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在对于一个增强现实系统的整体结构与各组成模块进行完整分析的基础之上,使用OpenCV、Coin3D和ARToolKit这3个软件开发包在Visual Studio 2003.net环境下开发了一个增强现实系统的软件平台.主要阐述了虚实环境的构建、三维注册、标志物检测、图像处理,视频融合等主要功能模块的实现原理与方法,最后给出了系统实际运行的效果.  相似文献   

虚拟工厂现实场景系统平台设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代化工业不断发展,模拟过程工业真实环境,并在此基础上进行地理信息显示与空间分析等成为当前的研究热点。构建基于虚拟现实(VR)和地理信息系统的(GIS)的虚拟工厂现实场景系统是进行工业生产仿真的一条有效途径,为此,设计开发一个三维的、可维护性强并具有一定扩展性的虚拟工厂现实场景系统具有重要的实用价值。本文通过数据准备、数据生成、系统扩展及客户端设计,实现了虚拟工厂现实场景系统开发过程。通过应用分析与对比,结果表明,该平台化系统具有更高的可扩展性且开发成本低,为虚拟工厂现实场景系统平台设计提供了一个良好的、可扩展的开发途径。  相似文献   

Invoked Reality (IR) research uses a variety of sensors and projection equipment for Natural User Interface (NUI) interaction. Such equipment requires an appropriate action region, which needs to be considered when implementing an IR environment. Accordingly, the implementation of an IR environment is problematic because of the arrangement of this equipment. The research presented in this paper overcomes this difficulty by proposing the “IR Simulator.” This simulator facilitates the design of and experimentation within the IR environment in a virtual environment. IR Simulator comprises an “experimental space editor” and “simulation manager.” IR Simulator enables design in diverse kinds of IR environments using its GUI-based experimental space editor. It also provides interaction with external IR libraries through the external IR library-interworking interface. Moreover, it enables simulation on the library connected on the basis of the virtual sensor data generated by the implementation of the proposed simulator. In accordance with experiments using the proposed simulator, a variety of IR environments could be generated and an arm motion recognition library could be simulated. Furthermore, the same environment generated by the simulator was easily implemented in the actual environment on the basis of the design results from the simulator. The experiment on the arm motion recognition library used in the simulator in the real environment was similar to the results obtained by the simulation.  相似文献   

传统信息保障系统存在保障效果差、耗费时间长等问题,为了解决该问题,提出航天数字化空间态势信息保障系统的设计与实现。根据空间态势信息保障系统设计需求,将保障系统整体划分成综合数据库、目标轨道模型、空间要素以及可视化等结构,利用空间态势组成信息设计系统硬件层次结构;将程序作为基本研发单元,设计漫游与缩放数据请求流程,并利用信息保障技术,实现各个应用功能。通过实验验证可知,该系统可有效覆盖秘密时间和空间等要素,对于信息保障效果较好,耗费时间较少。  相似文献   

基于FPGA的指纹识别系统的设计与实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了提高指纹识别系统的实时性和处理速度,设计和实现了一种基于FPGA的嵌入式指纹识别系统。该系统采用处理器结合自定义硬件逻辑的方法,以下载到FPGA的MICOBLAZE嵌入式软核为系统控制模块,运用FPGA路基单元实现指纹图像的处理。在设计中,指纹图像处理的算法通过SG(System Generator)软件设计,采用Matlab语言和Verilog语音混合编写的方式实现专用的处理模块,较大地提高了系统的处理速度。  相似文献   

基于混合跟踪的增强现实系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高增强现实系统在可变环境中的跟踪性能,设计了一种基于混合跟踪的增强现实系统,可根据使用者所处状态与环境动态地加载不同传感器的数据流,调用相应的跟踪算法,进行数据融合,得到准确的空间位置信息,并对系统硬件资源实现动态管理,具备一定的可扩展性和可移植性.最后给出了应用实例及分析.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss an interactive optical see-through head-mounted device (HMD) which makes use of a user’s gaze for an augmented reality (AR) interface. In particular, we propose a method to employ a user’s half-blink information for more efficient interaction. Since the interaction is achieved using a user’s gaze and half-blinks, the proposed system can create a more efficient computing environment. In addition, the proposed system can be quite helpful to those who have difficulties in using their hands for conventional interaction methods. The experimental results present the robustness and efficiency of the proposed system.  相似文献   

