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Multimedia Tools and Applications - Due to its powerful ability to conceal secret data inside an unsuspicious cover object, image steganography has emerged as an active field of research. Recently,... 相似文献
Singh Laxmanika Singh A. K. Singh P. K. 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2020,79(23-24):15901-15921
Multimedia Tools and Applications - This article presents a detailed discussion of different prospects of digital image watermarking. This discussion of watermarking included: brief comparison of... 相似文献
Data hiding in images has evolved as one of the trusted methods of secure data communication and numerous approaches have been introduced over the years using gray scale images as the cover media. Most of the methods are based on data hiding in least significant bit planes of cover images. Many such methods purely depend on data substitution algorithms by defining a pattern in which data is embedded. One can gain access to the secret data in a few attempts, if the algorithm is known. Keeping this in view several approaches based on secret keys have also been proposed by researchers. This paper proposes an efficient data embedding scheme using a key and an embedding pattern generated through midpoint circle generation algorithm. The pattern can be applied to a carrier that is mapped onto a grid/image. The cryptosystem uses the concept of steganography and is computationally light and secure. The secret-key is generated in such a way that Avalanche effect is ensured except in very rare cases. The proposed data embedding method is shown to be robust and highly secure while maintaining good hiding capacity and imperceptibility. It is applicable for data hiding in a generic grid that could be of pixels or bits. 相似文献
Reversible data hiding based on PDE predictor 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this paper, we propose a prediction-error expansion based reversible data hiding by using a new predictor based on partial differential equation (PDE). For a given pixel, PDE predictor uses the mean of its four nearest neighboring pixels as initial prediction, and then iteratively updates the prediction until the value goes stable. Specifically, for each pixel, by calculating the gradients of four directions, the direction with small magnitude of gradient will be weighted larger in the iteration process, and finally a more accurate prediction can be obtained. Since PDE predictor can better exploit image redundancy, the proposed method introduces less distortion for embedding the same payload. Experimental results show that our method outperforms some state-of-the-art methods. 相似文献
Yang Cheng-Hsing Weng Chi-Yao Lin Yih-Kai Liu Kuan-Liang 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2017,76(22):23699-23720
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Reversible data hiding based on prediction methods is a data hiding technique wherein secret bits can be efficiently hidden into cover images. In this paper, we... 相似文献
Reversible data hiding is a technique that embeds a message into a host image with acceptable visual distortion and then recovers the image without any data loss while extracting the embedded message. The previous schemes mainly suffer from an unresolved problem that the imperceptibility of a marked image decreases severely as the embedding capacity increases. Extending the histogram modification technique, this study proposes a novel scheme that utilizes multiple histograms to increase embedding capacity while keeping marked-image quality. Unlike most histogram modification schemes, the multi-histogram scheme does not suffer from overflow and underflow during histogram shift. This scheme can yield the embedding capacity of 1 bit per pixel (bpp) at the PSNR of 48.13 db for a 512?×?512 grayscale image. To reduce the overhead during message embedding, the work further proposes an iterative multi-histogram scheme. Comprehensive experimental results show that both the schemes can achieve high embedding capacity and image quality. 相似文献
Multimedia Tools and Applications - In this paper, a high-capacity data hiding method based on the index function is presented. The cover image is divided into non-overlapping sub-blocks, and the... 相似文献
针对数字图像隐写中常见的LSB替换隐写算法的不足, 设计并实现一种基于病灶格子图编码(STC)算法的数字隐写系统, 该系统对STC编码算法进行了改进, 给出了隐藏秘密消息比特数的传递方法, 优化了其自适应性, 解决了秘密消息的长度共享问题, 改进了传输过程中STC码的抗提取性能, 从而提高了隐写系统的安全性。 相似文献
Xianquan Zhang Zhenjun Tang Chunqiang Yu Xiaoyun Wang 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2017,76(7):9195-9218
We investigate the use of parabolic interpolation in data hiding and propose a novel data hiding algorithm with high capacity based on interpolated image. Specifically, the proposed algorithm creates an interpolated image from input image by parabolic interpolation, and embeds secret bits into interpolated pixels in terms of the relation between the interpolated value and the mean value. Ten standard benchmark images are taken as test images for validating efficiency of our algorithm. The results illustrate that our algorithm has better performances than some popular data hiding methods in embedding capacity and visual quality with respect to PSNR and SSIM. 相似文献
