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以四轮移动机器人为研究对象,建立了机器人完整的数学模型,包括运动学模型、动力学模型以及驱动电机模型。在机器人数学模型的基础上,采用反步法的思想设计具有全局收敛特性的鲁棒轨迹跟踪控制器,设计中考虑了驱动电机模型使控制器更符合实际控制要求,并将其分解为运动学控制器、动力学控制器以及电机控制器三部分,降低了控制器设计的难度。构造了系统的李雅普诺夫函数,证明了该类型移动机器人在所得控制器作用下,能实现对给定轨迹的全局渐近追踪。仿真实验结果表明基于反步法的控制器是有效的。 相似文献
通过深入分析足球机器人带球状态下的运动特点,结合智能预瞄控制方法建立带球状态下的非线性数学运动模型。分别对机器人的线速度和旋转速度使用专家PID控制,实现在带球情况下不丢球的机器人轨迹跟踪。仿真和试验证明该方法具有良好的快速性和鲁棒性。 相似文献
V. Feliu J. A. Somolinos A. García L. Sánchez 《Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems》2002,34(4):467-488
This article describes a comparative study of two control schemes designed for a new three-degree-of-freedom flexible arm. This arm has been built with light links, has most of its mass concentrated on the tip, and its special mechanical configuration uncouples tip motions in spherical coordinates. This special configuration simplifies the dynamic modeling and control of the arm. A compliance matrix is used to model the oscillations of the structure. A consequence of this simple dynamics is that minimum sensing effort is required (only direct motor and tip measurements), and the use of complex observers is avoided because the state of the system can be very easily obtained from these measurements; then its control becomes very simple. Two two-nested control loop schemes are used to control the tip position, by using a joint position and tip acceleration feedback, measured with accelerometers placed at the tip (first control scheme), or tip deflexions feedback, measured with strain gauges placed at the bars of the mechanism near the joints (second control scheme). Both control systems can be considered as equivalents when nominal payload is used for designing them. It can be proved that the use of strain gauges is more robust than the use of accelerometers as tip sensors if the tip mass differs from the nominal one. Simulated results are presented for both control schemes and different payload conditions. Comparative results between the controlled and non-controlled tip responses are also shown. 相似文献
Ming Liu 《Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems》1997,20(2-4):319-332
A decentralized PD and robust nonlinear feedback law for robot motioncontrol is proposed. The control system structure is based on thegeneralized tracking error proposed by Slotine and Li. Using this systemstructure, a simple and comprehensive result on the local stabilityconditions of PD control is obtained. A decentralized robust nonlinearfeedback term is then added to it to improves the performance of trackingerrors from local convergence to global convergence. Since the approachkeeps the simplicity of the independent joint controller structure it can beeasily implemented in most robot systems without hardware alteration. 相似文献
In this article, we present a semi global trajectory tracking approach that guarantees a priori computable L 2 and L ∞ performance bounds for matched disturbance control affine systems. The proposed controller is derived by combining a standard inverse control technique with an extended nonlinear robust state feedback. The latter is based on a control Lyapunov function used for stabilising one operating point inside the considered state space. A difference gradient formulation of this Lyapunov function is then applied to prove stabilisation along any trajectory in the considered state space. Results for L 2 and L ∞ bounded disturbances will be presented and further extended to the case of actuator uncertainties and disturbance offsets. The theoretical contributions are verified applying them to a numerical example. 相似文献
Jesús Sandoval;Luis Cervantes-Pérez;Víctor Santibáñez;Javier Moreno-Valenzuela;Rafael Kelly; 《国际强度与非线性控制杂志