针对传统制造业数字化水平不高的问题,提出了基于增强现实的生产数据记录系统;分析了车间数字化转型的软件架构需求,应用了 RESTful风格的前后端分离软件架构,将系统数据库和前端应用解耦,实现了基于HTTP协议的网络通讯;通过包含BLSTM的深度学习算法,对设备仪表图像进行检测识别,实现了制造过程关键生产数据智能化获取;通过对生产流程的分析和多维信息之间的联系,建立了基于增强现实的引导式生产数据记录应用;生产实践证明,系统能够实现生产任务的引导和过程数据的记录,工人工作效率提高,系统响应迅速,有利于车间生产过程的数字化转型.  相似文献   

器载计算机是航天器电气系统的重要组成部分,其可靠性对航天器能否完成任务至关重要。为了保证航天器上计算机在出现故障时仍能正常工作,对双机冗余器载计算机的体系结构、切换策略、判别准则等内容进行了研究,在保留主份机与双机切换电路、备份机与双机切换电路之间的状态工作信号的基础上,通过在主份机、备份机之间新增加一个状态工作信号,提出了一种改进的自主切换策略。实践表明,运用改进的自主切换策略,在双机切换电路中的自主切换模块出现故障时仍能实现自主切换,同时将比较器设计为软件,采用软件表决、软件选通的思路,消除了硬件比较器的关键单点故障,这些容错设计改进能有效地提高器载计算机系统的可靠性,对高可靠器载计算机设计与实现具有较好的工程参考意义。  相似文献   

单芯片微小型指纹识别系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
嵌入式指纹识别产品的推广应用一直受到成本和体积因素的制约。提出一种基于ARM7处理器芯片LPC2106为核心的单芯片嵌入式自动指纹识别系统设计方案,给出了系统组成的电路结构,运用了一种高效率的嵌入式指纹图像拼接及识别算法软件,并设计出用于改善指纹识别性能的指纹引导槽方案。结果表明,2秒内能完成20个指纹用户的识别,在认假率为十万分之一时,拒真率不超过百分之三,达到国家有关标准的要求。该产品体积小,价格只有同类产品的约三分之一,可应用于指纹门锁、指纹保险箱、指纹遥控器等领域。  相似文献   

A prototypical vision system together with a novel, adaptive image processing method that identify and track multiple moving micro-scaled objects in real time are developed and discussed in this paper. The system and method proposed and discussed in this paper can potentially provide a reasonable low cost means to satisfy operational needs of utilizing conventional microscopes in micro-manufacturing, assembling, and bio-medical applications. With the proposed system and method, it is demonstrated that multiple sub-micron scaled moving objects can be identified and traced unambiguously. The trajectory database resulted from the system has implications in integration with micro actuators for micro-servoing in the mentioned high precision engineering applications.  相似文献   

实时Web内容重复识别及排序系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决现有Web信息检索结果中存在较多内容相似甚至相同页面的问题,给出了实时Web内容和结构信息提取的算法及内容重复识别的方法。利用Google提供的PageRank查询接口取得各个页面的PageRank值,结合特定用户的特征信息、查询请求及提取的各Web页内容及结构信息,完成了文档相似度比较,实现了实时页面的重复识别及二次排序,实验结果表明该方法达到了较好的效果。  相似文献   

交通拥堵状态识别系统作为智能交通最重要的研究领域已经有了长足的发展,但目前的研究主要是在动态环境下,这样造成成本过高,因此需采用一种性价比较高的基于图形图像的方法来实现对交通拥堵状态的识别。对几个模块进行了合理交叉设计之后,通过图形图像处理技术在该系统的应用实现了各个模块间的协调工作,达到了高精度的识别效果。  相似文献   

姚陆吉  章立 《计算机应用》2019,39(9):2689-2694
针对传统中国建筑史教学建筑结构繁杂、局限于二维平面化教学、不易于学生理解等问题,提出构建一种基于混合现实技术的中国建筑史教学系统的实现方法。选取宁波保国寺大殿木构体系作为研究案例,采用混合现实设备微软HoloLens作为案例的教学平台。首先,基于收集的数据,在3ds Max中对保国寺大殿木构体系进行三维仿真建模,建立建筑模型库;然后,在unity3D中构建虚拟教学系统的三维空间操作界面,利用C#脚本,实现环境理解和多种人机交互等关键技术,构建以建筑结构识别和文化认知为核心功能的HoloLens教学系统。结果表明,该系统具备良好三维可视化的视觉效果和自然高效的人机交互方式,能有效提高知识的传递效率和学生的学习主动性。  相似文献   

