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There is much interest in the metabolism of homocysteine, because elevated plasma homocysteine [hyperhomocyst(e)inemia] is an independent risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease. Four chick assays were conducted to determine the effects of varying dietary sulfur amino acids, choline and betaine on the activity of hepatic betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase (BHMT), an enzyme likely to be important in modulating plasma homocysteine. In Experiment 1, chicks were fed a purified crystalline amino acid diet containing adequate sulfur amino acids and choline. Excess dietary methionine, or the combination of excess cystine with choline or betaine, caused a small increase (P < 0.05) in BHMT activity. In Experiment 2, use of a methionine-deficient purified diet resulted in a threefold increase (P < 0.05) in BHMT activity, and addition of choline or betaine further increased (P < 0.05) BHMT activity. In Experiment 3, use of a methionine-deficient corn-peanut meal diet increased BHMT (P < 0.05) relative to that of chicks supplemented with adequate methionine, and addition of surfeit choline to the methionine-deficient basal diet caused a further increase (P < 0.05). In Experiment 4, addition of both surfeit choline and surfeit betaine to the methionine-deficient corn-peanut meal diet caused an increase (P < 0.05) in BHMT activity relative to that observed in chicks fed the methionine-deficient basal diet. These assays show that large increases in BHMT activity can be produced under methionine-deficient conditions, especially in the presence of excess choline or betaine.  相似文献   

The determination of lecithin and choline in crude drugs was established by a combination of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with electrochemical detector (ECD) and enzyme reaction. Lecithin in crude drugs extracted with a mixture of chloroform-methanol (2:1) at room temperature was hydrolyzed by phospholipase D. The hydrolyzate was injected to HPLC, and choline was separated from impurities by reverse phase column. The choline was converted to betaine and hydrogen peroxide by passing through column packed with immobilized choline oxidase. This hydrogen peroxide was detected by ECD. The peak area of hydrogen peroxide derived from lecithin was proportional to the concentration of lecithin from 0.10 to 1.52 microgram/ml. Choline in crude drugs was extracted with ethanol under reflux and determined under the same HPLC conditions as lecithin. The peak area of hydrogen peroxide derived from choline was proportional to the concentration of choline from 0.01 to 0.45 microgram/ml. The contents of lecithin and choline in 31 kinds of crude drugs were determined by these established methods. The results showed that Cervi Parvum Cornu, Kokurozin, Foenigraeci Semen and Psoraleae Semen contained more lecithin than other crude drugs, while Angelicae Radix, Foenigraeci Semen, Psoraleae Semen, and especially Hippocampus were found to contain more choline than other crude drugs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To see if the long-term treatment of non-insulin dependent diabetes (NIDDM) with the alpha-glucosidase inhibitor acarbose affects food intake and body weight. DESIGN: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel design clinical trial of 12 months duration. SUBJECTS: Subjects with NIDDM in four treatment strata: 77 on diet alone, 83 also treated with metformin, 103 also treated with sulfonylurea and 91 also treated with insulin. MEASUREMENTS: Two 3 day diet records were obtained before randomization to acarbose or placebo therapy, and additional 3 day diet records were obtained at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after randomization. Body weight was also measured at these times. RESULTS: Of the 354 subjects randomized, 279 (79%) completed at least 9 months of therapy and, of these, 263 (94%) provided at least one diet record during the baseline period and two diet records during the treatment period. After one year, subjects on acarbose had lost 0.46 +/- 0.28 kg, which differed significantly from the 0.33 +/- 0.25 kg weight gain on placebo (P = 0.027). The difference in weight change between acarbose and placebo did not differ significantly in the different treatment strata. Being in the study had significant effects on diet, including a reduction in energy intake from 1760-1700 Kcal/d (P < 0.05), a reduction in simple sugars intake from 18.5-17.4% of energy (P < 0.001), and reductions in the number of different foods consumed (33-30, P < 0.001) and the number of meals eaten per day (4.7-4.3, P < 0.001). However, compared to placebo treatment, acarbose had no effect on energy intake, nutrient intakes, or dietary patterns. CONCLUSIONS: In subjects with NIDDM on weight-maintaining diets, long-term acarbose therapy results in a small weight loss, but has no effect on energy or nutrient intakes. The weight loss induced by acarbose may be due partly to reduced doses of concomitant oral agents and insulin and partly to energy loss due to increased colonic fermentation.  相似文献   

Hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry was used to determine the selenium concentrations in 130 samples of human serum from a control group of inhabitants in the southern part of the province of Granada (Spain). The mean selenium concentration in serum was 74.9 micrograms/l. This concentration did not vary significantly (P > 0.05) in relation to the sex of the subject, with concentrations of 80.6 micrograms/l in men and 70.7 micrograms/l in women. These mean values correspond to a mean daily dietary selenium intake of 50.4 micrograms per day in men and 44.6 micrograms per day in women. A considerable number of the individuals in the study area therefore have a daily selenium intake lower than the recommended dietary allowance of 70 micrograms per day for men and 55 micrograms per day for women. Likewise, the measured selenium concentrations in the basic health zones of the area were not statistically different (P > 0.05). The differences in selenium concentration between subjects in coastal zones and mountainous zones are therefore not significant.  相似文献   

The effect of variation in dietary ascorbic acid on surgically induced osteoarthritis was examined in the stifle joints of guniea pigs. Two different surgical procedures were used to induce osteoarthritis in the right stifle joint of these animals. Guinea pigs were maintained either on a high (150 mg/day) or low (2.4 mg/day) dietary intake of vitamin C. Regardless of the surgical procedure used to induce osteoarthritis, the animals maintained on the high level of vitamin C consistently showed severe joint damage than animals on the low level of the vitamin.  相似文献   

Maternal serum inhibin-A concentration is a useful marker in prenatal screening for Down syndrome in the second trimester. We measured inhibin-A concentrations in 4304 pregnancies without Down syndrome between 14 and 22 weeks of pregnancy to determine the median values according to gestational age. There was a U-shaped pattern of inhibin-A concentration against gestational age with a minimum concentration at 17 weeks and 1 day (120 days). We suggest that screening centres use a quadratic equation when estimating their normal median inhibin-A level, constraining the shape of the curve and fixing the lower point of the curve to occur at 120 days, but allowing its position in relation to the vertical inhibin-A axis to be set according to the local data. This approach will systematically allow for the changing inhibin-A concentration without introducing the instability of deriving a fresh quadratic equation for each screening centre and each time a centre's medians are revised.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that maternal dietary protein deficiency decreases amino acid availability to the fetus, thereby contributing to retarded fetal growth. Primiparous gilts selected genetically for low or high plasma total cholesterol concentrations (low line and high line, respectively) were mated, and then fed 1.8 kg/d of isocaloric diets containing 13% or 0.5% crude protein. At d 40 or 60 of gestation, they were hysterectomized, and maternal and fetal blood samples as well as amniotic and allantoic fluids were obtained for analyses of amino acids, ammonia and urea. Dietary protein restriction decreased (P < 0.05) the following: 1) maternal plasma concentrations of urea at d 40 and 60 of gestation; 2) fetal plasma concentrations of alanine, arginine, branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), glutamine, glycine, lysine, ornithine, proline, taurine, threonine and urea at d 60 of gestation; 3) amniotic and allantoic fluid concentrations of urea at d 40 and 60 of gestation; and 4) allantoic fluid concentrations of alanine, arginine, BCAA, citrulline, cystine, glycine, histidine, methionine, proline, serine, taurine, threonine and tyrosine at d 40 of gestation, in gilts of both genetic lines. At d 60 of gestation, protein deficiency decreased (P < 0.05) allantoic fluid concentrations of arginine, cystine, glycine, taurine and tyrosine in low line gilts and of cystine, glutamine, ornithine, serine, taurine and tyrosine in high line gilts. Low line and high line gilts also differed remarkably in allantoic fluid concentrations of arginine, glutamine, ornithine and ammonia at d 40 and 60 of gestation. Our results suggest the following: 1) protein-deficient gilts maintain maternal plasma concentrations of amino acids by mobilizing maternal protein stores and decreasing oxidation of amino acids during the first half of gestation; 2) protein deficiency may impair placental transport of amino acids from the maternal to the fetal blood; and 3) low line and high line gilts differ in fetal amino acid metabolism. Decreases in concentrations of the essential and nonessential amino acids in the fetus may be a mechanism whereby maternal dietary protein restriction results in fetal growth retardation.  相似文献   

