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[目的]研究改性稻壳去除废水中低浓度氨氮.[方法]采用单因素试验确定制备改性稻壳吸附剂的条件,得出该吸附剂对氨氮处理的最佳条件.[结果]以10.0 % H2O2作为改性剂,温度100 ℃、时间30 min为稻壳改性的最佳条件;吸附时间120 min,吸附温度23 ℃,pH值8.6,稻壳与水的质量体积比 3.0 g/30 ml时的吸附效果好;同时,改性后的稻壳结构和化学键都发生了变化.[结论]改性稻壳可作为一种低浓度氨氮废水的吸附处理剂,具有一定的利用价值.  相似文献   

以麦秆为原料,利用不同铁改性剂(Fe3+、Fe2+、Fe2+/Fe3+、Fe0)制得4种磁性生物炭,用于六价铬离子吸附。通过比表面积与孔径分布、FTIR、XPS、XRD和VSM等表征分析,结合吸附等温线和吸附动力学过程研究表明,Fe2+能更有效地提高生物炭磁性,Fe2+和Fe3+改性生物炭比饱和磁化强度分别为11、2.45 A·m2/kg。Fe3+和Fe2+参与改性均使得生物炭吸附性有所提升,而Fe0改性使生物炭吸附性变弱,Fe2+/Fe3+共同改性的生物炭吸附性最佳。Fe2+/Fe3+改性生物炭比表面积达33.73 m2/g,在Cr(Ⅵ)初始浓度100 mg/L、生物炭用量4 g/L、pH=2、303 K条件下,对Cr(Ⅵ)的去除率达95.77%。Fe2+/Fe3+改性生物炭对Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附符合准二级动力学模型和Langmuir吸附等温模型,表明Cr(Ⅵ)在其表面的吸附是吸附位点能量均匀的单分子层化学吸附。  相似文献   

改性粉煤灰吸附稀土氨氮废水的机理研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
分别用氢氧化钠、硫酸和稀土镧对粉煤灰进行改性,然后用对比法研究了粉煤灰改性前后对稀土氨氮废水的吸附行为。结果表明,碱改性粉煤灰对稀土氨氮废水的吸附效果最佳。在室温下,pH为11.7,投加量5g,吸附达到平衡时,碱改性粉煤灰的吸附效率可以达到81.56%。碱改性粉煤灰吸附稀土氨氮废水的吸附过程符合Elovich吸附方程,属于良性吸附,吸附容量达到1.72mg/g。  相似文献   

研究了以野生满江红为原料制备满江红生物炭(AIC),再经KOH浸泡和微波辐照获得改性满江红生物炭(K-M-AIC)并用以吸附溶液中的U(Ⅵ),借助扫描电子显微镜、傅里叶红外光谱仪、元素分析表征了AIC、K-M-AIC及吸附U(Ⅵ)后的K-M-AIC的结构和性能,考察了K-M-AIC用量、体系pH、反应时间、初始U(Ⅵ)质量浓度对K-M-AIC吸附U(Ⅵ)的影响,采用准一级和准二级动力学模型、Langmuir和Freundlich等温吸附模型分析了吸附过程。结果表明:在体系pH=5、初始U(Ⅵ)质量浓度10 mg/L、K-M-AIC用量0.133 g/L、温度30℃条件下,U(Ⅵ)最大吸附量为124.903 mg/g;吸附过程更符合准二级动力学模型和Langmuir等温吸附模型。K-M-AIC生物材料可用于从溶液中吸附去除U(Ⅵ)。  相似文献   

生物炭具有高度发达的孔隙结构、丰富的表面官能团和大量表面电荷,具有较好的吸附能力,又因其原料易得,成本低廉而受到广泛关注。以小麦秸秆为制备生物炭的原料,用Fe(Ⅱ)/Fe(Ⅲ)和Fe(Ⅲ)对生物炭进行改性,研究了炭化、浸渍方式对铁改性的生物炭吸附六价铬效果的影响。结果表明,先浸渍后炭化的工艺优于先炭化后浸渍工艺。吸附效果最佳的炭化温度为450℃;Fe(Ⅲ)有利于生物炭对Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附,Fe(Ⅱ)有利于生物炭磁性的增强。采用先浸渍后炭化工艺,炭化温度为450℃,2 g/L的Fe(Ⅲ)改性生物炭在30℃、pH=2的100 mg/L的Cr(Ⅵ)溶液中吸附21 h, Cr(Ⅵ)的去除率达到99.99%。  相似文献   