增强现实技术可以把计算机产生的虚拟物体或其它信息合成到用户看到的真实场景中.将增强现实技术与基于图像的绘制技术有机的结合起来,介绍了虚拟实景空间的构造,探讨了虚拟物体与实景空间的合成方法,给出了一种在虚拟实景空间中漫游的机制及其实现方法,综合考虑了机制的复杂度和漫游的自由度,在两者之间取得了平衡,该方法具有较好的实用性.  相似文献   

人脸识别技术广泛应用于反恐、公共要地安全防范、门禁、出入境控制、金融支付安全、物联网、考勤等领域,解决了身份验证问题,是理想的身份甄别方法.本文所涉及与实现的身份甄别辅助系统采用先进实用、技术难度大的主动近红外图像方案,攻克了人脸识中技术难题.既可以对人脸进行检测识别,又可以锁定目标嫌疑人,提供主动性报警;同时还可以对监控出中现的人员进行连续全天候的实时抓拍、记录、对比分析,自动生成身份甄别报告;是保密、安全、方便的身份甄别手段.  相似文献   

如何高效地组织和管理日益增长的多源海量空间科学数据、提高数据的可用性和易用性,是空间科学目前需要重点解决的技术问题。在充分分析现有空间科学数据管理技术和数据特点的基础上,提出了一种有效的系统架构,研究并利用空间关系数据库及分布式数据库技术,实现了海量异构数据的高效存储、检索与定位;研究基于三维数字地球的多层次细节展示方法、三维数据剪裁、多线程并行加载等关键技术,提高了空间科学数据的集成可视化显示与应用效率。最后设计并集成了多源空间科学数据可视化组织与管理系统,在实际工程应用中验证了设计的合理性与有效性。  相似文献   

针对航天发射场目前在任务实施过程中,对测试前的技术状态检查确认、关键环节及关键岗位操作质量控制和测试结果的综合判断等环节存在的一些不足,提出、设计并实现了航天发射场试验任务质量与流程管控系统。该系统可以实现对发射场试验任务的全系统质量控制和全过程精细管理,有效提高发射场质量控制信息化水平以及测试发射工作效率,同时能够降低航天发射场低层次质量问题发生概率。  相似文献   

Information integration is vital for keeping manufacturing operations competitive. A case study approach has been adopted to better understand the role of informatio in integrated manufacturing. Information is now considered a corporate asset. The creation, processing, movement and security of information is therefore as important as the products/services of an enterprise. The case studies have helped in identifying the requirements and issues involved in developing an information system and supporting software framework for a manufacturing enterprise. This paper deseribes a case study dealing with the integrated manufacture of optical fiber products. A phased development and implementation approach was adopted where a small, manageable slice of the system is considered for the case study followed by functional modeling (IDEFO) and data flow modeling (data flow diagrams). This identifies the pieces of information of interest. The information relationships are modeled using extended entity relationship (EER) diagrams which are then mapped to a relational model. The relational tables thus obtained were implemented on a commercial Database Management System (DBMS). The functional constraints and application interfaces were then built using Structured Query Languages (SQL) and commercial application interface tools. Subsequent sections describe the functional models, data flow diagrams (DFDs), EER diagrams, relational database design and user/application interfaces developed for the system. Implementation experiences and observations are discussed along with the applications of the implemented system. The case study has helped in developing a preliminary data model (i.e., a model about data by which a reasonable interpretation of the data can be obtained) for material handling (MH) functions.  相似文献   

We introduce a new model for replication in distributed systems. The primary motivation for replication lies in fault tolerance. Although there are different kinds of replication approaches, our model combines the advantages of modular redundancy and primary-stand-by approaches to give more flexibility with respect to system configuration. To implement such a model, we select the IBM PC-net with MS-DOS environment as our base. Transparency as well as fault-tolerance file access are the highlights of our system design. To fulfil these requirements, we incorporate the idea of directory-oriented replication and extended prefix tables in the system design. The implementation consists of a command shell, a DOS manager, and a recovery manager. Through this design, we can simulate a UNIX-like distributed file system whose function is compatible with MS-DOS.  相似文献   

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