In 1996, 24-h food duplicate samples were collected from two groups of 50 non-smoking women each; one group was in Jinan, the capital city of Shandong Province in China, and the other in a farming village in the Zhangqiu area some 30 km away from the city. The people in the village took significantly more dietary lead (46 micrograms/day) than their counterparts in the city (26 micrograms/day), and blood lead concentrations (35 and 50 micrograms/l for the urban and the rural people, respectively) were in parallel with the dietary lead intake. Search for cereals as the determinants of dietary lead intake and blood lead concentration by multiple regression analysis showed that maize was the most influential source of dietary lead intake among the four common cereals of wheat, rice, foxtail millet (to be called just millet) and maize, whereas millet was the leading determinant of the blood lead level among the four cereals although the influential power was weaker than millet for dietary lead. Lead content in maize (47 ng/g) and millet (47 ng/g) was twice or even more times higher than the levels in wheat (26-30 ng/g) and rice (20-21 ng/g). The significant roles of non-rice/non-wheat cereals such as millet and maize as possible dietary lead sources for farming populations are discussed.  相似文献   

This report details the independent laboratory study of the BAX for Screening/Salmonella assay to complete AOAC Performance Tested Method certification. The performance of the BAX system was compared with those of BAM culture methods on food samples inoculated with Salmonella. This study validated product claims. Performance Tested Method status was granted for the screening assay.  相似文献   

In this study we have shown that an antibody to CD18 identified a population of cells in the rabbit retina that resembled the perivascular macrophage found in other regions of the central nervous system. In the normal retina these cells possessed a ramified morphology and presented in an ordered array on the vitreal surface in association with the epiretinal vessels. Approximately 50% of the perivascular macrophages constitutively expressed MHC class II. In response to interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta)-induced inflammation, these cells became activated, as evidenced by a change from a ramified to an ameboid morphology and increased expression of MHC class II, and migrated away from the vessels. These changes were first detected around 3 h post-intraocular challenge coincident with the onset of inflammation. At the peak of the inflammatory response (approximately 24 h post-challenge), many activated perivascular macrophages were no longer associated with the vessels and formed long "cord" of MHC class II+ cells associated with underlying deposits of fibrin. In eyes challenged with heat-inactivated IL-1, no change in the morphology or distribution of the perivascular macrophage was noted. At 3 weeks post-challenge with IL-1, the number and distribution of the perivascular macrophages were restored to baseline values, although with a reduced cell size. Since these changes closely resemble those that occur in non-lymphoid dendritic cells in the skin, heart, and/or kidney following activation with cytokines or bacterial products, the results suggest that the perivascular macrophage represents the dendritic cell of the retina and may thus play an important role in immune surveillance in the eye and maintenance of the blood-retina barrier.  相似文献   