芦苇秸秆生物炭吸附铅的动力学与等温线   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了芦苇秸秆生物炭对水体中Pb(Ⅱ)的吸附特性,通过单因素条件试验考察了吸附动力学及吸附等温方程。结果表明:用芦苇秸秆生物炭吸附处理含Pb(Ⅱ)污水,水体中的Pb(Ⅱ)去除率随溶液pH升高而提高,当pH=6时,Pb(Ⅱ)去除率达95.56%以上;随生物炭投加量加大,Pb(Ⅱ)吸附量下降,而去除率升高;生物炭投加量为0.15g/100mL时,Pb(Ⅱ)去除率为99.39%;芦苇秸秆生物炭对Pb(Ⅱ)的吸附动力学符合准二级动力学模型,通过颗粒内扩散方程得其具体吸附过程由膜扩散和内扩散共同控制,Langmiur与Freundlich模型都能很好地描述等温吸附行为。  相似文献   

为研究生物炭进入土壤环境后表面性质的变化及其对土壤吸附Cu(Ⅱ)的影响,在土壤环境中对两种不同温度制备稻壳生物炭模拟老化培养,运用元素分析、扫描电镜漫反射红外光谱、X射线光电子能谱等手段比较老化前后生物炭表面性质的变化,并将生物炭以3%、5%的比例添加到土壤中老化,通过等温吸附试验研究老化生物炭对土壤吸附重金属铜离子的影响。结果表明:在土壤中经过240 d老化后,两种不同温度制备稻壳生物炭所含C元素含量减少,O元素增加,羧基、羰基、脂肪族羟基等含氧官能团增多,生物炭极性增强。老化后的稻壳生物炭对铜离子的最大吸附量增加,生物炭的添加及其老化作用促进土壤对Cu(Ⅱ)的吸附固定作用,并且具有一定的长期稳定性。  相似文献   

利用离子交换树脂法对稀土冶炼废水中氨氮进行处理,考察树脂用量、时间、温度及pH等因素的影响,并进行动力学研究实验.实验结果表明:树脂用量增加、时间增加、温度升高、pH值升高均有利于提高离子交换容量;D113树脂对氨氮的离子交换过程符合二级动力学方程.  相似文献   

以油菜秸秆为生物质原料,混入比例不同的硼酸(m(硼酸)∶m(秸秆)=1∶1和m(硼酸)∶m(秸秆)=2∶1),通过微波热解结合水热法制备铁氮/生物炭。采用XRD、SEM等技术对材料形貌及结构进行表征分析,研究不同硼酸比例制备的生物炭之间的性质差异。通过控制变量法对比分析不同H2O2浓度、环境温度下生物炭芬顿体系降解50 mg/L亚甲基蓝的降解效率,结果表明∶通过使用m(硼酸)∶m (秸秆)=2∶1混合进行热解的生物炭在各反应条件下的芬顿体系降解亚甲基蓝性能均优于使用m(硼酸)∶m(秸秆)=1∶1混合热解的生物炭。在25℃、pH=3的条件下,降解亚甲基蓝溶液的较优H2O2浓度为5 mmol/L;随着反应温度的升高,亚甲基蓝的降解效率逐步提高。  相似文献   

