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Vibro-fluidized bed dryers are being extensively used in the industry to dry granular particles of wide particle size distribution. For drying applications of limited air inlet temperature and hard to dry granules--high diffusion resistance of moisture inside the qranules--baffles are normally provided in these dryers to increase the residence time of particles. The residence time distribution of granules in vibro-fluidized bed dryers is of high importance to successfully model such dryers. There has been some studies reported in the literature for average residence time of granules in vibro-fluidized beds without baffles, but there has been no work reported for average residence time in vibro-fluidized beds with baffles and residence time distribution for beds with or without baffles. Experimental runs were carried out in this study in the 0.93 m2 (10 ft2 ) pilot plant vibro-fluidized bed dryer with baffles to determine the residence time distribution of dry granules and granule height profile through the length of the dryer.

Among all the dryer operating variables considered in this study, vibration amplitude and baffle spacing were identified as most significant. Values of the average residence time and particle diffusivity were obtained for the entire range of the expected operation of the pilot-scale or commercial scale dryers. These values of average residence time and particle diffusivity, along with the appropriate drying rate (kinetic) data, enable full modeling of vibro-fluidized bed dryers.  相似文献   

Recent experimental data on aerodynamic and heat transfer characteristics of vibro-fluidized beds of model particles are presented and discussed in the light of the limited prior information. An analysis is presented for the bed dynamics with supporting experimental data. The predicted results for bed flight time, pressure drop and average voidage are shown to agree favorably with experimental data. On the basis of experimental results, a theoretical model and a simple design chart are presented which may be used to determine favorable operating ranges for a vibro-fluid bed apparatus.  相似文献   

Recent experimental data on aerodynamic and heat transfer characteristics of vibro-fluidized beds of model particles are presented and discussed in the light of the limited prior information. An analysis is presented for the bed dynamics with supporting experimental data. The predicted results for bed flight time, pressure drop and average voidage are shown to agree favorably with experimental data. On the basis of experimental results, a theoretical model and a simple design chart are presented which may be used to determine favorable operating ranges for a vibro-fluid bed apparatus.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic behavior of a magnetofluidized bed is investigated over a wide range of magnetic-field intensity values as a function of superficial air velocity. The bed comprises of different proportions of copper and iron particles and is contained in a Plexiglas column of 0.102?m internal diameter. The uniform constant magnetic field is created by a Helmholtz electromagnet. In particular, the bed pressure drop is measured as a function of superficial air velocity and characteristic bed voidage and fluidizing velocities are determined at minimum fluidization and bubbling bed conditions. These characteristic properties of the magnetically stabilized fiuidized beds are reported as a function of magnetic-field intensity, and are correlated by suitable expressions. These will be useful for prediction purposes related to design and operation.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic behavior of a magnetofluidized bed is investigated over a wide range of magnetic-field intensity values as a function of superficial air velocity. The bed comprises of different proportions of copper and iron particles and is contained in a Plexiglas column of 0.102 m internal diameter. The uniform constant magnetic field is created by a Helmholtz electromagnet. In particular, the bed pressure drop is measured as a function of superficial air velocity and characteristic bed voidage and fluidizing velocities are determined at minimum fluidization and bubbling bed conditions. These characteristic properties of the magnetically stabilized fiuidized beds are reported as a function of magnetic-field intensity, and are correlated by suitable expressions. These will be useful for prediction purposes related to design and operation.  相似文献   

在直径70mm的流化床中,采用FCC、空心玻璃珠、细沙等A类和B类颗粒,在0 ̄10Hz的频率范围内,测定了气固脉冲流化床的流体力学特性。采用时间继电器改变脉冲气流的频率和脉宽周期比,利用微压传感器记录床层压力变化,研究了瞬时床层压力、平均床层压力,最大床层压降、起始流化速度、床层高度等随操作条件的变化规律,并对脉冲流化床中的气泡现象进行了初步的观察和研究,发现在脉冲流化床中气泡的形成和发展受到了有  相似文献   