The activity of lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT), which is responsible for esterification of plasma cholesterol, was evaluated in bovine serum. It was associated with the high-density lipoprotein fraction that contains apolipoprotein A-I, an activator of LCAT. In lactating cows, the activity was around 1000 U (decrease in nmol of free cholesterol per h per ml of serum), slightly higher than in 1-month-old calves. LCAT activity decreased around parturition, at which the time the serum concentrations of cholesteryl esters and free cholesterol were concomitantly decreased. A reduced LCAT activity was also found in cows with fatty livers induced by the administration of ethionine. In the cows with fatty livers, the serum concentration of cholesteryl esters was markedly decreased, whereas that of free cholesterol was only slightly decreased, thereby increasing the free- to esterified-cholesterol ratio. These results suggest that the decrease in LCAT activity may be involved in the reduction in fertility associated with fatty liver because esterification of cholesterol by LCAT is essential for its transport from the liver to peripheral tissues, such as the corpus luteum, and because cholesterol serves as the source of progesterone synthesis in the latter organ.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess diurnal levels of serum osteocalcin in normal children using a recently introduced fluoroimmunoassay (Pharmacia Osteocalcin CAP FEIA) measuring solely the intact peptide. Five girls and two boys aged 10.4-13.6 (mean 12.2) y were studied. Blood samples for determination of osteocalcin were collected every 2h throughout the day. A statistically significant rise in serum osteocalcin (F = 6.7, p < 0.001) with a peak at 08.00 h and a nadir lasting from 10.00 to 24.00 h was found. Trough and peak levels (at 16.00 and 08.00 h, respectively) were 41.6 +/- 6.8 and 66.0 +/- 10.5 microg l(-1) (mean +/- SEM). The circadian variation should be taken into consideration when single assessments of serum osteocalcin in children are performed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The effect of infection by Helicobacter pylori on gastric physiology in duodenal ulcer subjects is controversial. There is evidence that the infection is associated with abnormalities in gastrin homeostasis. Consistent changes in pentagastrin-stimulated acid secretory status have proved difficult to establish. This may be because patients have been studied too soon after Helicobacter pylori eradication. AIMS: To study the immediate and longer term effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication on basal and pentagastrin-stimulated acid secretion in duodenal ulcer subjects. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with active duodenal ulcer disease were studied. Ulcers were healed with sucralfate 2 g bd or ranitidine 300 mg nocte. Helicobacter pylori eradication was attempted with bismuth-based "Triple Therapy", and the nine patients in whom the organism was successfully eradicated were followed and studied over the 12-month period. Acid secretion was studied at entry (prior to the initiation of therapy), following healing, following eradication and 12 months later. Basal, low dose (0.1 microgram/kg) and high dose (6 micrograms/kg) pentagastrin-stimulated acid secretion was determined. RESULTS: Whilst there was a tendency for basal and low dose-stimulated acid secretion to fall following eradication, in this study only the reduction in high dose-stimulated acid secretion achieved significance following eradication (entry mean = 59.6, post eradication mean = 49.6, p < 0.03). This effect of eradication on high dose pentagastrin-stimulated acid secretion was also seen at the 12-month study (mean = 48.9, p < 0.02 versus entry). CONCLUSION: The findings of this study suggests that maximally stimulated acid secretion is modestly, albeit significantly, reduced following Helicobacter pylori eradication and that this effect persists.  相似文献   

We describe a method for determination of serum acetaminophen concentrations in serum by reversed phase high-pressure liquid chromatography. The homolog N-propionyl-p-aminophenol was used as an internal standard. The procedure, which requires only a single extraction with diethyl ether, can be optimized to be linear over the ranges of 10 to 100 or 1 to 20 mg/liter. Within-run CV was 1.2%; between-run CV was 4.4% and 4.9% at two different concentrations. Many commonly used drugs were tested and found not to interfere. The procedure is simple and rapid enough for use on an emergency basis in cases of overdosage, and can be optimized for measurement of either therapeutic or toxic concentrations.  相似文献   

Four minor protein components were detected in whey from Romagnola cows' milk by polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing and two dimensional gel electrophoresis. Individual protein spots were transferred by electroblotting on to a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane and isolated by cutting out the relevant area. After in situ trypsinolysis, a portion of the digest was analysed directly by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry. The mass profile allowed us to establish a correlation between beta-lactoglobulins A and B and the four minor whey protein components. They were identified as C-terminally truncated beta-lactoglobulin A and B variants with missing N-terminal peptides, beyond residues in the range 100-123 and 136-147 respectively. Two of the minor components were related to beta-lactoglobulin A and two to beta-lactoglobulin B.  相似文献   