采用经碳纳米管改性的亲水化纳滤膜浓缩提取稀土浸出液中的稀土离子,探究纳滤膜表面对La3+、Nd3+、Pr3+、Ce3+和Y3+5种稀土离子吸附动力学行为,考察稀土离子半径的大小对纳滤膜吸附性能和截留性能的影响.结果表明,Freundlich吸附方程比Langmuir方程能更好地描述稀土离子在纳滤膜表面上的动态吸附行为,用Freundlich吸附方程拟合后的结果相关度系数R2能达到0.999以上;在初始浓度为5×105 μg/L,温度为25 ℃,运行压力为0.6 MPa的实验条件下,纳滤膜对稀土离子的浓缩提取过程中,初始阶段的截留机理取决于纳滤膜表面的吸附作用和膜孔的机械筛分效应,膜面吸附达到平衡后以膜孔的机械筛分效应为主,此时La3+、Nd3+、Pr3+、Ce3+和Y3+的截留率分别为94.21 %、81.25 %、85.80 %、89.90 %和81.18 %,表明经碳纳米管改性的亲水化纳滤膜能高效浓缩截留稀土浸出液中的稀土离子.   相似文献   

离子型稀土原地浸矿地下水氨氮污染模拟与预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在查明稀土矿山水文地质条件和开采方案确定的基础上,通过对标准矿块室内淋溶试验和现场试验确定污染源强,利用FEFLOW数值模拟软件对地下水氨氮进行数值模拟,模拟得出4组地下水氨氮浓度最大预测值,第1组位于矿块边缘为1076.22 mg/L,第2组位于超标区范围内的水井为49.18 mg/L,第3组位于外围的未超标区域内的水井为0.51 mg/L,第4组位于距离矿块最近的河流边缘点为1400.80 mg/L.并以图形输出方式定量表现出稀土矿开采过程中及开采完后地下水氨氮变化趋势及其影响范围.研究成果可为赣南离子型稀土原地浸矿制定合理的开采方案,保护矿区地下水环境提供参考依据,从而实现生态环境与经济的协调发展.  相似文献   

In order to intensify the leaching process of rare earth(RE) and reduce the impurities in the leachate, ammonium chloride(NH4Cl) and ammonium nitrate(NH4NO3) were mixed as a compound leaching agent to treat the weathered crust elution-deposited RE ore. Effects of molar ratio of NH~+_4Cl and NH_4NO_3, ammonium(NH_4) concentration, leaching agent pH and flow rate on the leaching process of RE were studied and evaluated by the chromatographic plate theory. Leaching process of the main impurity aluminium(Al) was also discussed in detail. Results showed that a higher initial ammonium concentration in a certain range could enhance the mass transfer process of RE and Al by providing a driving force to overcome the resistance of diffusion. pH almost had no effects on the mass transfer efficiency of RE and Al in the range of 4 to 8. The relationship between the flow rate and height equivalent to a theoretical plate(HETP) could fit well with the Van Deemter equation, and the flow rate at the lowest HETP was determined. The optimum conditions of column leaching for RE and Al were 1:1(molar ratio) of NH_4Cl and NH_4NO_3, 0.2 mol/L of ammonium concentration, pH 4–8 of leaching agent and 0.5 mL /min of flow rate. Under this condition, the mass transfer efficiency of RE was improved, but no change was observed for Al compared with the most widely used ammonium sulfate. Moreover, the significant difference value(around 20 mL) of retention volume at the peak concentration between RE and Al provided a possibility for their separation. It suggested the potential application of the novel compound leaching agent(NH_4Cl/NH_4NO_3). It was found that the relative concentration of RE in the leachate could be easily obtained by monitoring the pH of leachate.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,科学技术的不断提高,人们发现稀土金属在提高产品质量、增强产品性能等方面已表现出其独特的优势,但也存在稀土材料传统制备方法周期长、高端应用领域研究不够深入等问题.文中主要介绍了离子交换法、热分解法、水热/溶剂热法、共沉淀法和溶胶-凝胶法等制备稀土材料的最新进展,并着重介绍了稀土在永磁材料、发光材料、催化材...  相似文献   

Clay minerals are inferred to be the primary host materials for ion-exchangeable rare earth in ion adsorption type rare earth ore(IAREO).During the rare earth leaching process,the adsorption and desorption reactions of the cations controlling the leaching process continue to occur at the clay minerals-leaching agent solution interface.In order to understand the leaching mechanism and behavior of rare earth and co-leached aluminum,adsorption,competitive adsorption,and desorption experiments were ...  相似文献   

