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葛虞  张敏情  杨盼 《计算机应用研究》2021,38(12):3756-3759
针对现有密文域可逆信息隐藏算法中存在嵌入率低、安全性不足等问题进行了研究,提出了一种利用图像像素间相关性的大容量密文域可逆信息隐藏方案.首先利用图像位平面间相关性减小冗余,再使用Peano曲线对位平面进行扫描,利用游程霍夫曼编码对每个位平面进行压缩,而后利用图像高位信息对低位空间进行填充,最后用填充消息作为隐藏密钥对秘密信息异或加密实现嵌入.实验结果表明,该方法可完全可逆地恢复原始图像,平均最大嵌入容量达2.53 bpp.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Data hiding in multimedia objects such as text, images, audio and video clips is a technique that has been widely used to achieve security for applications...  相似文献   

为提高密文域可逆信息隐藏(reversible data hiding in encrypted images,RDH-EI)的嵌入容量,提出了一种基于自适应MSB(most significant bit)与差值预测的RDH-EI方案。首先将图像进行分块,然后进行块级加密和置乱以抵抗对于加密图像的分析。在嵌入数据阶段,对于自适应MSB预测的方法进行改进,将没有嵌入数据的块,利用部分块内像素之间差值很小的特点采用自适应差值预测的方法嵌入数据,以块中左上角像素为目标像素,用于预测其他像素从而腾出更多的嵌入空间。实验结果表明,所提方法具有可逆性和可分离性,并且在自适应MSB预测方法的基础上进一步提高了嵌入容量,对于512×512大小的灰度图像,平均嵌入容量提高了大约7 445 bit。  相似文献   

This article reports on a lossless data hiding scheme for digital images where the data hiding capacity is either determined by minimum acceptable subjective quality or by the demanded capacity. In the proposed method data is hidden within the image prediction errors, where the most well-known prediction algorithms such as the median edge detector (MED), gradient adjacent prediction (GAP) and Jiang prediction are tested for this purpose. In this method, first the histogram of the prediction errors of images are computed and then based on the required capacity or desired image quality, the prediction error values of frequencies larger than this capacity are shifted. The empty space created by such a shift is used for embedding the data. Experimental results show distinct superiority of the image prediction error histogram over the conventional image histogram itself, due to much narrower spectrum of the former over the latter. We have also devised an adaptive method for hiding data, where subjective quality is traded for data hiding capacity. Here the positive and negative error values are chosen such that the sum of their frequencies on the histogram is just above the given capacity or above a certain quality.  相似文献   

Since the difference expansion (DE) technique was proposed, many researchers tried to, improve its performance in terms of hiding capacity and visual quality. In this paper, a new scheme, based on DE is proposed in order to increase the hiding capacity for medical images. One of the characteristics of medical images, among the other types of images, is the large smooth regions. Taking advantage of this characteristic, our scheme divides the image into two regions; smooth region and non-smooth region. For the smooth region, a high embedding capacity scheme is applied, while the original DE method is applied to the non-smooth region. Sixteen DICOM images of different modalities were used for testing the proposed schemes. The results showed that the proposed scheme has higher hiding capacity compared to the original schemes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a reversible data hiding scheme based on the varieties of coefficients of discrete cosine transformation of an image. Cover images are decomposed into several different frequencies, and the high-frequency parts are embedded with secret data. We use integer mapping to implement our 2-dimensional discrete cosine transformation. Thus, the image recovered from the modified coefficients can be transformed back to the correct data-hidden coefficients. Since the distribution of 2-dimensional DCT coefficients looks close to Gaussian distribution centralized at zero, it is a natural candidate for embedding secret data using the histogram shifting approach. Thus, our approach shifts the positive coefficients around zero to the right and the negative coefficients around zero to the left in order to leave a space to hide the secret data. The experimental comparisons show that, compared to Chang et al. and Lin et al.'s method, the embedding capacity and quality of the stego-image of the proposed method is a great improvement.  相似文献   

