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The authors studied the prevalence and significance of implantation site trophoblastic atypia in hydatidiform moles and spontaneous abortions. Three pathologists independently categorized 99 early abortion specimens regarding diagnosis (spontaneous abortion, partial hydatidiform mole, complete hydatidiform mole); qualitative atypia of implantation site trophoblast (absent, mild, moderate-severe); and quantitative atypia of implantation site trophoblast (absent, focal, diffuse). Interobserver agreement was good to excellent regarding diagnosis (kappa 0.66-0.79) and poor to fair regarding qualitative atypia of implantation site trophoblast (kappa 0.20-0.43). By consensus diagnosis, implantation site trophoblastic atypia was mild and focal in 5% of 22 spontaneous abortions; predominantly focal in 40% of 30 partial moles (33% mild atypia; 7% moderate-severe atypia); and, predominantly diffuse in 87% of 47 complete moles (21% mild atypia; 66% moderate-severe atypia). Among hydatidiform moles, the subsequent development of persistent gestational trophoblastic tumor did not relate to the degree of implantation site trophoblastic atypia. The authors conclude that trophoblast of the implantation site exhibits focal, mild atypia in some partial hydatidiform moles,and diffuse marked atypia in most complete hydatidiform moles. Thus, implantation site trophoblastic atypia may be a useful pathologic guideline regarding the diagnosis and classification of hydatidiform moles.  相似文献   

Rated 24 good and 24 poor male schizophrenic patients, 24 nonschizophrenic male psychiatric patients, and the parents of each for anxiety prior to and during a difficult family interaction. 2 techniques to measure anxiety on the basis of speech were employed. Some results, such as that the poor schizophrenics were the most anxious of the patients, are consistent with general beliefs and prior research. However, most results present a picture of the schizophrenic patient and his parents that is dramatically different from what most theories and research suggest. Parents did not appear to be upsetting to the patient, even when their behavior was very noxious. If the family plays a role in schizophrenia, findings suggest this role is quite different from what is widely believed. (33 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Oxygen transport in thylakoid membranes of spinach chloroplasts (Spinacia oleracea) has been studied by observing the collisions of molecular oxygen with spin labels, using line broadening electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Stearic acid spin labels were used to probe the local oxygen diffusion-concentration product. The free radical moiety was located at various distances from the membrane surface, and collision rates were estimated from linewidths of the EPR spectra measured in the presence and absence of molecular oxygen. The profile of the local oxygen diffusion-concentration product across the membrane determined at 20 degrees C demonstrates that this product, at all membrane locations, is higher than the value measured in water. From the profile of the oxygen diffusion-concentration product, the membrane oxygen permeability coefficient has been estimated using the procedure developed earlier (W.K. Subczynski, J.S. Hyde, A. Kusumi, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86 (1989) 4474-4478). At 20 degrees C, the oxygen permeability coefficient for the lipid portion of the thylakoid membrane was found to be 39.5 cm s-1. This value is 20% higher than the oxygen permeability coefficient of a water layer of the same thickness as the thylakoid membrane. The high permeability coefficient implies that the oxygen concentration difference across the thylakoid membrane generated under the illumination of the leaf by saturating actinic light is negligible, smaller than 1 microM.  相似文献   

We carried out a prospective study involving 96 consecutive lung cancer patients at diagnosis, in order to determine through quantitative cultures of the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, the prevalence of pulmonary infections; we also evaluated the relationship between a patient's performance status, immunocompetence, lung cancer stage, histotype and the occurrence of respiratory infections. The patients (81 males, 15 females) had a mean age of 64 +/- 9 years. Of these, 62 were smokers, 30 were ex-smokers and four had never smoked. Sixty-seven patients had a prior history of chronic bronchitis. A total of 42 micro-organisms were cultured from the BAL fluids of 33 patients (34.3%). Fifty percent of these micro-organisms were gram-negative, 33.3% were gram-positive and the remaining 16.7% were other micro-organisms. The bacilli most often isolated were the Haemophilus species, accounting for 38.8% of all gram-negative bacilli. The most frequently isolated gram-positive pathogen was the Staphylococcus aureus. We have not found a significant relationship between the presence of a respiratory infection and the different cell types separately analyzed, nor with SCLC and NSCLC patient groups, nor with the stage of the disease. The performance status, the immunoregulatory ratio and the lymphocyte subsets were not significantly different in patients with or without a pulmonary infection. We think that the identification of a definite etiologic agent is of great importance for a rational anti-microbial treatment of pulmonary infections.  相似文献   