1. A total of 360 Japanese quail of 4 commercial meat-type lines and two diet treatments (260 and 216 g/kg or 238 and 195 g/kg of crude protein (CP) in the starter and grower diet, respectively) were used. 2. The positive effect of a high CP diet on body weight was significant only for the first 4 weeks after hatching. 3. The mean age at inflection point of the growth curve (t+) across lines and sexes was 1.4 d (0.6 to 2.8 d within line/sex groups) earlier for quail fed on a high CP diet than in quail receiving a low CP diet. The inflection (y+) and asymptotic (A) weights were similar under both dietary protein concentrations. Nevertheless, the shape of the growth curve, characterised by the ratio y+/A and parameter of the maturing rate k, was significantly influenced by diet. 4. A higher food intake and less efficient food conversion were found for quail fed on a high CP diet in the period from 15 to 28 d of age. 5. The fattening traits such as body weight, cumulative food intake and food conversion, were not affected by dietary CP content at the age of 5 weeks. 6. The effects of line on body weight, food intake and food conversion are discussed.  相似文献   

The fourth assessment report of the IPCC highlights that the global average surface temperature is projected to increase by 1.8 to 4.0℃ by the year 2100 compared to current climate. Given that climate is the most important driver of the hydrological cycle, the rise in temperature could cause changes in occurrence patterns of extreme hydrologic events like streamflow droughts. An increase in frequency and severity of these events could pose sed-ous challenges for sustainable management of water resources particular in add regions.However, the understanding of water resources dynamics and the possible impacts of climate change on these dynamics is hindered by uncertainties in climate change models and com-plex hydrological responses of streams and catchments to climatic changes. Therefore ob-servational evidence of streamflow dynamics at the local scale could play a crucial role in addressing these uncertainties and achieving a fuller reconciliation between model-based scenarios and ground truth. This paper determines spatial and temporal changes in stream-flow volumes and their association with climatic factors based on the non-parametric Mann-Kendall test and ANOVA to determine possible changes in streamflow over the years and their relation to climatic factors. Streamflow is generally stochastic highlighting the im-portance of factoring in temporal flow variability in water resources planning. There is no clear evidence that changes in climatic variables are related to streamflow behaviour.  相似文献   

1. In human blood incubated in vitro, the transfer of free cholesterol and lecithin from erythrocytes to serum was not related to glycolytic activity in erythrocytes or esterification of cholesterol in serum. 2. The stability of free cholesterol concentration in serum was dependent on the activity of lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (EC, and the stability of lecithin concentration in erythrocytes, on glycolytic activity.  相似文献   

The present study analyses, comparatively, the kinetics of free choline in the brain of rats during dietary and pharmacological manipulations. Low-choline diet halved the choline plasma level but did not cause significant changes of CSF choline. High-choline diet, hypoxia and treatment with nicotinamide increased brain choline availability through a central site of action and increased the CSF choline concentration. CSF choline concentrations were more effectively elevated by nicotinamide treatment (20-25 microM) than by acute choline administration (13-15 microM). Increases of CSF choline, due to brain choline mobilization, were consistently associated with a net release of choline from the brain as reflected by strongly negative arterio-venous differences (AVD) of brain choline. The balance between release and uptake of brain choline was controlled by the arterial plasma choline level in all treatment groups; however, the normal 'reversal point' of 15 microM--representing the plasma choline level where uptake and release of brain choline are balanced--was shifted to more than 40 microM by high-choline diet and nicotinamide. In conclusion, our data characterize the release of choline into the venous blood as an important component of brain choline homeostasis. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the concentration of brain choline (e.g. as a precursor of acetylcholine) can be enhanced more efficiently by manipulating choline homeostatic mechanisms than by acute choline administration.  相似文献   

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