Ion adsorption type rare earth ores (IATREOs) are a valuable strategic mineral resource in China, which feature a complete composition of fifteen rare earth elements and are rich in medium and heavy rare earth (RE) elements. In the leaching process for recovering rare earth elements from IATREOs, many impurities will be leached together with rare earth elements and enter the leaching liquor. An impurity removal-precipitation enrichment technique is currently applied to selectively recovery rare earth elements from the leaching liquor with the high content of impurities and low concentration of rare earth elements by using ammonium bicarbonate in the industry. However, a high loss of rare earth elements and severe ammonia nitrogen pollution are caused by this process. Therefore, more beneficial impurities removal technologies, mainly for aluminum, and green enrichment technologies with lower pollution are now urgently needed. For this purpose, this paper analyzed two aspects of research progress in recent decades: the green separation of rare earth elements and aluminum from leaching liquor and the green and efficient enrichment of rare earth elements. Finally, an approach for the high-efficiency and green enrichment of rare earth elements from leaching liquor of the IATREOs is proposed in several aspects, including impurity inhibition leaching, neutralization and impurity removal, alkaline calcium and magnesium salt precipitation enrichment, and centrifugal extraction enrichment.  相似文献   

The crystallization experiment of molten rare earth (RE) slag under different cooling rates was carried out. The characteristics of element migration and phase distribution during RE phase crystallization were studied by using different equipment. The experimental results show that there are two RE phases in the RE slag, namely (Ca, Ce, La)5(SiO4)6F and (Ca,Ce,La,Mg)3(Ti,Al,Nb)2O7. During the cooling crystallization process of molten RE slag, Ca and P elements in the RE phase of (Ca,Ce,La)5(SiO4)6F migrate from inside to outside, and finally gather at the outer edge of the phase to form phase Ca3(PO4)2. The RE phase (Ca,Ce,La)5(SiO4)6F is distributed inside the furnace-cooled slag, and the RE phase (Ca,Ce,La,Mg)3(Ti,Al,Nb)2O7 is distributed in the surface layer of the furnace-cooled slag. And based on the phase distribution characteristics, the central hollowing method is proposed to realize the preliminary enrichment of valuable elements Ti, Nb and RE in RE slag.  相似文献   

为筛选处理高盐含氨氮矿冶废水的耐盐微生物,从赣南离子型稀土矿山集液沟区域采集样品,利用选择性培养基富集培养分离耐盐异养硝化细菌,并考察碳源、pH、盐度等因素对其脱氮性能的影响.结果表明,分离得到一株耐盐异养硝化细菌X1,经16S rDNA鉴定为肠杆菌属Enterobacter sp. X1,确定该菌适宜的脱氮条件为:以蔗糖作为碳源,pH值为5,盐度≤15 %.菌株X1的NH4+-N去除率可达到60 %以上.研究结果可为高盐含氨氮矿冶废水的微生物处理提供菌株和数据参考.   相似文献   

稀土元素在工业上大量应用的同时, 给人类身体健康和生态环境带来了危害, 近年来引起了广泛关注.研究发现吸附法相比其他传统水处理方法具有效果较好、操作简单、成本较低等优点, 它是消除稀土离子危害的最具潜力的方法之一; 而农业废弃物吸附剂因是农业副产物具有廉价的特性, 且部分农业废弃物吸附稀土离子时吸附量大、反应速率快, 可作为主要研究对象.文中对农业废弃物吸附材料吸附稀土离子的机理、吸附影响因素、吸附应用与吸附模型研究进展进行总结评述, 并对农业废弃物吸附稀土离子的发展方向进行展望.   相似文献   

This paper described the fluoride removal from water using a new adsorbent namely mixed rare earths modified chitosan (CR). Mixed rare earths mainly contained La followed by Ce which was analyzed by in...  相似文献   

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