During a two-year period, subependymal pseudocysts were diagnosed in 24 infants using cranial ultrasound: 8 were located at the external angle of the lateral ventricle and 16 at the caudothalamic notch. Associated congenital anomalies were present in six infants and CMV was isolated in one case. Four of the eight infants with pseudocysts at the external angle were one half of twins. As all but one of the surviving infants with pseudocysts were normal at follow-up (at 3-24 months of age), it is important to make a distinction between pseudocysts and extensive cystic periventricular leukomalacia, as the latter condition invariably leads to cerebral palsy and/or visual impairment.  相似文献   

In this report, we conducted a secondary analysis of the Treatment of SSRI-Resistant Depression in Adolescents (TORDIA) study to explore the impact of specific cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) treatment components on outcome. In TORDIA, 334 youths (ages 12 to 18 years) with major depressive disorder who had failed to respond to an adequate course of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medication were randomized to a medication switch (either to an alternative SSRI or venlafaxine) with or without 12 weeks of adjunctive CBT. Participants who had more than 9 CBT sessions were 2.5 times more likely to have adequate treatment response than those who had 9 or fewer sessions. CBT participants who received problem-solving and social skills treatment components, controlling for number of sessions and other confounding variables, were 2.3 and 2.6 times, respectively, more likely to have a positive response. These preliminary findings underscore the importance of receiving an adequate number of sessions to attain an adequate clinical response. Finally, social skills and problem solving may be active elements in CBT for adolescent depression and should be considered in treatment by those working with seriously depressed youths. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated a broad array of putative risk factors for the onset of major depression and examined their screening properties in a longitudinal study of 479 adolescent girls. Results indicated that the most potent predictors of major depression onset included subthreshold depressive symptoms, poor school and family functioning, low parental support, bulimic symptoms, and delinquency. Classification tree analysis revealed interactions between 4 of these predictors, suggesting qualitatively different pathways to major depression. Girls with the combination of elevated depressive symptoms and poor school functioning represented the highest risk group, with a 40% incidence of major depression during the ensuing 4-year period. Results suggest that selected and indicated prevention programs should target these high-risk populations and seek to reduce these risk factors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated adjustment in 59 10–15 yr old long-term survivors of childhood cancer and their parents at 2 points 1 yr apart. Behavioral concerns, parental distress, anxiety, hopelessness, social support, and family functioning were assessed. Gender and the presence of learning problems were examined. The data indicated levels of adjustment that were near normative levels. However, gender differences were found, with male adolescents reporting low levels of anxiety and hopelessness. Those survivors with learning difficulties appeared particularly vulnerable with respect to long-term adjustment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Anxiety sensitivity (AS) is the fear of anxiety-related sensations, which arises from beliefs that these sensations have harmful somatic, psychological or social consequences. According to Reiss (1991), AS is one of three fundamental fears that amplify or cause many common fears. AS also is thought to play an important role in causing panic attacks. The purpose of the present article is to review recent findings concerning the construct of AS and its place in the nomological network outlined by Reiss. Although the weight of evidence supports a unifactorial model of AS, recent findings suggest AS is multifactorial at the level of first-order factors, and these factors load on a single higher-order factor. People with elevated AS, compared to those with low AS, are more likely to have histories of panic attacks. AS is factorially distinct from other fundamental fears, and is more strongly related to agoraphobia than other common fears. AS can be regarded as a subfactor of trait anxiety, and is more strongly related to agoraphobia than other common fears. AS can be regarded as a subfactor of trait anxiety, although the question arises as to whether AS is a cause of trait anxiety. Important questions for further investigation concern the etiology of AS and whether it can be reduced to still more basic fears.  相似文献   

Matched samples of depressed and nondepressed cancer patients were interviewed about past life events, particularly experiences of death and illness. They identified and described any spontaneous intrusive visual memories they had experienced in the past week corresponding to these events. About one quarter reported such memories and, as predicted, the majority of intrusive memories concerned illness, injury and death. The mean levels of intrusion and avoidance were equivalent to patients with post-traumatic stress disorder. Consistent with prediction, depressed patients reported significantly more intrusive memories than controls, and described the memories as typically beginning with or being exacerbated by the onset of depression. Greater numbers of intrusive memories were associated with more maladaptive coping, and greater avoidance with deficits in autobiographical memory functioning.  相似文献   

