to the adenovirus 55-kDa E1B protein and the colocalization with PODs independent from interactions with the PML gene product. These data fit well with a model in which the reorganization of PODs may trigger a cascade of processes that cause uncontrolled cell proliferation and neoplastic growth. In sum, our results provide strong evidence for the idea that interactions with PODs by viral proteins are linked to oncogenic transformation.  相似文献   

Wild-type (wt) p53 protein is rapidly degraded, has a short half-life and low intracellular levels. Stabilization of wt p53 protein following an appropriate stimulus (for example DNA damage) is a physiological regulation to increase function. In contrast, stabilization of p53 protein in the absence of a stimulus is always a hallmark of loss of function secondary to a mutation, or interaction with viral or cellular oncoproteins. It is generally accepted that stability of p53 protein depends on its intrinsic biochemical properties such as conformation or protein/protein interactions. However, I will discuss evidence that the stability of p53 is not a consequence of its intrinsic properties, but instead is determined by feedback control of its function. In the absence of an appropriate stimulus, a cell needs to keep p53 levels low, since increased levels can lead to apoptosis. To precisely regulate p53 levels, a cell must sense its level; and sensing its transactivating function, is the simplest way to sense p53. Following an appropriate stimulus (for example, DNA damage), the cell senses a state of 'relative' p53 deficiency and adapts by reducing p53 degradation. When the state of p53 deficiency is a consequence of a mutation or interaction with viral oncoproteins, the cell does not sense p53, and again attempts to adapt by reducing p53 degradation. However, in the latter case, the increase in levels does not restore function, and the adaptation continues until degradation of p53 protein is maximally inhibited. In this case, no further inhibition of degradation is possible after DNA-damage or pharmacological inhibition of proteasomes. Thus lack of wt p53 function always results in increased p53 levels and nonregulation.  相似文献   

The RUB1/NEDD-8 family of ubiquitin-related genes is widely represented among eukaryotes. Here we report that Cdc53p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a member of the Cullin family of proteins, is stably modified by the covalent attachment of a single Rub1p molecule. Two genes have been identified that are required for Rub1p conjugation to Cdc53p. The first gene, designated ENR2, encodes a protein with sequence similarity to the amino-terminal half of the ubiquitin-activating enzyme. By analogy with Aos1p, we infer that Enr2p functions in a bipartite Rub1p-activating enzyme. The second gene is SKP1, shown previously to be required for some ubiquitin-conjugation events. A deletion allele of ENR2 is lethal with temperature-sensitive alleles of cdc34 and enhances the phenotypes of cdc4, cdc53, and skp1, strongly implying that Rub1p conjugation to Cdc53p is required for optimal assembly or function of the E3 complex SCFCdc4. Consistent with this model, both enr2delta and an allele of Cdc53p that is not Rub1p modified, render cells sensitive to alterations in the levels of Cdc4p, Cdc34p, and Cdc53p.  相似文献   

An in vitro screening method for selective acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors was established. Inhibitory activity of AChE and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) was measured and the culture broths of microorganisms that showed selective inhibition against AChE were characterized. By using this method, a strain producing the novel and selective inhibitors of AChE, arisugacins A and B, was picked out among over seven thousand microorganisms tested. Arisugacins were obtained as white powders from the culture broth together with three known compounds, territrems B and C and cyclopenin that also showed selective inhibition against AChE. Arisugacins and territrems are members of the meroterpenoid compounds. They showed potent inhibitory activities against AChE with IC50 values in range of 1.0 approximately 25.8 nM. Furthermore, they showed greater than 2,000-fold more potent inhibition against AChE than BuChE.  相似文献   

The endothelium is one of the largest cellular compartments of the human body and has a high proliferative potential. However, angiosarcomas are among the rarest malignancies. Despite this interesting contradiction, data on growth and angiogenesis control mechanisms of angiosarcomas are scarce. In this study of 19 angiosarcomas and 10 benign vascular control lesions we investigated the sequence and expression of the p53 tumor suppressor gene and the expression of the mdm-2 proto-oncogene, which is a negative regulator of p53 activity and of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), whose expression, among other factors, is regulated by the p53/MDM-2 pathway. Ten sarcomas (53%) exhibited clear nuclear p53 protein accumulation. Two of these cases revealed mutations in the sequence-specific DNA binding domain of the p53 gene. Thirteen angiosarcomas (68%) showed an increased amount of MDM-2 protein. Elevated expression of p53 and MDM-2 protein correlated with increased VEGF expression, which was found in nearly 80% of the angiosarcoma cases. Negative or clearly lower immunostaining was obtained in cases from the benign control collective. Only one case of a juvenile hemangioma reached the cutoff value of p53 positivity coincidentally with high VEGF expression. Our data suggest that the p53/ MDM-2 pathway is impaired in about two-thirds (14/ 19) of the angiosarcomas. This may be a key event in the pathogenesis of human angiosarcomas. The increased VEGF expression observed supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   