振动流化床中流体动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文比较详细地介绍了振动流化床流体力学的数学模型和空气动力学研究,概述了在振动流化床中数学模型的进展和振动参数与最小流化时的床层压降、最小流化速度、床层空隙率的关系,并且提出了振动流化床流体力学的未来工作的设想。  相似文献   

A review of the literature reveals little information on the hydrodynamics of spouted beds at high temperature. Most existing correlations are based upon experiments done at ambient conditions; they have not usually been tested with data at higher temperatures. The present study focussed on obtaining data over a temperature range of 20-420°C. Spouting of three sizes of Ottawa sand with preheated air was couducted in a 156 mm diameter stainless steel semi-cylindrical column with a 60° included angle half-conical base. A transparent wire-glass panel on the flat face allowed measurement of parameters which are otherwise difficult to obtain in a full stainless steel column. In addition to air, helium and methane at room conditions were used as spouting gases. With these two additional gases, it became possible to investigate the effect of changing gas density at constant viscosity and the effect of changing gas viscosity at constant gas density. In general, it was found that the range of stable spouting decreased with decreasing gas density and increasing gas viscosity, hence with increasing air temperature. Existing equations for various spouted bed parameters were tested and, where necessary, empirically modified to fit the new data obtained. @KEYWORDS Spouted bed hydrodynamics, High temperature gas spouting, Temperature effect on spoutability  相似文献   

气固脉冲流化床流体力学特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在φ70mm的流化床内,采用聚氯乙烯、玻璃珠和不规则天然刚玉等B类、D类颗粒,测定了0 ̄5.0Hz脉冲频率下气固流化床的基本流体力学特性,探讨了影响床层流化特性的一些主要因素,并根据实验数据对脉冲流化床的临界流化速度和临界流化压降的无因次准数式进行了关联。  相似文献   

通过分析30μm颗粒在扬析及膨胀实验中表现出的特异性,提出30μm是尚未发生稳定团聚的最小粒径.实验证明:在浓相条件下,30μm颗粒的气含量最大,塌落时间最长;在稀相条件下,采用36μm的FCC颗粒,使提升管反应器中固含率分布的均匀性较54μm颗粒有了明显改善.上述结果预示着工业流化装置中使用的催化剂颗粒还有可能在颗粒尺寸方面进一步优化.  相似文献   

Tests were carried out with rectangular spouted bed columns of different thickness, i.e., front-to-back dimension, while holding the column width and air-entry slot width constant, to investigate the effects on spoul stability and bed hydrodynamics. For the three sizes of glass beads and one size of polyethylene beads examined, increasing the column thickness led to three-dimensional effects, such as formation of multiple spouts, and affected such hydrodynamics variables as the minimum spouting velocity, maximum spoutable bed depth and maximum pressure drop.  相似文献   

Tests were carried out with rectangular spouted bed columns of different thickness, i.e., front-to-back dimension, while holding the column width and air-entry slot width constant, to investigate the effects on spoul stability and bed hydrodynamics. For the three sizes of glass beads and one size of polyethylene beads examined, increasing the column thickness led to three-dimensional effects, such as formation of multiple spouts, and affected such hydrodynamics variables as the minimum spouting velocity, maximum spoutable bed depth and maximum pressure drop.  相似文献   

循环流化床下行管内气固两相流流体力学模型与数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从流体力学和湍流理论出发,将k-ε模型运用到气固两相流动体系中,建立了气固两相湍流模型。模型计算得出的轴径向颗粒浓度及速度与实测值相吻合,为下行管的设计放大提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

A mathematical model for simulation of unsteady-state mass transfer in an aggregative fluidized bed of porous particles is proposed. A quasi-steady state approach is being used to solve the model. A computer program is written for solving the model and the rate of drying of air in a fluidized bed of silica-gel particles is calculated as an example. To evaluate the accuracy of the proposed model, a pilot-scale fluidized bed is erected and the experimental results are compared to the calculated values. A good agreement is observed between them.  相似文献   

