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This paper proposes a new separable reversible data hiding method for encrypted images. Proposed scheme employs the pixel redundancy of natural images to construct embedding space. First, cover image is divided into multiple blocks with different scales. According to the pixel average value of each block, the lowest two bits of every pixel are vacated as reserved rooms. Subsequently, the whole image is encrypted by using stream cipher and the secret messages are finally embedded into the reserved rooms by the embedding key. Proposed scheme is separable in the sense that the recipient can achieve different function by the following ways: (a) If the recipient has only decryption key, an approximation plaintext image containing the embedded information can be obtained. (b) If the recipient has only embedded key, secret messages can be extracted correctly. (c) If the recipient has both decryption key and embedded key, he can not only extract the secret messages, but recover the original cover image perfectly. Extensive experiments are performed to show that our proposed schemes outperform existing reversible data hiding schemes in terms of visual quality, embedding capacity and security performance, even if a large-scale image database is used. 相似文献
Pattern Analysis and Applications - Data hiding is a noteworthy research topic in digital technology for years. It can be used for copyright protection, authentication, content-ownership... 相似文献
针对当前可逆信息隐藏技术可分离性差、载体恢复失真较大的问题,提出了一种可分离的加密域可逆信息隐藏方案。在R-LWE公钥密码算法加密过程中,通过对加密域冗余区间的重量化与对密文数据的再编码,可在密文冗余中嵌入十六进制数构成的秘密信息。嵌入信息后,使用隐写密钥可以完整提取隐藏信息,使用解密密钥可以无差错恢复出加密前数据,提取过程与解密过程可分离。理论推导出了影响信息提取与直接解密正确性的相关参数,通过仿真实验得出了参数的可取值区间,实验结果表明本方案在实现加密域的可分离可逆信息隐藏的基础上充分保证了嵌入后的明文解密的可逆性,而且1比特明文在密文域最大可负载4比特秘密信息。 相似文献
Multimedia Tools and Applications - In this paper, a separable data hiding algorithm in encrypted images with controllable and high-capacity is proposed. Firstly, the original image is decomposed... 相似文献
To better protect the security of users’ private data in the cloud environment, the technology for separable reversible data hiding in encrypted images has been attracting increasing attention from researchers. In this paper, we propose a separable reversible data hiding scheme in encrypted images based on the flexible preservation of differences. This scheme has three parts: 1) For the content owner, the original image is divided into non-overlapping blocks, for which block-mean is computed. Then the differences between the values of every pixel and the block-mean are obtained and an initial label map is generated. Because most of the differences tend to concentrate around 0, we use two bits to dynamically record the range of the differences to vacate space for hiding. Further, introducing the block-mean differences also serves to vacate more space, for which the label map is amended accordingly. Finally, the image with free space is encrypted into the encrypted image using an encryption key. 2) For the data hider, the secret bits are embedded into the encrypted image by directly replacing the spare bits without obtaining any information of the original image. 3) For the receiver, he/she can achieve the desired information according to the key in his/her possession. Experimental results show that our proposed scheme is able to achieve an average embedding capacity as large as 1.785 bpp and 1.709 bpp when block size is set to 2?×?2 and 2?×?4, respectively. Comparison with those of previous schemes, the proposed scheme has excellent embedding capacity, especially for smoother images. 相似文献
A visually secure multiple image encryption using chaotic map and compressive sensing is proposed. The existing image encryption algorithms transform a secret image into a random noise like cipher image which can lead to cryptanalysis by an intruder. In the proposed method, compressive sampling is done using a chaos based, key controlled measurement matrix. An image dependent key generation scheme is used to generate the parameters of the chaotic map. The secret images are transformed into wavelet coefficients, and scrambled along a zigzag path, so that the high correlation among them can be reduced and thereby provide increased security level. The sparse coefficients are measured using the chaotic map-based measurement matrix, whose initial parameters are obtained from the keys generated. Then the reduced measurements are embedded into the sub-bands of the wavelet transformed cover image. Therefore, the proposed algorithm is highly sensitive to the secret images and can effectively withstand known-plaintext and chosen-plaintext attacks. Additionally, the cipher image and the secret images are of same size and do not require additional transmission bandwidth and storage space. 相似文献
