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A novel two-step sorption enhanced staged gasification of biomass for H2 production was proposed and studied using Aspen Plus software. An equilibrium model based on Gibbs free energy minimization was developed and validated. The results showed that the two-step process was more advantageous for H2 production compared with the conventional steam gasification and the one-step process. The independent control of each stage could realize a high temperature steam gasification in the first stage and a subsequent lower temperature steam reforming in the second stage, which thus promoted the gasification of biomass and benefited the water gas shift (WGS) reaction to produce more H2. Meanwhile, the in situ CO2 absorption of CaO in the second stage could enrich the H2 concentration in the product gas, and also further shifted the WGS reaction equilibrium to convert more CO to H2. With further introduction of catalyst for steam methane reforming (SMR), high-purity H2 with the concentration of 99.7 vol% and yield of 142.8 g/kg daf biomass could be achieved.  相似文献   

The chemical thermodynamics of sorption enhanced steam reforming (SESR) of hydroxyacetone for hydrogen production were investigated and contrasted with hydroxyacetone steam reforming (SR) by means of Gibbs free energy minimization principle and response reactions (RERs) method. Hydrogen is mainly derived methane steam reforming reaction from and water gas shift reaction. The former reaction contributes more than the latter one to hydrogen production below 550 °C and at higher temperature the latter one tends to dominate. The maximum hydrogen concentration is 70% in SR, which is far below hydrogen purities required by fuel cells. In SESR, hydrogen purities are over 99% in 525–550 °C with a WHMR greater than 8 and a CHMR of 6. The optimum temperature for SESR is approximately 125 °C lower than that for SR. In comparison with SR, SESR has the advantage of almost complete inhibition of coke formation in 200–1200 °C for WHMR ≥ 3.  相似文献   

Exergy analysis of hydrogen production from steam gasification of biomass was reviewed in this study. The effects of the main parameters (biomass characteristics, particle size, gasification temperature, steam/biomass ratio, steam flow rate, reaction catalyst, and residence time) on the exergy efficiency were presented and discussed. The results show that the exergy efficiency of hydrogen production from steam gasification of biomass is mainly determined by the H2 yield and the chemical exergy of biomass. Increases in gasification temperatures improve the exergy efficiency whereas increases in particle sizes generally decrease the exergy efficiency. Generally, both steam/biomass ratio and steam flow rate initially increases and finally decreases the exergy efficiency. A reaction catalyst may have positive, negative or negligible effect on the exergy efficiency, whereas residence time generally has slight effect on the exergy efficiency.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is defined as an attractive energy carrier due to its potentially higher energy efficiency and low generation of pollutants, which can replace conventional fossil fuels in the future. The governments have invested huge funds and made great efforts on the research of hydrogen production. Among the various options, supercritical water gasification (SCWG) is a most promising method of hydrogen production from biomass. Supercritical water (SCW) has received a great deal of attention as a most suitable reaction medium for biomass gasification because it is safe, non-toxic, readily available, inexpensive and environmentally benign. However, high temperature and pressure are required to meet the minimum reaction condition. Therefore, the high operating cost has become the biggest obstacle to the development of this technology. To overcome this bottleneck, many researchers have carried out intensive research work on the catalytic supercritical water gasification (CSCWG). Based on the previous studies stated in the literature, the authors try to give an overview (but not an exhaustive review) on the recent investigations of CSCWG. Besides, the physicochemical properties of SCW and its contributions in subcritical and supercritical water reaction are also summarized.  相似文献   