张旦  童学锋  宣国荣 《计算机应用》2008,28(10):2683-2685
提出一种基于指纹图像特征采用直方图对进行数据隐藏的方法,将其用于基于指纹识别和易碎数字水印的银行养老金发放系统。通过分析指纹图像的特征,发现指纹图像直方图在0和255像素有极大值,且和其相近值有极大的落差,采用直方图对方法先压缩0和255邻近值,再嵌入在0和255位置,实验获得较高的峰值信噪比和较高的嵌入量(>5000比特)。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Data hiding is an important research topic over the years. The PVD based techniques embed secret data into the cover image on the difference between the two...  相似文献   

Itier  V.  Puech  W. 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2017,76(24):26421-26445
Multimedia Tools and Applications - 3D meshes are widely used today in very different domains for examples; game, medical diagnostic, CAD (computed aided design) or more recently 3D printing. In...  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的发展和社交网络的普及,可逆信息隐藏技术因其具有无损恢复载体信息的特性而被广泛应用于医疗、军事等领域的隐蔽信息传输。传统的可逆信息隐藏方案大多聚焦于嵌入容量提升和载密图像失真率降低,并未过多关注人们对图像视觉细节的要求,难以抵抗隐藏信息检测方法。针对上述挑战,从增强图像视觉平滑度方面入手,提出了一种增强图像平滑度的可逆信息隐藏方案,在嵌入隐蔽信息的同时提升载密图像最终的视觉质量。具体来说,所提方案将目标图像分为参考区域与非参考区域,利用非参考区域的图像像素预测值与原始像素值的差值作为信息嵌入的判断依据,通过差值平移来嵌入信息;进而构造图像平滑机制,采用高斯滤波作为秘密信息嵌入时像素值修改的模板,对预测值进行滤波计算,将滤波差值无损地加入载体图像中,以达到图像平滑的效果;同时将参考区域的像素值作为边信息,用于实现信息提取方对原始载体图像和秘密信息的无损恢复和提取;并以高斯函数中的滤波系数作为预置秘密信息对嵌入信息进行加密处理以保证嵌入信息的机密性。大量经典图像数据集的测试与分析结果表明,所提方案处理过的载密图像视觉平滑度得到了显著增强,具有较低的失真率、较高的嵌入率和较高的嵌入提取效率。在典型环境下,其生成的载密图像与高斯滤波后的图像相似度可达0.996 3,且可获得37.346的峰值信噪比和0.328 9的嵌入容量。  相似文献   

基于离散余弦变换的大容量信息隐藏盲提取算法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
余鹏飞  刘兵 《计算机应用》2006,26(4):815-817
基于图像离散余弦变换(DCT)交流系数的拉普拉斯分布模型,提出了一种盲提取数字图像信息隐藏算法。该算法利用一种新颖的数据嵌入规则,调整绝对值较小的DCT系数的正负值,分别用特定DCT系数的正负值来代表1和0。提取隐藏信息的时候不需要载体图像。实验结果表明,该算法具有容量大的特性,适合于隐秘通信的各种应用。  相似文献   

为了提高彩色图像可逆信息隐藏(RDH)的性能,提出了基于RGB相关性的彩色图像RDH方法。首先为了更加准确地预测像素值,设计了基于RGB相关性的像素预测算法。该算法包括粗糙纹理预测和精细纹理预测两个阶段。第一个阶段利用一个参考通道将像素分为平滑区域和纹理区域。在第二阶段,利用两个参考通道对平滑区域像素进行精细划分,将像素分为水平、垂直和平坦区域,从而更加准确地计算像素的预测值。其次,利用预测误差扩展技术嵌入秘密信息。实验结果表明提出的预测算法能够较准确地预测每一个通道的像素值,信息隐藏性能好于现有的彩色图像RDH方法。  相似文献   

