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The International Conference of Power and Energy,Chinaunder the sponsorship of Chinese Society of ElectricalEngineering,and co-sponsorship of the Chinese Societyof Power Engineering,China Energy Research Society,East WestCenter (USA) and McGraw-Hill Publishing Company (USA),wasduly held from Oct.22 to Oct.26,!990.Over 100 experts and schol-ars from USA,USSR,France,Austria,Japan,Germany,UK,Poland,Czechoslovakia,Finland,Hungary,Switzerland,Norway,Italy and  相似文献   

Central China Electric Power International Economy & Trade Company Ltd. and Cambodian National Power Company formally signed a contract of transmission line and substation project (the third part) in the Grand Mekong Sub-region.  相似文献   

Growthslow-down,situationsevereGrowthslow-down,situationsevere(Analysisonpowerproductioninthefirsthalfoftheyear)Severesituation5%groWthofelectricitygenerationisoneofthreetargetsoftheStatePowerCorporationin1998.ButaccordingtothestatisticsofPowerDispatchingandTelecommunicationCellteroftheStatePowerCorporation,asof30thJunethisyear,thenation'seleCtricitygenefatedreached539.02TWh,only0.97%higherthanthesameperiodoflastyear,ofwhichhydro-electricitybeing88.304TWh,or5.64%higher,thermalpower443.5…  相似文献   

The classical drift-diffusion model employed in semi-conductor simulation is now seen as part of a hierarchy of mathematical models designed to capture the intricate patterns of current flow in solid-state devices. These models include those incorporating quantum mechanical effects. Scientific computation has vastly outpaced our mathematical understanding of these models. This article is restricted in its focus, and describes mathematical understanding achieved during the last few decades primarily in terms of Gummel decomposition, as applied to drift-diffusion models and the closely related family of quantum corrected drift-diffusion models. Drift-diffusion models are being employed once again in organic devices, and in bio-chip devices, and a re-examination is now seen as timely, as such studies proceed beyond solid state devices.  相似文献   


In this paper, essential statistics demonstrating the increasing role of renewable energy generation are firstly discussed. A state of the art review section covers fundamentals of wind turbines and PV systems. Included are schematic diagrams illustrating the main components and system topologies and the fundamental and increasing role of power electronics as an enabler for renewable energy integration, and for the future power system and smart grid. Recent examples of research and development, including new devices and system installations for utility power plants, as well for as residential and commercial applications are provided. Fuel cells, solar thermal, wave generators, and energy storage systems are also briefly presented and illustrated. Challenges and future trends for 2025 are summarized in a table for on-shore and off-shore wind energy, solar power, including photovoltaic and concentering, wave energy, fuel cells, and storage with batteries and hydrogen, respectively. Recommended further readings on topics of electric power engineering for renewable energy are included in a final section. This paper also represents an editorial introduction for two special issues of the Electric Power Component and Systems Journal, 43(8–10) and 43(12), respectively.  相似文献   

在分析美国、欧洲、日本和我国智能电网发展动向和特点的基础上,阐述了用户端与智能电网的关系.论述了智能电网用户端系统的概念、架构、核心技术及我国用户端系统目前的现状.指出了智能电网用户端设备与系统随着智能电网建设的美好发展前景.  相似文献   

In 2004, the total yearly electricity generation amounted to 2194.4 TWh, it was 15.18% over the previous year and a net increase of 289.2 TWh. Of which, hydro-electricity amounted to 331 TWh, or 17.65% increased, thermal electricity amounted to 1810.4 TWh, or 14.66% increased over the previous year, which accounted for 82.50% of the nation's total. The nuclear electricity generation grew steadily and the yearly generation amounted to 50.5 TWh, or 15.08% increased over the previous year.  相似文献   

任远  曹广益  朱新坚 《电池》2006,36(5):385-386
Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells(PEMFCs)operate atlowtemperatures(60~80℃),offer a fast start-up and shut downti me(few minutes),fast response to changing electric loads,andcan sustain unli mited thermal cycles·They are ideally suited fortransport…  相似文献   

This paper analyses the present situation of new and renewable energy development in China's rural and remote areas and gives the development objectives and tasks which could be fulfilled in the future. At last, it is summed up that exploiting new and renewable energy is the national key strategy for rural economic development.  相似文献   

The Conductor and Hardware Research Division of theElectric Power Construction Research Institute,Ministy ofEnergy,is a scientific research and test base for study of mechanicalproperties of transmission line conductor and hardware in China,which has a history of 32 years long.The Division now possesses astaff of about 20,including 5 senior engineers and 5 engineers.TheDivision possesses also a lab,it mainly deals With the test and re-  相似文献   