The effect mechanism of calcium oxide (CaO) addition on gasification of pyrolytic volatiles as a key sub-process in the absorption-enhanced steam gasification of biomass (AESGB) for H2 production at different conditions was investigated using a two-stage fixed-bed pyrolysis–gasification system. The results indicate that CaO functions as a CO2 absorbent and a catalyst in the volatiles gasification process. CaO triggers the chemical equilibrium shift to produce more H2 and accelerates volatile cracking and gasification reactions to obtain high volatile conversion rates. Increasing the gasification temperature could improve the reaction rate of cracking and gasification of volatiles as well as the catalytic effect of CaO, which continuously increase H2 yield. When the gasification temperature exceeds 700 °C, the sharp decrease in CO2 absorption capability of CaO drastically increases the CO2 concentration and yield, which significantly decrease H2 concentration. The appropriate temperature for the absorption-enhanced gasification process should be selected between 600 °C and 700 °C in atmospheric pressure. Increasing the water injection rate (represented as the mass ratio of steam to biomass) could also improve H2 yield. The type of biomasses is closely associated with H2 yield, which is closely related to the volatile content of biomass materials.  相似文献   

In the SER (sorption enhanced reforming) gasification process a nitrogen-free, high calorific product gas can be produced. In addition, due to low gasification temperatures of 600–750 °C and the use of limestone as bed material, in-situ CO2 capture is possible, leading to a hydrogen-rich and carbon-lean product gas. In this paper, results from a bubbling fluidised bed gasification model are compared to results of process demonstration tests in a 200 kWth pilot plant.Based upon that, a concept for the hydrogen production via biomass SER gasification is studied in terms of efficiency and feasibility. Capital and operational expenditures as well as hydrogen production costs are calculated in a techno-economic assessment study. Furthermore, market framework conditions are discussed under which an economic hydrogen production via SER gasification is possible.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic features of hydrogen production by sorption enhanced steam reforming (SESR) of propane have been studied with the method of Gibbs free energy minimization and contrasted with propane steam reforming (SR). The effects of pressure (1-5 atm), temperature (700-1100 K) and water to propane ratio (WPR, 1-18) on equilibrium compositions and carbon formation are investigated. The results suggest that atmospheric pressure and a WPR of 12 are suitable for hydrogen production from both SR and SESR of propane. High WPR is favourable to inhibit carbon formation. The minimum WPR required to eliminate carbon production is 6 in both SR and SESR. The most favourable temperature for propane SR is approximately 950 K at which 1 mol of propane has the capacity to produce 9.1 mol of hydrogen. The optimum temperature for SESR is approximately 825 K, which is over 100 K lower than that for SR. Other key benefits include enhanced hydrogen production of nearly 10 mol (stoichiometric value) of hydrogen per mole of propane at 700 K, increased hydrogen purity (99% compared with 74% in SR) and no CO2 or CO production with the only impurity being CH4, all indicating a great potential of SESR of propane for hydrogen production.  相似文献   

Demands for the decline of CO2 emissions resulted in a significant transformation of the energy systems working on carbon sources towards more sustainable, clean, and renewable characteristics. Hydrogen is emerging as a secondary energy vector with ever-increasing importance in the decarbonisation progress. Indeed, hydrogen, a green and renewable energy source, could be produced from steam gasification of plant-originated lignocellulosic biomass. In this current review, key factors affect the hydrogen production yield from steam gasification of plant-originated lignocellulosic biomass, including the design of the gasifier, temperature, pressure, and steam-to-biomass ratio, steam flow rate, moisture and particle size of fed biomass, and catalysts were thoroughly analysed. Moreover, the effects of the abovementioned factors on the reduction of tar formation, which is also a key parameter towards ensuring the trouble-free operation of the reactor, were critically evaluated. More importantly, the separation of produced hydrogen from steam gasification of biomass and challenges over technological, environmental, and economic aspects of biomass gasification were also presented in detail. In addition, this paper is also profiling the prospect of Vietnam in fulfilling its hydrogen economy potential because Vietnam has vast biomass due to its tropical weather and availability of arable land, providing abundant lignocellulosic biomass with 45% of agricultural waste, 30% of firewood, and 25% of other sources. Besides, some primary factors hindering the broad application of biomass for hydrogen production were indicated. Finally, some solutions for implementing the hydrogenization strategy in Vietnam have also been discussed.  相似文献   