张翔宇  杨阳  冯国徽  秦川 《计算机应用》2022,42(6):1716-1723
针对加密前预留空间(RRBE)嵌入算法需要进行一系列的预处理工作,以及加密后腾出空间(VRAE)嵌入算法嵌入空间较小的缺点,为了在提高嵌入率的同时缩减算法流程和减少工作量,提出一种基于多目标优化的加密图像可逆信息隐藏算法。该算法将RRBE与VRAE中两个具有代表性的算法在同一载体中结合使用,并以信息嵌入量、直接解密图像失真、提取错误率、计算复杂度等性能评价指标作为优化子目标,再利用功效系数法建立模型求解出两种算法应用比例的相对最优解。实验结果表明,所提算法不仅能够降低单独使用RRBE算法的计算复杂度,还能使图像处理用户够根据实际应用场景中不同的需求灵活地分配优化目标,同时也能获得较好的图像质量和令人满意的信息嵌入量。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - In this paper, we propose a new interpolation technique which considers all the neighboring pixels as well as their impact on the reference pixels to provide...  相似文献   

针对图像经过信息隐藏与经过噪声干扰具有不同的特性,从图像隐藏信息和加噪的数学原理入手,引入图像直方图和差分直方图的模型,在图像小波分解高频系数差分直方图的数学模型基础上,利用高频系数差分数值的方差对图像是否隐藏信息或被噪声干扰进行分辨,给出了具体的计算判断方法。最后,在标准图像集上进行实验。结果表明,即使在图像直观统计参数基本相同的情况下,该方法也能明显分辨出两种不同的干扰现象,取得良好结果。  相似文献   

针对嵌入秘密数据对原始图像造成失真明显的问题,提出一种利用奇异值分解(Singular Value Decomposition,SVD)进行像素预测的可逆信息隐藏算法。首先将原始载体分成灰和白两层,选取灰色层中的像素作为目标像素,其领域上的白色层像素作为参考像素;而后利用这些参考像素构成邻域矩阵,再对其SVD压缩处理,利用压缩结果预测目标像素;最后通过扩展预测误差嵌入秘密数据。实验数据显示,该算法有效降低了携密载体的嵌入失真。  相似文献   

To enhance security of three-dimensional images, an inter-view local texture analysis (ILTA) based stereo image reversible data hiding method is presented. Due to low accuracy of existing predictors, two novel predictors are proposed to improve the prediction precision. In the first predictor, a texture analysis model is built by using ILTA, in which the texture similarity between a pair of matched pixels in the stereo image is used to classify pixels into horizontal texture, vertical texture, smooth and complex types. Thus, the accurate prediction is adaptively computed by considering the pixel type. Moreover, an intra-view based predictor as the second predictor is also described to predict pixels by optimal weights finding (OWF). Since ILTA and OWF predictors are combined to predict pixels in the stereo image, sharp prediction error histograms of two views are both constructed, and then multi-level histogram shifting is used to embed secret data reversibly for obtaining low image distortion and high embedding capacity. Experimental results demonstrates that ILTA and OWF predictors can obtain precise predicted values, and the proposed data hiding method outperforms some state-of-the-art data hiding methods in terms of embedding capacity and quality of stego stereo image.  相似文献   

现有BTC域数据隐藏算法没有充分利用图像视觉感知特性,不能获得高的隐藏容量与隐秘图像质量。为此,通过充分挖掘图像BTC域视觉感知特性,提出一种BTC域自适应数据隐藏算法。算法利用BTC域亮度特性与边缘特性,计算出图像BTC域视觉因子;根据视觉因子将秘密信息自适应地嵌入到BTC域位示图中。实验表明该算法能较好地实现隐藏容量与隐秘图像质量之间的有效平衡。与同类BTC域隐藏算法相比,隐藏容量相同时,本文算法隐秘图像PSNR值高出约1.4 dB。  相似文献   

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