E6 and E7 oncoproteins from high risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs) transform cells in tissue culture and induce tumors in vivo. Both E6, which inhibits p53 functions, and E7, which inhibits pRb, can also abrogate growth arrest induced by DNA-damaging agents in cultured cells. In this study, we have used transgenic mice that express HPV-16 E6 or E7 in the epidermis to determine how these two proteins modulate DNA damage responses in vivo. Our results demonstrate that both E6 and E7 abrogate the inhibition of DNA synthesis in the epidermis after treatment with ionizing radiation. Increases in the levels of p53 and p21 proteins after irradiation were suppressed by E6 but not by E7. Through the study of p53-null mice, we found that radiation-induced growth arrest in the epidermis is mediated through both p53-dependent and p53-independent pathways. The abrogation of radiation responses in both E6 and E7 transgenic mice was more complete than was seen in the p53-null epidermis. We conclude that E6 and E7 each have the capacity to modulate p53-dependent as well as p53-independent cellular responses to radiation. Additionally, we found that the conserved region (CR) 1 and CR2 domains in E7 protein, which are involved in the inactivation of pRb function and required for E7's transforming function, were also required for E7 to modulate DNA damage responses in vivo. Thus pRb and/or pRb-like proteins likely mediate both p53-dependent and p53-independent responses to radiation.  相似文献   

In order to reveal whether differences in the type and site of p53 gene mutations influence the function of the gene and tumor phenotype, we examined nuclear accumulation of the p53 protein immunohistochemically, loss of the other p53 allele by restriction-fragment-length polymorphism analysis, and histological grade of atypia in 52 breast-cancer tissue specimens in which the position and pattern of the mutation were identified. When mis-sense point mutations or deletions of 3n bases (n = 1, 2, ...), which did not cause a frameshift downstream, occurred within codons 110-180 or 234-285, containing highly conserved regions, the p53 protein was almost always (92%) accumulated in nuclei in a majority of the cancer cells. When these mutations occurred outside these regions, only 46% of the cases showed nuclear accumulation of the protein in a majority of cancer cells. In tumors with non-sense point mutations or deletion of 3n + 1 or 3n + 2 bases (n = 0, 1, 2, ...), which caused a downstream frameshift, nuclear accumulation of the p53 protein was absent in 93% of cases. Irrespective of the mutation site or pattern, a majority of cases showing p53 mutation revealed loss of heterozygosity on 17p13 (83%), which suggested they do not carry wild-type p53 allele, and the highest histological grade of atypia (90%). Regardless of differences in their protein-expression pattern, a majority of the p53 gene mutations were suggested to function in a recessive mode and to be involved in the development of histologically aggressive breast cancer.  相似文献   

The E6 and E7 proteins of the high risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are consistently expressed in HPV-positive cervical carcinomas. We investigated the ability of HPV-16 E6 and E7 to disrupt mitotic checkpoints in normal diploid human cells. Acute expression of HPV-16 E6, but not HPV-16 E7, decreased the fidelity of multiple checkpoints controlling entry into and exit from mitosis. After irradiation, nearly 50% of cells containing HPV-16 E6 readily entered mitosis as opposed to less than 10% of control cells. Consistent with this, asynchronous populations of cells expressing HPV-16 E6 had increased cdc2-associated histone H1 kinase activity relative to control populations. In addition, HPV-16 E6 increased sensitivity to chemically-induced S-phase premature mitosis and decreased mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint function relative to control populations. HPV-16 E6 mutants with a reduced ability to target p53 for degradation were unable to abrogate mitotic checkpoints, suggesting a possible mechanism by which HPV-16 E6 disrupts mitotic checkpoints. Expression of a mutant p53 gene yielded an intermediate phenotype relative to HPV-16 E6, generating moderate increases in sensitivity to chemically-induced S-phase PCC and mitotic spindle disruption and a heightened propensity to enter mitosis after irradiation.  相似文献   

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