This paper presents a controller for joint position tracking of torque-driven robot manipulators affected by torque disturbances. In particular, the proposed approach allows concluding global exponential stability (GES) of the state-space origin of the closed-loop system when constant disturbances affect the robot dynamics. Besides, when time-varying disturbances are presented, the trajectories of the closed-loop system are proven to be bounded as result of the input-to-state stability. The main contribution is the design of the control law and a nonlinear observer based on an alternative energy shaping approach. The nonlinear observer is designed to compute and compensate for unknown disturbances, whether they are constant or time-varying. Furthermore, a detailed stability analysis of the closed-loop system based on Lyapunov theory and input-to-state stability is presented. As far as the authors know, this is the first energy-shaping controller for trajectory tracking control of robot manipulators affected by constant disturbances that achieves global exponential stability. Real-time experiments on a manipulator arm of two degrees-of-freedom illustrate the performance of the proposed controller. 相似文献
基于轨迹跟踪车式移动机器人编队控制 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对车式移动机器人的运动学模型特点, 提出一种基于轨迹跟踪多机器人编队控制方法. 首先利用编队结构参数确定队形, 根据编队轨迹和相关参数生成虚拟机器人, 把编队控制转化为跟随机器人对虚拟机器人的轨迹跟踪; 然后运用反步法构造车式移动机器人轨迹跟踪系统的Lyapunov 函数, 通过使该函数负定, 得到跟随机器人的轨迹跟踪控制器; 最后在Microsoft robotics developer studio 4 (MRDS4) 中搭建3D 仿真平台, 设计了3 组实验, 所得结果表明了所提出方法的有效性. 相似文献
Marzieh Jamalabadi Elnaz Firouzmand Iman Sharifi Mahyar Naraghi 《Asian journal of control》2024,26(3):1346-1363
This paper studies the trajectory tracking of a constrained mobile robot under slippery conditions. The goal is to propose a controller for real-time operations of time-varying dynamics with insignificant execution time. Therefore, a Laguerre-based model predictive control (LMPC) is designed, and robustness is provided with an linear matrix inequality (LMI)-feedback controller. Moreover, a recursive least square (RLS) algorithm with a forgetting factor is utilized to identify the required parameters of the LMI-based controller. LMPC and LMI-based controller stability is achieved with suboptimal theory and Lyapunov function, respectively. This algorithm separates the nominal system and introduces new dynamics containing uncertainties. Furthermore, LMPC is removed from the online calculation, which dramatically reduces computation burden and time; consequently, online computation is dedicated to determining the LMI feedback. Simulations are provided to compare the proposed robust controller to its not robust counterpart. Finally, it is demonstrated that this controller diminishes the execution time considerably, making it incomparable to previous robust MPC strategies. 相似文献
K. K. CHAKRABARTI 《International journal of control》2013,86(2):429-433
The present paper describes an error correcting code. It is a linear systematic (7,4) code which is capable of detecting two errors and correcting a single error. The encoding and decoding circuits have also been described. 相似文献
电机驱动机械人手臂的鲁棒自适应控制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对电机驱动机械手的工作环境复杂负栽变动大难控制的问题,提出一种机械手的鲁棒自适应控制方法.通过代数运算将机器人手臂模型变换为线性误差系统加未知干扰的形式.设计误差系统的积分滤波器,通过合理地选择滤波器参数,可使滤波器输出渐近收敛到零.同时由滤波器可得到理想电流和干扰的更新估计.以理想电流为目标设计电机的控制律.基于Lyapunov稳定理论分析了该方法的稳定性,给出了稳定性充分条件.实例仿真结果表明该方法有效. 相似文献
本文研究了存在扰动和参数不确定因素时机器人的轨迹跟踪控制问题.给出了一种鲁棒计算力矩控制方案,它由改进力矩发生器和鲁棒补偿器组成,该方案具有下述特点:①不依赖精确机器人模型;②容忍一定程度的计算误差。这给模型简化、减轻控制计算机运算负担、缩短运算时间提供了一条途径;③保证被控机器人具有渐近跟踪理想轨迹的能力.这些结论通过仿真实验已初步得到证实. 相似文献
In order to apply the terminal sliding mode control to robot manipulators, prior knowledge of the exact upper bound of parameter
uncertainties, and external disturbances is necessary. However, this bound will not be easily determined because of the complexity
and unpredictability of the structure of uncertainties in the dynamics of the robot. To resolve this problem in robot control,
we propose a new robust adaptive terminal sliding mode control for tracking problems in robotic manipulators. By applying
this adaptive controller, prior knowledge is not required because the controller is able to estimate the upper bound of uncertainties
and disturbances. Also, the proposed controller can eliminate the chattering effect without losing the robustness property.
The stability of the control algorithm can be easily verified by using Lyapunov theory. The proposed controller is tested
in simulation on a two-degree-of-freedom robot to prove its effectiveness. 相似文献