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Reversible data hiding (RDH) has to be conducted in the encrypted images when original images are encrypted for privacy protection in some open environments,... 相似文献
Multimedia Tools and Applications - In this paper, a novel separable reversible data hiding in homomorphic encrypted images (RDHEI) using POB number system is proposed. The frame of the proposed... 相似文献
We propose a method of reversible data hiding in encrypted image. Proposed method achieves reserving room before encryption, and separates data extraction from image decryption. Our method is an improvement of Ma’s method [IEEE Trans Inf Forensic Secur 8(3):554–558, 2013]. Our improvements mainly focus on two aspects. (1) We improved the interpolation error estimate method via using Bicubic interpolation instead of pixel estimation that calculates the weighted sum of four surrounding pixels. Thus more sharp interpolation error histogram is obtained to increase the hidden information capacity. (2) We use partitioned local histogram shift instead of traditional histogram shift to reduce the amount of shifted pixels. This directly results in a higher quality of stego image in the same embedding capacity. The experimental results indicate that the improved method offers better performance. It is superior to Ma’s work in both embedding rate and the PSNR values of stego images. 相似文献
In this paper, we propose a new digital watermarking algorithm in encrypted image based on compressive sensing measurements and 2-D discrete wavelet transform (DWT). Firstly, we process the original image through 2-D DWT to highlight the important part and unimportant part. For the important LL2 coefficient, before encrypting it by the traditional stream cipher, we divide it into blocks, and mark the blocks to get a sequence as the watermark position key. For other wavelet coefficients, we select two different compressive sensing measurement matrices to simultaneously encrypt and compress them, respectively. Then we embed a watermark into the high frequency coefficient measurements except HH1 section based on the watermark position key. Finally, the watermarked image is scrambled to enhance the security. In this algorithm, compressive sensing is adopted for compression and encryption, and watermark is embedded in the measurements values. It can not only increase the watermark embedding capacity and robustness, but also utilize the reconstruction characteristic of compressive sensing to get higher-quality recovered image. The experimental results verify the validity and the reliability of the proposed algorithm. 相似文献
改进了一种图像加密域可分离可逆信息隐藏的算法,设计并实现了一个图像加密域的可分离可逆信息隐藏软件系统。在此系统中,内容拥有者对未压缩的原始图像使用加密密钥进行加密。然后,信息隐藏者使用信息隐藏密钥把加密图像的最低位平面进行压缩,在压缩所得的空余空间里嵌入额外数据。最后得到包含嵌入信息的加密图像:拥有信息隐藏密钥的接收方,尽管不知道原始图片内容也可以提取出隐藏信息;拥有加密密钥的接收方可以获得原始图像的近似图,但是不能提取隐藏信息;如果同时拥有加密密钥和信息隐藏密钥,那么既可以提取出隐藏信息,也可以利用自然图像的空间相关性恢复出图像的相似图像。实例测试的结果表明,算法具有嵌入容量大、操作更灵活的优点。 相似文献
Although many data hiding schemes have been proposed in the frequency domain, the tradeoff between hiding capacity and image quality is still an existing problem to be solved. In this paper, we proposed a novel reversible data hiding scheme based on the Haar discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and interleaving-prediction method. First, a one-level Haar discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is implemented to the cover image, and four sub-bands, LL?,?? HL?,?? LH and? HH, are obtained. Sub-bands HL, LH??and? HH are chosen for embedding. After that, the wavelet coefficients of the chosen sub-bands are zig-zag scanned and two adjacent coefficients are used for prediction. The secret data is embedded in the prediction errors, which is the difference between the original value and the predicted value of the wavelet coefficients. The experimental results showed that our scheme has good performance compared with other existing reversible data hiding schemes. 相似文献
可逆信息隐藏是信息隐藏技术的新兴研究方向,密文域可逆信息隐藏作为加密域信号处理技术与信息隐藏技术的重要结合点,对于数据处理过程中的信息安全可以起到双重保险的作用,尤其随着云服务的推广,密文域可逆信息隐藏是实现云环境下隐私保护的研究重点之一。针对当前密文域可逆信息隐藏技术的技术要求,介绍了该技术的产生发展背景,指出并分析了当前的技术难点,通过对各种类型代表性算法的研究,对密文域可逆信息隐藏技术进行了系统的分类,分析了不同嵌入方式的技术特点、实现框架与应用上的局限性。最后,结合密文域可逆信息隐藏的技术需求与难点,提出几点该领域未来的热点方向。 相似文献
针对密文图像可逆信息隐藏中存在信息嵌入率不高的问题,提出一种基于图像位平面循环异或的可逆信息隐藏算法.将图像高位平面和其相邻的位平面依次循环异或构造新的图像,利用块重排列对新图像的位平面进行无损压缩以便腾出空间,对压缩后的图像进行加密之后在腾出的空间位置嵌入额外的秘密信息.接收方接收含有秘密信息的加密图像后,根据需求可以对图像进行可分离式的提取信息和无损恢复原始图像.实验结果表明,通过循环异或操作后的图像位平面更适合无损压缩,算法的嵌入容量得到显著提升. 相似文献
针对传统的图像预测误差算法预测精度弱、嵌入容量较低以及在密文域应用局限等问题。结合Paillier同态加密算法,提出了一种基于插值预测误差的密文域可逆信息隐藏算法。该方案首先对原始载体图像进行采样,然后引入权重,利用采样像素点对非采样像素点进行预测,而后采样像素点利用序列密码进行加密,非采样像素点利用Paillier同态算法加密,最后在加密后的图像上进行秘密信息的嵌入。实验仿真结果表明,该方案在保证预测精度的前提下,可以达到的最高嵌入容量为1.2 bpp,同时具有一定的安全性保证。 相似文献
针对云数据管理中的用户隐私保护需求,密文域图像可逆信息隐藏受到了学术界的广泛关注.基于加密前预留空间的数据嵌入框架将载体图像分割成由图像块组成的两个独立区域,使用传统的可逆信息隐藏技术腾出数据嵌入空间,可以取得较好的性能.为了更好地利用图像的空间相关性,提出了一种细粒度的可伸缩嵌入空间预留策略.该策略将图像块重新排列,... 相似文献