细颗粒喷动床的流体力学特性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在直径186 mm的喷动床中考察了细颗粒(dp=0.241~0.874 mm)体系的流体力学性质及夹带和磨损特性.采用不同的喷嘴直径(Di=6~14 mm)和锥底顶角(θ=45°~80°)对其操作状态进行了研究,发现当Di/dp<19~21时可以形成稳定喷动.随着气体速度的增加,床层依次出现固定床、稳定喷动、不良喷动和腾涌等4个流动区域.实验测量的最小喷动速度与Mathur-Gishler关联式的误差在±15%之内.采用γ射线扫描仪测量了固体密度分布,结果表明喷动区的固体密度随高度的增加而增加,环流区的密度比松堆密度大3%~10%.颗粒的磨损和夹带随着气速的增大而增大,在稳定有序的喷动状态下变得最小.  相似文献   

气溶胶粒子在毛细管中的输运过程是一个谱带展宽的过程,影响谱带展宽的因素大体上可分为柱内和柱外效应两大部分.在Reynolds数0.07~0.26范围内,采用亚微米聚苯乙烯球形硬气溶胶粒子脉冲,测定了气溶胶粒子在毛细管扩散池组中的谱带展宽,由此获得了气溶胶在毛细管中的平均保留时间和穿透率.研究了平均保留时间、穿透率与流体运动速度和气溶胶粒子大小之间的关系.实验发现:气溶胶粒子在毛细管扩散池组中的平均停留时间滞后于流体平均停留时间;气溶胶粒子在毛细管扩散池组中的穿透率随流体运动速度和气溶胶粒子粒径的减小而显著减小.研究结果在气溶胶采样、监测和泄漏评估方面具有应用价值.  相似文献   

分解炉内气固两相流动特性的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用Eulerian—Eulerian气固两相双流体模型、大涡模拟方法模拟气相湍流流动、颗粒动力学理论模拟颗粒相流动,数值模拟分解炉内气固两相流体的动力特性。用小波分析方法研究分解炉内气固两相湍流特性。在分解炉中心区域形成高浓度-高速度的上升颗粒流、在壁面区域形成高浓度、低速度的下降颗粒流,构成颗粒的内循环流动。  相似文献   

用颗粒流的动力学理论模拟提升管反应器流动特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
引 言大量实验结果[1~ 3]表明 ,循环流化床内气相和颗粒相的两相流体系中 ,颗粒浓度在提升管的横截面上存在显著的非均匀分布 .颗粒在某些条件下聚集于管壁 ,在某些条件下也可能聚集于管中央[4 ].颗粒浓度分布的非均匀性可以分为两种类型 ,一是颗粒层 (Particle -Layering) [5 ],其微观结构近似颗粒固定床 ,颗粒在沿平均速度方向上有排列成床的趋势 ,但仍保持流体特性 ;另为颗粒群(Particle -Packets) [6 ],颗粒群在流化床中的行为如同单相湍流中的流体涡团 ,作无规则运动 ,不断地形成、分解 .催化裂化提…  相似文献   

Spouted beds of rectangular cross-section with gas entry through bottom slots have been proposed as a means of overcoming scale-up difficulties of conventional spouted beds. A study was undertaken of bed hydrodynamics in a thin slot-rectangular column of width 150 mm and slot width 2 to 20 mm for four types of particles. Flow regimes and bed hydrodynamics are qualitatively similar to those in cylindrical spouted beds, but there are significant quantitative differences caused by the different geometry. Slot width exerts a strong influence on such features as flow regimes, maximum spoutable bed height, minimum spouting velocity, pressure drop and fountain height.  相似文献   


This work deals with the evaluation of gas-to-particle convective heat transfer in a process of coating of particles in two-dimensional spouted beds. A detailed calculus routine is presented and two correlations of heat transfer coefficient, for the spout and annular regions are derived. The study is performed with two, two-dimensional spouted beds with different sizes and with two different particles, placebo and soybean.  相似文献   

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