We report five adolescent girls with secondary breast tumours. All were imaged by US and the imaging findings have been analysed. Four girls had rhabdomyosarcoma as the primary malignant disease and one had leukaemia. US features were variable, but most of the cases showed heterogeneous nodules which were quite different from the usual benign lesions (fibroadenoma, abscess, cyst) encountered at this age. The metastases produced a variety of echo characteristics: masses with well-defined margins, hyperechoic foci and sonolucent or hypoechoic nodules with posterior attenuation or lacking posterior enhancement. One lesion was round and heterogeneous with a hyperechoic centre. These US findings in an adolescent girl suggest the need for fine-needle aspiration. Mammograms, when performed, never revealed microcalcifications and were quite difficult to analyse at this age, due to the dense glandular breast tissue.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to (1) have adolescents evaluate a parent manual that had been developed specifically for parents of children from birth to age 3, and (2) modify the manual based upon the results of the evaluation. The manual was designed to be easily read and understood by parents with low education levels, the focus being to promote quality parent-child interactions. The study was designed to determine the usability of the manual by gathering information pertaining to format, readability, and content. Participants were between 14 and 18 years of age and were enrolled in a high school program for teenage mothers. Both written and verbal responses were collected and a qualitative approach was used to analyze the data. Results showed that overall comments about the manual were favorable; the manual was readable and usable by adolescent mothers of young children. However, responses indicated that the manual may not have been as relevant for adolescents expecting their first child. They suggested including more basic child-care information instead of primarily focusing on typical development and parent-child interactions. Participant recommendations were considered and the manual was revised.  相似文献   

In spite of cancer screening programs, women continue to present with advanced breast cancer. How do women decide whether and when to seek an evaluation for self-discovered symptoms? This study examined 104 narratives told by 80 Anglo-, Latina-, and African-American women who participated in 1 of 16 community-based focus groups. The women's narratives contained powerful thematic messages about breast cancer and their expected behavior in the event of a self-discovered breast symptom. Narrative explanations that predicted an increased likelihood of advanced disease at diagnosis included these factors: incorrect symptom attributions and risk estimations; reluctance to consider the threat posed by the symptom; failure to tell another person about the symptom; and expectations of abandonment by male partners, deportation, prejudice, and refusal of treatment due to poverty. Stories of advanced breast cancer also told of reliance on alternative healing, concerns about overwhelming family resources, and extreme modesty that inhibited obtaining a physical examination. Interventions aimed at earlier detection of breast cancer must connect with the beliefs and assumptions embedded in these narratives, provide pragmatic solutions for perceived constraints on seeking evaluations of self-discovered symptoms, and explore the use of community narratives to confirm the value of early detection of breast cancer.  相似文献   

The protein-bound polysaccharide of Coriolus versicolor QUEL (PS-K) expresses the mimetic activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD). Human cancer patients usually suffer from oxidative stress (OS). Examination was made to determine the capacity of this drug with SOD mimetic activity for relieving OS. Rats transplanted with Walker 256 fibrosarcoma showed OS on day 12. After confirming high levels of OS on day 13, PS-K50 mg/kg was intraperitoneally administered, and prompt decrease in O2-release from RBC was noted. The drug ceased to have any effect 24 hours following the first inoculation. Average OS in human cancer patients was found twice that in healthy persons. In human cancer patients perorally administered PS-K3.0 g/day, OS decreased to the normal level one day after the initial administration. Plasma lipid peroxide (LPO) in cancer patients treated with PS-K for 28 days increased and withdrawal of the drug led to decreased LPO.  相似文献   

It has been postulated that an impaired immune response may contribute to the progression of human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated preneoplastic lesions. Based on this hypothesis, we evaluated the cytokine production in the blood of patients with squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL) of the uterine cervix. The levels of type-1 (interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and IL-12) and type-2(IL-4 and IL-10) cytokines were measured in whole blood culture supernatants of patients with low- and high-grade SIL and control women. There was no difference in IL-4 and IFN-gamma levels between patients with SIL and the control group. In contrast, the ratio of IL-12/IL-10 levels was significantly lower in patients with SIL compared with the control group. A lower IL-12/IL-10 ratio in women with SIL was also observed when peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) culture supernatants and plasma samples were analysed. In patients, neither the lower expression of the CD3epsilon chain nor the higher frequency of HLA-DRB1*1501 expression could be correlated with abnormal cytokine production. These results suggest that a part of the cytokine network, namely IL-10 and IL-12, is perturbed in patients with SIL. A better knowledge of the role of these cytokines in regulating the growth of HPV-associated SIL might have practical implications for the development of vaccines or immunomodulatory strategies in the treatment of cervical cancers.  相似文献   

Anxiety sensitivity is the fear of anxiety-related bodily sensations, which arises from beliefs that the sensations have harmful somatic, psychological, or social consequences. Elevated anxiety sensitivity, as assessed by the Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI), is associated with panic disorder. The present study investigated the relationship between anxiety sensitivity and depression. Participants were people with panic disorder (n?=?52 ), major depression (n?=?46), or both (n?=?37 ). Mean ASI scores of each group were elevated, compared to published norms. Principal components analysis revealed 3 factors of anxiety sensitivity: (a) fear of publicly observable symptoms, (b) fear of loss of cognitive control, and (c) fear of bodily sensations. Factors 1 and 3 were correlated with anxiety-related measures but not with depression-related measures. Conversely, factor 2 was correlated with depression related measures but not with anxiety-related measures. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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