Reversible data hiding based on block median preservation 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
This paper proposes a reversible data hiding scheme for gray level images. It exploits the high correlation among image block pixels to produce a difference histogram. Secret data is embedded based on a multi-level histogram shifting mechanism with reference to the integer median of each block. The image blocks are divided into four categories due to four corresponding embedding strategies, aiming at preserving the medians during data embedding. In decoder, the median pixels are retrieved first followed by the hidden data extraction, and the host image can be accurately recovered via an inverse histogram shifting mechanism after removing the secret data from the marked image. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of our scheme and demonstrate that it outperforms several previous methods in terms of capacity and marked image’s quality. 相似文献
Lee等人(LEE C F, CHEN H L. A novel data hiding scheme based on modulus function. The Journal of Systems and Software, 2010, 83(5): 832-843)提出了一种基于模函数的数据隐写方法,在图像质量可接受的情况下,每个像素的最大嵌入容量为4位二进制数。但是当每个像素的嵌入量为4位时,隐写图像的质量较差,容易引起攻击者的注意。对该方法进行了改进,缩小了像素改变的范围。理论分析及模拟实验表明,改进方法不但保留了原方法的各种优点,而且使PSNR值增加1.5~3.5dB,提高了隐写图像的视觉不可见性及抵御RS攻击的能力。 相似文献
将Tian差值扩展技术应用于彩色图像中,提出一种利用预测误差差值进行扩展嵌入的彩色图像可逆数据隐藏算法。针对传统差值扩展技术存在过分修改像素灰度值、须嵌入定位图等缺点,首先利用色彩分量间的相关性减小差值,并将差值扩展量分散到两个色彩分量中;其次,对直方图平移技术进行改进,使得同等嵌入率下图像质量达到最佳;最后由两个色彩分量中像素的预测值之和决定可用于扩展嵌入的像素,无须保存溢出定位图,提取端在提取信息时可无损地恢复原始图像。实验结果表明,与其他算法相比,该算法在同等嵌入率下可取得更好的图像质量,算法复杂度 相似文献
A novel data hiding scheme based on modulus function 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Chin-Feng Lee Author Vitae Hsing-Ling Chen Author Vitae 《Journal of Systems and Software》2010,83(5):832-843
Four criteria are generally used to evaluate the performance of data hiding scheme: the embedding capacity, the visual quality of the stego-image, the security, and the complexity of the data-embedding algorithm. However, data hiding schemes seldom take all these factors into consideration. This paper proposes a novel data hiding scheme that uses a simple modulus function to address all the performance criteria listed above. According to the input secret keys, the encoder and decoder use the same set-generation functions Hr() and Hc() to first generate two sets Kr and Kc. A variant Cartesian product is then created using Kr and Kc. Each cover pixel then forms a pixel group with its neighboring pixels by exploiting an efficient modulus function; the secret data are then embedded or extracted via a mapping process between the variant of the Cartesian product and each pixel group. The proposed scheme offers several advantages, namely (1) the embedding capacity can be scaled, (2) a good visual quality of the stego-image can be achieved, (3) the computational cost of embedding or extracting the secret data is low and requires little memory space, (4) secret keys are used to protect the secret data and (5) the problem of overflow or underflow does not occur, regardless of the nature of the cover pixels.We tested the performance of the proposed scheme by comparing it with Mielikainen’s and Zhang and Wang’s schemes for gray-scale images. The experimental results showed that our proposed scheme outperforms Mielikainen’s in three respects, namely scalable embedding capacity, embedding rate, and level of security. Our data hiding scheme also achieved a higher embedding capacity than Zhang and Wang’s. The proposed scheme can easily be applied to both gray-scale and color images. Analyses of its performance showed that our proposed scheme outperforms Tsai and Wang’s in terms of its time complexity and memory space requirement. 相似文献
Golabi Sasan Helfroush Mohammad Sadegh Danyali Habibollah 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2019,78(22):31847-31865
Multimedia Tools and Applications - In this paper, a new robust reversible data hiding method is proposed. The method is designed based on wavelet modifications which result in a scalable data... 相似文献
为了提高图像可逆信息隐藏算法的安全性、透明性、嵌入容量,提出了一种基于混沌系统的图像可逆信息隐藏算法.该隐藏算法通过将载体图像直方图峰值点与其两侧多个连续零值点之间建立关系的方式,实现在载体图像的单个峰值点嵌入多个秘密信息位,以保证较高的透明性和较大的嵌入容量.为了保证嵌入载体图像内的秘密信息的安全性,采用混沌系统对秘... 相似文献
随着互联网技术的发展和社交网络的普及,可逆信息隐藏技术因其具有无损恢复载体信息的特性而被广泛应用于医疗、军事等领域的隐蔽信息传输。传统的可逆信息隐藏方案大多聚焦于嵌入容量提升和载密图像失真率降低,并未过多关注人们对图像视觉细节的要求,难以抵抗隐藏信息检测方法。针对上述挑战,从增强图像视觉平滑度方面入手,提出了一种增强图像平滑度的可逆信息隐藏方案,在嵌入隐蔽信息的同时提升载密图像最终的视觉质量。具体来说,所提方案将目标图像分为参考区域与非参考区域,利用非参考区域的图像像素预测值与原始像素值的差值作为信息嵌入的判断依据,通过差值平移来嵌入信息;进而构造图像平滑机制,采用高斯滤波作为秘密信息嵌入时像素值修改的模板,对预测值进行滤波计算,将滤波差值无损地加入载体图像中,以达到图像平滑的效果;同时将参考区域的像素值作为边信息,用于实现信息提取方对原始载体图像和秘密信息的无损恢复和提取;并以高斯函数中的滤波系数作为预置秘密信息对嵌入信息进行加密处理以保证嵌入信息的机密性。大量经典图像数据集的测试与分析结果表明,所提方案处理过的载密图像视觉平滑度得到了显著增强,具有较低的失真率、较高的嵌入率和较高的嵌入提取效率。在典型环境下,其生成的载密图像与高斯滤波后的图像相似度可达0.996 3,且可获得37.346的峰值信噪比和0.328 9的嵌入容量。 相似文献