Exergy efficiency analysis tool is used to evaluate sorption enhanced steam reforming in comparison with the industrial hydrogen production route, steam reforming. The study focuses on hydrogen production for use in high pressure processes. Thermodynamic sensitivity analysis (effect of reforming temperature on hydrogen yield and reforming enthalpy) was performed to indicate the optimum temperature (650 °C) for the sorption enhanced reforming. The pressure was selected to be, for both cases, 25 bar, a typical pressure used in the industrial (conventional) process. Atmospheric pressure, 1000 °C and CO2 as inert gas were specified as the optimum operating parameters for the regeneration of the sorbent after performing exergy efficiency analysis of three realistic case scenarios. Aspen Plus simulation process schemes were built for conventional and sorption enhanced steam reforming processes to attain the mass and energy balances required to assess comparatively exergy analysis. Simulation results showed that sorption enhanced reforming can lead to a hydrogen purity increase by 17.3%, along with the recovery of pure and sequestration-ready carbon dioxide. The exergy benefit of sorption enhanced reforming was calculated equal to 3.2%. Analysis was extended by adding a CO2 separation stage in conventional reforming to reach the hydrogen purity of sorption enhanced reforming and enable a more effective exergy efficiency comparison. Following that analysis, sorption enhanced reforming gained 10.8% in exergy efficiency.  相似文献   

Sorption-enhanced ethanol steam reforming is an interesting alternative, to produce high purity H2. In this study, potassium promoted hydrotalcites are compared for sorption-enhanced ethanol steam reforming reaction under cyclic operation, performing sorbent regeneration at reaction temperature which is a great advantage to reduce process energy requirements. It is found that potassium promoted hydrotalcites have higher CO2 sorption capacity compared to unpromoted ones, due to the higher concentration of intermediate and strong basic sites. The hydrotalcite modified with 15 wt% potassium shows the best performance on multicyclic CO2 sorption-desorption (sorption capacity = 0.167 molCO2/kgsorbent). Therefore, there is an optimum loading of potassium, for which the opposite effects of reduction in surface area and enhanced basicity are balanced. Finally, potassium promoted hydrotalcites are tested under cyclical ethanol reforming process with simultaneous adsorption of CO2 followed by regeneration in N2 at reaction temperature (500 °C). At short reaction times (<5 min), H2 purities higher than 95% are achieved, with CO2 purities near 0%.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the integrated catalytic adsorption (ICA) steam gasification of palm kernel shell for hydrogen rich gas production using pilot scale fluidized bed gasifier under atmospheric condition. The effect of temperature (600–750 °C) and steam to biomass ratio (1.5–2.5 wt/wt) on hydrogen (H2) yield, product gas composition, gas yield, char yield, gasification and carbon conversion efficiency, and lower heating values are studied. The results show that H2 hydrogen composition of 82.11 vol% is achieved at temperature of 675 °C, and negligible carbon dioxide (CO2) composition is observed at 600 °C and 675 °C at a constant steam to biomass ratio of 2.0 wt/wt. In addition, maximum H2 yield of 150 g/kg biomass is observed at 750 °C and at steam to biomass ratio of 2.0 wt/wt. A good heating value of product gas which is 14.37 MJ/Nm3 is obtained at 600 °C and steam to biomass ratio of 2.0 wt/wt. Temperature and steam to biomass ratio both enhanced H2 yield but temperature is the most influential factor. Utilization of adsorbent and catalyst produced higher H2 composition, yield and gas heating values as demonstrated by biomass catalytic steam gasification and steam gasification with in situ CO2 adsorbent.  相似文献   

Reactive Flash Volatilization (RFV) is an emerging thermochemical method to produce tar free hydrogen rich syngas from waste biomass at relatively lower temperature (<900 °C) in a single stage catalytic reactor within a millisecond residence time. Here, we show catalytic RFV of bagasse using Ru, Rh, Pd, or Re promoted Ni/Al2O3 catalysts under steam rich and oxygen deficient environment. The optimum reaction conditions were found to be 800 °C, steam to carbon ratio = 1.7 and carbon to oxygen ratio = 0.6. Rh–Ni/Al2O3 performed the best, resulting in highest hydrogen concentration in the synthesis gas at 54.8%, with a corresponding yield of 106.4 g-H2/kg bagasse. A carbon conversion efficiency of 99.96% was achieved using Rh–Ni, followed by Ru–Ni, Pd–Ni, Re–Ni and mono metallic Ni catalyst in that order. Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal species present in the bagasse ash and char, that deposited on the catalyst, was found to enhance its activity and stability. The hydrogen yield from bagasse was higher than previously reported woody biomass and comparable to the microalgae.  相似文献   

