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利用松木生物油和尿素制备了富氮生物油,对富氮生物油的主要物理性质进行了测定,利用气质联用仪对其化学组成进行了分析,借助热重红外仪重点分析了富氮生物油的热分解特性以及主要热解产物的释放规律,并与生物油的热解特性进行了比较。理化分析表明,由于富氮生物油制备过程中发生的聚合反应使其中的小分子有机化合物含量减少,运动粘度增大。富氮生物油热解经历轻质组分的挥发和重质组分的解聚或缩聚两个失重阶段,富氮生物油中重质组分含量的增加导致其最终的热解残渣量增加。热解产物的红外光谱分析表明,富氮生物油热解过程中释放出NH3,有利于富氮生物油的再燃脱硝。  相似文献   

利用STA449F3型热重分析仪对邵阳龙坪煤与河南义马煤两种典型煤种按照不同的掺混比例及掺混方式进行研究,得到混煤燃烧的相关特性参数.研究结果表明:随着易着火煤种掺混比例的增加,各混煤的着火特性、燃烧特性和综合燃烧特性都有明显改善.磨前掺混方式混煤燃烧性能明显要优于磨后掺混方式.在邵阳龙坪煤所占比例为20%时,混煤燃烧性能较佳,适于电厂配煤燃烧.  相似文献   

煤粉细度对燃烧特性影响的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对冷水江和斗笠山两种煤粉,采用热天平进行了热重分析实验,分析了煤粉样在不同细度下的着火特性、燃烧特性、燃尽性能及动力学参数,给出了反映煤粉燃尽性能的综合判别指数Hj并进行了对比.结果表明:在相同的升温速度下,随着煤粉粒径的减小,挥发分析出量及DTG峰值增大,出现最大燃烧速率的时间提前;煤粉粒径减小,活化能降低,着火温度降低,着火提前,煤粉的燃烧特性也随之变好.  相似文献   

本文利用热重分析仪对废菌棒的燃烧特性进行了相关研究,分析了废菌棒的热解过程、升温速率对热解过程的影响、挥发分热力特性和氮释放特性,得出了废菌棒热解表观活化能,并研究了典型煤种掺混废菌棒后的着火特性。  相似文献   

褐煤混煤燃烧特性的热重分析法研究   总被引:89,自引:2,他引:89  
利用热重分析法对三种褐煤及其混煤的热解、着火和燃尽等燃烧特笥及其活化能进行了研究。试验结果表明,混煤中的单一煤种在混煤燃烧过程中基本保持各自的着火和燃尽特性;而其热解特性和活化能与掺混比例有关。提出了能够表征单煤及混煤燃烧性能的综合燃烧特性指数SN。  相似文献   

城市污水污泥的热解动力学特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用差示热天平获得上海程桥污水处理厂污泥的TG、DTG曲线,对干燥污泥的热解行为及其动力学规律采用热重分析法进行了研究。实验结果表明:干燥污泥的热解过程中有2个失重速率比较高的区域,这2个区域以挥发分的析出为主。通过热重分析法,求解了这2个区域的化学反应动力学参数——频率因子A和活化能E,对其反应机理进行了分析。  相似文献   

混合垃圾燃烧特性的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对我国目前垃圾焚烧以烧原生垃圾为主的特点,以热重分析和流化床燃烧实验台为主要研究手段,对于混合垃圾的燃烧特性展开深入研究并将二者的试验数据进行了对比。认为:混合垃圾在热重分析仪中的燃烧特性可以用单组分物质的叠加来表示,而混合的垃圾在流化床中燃烧时,用简单的单组分叠加来表示不很合理。图3表5参5  相似文献   

胶粉和煤粉混合燃烧特性的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用热重分析技术对胶粉、煤粉以及胶粉和煤粉的混合物的燃烧过程进行了实验研究,其中胶粉和煤粉的质量混合比例分别为1:1,1:2,1:3和1:5,加热速率为10 Kmin-1,试样的粒径为0.3 mm ~ 0.45 mm。根据实际得到的热重(TG)、差热(DTA)以及微商热重(DTG曲线,分析了试样在热重分析仪中的燃烧特性,计算出试样的一级反应动力学参数,同时探讨了胶粉,胶粉和煤粉混合物的燃烧规律以及混合比例对燃烧的影响,分析结果表明混合物的燃烧可以看成是两种物质的线性叠加。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾燃烧特性的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析研究生活垃圾的燃烧特性,通过实验分析垃圾的燃烧热值、着火温度、燃尽温度、失重速率等燃烧特性参数,并计算各种生活垃圾活化能。  相似文献   

以某台1 000MW超超临界电站锅炉设计煤种(劣质混煤:30%原煤+60%洗中煤+10%泥煤)为研究对象,采用热重分析方法实验研究了原煤、洗中煤、泥煤、设计煤(劣质混煤)4种煤样的着火温度、着火时间、燃烧最大速率、燃烬等燃烧特性。研究表明:相同条件下,上述4种煤的着火特性由易到难依次为泥煤→混煤→原煤→洗中煤,且混煤的前期着火燃烧特性与泥煤相接近;燃烬特性由易到难依次为:原煤→混煤→洗中煤→泥煤,且混煤的燃烬特性与洗中煤的燃烬特性相接近。  相似文献   