Relyingonscientificandtechnicalprogresstoraisecompetanceofworkersisthebasisforexistenceanddevelopmentofpresentelectricpowerenterprises.Duringthetransitionofnationaleconomicalsystemfromtraditionalplannedeconomytosocialistmarketeconomy,andduringthekeyperiodoftransitionofeconomicalgrowthpatternfromextensivetointensive,thescientificandtechnicalworkinNorthwestChinaelectricpowerindustryhasgaineddevelopmentinlargestrides.NowChinaNorthwestElectricPowerGrouphas21,000scientificandtechnicalpersonnel,ac…  相似文献   

梁红伶 《中外电器》2010,(15):40-41
Review——fruits and vegetables是北师大版先锋英语二年级的第七、八单元的复习课。学生在这两个单元的学习中已经掌握了一些水果和蔬菜的名称,并能对它们的颜色进行描述。本节课的教学内容是以资源提供的相关歌谣为起点,通过自主学习歌谣、故事等资源,在真实情境中开展猜谜活动,  相似文献   

By the end of 2004, the national total hydropower installed capacity had broken 100,000 MW, reaching 105,240 MW. It accounted for 23.8% of nation's total installed capacity of 442,390 MW, or 10.9% increased over the total hydropower installed capacity of 94,900 MW in 2003. The total hydro-electricity generation amounted to 331.0 TWh, accounting for 15.1% of nation's total electricity generation of 2194.4 TWh, or 17.7% increased over 281.3 TWh of hydro-electricity generation in 2003. Until then, the exploitation rate of hydropower resources counted on capacity basis had reached 27.8%; both hydropower installed capacity and yearly hydro-electricity generation of China had been ranked first in the world.  相似文献   

Abridges from the speech on the Working Conference onUrban and Rural Network Construction & Retrofit Made byMr. Lu Yanchang, the Vice-President of SP[China Electric Power Press Report] The State PowerCorporation held a National Conference on Urban and RuralNetwork Construction and Retrofit on 18th March 2000, Mr.Lu Yanchang, the Vice-President of SP gave an importantspeech on the Conference. He pointed out that since the Stateset forth the projects of urban and rural power netw…  相似文献   

As the electricity market is restructured all around the world, the nature of utility companies is changed. In particular, the downsizing of staff makes it difficult for the company to perform many R&D functions. As a result, there is a trend in the industry where utility companies collaborate with vendors. The utility company can view its partnering vendor as a substitute for its vanishing R&D department to perform tasks that its existing staff cannot handle. The vendor sees the partnering utility as the sounding board for its product development and the place to demonstrate its latest products.  相似文献   

Ⅶ.INSTITUTIONAL TRENDS As the electricity market is restructured all around the world,the nature of utility companies is changed.In particular,the downsizing of staff makes it difficult for the company to perform many R&D functions.AS a result,there is a trend in the industry where utility companies collabo-  相似文献   

Modern industry and science take novel optical measuring systems and laser technologies with high resolution and productivity for solving actual tasks,including safety problems for mining,oil,atomic and railway in-dustries.The TDI SIE's results in these trends are presented.  相似文献   

Ⅰ. BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION There are a few basic facts and technological developments that have pushed the utility needs and the vendors offers in wide-area protection and control.  相似文献   

As said in the Power Institutional Reform Scheme issued by the State Council in March 2002: assets managed by the former State Power Corporation would be divided according to different business into power generation and power grid, thus power plants would be separated from power grids. The State Electricity Regulatory Commission would be established directly under the auspices of the State Councill to execute administrative and legal functions and to perform nationwide electric power supervising functions pursuant to laws and regulations; China Electricity Council and other associations would be consolidated and made perfect. Two power grid corporations (the State Grid Corporation of China and China Southern Power Grid Corporation), five power generating group corporations (China Huaneng Group, China Datang Corporation, China HuaDian Corporation, China GuoDian Corporation and China Power Investment Corporation) and four supplementary business corporations (China Power Engineering Consulting Group Corporation, China Hydropower Engineering Consulting Group Corporation, Sinohydro Corporation and China Gezhouba Group Corporation) were formally established on Dec. 29, 2002. Through this round of reform, the organizational structure has been greatly changed, a new managing pattern of “government exerts macroscopic administration, regulatory agencies regulate by law, enterprises operate autonomously and associations serve the industry by self-discipline” had been preliminarily formed.  相似文献   

ByMarketingandCustomerServices,CLPPowerCLP'smarketingandcustomerservicesByMarketingandCustomerServices,CLPPowerCLPPowerhasbeenservingHongKongforalmostacentury.TheCompanynowsupplieselectricitytol.8millionbusinessandresidentialcustomersintheKowloonPeninsulaandtheNewTetritoriesareasofHongKong.Itssupplyareacoversalmost1,000squarekilometreswithaPopulationofoverfivemillion.MaintaininghighqualitycustomerserviceisCLPPower'stoppriority.Inarecentcompanyrestftlctunng,anewbusinessgroup-Mark…  相似文献   

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