Gasification of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and three types of real biomass was conducted using an updraft fixed-bed reactor to investigate the effects of temperature (in the range of 920–1220 °C) on the yield and chemical composition of the produced syngas. The experimental results showed that the gasification products of cellulose and hemicellulose were similar to each other, but they were different from those of lignin; it is likely due to the difference in volatile compounds. Cellulose and hemicellulose can be gasified more rapidly producing more CO and CH4 and less H2 and CO2 than lignin, and the real biomass fell in between. Biomass with more lignin produced more hydrogen than others. These differences were resulted from the relative amount of lignin, hemicellulose, and cellulose in the biomass. Linear superposition method was used to simulate the gasification characteristics of real biomass and it showed a certain linear correlation between the simulation and experimental data.  相似文献   

The paper presents techno-economic analyses and life cycle assessments (LCA) of the two major gasification processes for producing hydrogen from biomass: fluidized bed (FB) gasification, and entrained flow (EF) gasification. Results indicate that the thermal efficiency of the EF-based option (56%, LHV) is 11% higher than that of the FB-based option (45%), and the minimum hydrogen selling price of the FB-based option is $0.3 per kg H2 lower than that of the EF-based option. When a carbon capture and liquefaction system is incorporated, the efficiencies of the EF- and FB-based processes decrease to 50% and 41%, respectively. The techno-economic analysis shows that at a biomass price of $100 per tonne, either a minimum price of $115/tonne CO2e or a minimum natural gas price of $5/GJ is required to make the minimum hydrogen selling price of biomass-based plants equivalent to that of commercial natural gas-based steam methane reforming plants. Furthermore, the LCA shows that, biomass as a carbon-neutral feedstock, negative life cycle GHG emissions are achievable in all biomass-based options.  相似文献   

A novel receiver/reactor driven by concentrating solar energy for hydrogen production by supercritical water gasification (SCWG) of biomass was designed, constructed and tested. Model compound (glucose) and real biomass (corncob) were successfully gasified under SCW conditions to generate hydrogen-rich fuel gas in the apparatus. It is found that the receiver/reactor temperature increased with the increment of the direct normal solar irradiation (DNI). Effects of the DNI, the flow rates and concentration of the feedstocks as well as alkali catalysts addition were investigated. The results showed that DNI and flow rates of reactants have prominent effects on the temperature of reactor wall and gasification results. Higher DNI and lower feed concentrations favor the biomass gasification for hydrogen production. The encouraging results indicate a promising approach for hydrogen production with biomass gasification in supercritical water using concentrated solar energy.  相似文献   

利用ASPEN PLUS软件建立了生物质水蒸气气化制氢模型,对各种影响因素进行了深入分析。结果表明:随着碳转化率的增加,H2浓度略有降低,H2产量大幅增加,在碳转化率为1时达到最大值142.54 g/kg;随着水蒸气/生物质质量比的增加,H2浓度和产量大幅增加,而后趋于稳定,水蒸气/生物质质量比取2比较适宜。适当的升温和低压对制备H2有利,在加压条件下,H2浓度与产量达到最大值的温度升高。  相似文献   