Deep saline aquifers are reported to have the largest estimated capacity for CO2 sequestration. Most geochemical studies on CO2 storage in saline formations are focused on the interactions of pure CO2 and do not consider the potential impacts of contaminants such as SO2 found in typical post‐composition flue gas streams. This paper reports on results of a combined CO2–co‐contaminant–brine–rock experimental and a simple modeling study of the potential impact of flue gas contaminants on saline formations. Chemical reactions of the sandstone from Mount Simon formation exposed to CO2 mixed with other gas species under sequestration conditions were studied (i.e. solid material — representative Mount Simon sandstone; liquid — synthetic Illinois Basin brine; T and P — 50 °C, 110 bar; gas composition — 1% SO2, 4% O2, 95% CO2). The experimental study indicates that the co‐injection of 1% SO2 would lead to substantially reduced brine pH due to the formation of sulfuric acid and the formation of bassanite (major) and anhydrites. Preliminary equilibrium computational modeling yielded similar results. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在回收燃气锅炉烟气余热时,采用特殊管型强化传热以吸收烟气中大量的水蒸气所携带的显热和潜热,可以降低锅炉的排烟温度,提高锅炉的热效率。对滴型管和圆管烟气侧传热特性进行数值计算,通过对计算结果的分析比较,探讨了影响传热的因素,得出滴型管的传热特性优于圆管的结论,为特殊管型在冷凝换热器中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

介绍了当前国内利用燃煤锅炉类道气处理工业废水的研究及应用,并对其工业应用进行了分析。  相似文献   

IneductionEven there are W successful Mods Of flue gasdesulPhuriZation (FGD), people have been searching fOrnew ones, which are more econondcal, with higherefficiency and more reliable. Lap, Thyssen and WullffMasclunen developed the teChnulogy of circulatinfluldized bed flue gas desulPhurization (CFBFGD) inlate 1980s, which is similar with circulating fluidized bedboilers in enhancing chendcal reachvity As flue gas andabsothent are Inixed in theulent bed, SO2 is absothedand changed in…  相似文献   

高福祥  郑红  周国松 《节能》2007,26(10):28-31
对燃煤烟气脱硫的氨法、海水法、钙法、氧化镁法进行比较,依据国家节能减排政策精神,并结合辽宁省的具体情况,为辽宁省电厂燃煤烟气脱硫提出了参考方案:沿海地区可考虑海水法,富产氧化镁的地区可考虑氧化镁法,其他地区应优先选择氨法。  相似文献   

Cold heavy oil production with sand (CHOPS) is the process of choice for unconsolidated heavy oil reservoirs with relatively high gas content. The key challenge of CHOPS is that the recovery factor tends to be between 5% and 15%, implying that the majority of the oil remains in the ground after the process is rendered uneconomic. Continued cold production (without sands) is not productive for a post‐CHOPS reservoir because of the low oil saturation and depleted reservoir pressure in the wormhole regions. There is a need to develop viable recovery processes for post‐CHOPS reservoirs. Here, different follow‐up processes are examined for a post‐CHOPS heavy oil reservoir. In post‐CHOPS cold water flooding, severe water channeling is ineffective at displacing high viscosity heavy oil. Hot water flooding improves the sweep efficiency and produces more oil compared with cold water flooding. However, the swept region is limited to the domain between the neighboring wormhole networks, and the energy efficiency of the process is relatively poor. Compared with the hot water flooding case, steam flooding achieves higher oil production rates and lower water use. A cyclic steam stimulation strategy achieves the best performance regarding oil production rates and water usage. Based on our results, it is observed that thermally based techniques alone are not capable to recover the oil economically for post‐CHOPS reservoirs. However, it is suggested that techniques with combined use of thermal energy and solvent could potentially yield efficient oil recovery methods for these reservoirs. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The experiment was conducted to investigate the heat transfer performance of wet flue gas in a vertical tube. The factors influencing the convective condensation of wet flue gas were experimentally investigated. The measured results indicate that the convective heat transfer of bulk flow and condensation heat transfer of vapor have significant contribution to the total heat transfer and the dominant transport mechanism is dependent upon the vapor fraction in mixture.  相似文献   

电站锅炉炉膛出口烟温的计算是热力计算中的一个重要的环节,目前国内有些电站锅炉的实际出口烟温与原设计值的偏差很大,直接影响到锅炉的安全经济运行。文章结合实际的科研课题,对电站锅炉膛出口烟温计算方法进行了一些相应的算法改进。经过实际运行检验,结果表明,改进后的方法与实际的情况更吻合。同时也为电站锅炉的技术改造提供了有力依据。  相似文献   

燃气轮机发电设备由轻油燃料改为重油燃料后,吹灰期间的烟气脱硫除尘问题是关键。本文针对浙江绍兴大明发电有限公司的具体情况,提出了烟气脱硫除尘的工艺流程,并在对脱硫除尘机理分析的基础上,设计了脱硫除尘塔,并建成了脱硫除尘系统。实践证明该系统运行稳定可靠,达到了设计要求。  相似文献   

分析了LNG电厂机组启动初期、低负荷及高负荷运行时烟气排放品质,对启动初期烟囱冒黄烟现象进行了分析,提出了降低机组运行过程中NOx排放的建议。  相似文献   

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