Methane sorption enhanced reforming (SER) is investigated in this work as a promising route for blue H2 production. A 1-D dynamic heterogeneous model is developed to evaluate the thermal behavior of a fixed bed reactor under adiabatic conditions. The heterogeneous model allows to decouple the feed gas temperature from the initial solid one in order to investigate the behavior of the reforming step in a temperature swing reforming/regeneration process. The effects of the feed gas temperature, the initial bed temperature, and the bed thermal capacity are studied by evaluating the global impact of each parameter through a set of key performance indices (CH4 conversion, H2 yield and purity, carbon capture ratio) calculated as integrals over the duration of the reforming step. The results highlight the minor effect of the initial bed temperature on the process performances showing the potential of minimizing the extent of a cooling step between regeneration and reforming stages. Besides, due to the endothermic nature of the methane sorption enhanced reforming process at high temperatures, thermal energy must be provided to the SER process to achieve high CH4 conversion and high carbon capture ratio. This can be made either in the form of high feed temperature or by utilizing the energy stored in the bed benefiting from the bed thermal capacity.  相似文献   

Here we report effective production of pure hydrogen from crude glycerol by the one-stage sorption enhanced steam reforming (SESR) process. This process yielded H2 up to 88% with a very high purity (99.7 vol%) at atmospheric pressure and at 550–600 °C with a steam/C = 3 in a fixed-bed reactor over a mixture of Ni/Co catalyst derived from hydrotalcite-like material (HT) and dolomite as CO2 sorbent. The concentration of methane is lowest at 575 °C, while the CO concentration increases concurrently with increasing temperature from 525 to 600 °C. The high coking potential of glycerol and fatty acid methyl esters (C17–C19) resulted in the increased formation of coke, thus lower hydrogen yield. The reaction rates of methane reforming and water–gas shift reactions are much higher than the steam reforming of crude glycerol on Co–Ni catalysts. The high purity of hydrogen can be obtained even at low spatial times with low crude glycerol conversions. Our work reveals a great potential to directly convert biomass derived complex mixtures to the most clean energy carrier of hydrogen with high yield and purity.  相似文献   

Near-critical water gasification (NCWG) and steam reforming (SR) were investigated for the production of hydrogen from a biomass model compound (glucose) using fixed bed tubular reactor. Ruthenium/carbon and nickel/yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) were utilized to enhance the reaction rates of the two processes for NCWG and SR, respectively. NCWG experiments were performed at 200 bar and 360–450 °C, while SR experiments were conducted at 500–800 °C and atmospheric pressure. Although in both cases complete carbon gasification is achieved, gas composition, hydrogen selectivity and overall energy efficiency show strong dependencies on the type of process itself and the associated operating conditions. It is shown that operating the reforming reaction of glucose at high pressures and low temperatures (NCWG) results in a significant amount of methane and trace amounts of carbon monoxide. In contrast, gasification of glucose at atmospheric pressures and high temperatures (SR) leads to a methane-free gas stream that contains few percents of carbon monoxide. Considering energy recovery and neglecting the heat losses, the maximum cold gas efficiency of the NCWG and SR reached 78% and 91%, respectively. The features of the two catalytic reaction processes are discussed in terms of the experiments and process simulations.  相似文献   

The operation types and operation window for high-purity H2 production for the sorption enhanced steam methane reforming (SE-SMR) with Ni/Al2O3 catalyst and CaO sorbent in a fixed-bed reactor are investigated by an experimentally verified 2D numerical method. Four chemical reactions including steam reforming, water gas shift, global steam reforming, and CO2 sorption are considered. The operation window is defined as the H2 and CO molar fractions at outlet satisfying both yH2,out ≥ 90% and yCO,out ≤ yCO,allow (= 1%, 2% or 3%) in dry base. Under the conditions of yH2,out and yCO,allow, there are six operation types, of which 2 types are within the operation window and 4 types are not within the operation window as the temperature, weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) and steam to methane (S/C) molar ratio vary. For a common case of S/C = 3, the operation windows for yCO,allow = 3% at WHSV = 8.5 h?1 and 42.5 h?1 are located at 570–670 °C and 640–690 °C respectively, based on the parameters in this work. The operation window of temperature is wider with decreasing WHSV, and it becomes wider remarkably as the S/C ratio increases. The lowest temperature inside the operation window is 550 °C. The effects of the temperature, WHSV and S/C ratio on the operating types, yH2,out and yCO,out are also presented and discussed in details.  相似文献   

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